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<br /> . ...� ., , . . r . . .
<br /> :� . ' • ...�y�� 4%FnY;� •, • ., � . . " �
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<br /> - fI .�." �1. "p. " ,k� ,�S � ` e .. � -.
<br /> - - f_ `�. ` . . _ . � . �j. . .: .
<br /> � � i {.:; , e tl• . ,, �., � g g_ 3���..�2 . ` -
<br /> � . , .• . _:r...�.._:.�
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<br /> 4.c , ', � � 9. Condemnattoa The progesds of any_award or c�aim far damages,direct or consequeniial,in connec6on with any ; ,, . • . • _
<br /> - , � � . , condemnanonorothertaktngofttleProperty,orpartthereaf,orforconveya�ceinlieuolcondemnation,a�eNerebyasstgnetl � <� • • � �'t
<br /> • and Sf�aU Ce paid tA Lendet. � .�-�,�� : �,`�;°:. .
<br /> - :;... . IntheeventotatotattakingofthePro�erty,theproceedsshattbeapplisdtothesumsseeure0bythtsDeecDofTn�SL�wfth , �`�� ' ` ��`'°-
<br /> . . , ths ezses9,it any,paid to Bprrpwer.tn the e�en!of a partial taking of the Properry,untess 8c�rrower Srtd Lender olAemise • �
<br /> _ , , agre�ie�wriling.therashallbeappti�diothesumsSecuredbythisQe�dotTn�atsuchpreporifonaftheproceedasstgequatto . ' � .` ° ;` ��:�
<br /> thatpropo�lionwhichtheamountotthesumssecuredb�thisDe�SofTnsstlmmed7atetypdoriothed�teaf�ngbeara the ••�
<br /> . „ fair markst va[ae at the osoperty immediafety pnor to the date of taking,witA thetsatanse of the proceeds pa�d to Borro�er. ' •
<br /> , . � , ', . � ►txhe Property is abandoned by Borrower,or it,after nofice by Lsrtc�er to Bartowe�thatlrie conCemnar eifErato mak�an• • � � � -
<br /> r� „ , . , avrard or setUe a ciaim tor damage9,BoROwer f�its ta respond to Lender within 30 days aRe►ttf9 daU9 surh no�ce Is ma�1eD. � _�y� �1 ,. �
<br /> � .;. . � .�__�_ ; Lende��s authoc�zed to co!leci ar�epptY tAa�nc�eeda ei lerider's aptian,eithesta resfora�an ar re�r of thp ProperiSierto ' �
<br /> . ' the sums seCUred by this Oeed of Trust ��.:;_ . E
<br /> . � � `"�" tlr�tessten4erandBorroweiotherwiseagreefnvmting,anysuchappticationofproceedstoprincipalsdt8!inotextendot
<br /> . . �, . . postpone the due date ot the monthty insrallraents reterred to in paragraphs t and 2 hereo!or ehange the amourrt of such = ����` �:-'f`=���Y
<br /> ..., ._ , instaliments. . •- �-== " -�w��:� :.;k�::�.,=":.
<br /> 10 Borrcwe�HotRefeas�.�cten5ionolthetimsforpaymentormo�fcationotamprtii8tipnofttta8umsgeptrEdbythts a,-�,,�.,��'`
<br /> .. � ... � Deed of Trust granted by t,ender ta any successor in interest of 8orrowet Shaq nQS operate to reteasea in 8ny me,t�ner,th@ ;s.;+.--�-�::��
<br /> • , . IiabifityofMeortginal8oaowerandBorrouver'ssuccessarsinteresiLercdershalirtatCerequiredtticamrts�ceproceedinga �"*�-��
<br /> - . ° a ainst sach success r r �,r -`----
<br /> . . S or a efuse to e:tend time for payment or otherwise ravdify amortiratinn of Bte�ums aecuted by thfs 4-='""`""`
<br /> ; , . � Deed of Trust by�8asan ot any demand made by the original Borrawer and Borrowe�'s sucCessars in irttateat -'- - -_
<br /> . , . 11_ Fo�6earane�by Lender Not a WaIvK My torbearance by lendar in enercising arry rfghtor rgmedy hereunder,or � �"°�°"�--
<br /> oth8rwis0 effo►ded by applicabie law,shall not be a w a i v e►o f o r p r e c i u d e t h e�e x e r d s e o!e n y s u C A d g h t a r r T h a �
<br /> � � procurementofinsuranceofthepaymentottaxesorotherliensorchargesbyLendershetlnuibeawaiverofLender'9 tLD �`�=_
<br /> . _ , . accelerate the mahuity of the indebfledness secured by this Deed o!T�ust =_ "`�
<br /> � �. 12 Rem�dtes CumWaHve All remedies P�ovided iq this Oeed of Trust are distiEtt•t and cumula�ive to apy ather dght Gt -- --
<br /> remedy urtderthisQeedofTrustoraftoNed bylaworequity.and maytreexerc�sedconcumenriy,independenttyorsuccessiveiy.
<br /> @CS
<br /> . . , .� • � , 13. SUCSe�tsandAd�tsBOn���oitllandSaYiralLiab�itY;CsplipRS.TheCOV8n�n138itde�eementshEieinCOtltatne�. �_--
<br /> �. . • . shall0ind.andtherigAbhereuadershallinureto.therespectivesaccessorsandassignsotlenderend8orrower.sub�ectto . � ��--
<br /> . � ' th�provisionsotparagraphl7hereof.AilcuvenanLsandagreementsotBono.wetshalibejoiniandseveraLThecaption��.�id
<br /> � =.-,___":_ � - �__ headirtga ot the paragraphs ot this Deed of Trust are[or coavenisrsce.oniy and are not to be used ta iniergre!ar de�!�.�tfi3,
<br /> . • - � - provisio�-hereof: . . •. —
<br /> • : 1�. No4Ice.Exceptforanynoticerequiredunderapptica�lelawtobegiveninanotAermanner,(dyanyrtz��ett��a��r
<br /> •• providedfarinthisQeedofTrustshatlbegivenbymailingsuchrtoticebycertifiedmailaddressedtoBorroweratttte�
<br /> . � Addressnr at such ott�eraddrass as Borrower may designate by nodce tol.ander as provided herein,and(b)any no`,i�ta
<br /> . . tender shaEl hegiven bycertified mail,retum recelptreques2ed,to tt3ndersaddress statedherBirt OrtosuCh ottter8ddres�as
<br /> � _ � _ . � � l�ertdermaydesignatebynoricetoBorrowerasprovidedherein.Anynaaceprovidedtorinthis0eedofTrustsitatlbedeemed = -
<br /> ' to have 6een given to Bonower or Lender when given in the manner designated herein. � p��-
<br /> . " � *74.1 "Request tor Notice.Trustor and 6eneficiary requestthata copy of any noUceof defaWt and notoauf 5ata madear � �-�-
<br /> � • executedbytheTrusteepursuanttotheprovisionshereof0esenttotheTrusbrandBeneficfaryattheirr�sReeGvem�ilirtg
<br /> - add�esses set fonh abova" . •
<br /> _ ' � F' 15. UaKonn Oeed ot 7rua�Govemfig Isw;Sevarabttiiy.t�e form of deed oi�trust ca^.�bines unitorm covenants,f�q -
<br /> • nationa�.use and nort-unifarm covenants with Iimited variatic:�by jurisd�ction M constitu:r a unit�orm security instrur.�� -
<br /> covenrg real properry.This Oeed ot Trustshall ba govemed ty.^�±e law ot the iurisdiction irt exhicb the Properly ts:ocated.fr.r• -
<br /> • the eve:�tthat any provision or clause o!this Deed ot Trust or the Note conilicts with appiicabte taw,sucb cpnflict shail no3 "
<br /> . affectotherpravis'.arrsotthisDeedofTrustortt�eNotewhtchcanbegiveneftectwiihouttheconflictingprovBSions,sndtothis - �Y.
<br /> _ � . . �.. . end the pravisions o2 the Deed ot Trust and the K�':e are dectared to be seve.-��e. --
<br /> �. . , • , 1& BorsoKtr's Copy.Borrower shall be fum;shed a contormed copy of^;^e Note and ot this Deed of Tnist atthe Qme of +�
<br /> � - execuuon orafterrecordaUOn hereot =
<br /> • � .. 17. TransferottheProperty;AuumpUon.dfalloranypaAoltheQropertyosan�nterestthereinissoldordansf�rredby y' '
<br /> � . BorrowerwithoufLender's�lriorvmrittenconsent,excluding(a)theQaeefionGtalienQrencumbrancesubordinatetothi�08pd .. :, ��
<br />-� . • .. ofTrusL(b)thecreationofaparchassmoneysecunryipterestfoii�o�sehoCdappfiancos.{e)atransferbydevisedescentorby •�•`"�''
<br /> } • � operationoflawuponthedealtlfofajointtenantor(d)thegrantt�}st�yt8aseticttdint'er8stofthreeyearsartessnptcontainingan 'F;�y,g -
<br /> . opUOntopurchase,Lendermay,etlender'saption,dectarealttC�esumsseeuredbylhis0eedotTrusttQbaimmediatetydue i� �=� _
<br /> � and payabte.Lerider shatl hava•r.aived such option to accelerate if,prior to the sate or hanster,Lender a�d the person to
<br />.� � � whom the Property is to be sotd or transter�ed reach agreement in wnting that the credit ot such person is satlsfactory to ;,.,�'� e'===��
<br /> � .. , LenderandthattAelnterestpayabteonthesumssecuredbythis0aedofTrustshallbeatsuchrateasLendershallreque�[� :..��-
<br /> • „ Lenderhanwaivedtheoptiontoscceterateprovidedinthisparagrapbt7.endifBorrower'ssuccessorininteresthasexecu� �
<br /> a w�itten essumptlon agreementaccepted in wdting by lender.lendershall release 6onowerhomeQ obfi�lonsunderthia "`"'�"'—
<br />_; �, . . - Oeed oi Trust and the Note. �r . :_�.,-
<br /> .'. . • !f Lender exerCises sucb option to aceetera;e,Lender shall mail Borrower notice of acceleraUan in�ceordancg with ° �`�`� -
<br /> • .' � , paragraph74hereoLSuchnoticeshaltprovideaperioaolrtotlessthan30dayshomthedatethenoticeismaitedwithinwhiCh � ��'�`•��"=
<br /> �� �. , . Borrower may pay the sums declared due.lt Borrower fails to pay such sums pria to the expiraUon of suCh period,Lender , �'�"'��
<br /> ,_ • '� may,wiihout furtNer notice or demand on Borrower,invoke any remedles pemtitted by paragraph 18 hereot. '*`�...•�:.
<br /> _ ' ". �' � . . NOl�-UHIFOAM COVENANTS.Bonower and Lender WMer eovenant and agres as tolfowa: ,� .,�r�°'���_=
<br /> � k . • 1a. Aceel�ritlon;Rem�dies.Except as proviAed in paragrap»t7 hereof,upon Borrower's breach o1 any covenant or '��'
<br />�� . . agreementofBorrowerinthis0eedofTrus�includirtgthecovenantstopaywhendueanysumsseCUredbythisOeedotTrus� �
<br /> ��.. . . Lender priortoacceteratlon shall mail notice w 8orraweras provi0ed in paragraph 14 hereofspeeifying:(t)thebreach:(2}�t,e
<br /> �. ,; ., actionrepuiredtocuresuchbreach:�3)adate.notlessthan3���sfromtheaatetl;enoric?�smaitedtoBorrower.bywhc�h "
<br /> -'' , •� suchbreachmust6ecured:artd�4ytnattailt�retocuresuchDr�a�+t►onorbeforethedate5pc�fledinthenotiCemayresu:�iR �
<br /> . . • • •acceleratiorrofthesumssecuredbyth�sQeedofTrustandsatec74heProperty.TFfenoliCesha(IW�4herintorm8orrowerofthe � � •� �
<br /> . . righi to reinstate aRer acceteration and the rlght to bring a court actton to asseR the non-existenCe of a default or any other �. . '•� •
<br /> , de}enseo}BorrowerCOacceterationandsate.HthebreaChisnotcuredonorbe•or�thedatespecifiedinthenotice.Lenderat
<br />_ •'� Lender's option may Ceclare af1 of the sums secured by this Deed ot Trustto be immediately Gueand payabte without furtAer '
<br /> - _ , demand and may invoke the power of sa►e and any other rerrte�;es permitted by applicable caw.Lender shall be entiUed t� � • � ' �
<br /> , cot18ct811reasonablecostsandexpensesincurredlnpursuingcMeremediesprovidedintheRrragraphl8,including,butr,�c �� ' • �
<br /> ' . , Iimit�e0 to.reasonabte attorney's teea .
<br /> _ �_ . If the power of sale i9 invoked,Trusiee shatl record e notice o1 de9ault in each counry in whiCh the PropeRy orsome part
<br /> �.,: i: . • th@reoNslaqtedendshallmailcopiesotsuch�arceinthemannerprescribedbyapplicabtelawtoBorrowerartdtoth�other � "
<br /> _ � • pe�sons prescribed Dy appticabte law.After the tapse of such time as may be required by applicabte law.Tsustee sh811 give
<br /> •f: • . pubtte natice of sate to the persons and in the manne►prescribed by appticable law.Trustee,withau4demand on Borrower,
<br /> • shal1se11thePraperyatpublicauctfontothehighestbidderatthetimeandplaceandunderthetermsdeslgnatedlntheno5es �
<br /> of sate in one or more parcels and�n such order as Trustee may Qetermine.Trustee may posyone aale of all or any parcei oi � -
<br /> , � the Properry by pubtic ennounce�r:ant at tAe time and place ot any prevtously scheduled sale.Lender or Lender's Qesignee
<br /> ' . • may purchase the Property at any sate. �•
<br /> � � � Uponreceiptofpa-,fnentotthepricebid,TruS,EQShalldetiv8ttothepurchaserTrustee'adeedconveyingthePropeRySO1d. '
<br /> j The rec�tats inthe Trc;s"_ee's deed shall pe prima fao�e evidence ofthehuth otthe statements madetherein.Trusteeeh.allapply
<br /> -.��l�. �.• •,. .� . . theproceedso}tAes�°einthetollov�ingor8er.(a)toaureasonabtecostsartdexpensesotthesale,including,butnotlimitedte. E
<br /> .. . • Trustee'afeesolnmmorpthan %olthe grosssateprlee,reasonahteattarney'steasandepstso}titteevldence; E� �
<br /> . , (b)to aI!sums seaured by this Oeed of 7rusx and(c)the excess,if any,to the person or persona legaliy entitted fhereto. ( �
<br /> ;� - . , 19. Bortower's Ri�f►t to Rpinslete.Notwithstanding Lender's acceleration ot the sums secure0 tiy tlds Deed o!Trust i ,
<br /> -- � ' BorrawerBhallhavethenghttohaveanyproceediagsbegunbyLendertaentorcethe0eedofTrustaiscontinuedatan Ume �
<br /> �:;� � �• 'priortotheearliertooccuro!(i)thetifthdaybetorethesaleo�thePropertypursuanitothepoweratsalecontainedintheyDeed �
<br /> _ of Trust(ii)entry of a judgment entorcmg this peed ot Trust if:(a)Bo�rower paya Lender all suma whicb would be then due f ' �
<br /> . . under this Deed ot Trusf,the Note and notes securing Future Advances.d any,had no scceleratlon occured:(b)Barrowar � •� �
<br />__ � cures all breaches of arty other covenanfs ar egreements of Borrower contained in thig Oeed olTtust(c)Bonowar paye atl ,
<br /> �� reasona�le expenses inewred by Lender end TrusteA entorcirtgthectnrenantsBn�egr��oip.or�,xa�cos�talr�e6�nG`�is
<br /> ., _..._...-- - •-.- :-_--, -
<br /> = E � iJeB00iTtuslBAdinentorcingLender'sandtrustee'srerr�ediesas rovidedin ara
<br /> ' � P p graphl8hereaf.inctuding,butnotNmiteO �'��
<br />_ �. to.reasonabieattomey'stees:and(d)8orrowerlakessuchactionasLendermayreasonabiyrequiretoassurethattheltenot � �
<br /> . this Qead of Trust lender's interest in the PropeAy and Bonotiver's obl)gation to pay the suma secured by this OeaB of Trust • �
<br /> . � shallcantinueummpatred.UponsuchpaymentendcurebyBorrower,thispeedofTcustandtheobligationssecurodhereby • , ��
<br /> , ;� - shafl temain In full torce and eNect as it no acCele�atlon had occurred.� ! • '
<br /> �� t ._ � _- -
<br />