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<br /> ' '�`�� ods thai Lender uires. The insurance carcier vidin the insuranre shall be chasen Burrawer sub'ect to Leuder�
<br /> • .. . Peri req Pm g b3' ! �,Y
<br /> ' • � appmval wirich shall na�be unzeason�bly withheld. If Borrower fails to mamtlaain coverage described abave.i.ert�er tnay,at � �-�:.�_-
<br /> m
<br /> .�"` .' .�, Lender's option,obtain coverage to protect Lender's righzs in�he Propertyi in accordance with pa�agraph 7. �;�f��,�,--�
<br /> 0�;�:.-T.,.y:�:_
<br /> �. �. ., • ' All;���•��ce policies and renewats shall be acceptable to Lendei and shall include a standard mosgage elause. 1.�nder. ��:�.��r -- ---•
<br /> , t�.,�_
<br /> ---- -.,-.�. _
<br /> •� shall have the right ta hold the poIiries and renewals. If Lender requires,Borrower sl�all pmmptty give to I.ender all r�eipts �� = _=
<br /> � � . � . . of paiti premi�ns and�enewai naticc,s.•In the eveni of toss,Borrower shall give pmmpt no6ce to the insurartce carrier aad =----- _-
<br /> , . � Lender. Lender�aay make pmaf of loss if not made pmmptly by Bosrower. --- --
<br /> �� �"' • Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agre�in writing>insurance proceeds shall be apptic�to restoration or repair of
<br /> , . , the P►vperty damaged,if the restmation or tepair is economicajly fe:►si62e aud Leader's security is not(essened. If the
<br /> ' . . . ' restorafion or repair is not ecanomically feasibte or Lender's security would be lessened,the insurance proceeds shall be
<br /> ' .;.,, app&ed to the sums secured by this Security Insuumern,whether or not then due,with any excess paid to Borrower. If
<br /> �'• . � ; Bormwer abandons the Property.or does not answer wiihin 30 days a aotice from Lenster thas the insarance ranrier tias
<br /> � . • ' � � 'offered to seule a claim,then Lender may coRect the inc„�,+se pinceeds. Lender may use die pmeeeds to repair or restore
<br /> �,7 ' : , the Piogerty or to pay sums secured by this Sec�uiry�u�.mamrnt,whether or not then dua The 30�day periad will begin when
<br /> ' � , , the nouce is given. ,
<br /> ' . • Unless Leader and Borro�ver oihenvise agree in writing,any applicadon of proceeds to principal shall not extend or —
<br /> �''' '� postpone the due date of the monthly payments refemd to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or c&ange the amount of the payments.. If
<br /> " , . under paragaph 21 t�e P'roperty is acyuired by Lender,Bonower's right to any ins�ance polieies and pmce�ds�s�ttiug
<br /> ` • ' .; � fram damage tn tbe Property prior to the acqu�ation shall pass to Lender to th�extent af the sums secured by this Sec�ity _
<br /> 3 . <.'� ; . Insbument irtunediately prior m th�acquisition. � -- -
<br /> .. • .,- .
<br /> _..•. -._--,T__�_ .; 6. � Preset��._tfun,_Matntenaace and Ptateetlon of the Pro '
<br /> , .• . ... _... perty; Bon+uwers I.oan Applicatt�a;
<br /> y . . - -�9+.. _
<br /> . . . �. Lease6olds. Borrawet shal(oecu�iy;esta�slish,and use�tiie Property as Barrawer§prii�cipal residence cvititin sixty days after
<br /> . , the exec�tion of this Securiry Inspvment and shall comirs�s?a orcupy the Property as Borrower�pfincipal residence far at
<br /> � .- teast one year after the date of occupancy.'c:nIess Lea�er othenuise agrees in vvriting, which cansent shall not he --
<br /> � , unreasonably withheld or uriless extennaripg css�umstances exist v�hich are beyond Borrower's canuol. So�ower shall not
<br /> _ _> =- . -• • destroy.damage ar impair the Pmperty,allaw the Property to deteriarate,os commit wastc on the Ptaperty. Bortower shall �
<br /> - ... . _
<br /> . ' - be in default if an}r forfeitare actian or proceeding,whether civ�7 or ciiminal,is begun that in L.ender's gaod faith jadgment • ����
<br /> . • . could result in forfeiture of[he Pf�operty or otherwise materially impair the lien crea:ed by this Security Insdvment or � �
<br /> .. . ." Lender's security intezes� Btmower may cure such a default and reinstate.�;�rovided'm paragriph 18.by rausing the action _
<br /> or proceeding to be d.�smissed with a ruling that,in Lender§good faith d�=*+ation,piecludes forfeiture of the Borrower� .
<br /> ' . • interest in the Pivperty or other matedal impainnent of the Gen cieated try tius Serurity Instrument or Lender�sectuity -
<br /> . . � ' interest. Borrower shall also ba in defautt if Borrower. during the lo� applicatien�rocess, gswe materially false or �,�.�
<br /> � , � inaccurate information or st�temans to Lender(or failed to provide Lender with any mat�i_I information)in connectr�cr with �
<br /> . - tlie loan evidenced by the Note. irtcluding,but not limited to. tepresentations conceei�g Bomower's occupancy� eF the ��_
<br /> .. . Propertq as a princi�l msidence. If this Security Instrumens is on a leaseka'd.Borsnwer shall FompIy�vit.h all the prc w;sions • •
<br /> • • , .of the tease. If Borrower acquires fee titte to the Property,the leasehotd aIId the fee tide shall nat merge�less LenQer agrees ��"'
<br /> - ' �- to the merger in writing • • � �:_
<br /> ' • . 7. Protectton ot Lender's Rights in the Propeety If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and ageemenu ���
<br /> • contained in this Security Instrument, or there is a legal proceeding that may.significantly affect Lender's rights in the
<br /> , Fmperty(such as a pracee+ding in 6ankruptcy.pmbate,fos wndemnation or forfeiture or to enfoir.e laas or regulauops),then � •'
<br /> � ' ' � Lender may do and pay for whatever is nece9sary to pmtect the valae of the Property and Lender's rights in the Pcopertyr. - -` '
<br /> ' ; '.: Lender's actions may include paying any sums secured by a lien which has prioriry over this Security Insmiment,appearing . , �:, '✓-_��.—'
<br /> • in court.paying reasonnbte attomeys'f�ees and eniering on the Property to inaice repairs.A(though Lender may take actian 9 f
<br /> ' ' '�,,_ ander this paragraph 7,Lender does not have to do sa. • --_.�
<br />� � �`�','��Y''~ Any amounts dis6ursed hy Lender under this paragraph 7 shall6ecome additiot�],debt of Borrower secured by this =�-�
<br /> '�� .���:r":�'� ' Security Inswmen� Unless Borrower and l.ender agree to other terms of payment,thesa anounu shal l bear interest from the �:�,�■�_
<br /> ' date of disbursement at the Noie rate and shall be payable.with interest,upon norice!'ivm l.ender to Brnrower requesdng �.:.�3-;��--
<br /> �. �.. . paymen� '.�'�_____:.�
<br /> ����
<br /> a , 8. Mortgage Insurance. If Lendet required mortgage insurance as m ccmdidon of making the loan secum,�l by this °�£_y;.�,.
<br /> x� . �. . Securiry Instrumen� Borrower shall pay the premiums�equired to maintain the mongage insurance in effect. If,for�ny �-����
<br /> . � r�son; the mort a e insurance cove . ` u�
<br /> g g rage requic�ed by Lender IaFses or ceases to be in effec� Boaower shall pay the � ''"'`� ;-,-
<br />•�; , ._ , �. �•. .
<br /> . . premiuEns required to obtain coverage substantialty equivaient to the mortga�e insurance previously in effect.at a cost . :�:���°
<br /> „ ' . • • substantially equivalent to the cost to Borrawer of the mortgage insurance F'seviously in effect,from arr alternate mortgage . .
<br /> � . insurer approved 6y 11.ender. If substandally equivalent mortgage insurancc r�verage is not avaitabte,Boaower shall pay to • " T
<br /> �� . - . � Lender each mondi a sum equal to one-twelfih of the yearly mortgage insur,u�ce premium being paid by Borrower when the • ' •''
<br /> ' . insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect. L.ender will accept,use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu " • �
<br /> . � ' of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve payments may no tonger be required.at the option of Lender,if moRgage insurance � �
<br /> coverage(in the amount and for the period that Lertder requires)provided by an insurer approved by Lender again Uecomes . '
<br /> ___ availabie and is obiained.Borrower shall pay the premiums required ro maintain mortgage insurance in effect,or to provide a .• �
<br /> ��_� '°• toss resetve,until tite re�uirement fot mongage insurance ends in accordance with any written agreement between Borrower � : �
<br /> �":• : and Lender or applicable law. . .
<br />''� -� 9. Inspeettoa. Lender or its agent may make reasonable enUies upon and inspeccions of the Property. Lertder shall . • ,
<br />_� • ' give Batsower notice at the time of or prior to an inspecrion specifyin�reasonable cause for the inspeetion. , ,
<br /> '�" . 10 Condemnatiou. 7Tie proceeds of any award or claim for damages.direct or consequential.in connection�vith any ..
<br /> ,�� . � Sin aFamit FLnniehia�l4l�eddleAlaclJN(FORb1INS7'RUMENT--UnifomlCovenantv 9l40 I a edo 6 •• . ' �«
<br /> P,� Y-- P R I PQ.4esl
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