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<br /> •�z•� `� • agplicable ia�r may specify far reinstatement}before sate of the Property piusuant to any power of sale oontaaned ia t�is � -��.
<br /> � ., �� . .. � � 5ec�ity Insuument;or(b)entry of a jadgment enforciug this Security Insuumen� Thos�conditions are that Bo:mucer. (a) ` ;_`==-
<br /> • , ' pays Leuder a11 sums wiuch tlien wonid 6e due under this Seciuity Insuument an8 the Note as if no accel�ation had ' , ` • --
<br /> _-- � . occuaed;N)c�s any def�ilt of auy other cove�ants or ag�emensc.(�)FaYs aU expenses incuae�in enfe�ing tl�is Secusity , - -
<br /> � . � Instmment,inctuding.6at not limited to,reasonahle attomeys'fees;and(d)takes sucb action as Lender may nasonably � . ;�--.
<br /> require w assuie that the Iien of th:s'Securiry lnstrument,IxQder's rights in the Property and Boirower's obiigation ro pay the ' -
<br /> �'° `°� �• • ` . `� snms secured by this Security�Insmiment shall continue unc6anged. IIpoII reinstatemsnt by Bomawer, this Security - - ' �"`��:'--":
<br /> :4� • • . • Instr�e�t and the obligatians secnrarl hereby sha11 remain fully effecrive as if no acceleration had accurned. How�ver,this j°" e �.•-
<br /> . � , . right to reinstate shaU not apply in the case of acceteration under paragraph 17. �:;"<��,��.—
<br /> �ap r� Fs�i:���-r_�
<br /> . ',: �`� ' 19 Sa[x of Alote;Change ofLoau Servtcer. The Note or a partial inteiest in the Note(wgethee with ttos Sea�rity ����;;°-�,,;.�-
<br /> '. � Instmment)may be sotd aae or more times without prior notice to Boaower. A sale may tesult in a change in the entity = _ _�_ �
<br /> . � (I�owu as the"Loan Service�')tbat coIlects monthly gayments dae imder the Note and this Seauity Insuament. 'Ihere also �^�;^�e_
<br /> • . _ . may be one or mare cLauges of the Loan Senricer anrelated to a saie of We Noie. If tfiere is a changQ of the Lozm Seivicer. ����-
<br /> Bouower will be givea wTiuen nodce of the change in accordance with paragraph.l4 abave and applicabte law. 19ie notice . ��-=�,TM__
<br /> � • arill state the uame and ad�ess of the rtew Loan Servicer and the addmss to wJnch payments shoutd be macte. T4e notice w�l ��'"`"°"'`
<br /> ��_--__--=-
<br /> .. , � atso contain aay other umformatioa reqviied by app]icable!aw_ �-'_----
<br /> : -_ • � 20. Ha�rdous Su� Barrower shall not cause or peimit the pmsence,use,disposat,storage,or ielQase of any ==_
<br /> . • I��ous Substances on or in the Property. Hoirower shall noi do,nar altow anyone else to'do,anything affec�ng ffie �
<br /> ^ � � , Tr*_~aperty ihat is in violadoa of any Favironmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apgly to ttne presene�ase,or . �-„�;:-----
<br /> ,� •� ;,,,:�, � storage a�.tis:Pmperty of small quantities of Harardous Substances that are geQeralIy recogoized to be agprogriate t�anme�t . .; __-
<br />'.." _a ---��,--— reside,pti�f r,.�,s atld.W maiuteaance of the Pmgerty. . . ��v-
<br /> . � . : . Borrower shall pmmpily give Lender written notice of any investigation,claim,demand,lawsait pr other action by any� -
<br /> ' � governmental or regulatory agency or private parry involving the Property and any Hazacdous.Substance or Etivimnmeutal �"'`-'-
<br /> ��--
<br /> .` • . Laa of wlqic6 Honower has actual I�owledge. If Boaower leacas, or is nopfied by any govgmmental or r�egdatory ���-_
<br /> , � authority,that any zemoval or other cemediation of acsy Hamrdous Substance affecting the Pro�e,sey is necessary,Boaower �;;,�,�_
<br /> . . .. .° shall promptly take aU aecessary remedi�l aciions in accordance with Environmsntal Law. - -
<br /> . As used in this paragiaph 20."Ha«,�-c:aus Substauces"are those substances defined as torsc��ha�ardous su6stances B.k �
<br /> : • .r ;�� Envitunmental Law and the following s:F�iances: �so}ine,kerosene.oiher t�ammabls or te!e;;petroieum�aducts,toxi:_ ' �=
<br /> '�:-:'�`+�` •� pesticides aztd herbi�ides,volatile solveats.materiss rontaining asbestos or formaldehyd�and radioactive r�:;,.erials. As •�
<br /> osed in this paragraph 20,"Environmental Law"means fedetal laws and laws of the juris�ction when the Ptagerty is located f`'-
<br /> � �- thai relate to�ealth,safety orenvironmenta]protection. ' ,. :, ..
<br /> � , .;;;�� NON-i{y`iTIFORM COVINAN'TS. Es�ower and Lender fasther co�enant and ag�.�s faLa�: s�'. .
<br /> • � 21. �c�elea�tton; Remedies. I.S�zr shall give aoHce to Borrower prIor to acce.�n PoIIowing�arrower'� �`
<br /> . , breach�3auy covenant os agreemen�i3 tHis Serurity Inctrument(bnt not prtor to aocezgratIon�der paragraph 17 ,. �
<br /> . . • � anles9 appllca6le law pmvides othervv€�e). T�e aottce shall spedfy: (a)the defanit;(b)the sdtoa rea;n[red to can the �':�. '
<br /> .. � defauit;(c)a dat�not[ess than 30 daps frum the date the notice Is given to Borrower,by whfc6 the defan9t mnst be �
<br /> " . ' . � cm+e�;and(d)that failur�to care the degault on or before the date spedIIed in We aotiee r..:�y rnsWt in acceIerattoa of •�; ; , �'
<br /> . °� . tiie sams secure8 by Wis Secartty Ias6r-�.ment and saie of the Pcopertp. The uatice s�aID tm�her tnform Borrower oY � ��� �
<br /> � • � the clgh3 to ceinstate atter acceleratias�d the right to brlug a comt actloa to assert the non-eatstence of a defantt or .' .;�
<br />_ . ' anq other defense aY Bonowes to ao�zrat�on and sala IS the defaait is not cured on or before W�date speci�ied in �i_
<br />� � � ' the notice�I.sndes at its optton may reguire immediate payment in fall of sIl s�sECUretl by tUis Seca�instr�ent =�=
<br /> . � . . �, witItont farther demand and may Invoke the power of sute and any oWer�edtes permItted by appl�cable!aw �y.�1`�� —
<br /> . Lender sh�II be enHtteB to collect a�!espenses incarred in pnrs�ilng the remedies prn�i�2d W this ParagrePh 2L, . ��,.�`�t��.
<br /> , ' . . Inctading,tr�c�t noi Itmtted W,reasona��1Yorneys'fees and costs of tiue evtdenc�
<br /> •. . • IY tfte�pawer af sate Is lnvokeQ,�'ir�ee shall cecord a aotke oP defaudt 1n eacb conaE���h1c6 any part of�2 �' 'S•
<br /> ,. . , � Propert9ls larated aad s6aA maU captes rfl sacb aa�ce in the manner prescsibed by appltsa:`1'��aw to Ba,.^�ower and to • ••:°.;,::`;��`-
<br /> . • the oWer�persoas prescfibed by aQpficabie Law. A�i�er the time requised by appllcab2e law,'ilrustee shaD give publlc . � � ''�,t�=�� �s�
<br />. .. r• f�t�•E
<br />: : • • notIce of sale to the personcr and in the manuec�cribed by appltca6le!aw Truste�withaut demand on Sorrnwer, � « `'��• ',` '�
<br />, �' � shsill sell the Pro � �'�r`
<br /> perty at public aucttara t�the htgpest bidder a4 the time and place and andes ti�e terms desip�ted in =.';� --_��.
<br />- �� . . � ' � � the notice of sate in one or more paroc�a rr.�d in uny order�1�ast�e determines.7�ustee msy postpone sale of all or any
<br />` "� parcel of the Property by public annc��ment at the time aad ptace of any prevlonsly schedWed sale. i.ender or ifs � •�; ,� ��
<br /> -� � . designee may panhase the Properiq at any saie. , ,
<br />_ r•' � • � Upon recetpt of pa�ent of the pr�ce 6id,Tr�stee shall dellver to the purchs�ser 7�astee's deed coaveyiag the � �
<br /> 's, Y � � • ' Property. The recitals ia¢�ae 1�ustee's deed shall he prima facie evIdence of tGe trutb of the statements made thetein. ' ?'-
<br />_. � ' Tlrustee shaA apply the pmcecds oY the sa2e in the foIIowing order: (a)to all costs aad expeases of esercising t4e�uwer � .'r
<br /> • � � . :r",. . . - _
<br />�. .��i,_�. -� . .• � t:i.. . � � . f
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