(( . . �,�e - -�=;^�c -`;r K - `, . � . . . . - � . .` . - ' '. .�.. . . u o' . ` k...
<br /> r. .r�•.' �`a�,•• , ' , ' '_ ,.' ' ' . . . . . ' . 3_
<br /> �.. ..'St�>.i _ ` , `r-` . ' • ._ �' . � _ .. " . _ � e " -• .t c - , �_oF � . K . . - v. ., -_
<br /> . . &. • . ' - . . - , _ • ,_ _ .e � 4`_
<br /> 4 ._ ' , ' ' .f ' �_L,-
<br /> '-' ' ',<•"� . � . � . . . . . ' � ' - , __
<br /> �, ; . . �� . � � ;e94�--_�i�9 6� ` ��, � `, . �,_
<br /> _ :- . � :� 4.�aynsmis. Barrower aQraes to rtwYe aitps Yma�rot an the�s�aued Qcbt when 6ue. Unteas Barrowe►ac�! Lesfdst a�ee otnennrtss efi► . ._ ', ` .. . ' _
<br /> — .`'� �,. . Rrymertfs lender tmeetvei tram Bottowtar cr far Borrawet's nefit wI9 De apPUad ittat to+rry amoursm Bortpwer owa�on tin sewre�dabt .. -
<br /> — • Ot�tedu�os e�rtes u►y�sds�adufed p�em�re, �sa�e d d e b�p�a l D�In u ll�O�D�ert a?U�a aeaund debt oecura tcr etry roason.it wrtll ` , _-
<br /> � � � �.ClaUna A�fnst TFde.8orrowar w(A psY�1i tax�s.Rs�essms�.eM athe►eh�Ges�torieuttbb to tAs royaRtl.when Qus snd wN de4en0 tiUe 4 „ . • � -
<br /> , . . to ths Rraperty a�¢�imt ury claims wlilch rva�d[mpaU tt�e Qen o!tlds deed ot VusL lendor may�eyuirs�oRawet to aastan anY►ie1►t�.claims or . , �-
<br /> - , ` Qetenses evNer Hartower may t�avs apai�ut paRHs who auDDN taDa►or materiali tn imp►avs or malMafn the�opeRyt. . . ` �t =
<br /> � �� ` 9.tnsluonw.Banower w10 keep the propeny tntured under terms aeeeptaDte to Lender et Battawar'e ss�anae cnd for Lendefs Eertafit. A 1! �'.
<br /> ' �� ' tnsuranea ooHetes sh�i!tnetude a atandard mcrt��IIs etsu�s In tavor of Lende�.6ander wID e�neme0 as Iasa p3yse or es the tnaused on�rry sucA ,.` ` ; �=
<br /> " � � � � ►naurance potic�r.Any Insuranee proceeds mny 6e BDplied,wtth'.n LeitdaYs dtscrettor4 ta eNltsr the restora3lon ar rogait af the dunaged ptoDerry . <:$�
<br />-- . . . a w the ee�ued deM.1t Lendsr raQutres mcrtQaIIe i11SUTaI1GO�BQROWBf 6IIri08 t�rttdlfR�Tf GYC71 ItffiUT6nC'010/88 fOlig 8i L6RQCt�BQUItl�B. + �,
<br />— . C
<br /> .. _ —� -,j`� � . . �-
<br /> ' '�-r 4.Prc+psty.Barrower wlll keeP tho proper4l fn 8oad candition s�sd mske 811 royaU�reaaanabifl necasaffitl. • �
<br /> � � S.E�xfs�.Barrawera¢rees to p a!f leffier's e�ensar.tnctudinp re�sona6fa attoraev+'faes.H Bcrrower�e�ka ar►Y eovan�4a tn ttda deed ;s .
<br /> - . . . ' . < ot Vust ar in any ebI!qatfon sewred�yt t4�le daed of tru�t.Borrowar w10 pay thess amaurtta W LenQer sa pravldad in Covenmt 9 of this dead of , _
<br /> = . ' VutL �:.� " �•-,_
<br /> Vu ,
<br /> r .., .
<br />- . . e.D�iar S��t�st�.UnIcss Borrower f+rst obtains tsndei'e�vrimn eoawert.Bonowpr wU!nat m+tks m permit amr�+�ss to arn/6u�or F.;r�.. � _:
<br /> � c�auittir i Borrowe#wiU pertorm s11 0!Bar�oxrae s ahli�atton�urder asry ptlor martpsge,deed of tcust cr other seeurity s�mient, ' �� _�`. _�
<br />=Z � ia�udirsp Bartowsr'e eoversarrts 4c maks D�ems when dus. ` � � ..'� . �r,=
<br /> - �y1'x {`°'-
<br /> -- , . ���qt�o!Rrrrts�nd Pra�s.Barsower ass{Qns tn lenQnr ths rertts and O�ofits of tM R►'aAertY•tlntt�Borrowsr and lsndir hava�ID'e++i .,,.:���,�Y- ,
<br /> e tn wrWng..6arrower may wltect and rotain ths re�as tonp as Hormwer fa aot tn defavit.It Bortowar def�udts.Lender.L�nder's . .�
<br /> . � • apent,or a eo�t appoirrced reeetvermav tske Oasseaston and msius�ths proPmN and�aueet tde renn.Any rertts Landqr coitecti shaII Oe . ;;r-•`."_s:`�-�_
<br /> -` .. � . � spAlJed first to the ceass o!menapin�t�he property,in���eanrt costs and attomsys'feeu,eoms��ns to mai31 a�� an0 amt o4her ":.._��-"-•-
<br /> � � t�acessW retsted axpansas.TAe remaiisinQ amouM of rento wiU then apDN m D�errts on tM aewred deht as provfded itr�cvn�t 1. >,. %-:��,._r.��:__
<br /> , . � � --
<br /> ' 8.Lps�t[otds•�:�(�rs�d U�t Oawiopm�rth.Bertawer a�eu to cam ty wNh�e pravision�of arty tssss it Ws��d of wst to on �,,�.-_ �
<br /> .. ` a teasehoid.1�thfs deed of Lust is an a unit in a�ndominium or�Pl�nne0 uNt�svetopme�n,Barrower will pertarm all of Bo�rawer'�QuUea .
<br /> , � ' ° � ` .. under the eov,en�ts,bWaws.ar repui�tiona nt the candamTs+tum ar planned unft devefcpment
<br /> _ , � 8.Au9�ar5t11 at L�r to P�efarm ier Bs�row�.if Borrowns feits to�0arfor�anY of Banowafs dutles under Uu dead of t�us�l.u�r may
<br /> l���-
<br /> . - • --=---- �sta�u tt�.�R�tLs or cmu��to�P�annsd.•l:s�er�sst�►Bannwars name�orgay any amm!�rt H�'V�+De�o��•tf any �_�,?_=��_--.
<br /> Rn �o mry do whaLevsr ts nscessull to�atret Lendar's � ^
<br />�- -•-: _ " . ' �e��tntereint(�n tt�s P DerN.�Th�is ma1►f�nGuQe�co�tln0 tl»Cot+�atr 1�m�nmr.[,er�at . . . . . , . �_- -
<br /> <. � , � . ' _ • ���s}�a�perfam w(fi not produQs Lsnder from exercisinp a�ryt of itr atlfu�iphts�mder the taw ar U�Is deed of wst. �T�� --==-
<br /> •.�• AnY amflunTS petd by Lender tn proteet Lende�o seauitSr intarest wID D�aeaued by tt�ia Geed of tru�R.Sueh amouc�U will 6o Qus on demand �^
<br /> • � � ano wJl6eer trnerest f►am ths date af the aaYmem urtUi Datd in tu(1 at the trrterest rate in effect an the seaued debG
<br /> .� . �=':�:_-
<br /> 10:O�iwft aM AeahraHae.If Bortower taits to make arry Paymert when due or bresics any eovenartts unQv tt�a Qend ot Wct ot enY �;,-"�
<br /> � � � oblfqation seeuted Oy th(s deed of trust o�arry prfo►moRg�gs ar daed of trust,Render may aecekrate the madufty of ths��cund daEt anA '=�
<br /> ` . , dnmand immediate psVmem and msy Invoke the powar of sate and any other romedies permitted by appiqdte law. t�•,
<br /> tt.R�qusst tas No9e�ot Q�f�ut�h is hereby reeprestad that eoDies at ffis nottees ot detautt and sate be sArt to each person wha is a party �_;'�'�.`-==;
<br /> . .. . . here�.aL tA0 addr�aa of eaeh esuch petaon,es set forth tier�fin. ' . '" �
<br /> • f�.Pon�r�o!Sat�If the Lsnder trnokea the D�at�te,th�Troatee shall ftrat record in the office at the re�kt�r of da�ds af eash courty ^'�-
<br /> wherefn ths trust C�oAert1►or eome part or parcel thenot(s situsted a natice of QetauFi'corrt�ini ths intarmsUon roquired 6y law.Th�Ttustes .,,
<br /> � � �`'�f' sh=� aiso maD eoptet at the aotlCe of defeult to the Bortowe�.to eufi v�rson wt�Is a puty�iereto.and to other peraons u �tealbe0 EY -...
<br /> s not fn my
<br /> s,��hta taw. Not Iess tnan c;s morrth atter tfie Trwtee re�As ths natles of�Je�1 fi a��aD g�e�P�Ll�ia ��a of sais��Ztis Mrsons Y�. '
<br />_+�� . � � •�"f ir�rpontrd eRY er viltage an8 e�u�ed in fartnTnp opxatlons enfrad an Dy the trurtar, sl�all ms.7 the DroDartY at puhile auc�n to t!N hiyhut
<br /> - anct�n tfis mmner presaibed hv a9Dplicabte law.Trosteo,wrth��t demand on Borrawer,s
<br /> h
<br /> 6 • � • btdder.tf roqule�d bY ths Farm Hamests�4 Ptotecdon Ac4 Ttustes sA�11 offsr the Oropert1/in tw�sepaiatb eatet as�equirad Ctt aAy[iu�ts lew. . �%
<br /> 5� ' ": . . , Tn�tes tasy po�•s aafs of ail or at►y pucel of ths property bY Dubl;c anneuneement at the thna and pta�of arry prqvtaudy sehedut�d aul�.
<br /> , � .. . Lender or Itr das�s.�may purohsse ths property et arry ius. � ;;
<br /> `� UDon raeetpt of pa�ment of tt�e pdce bid,Tntates ehall deiiver to ths piachaser Trustee's doad comrell�0�� P�AenS►•77+e recfHab cortt�`:s�in
<br />- � Trustee's dee0 sAatl be prtma faeie evidtenae of the butt�of tfie statemeMe eoniained theratn.Trustee sha11 appty tlre praceads of�tu�ads in ths �:x° � •
<br /> ipilawlnp order: ta)to all expenses ot tha sale, inehcdinQ, but not limifed to, roasonab�e Truatee's fee�, reuona6fs atx�ns�/s tees �nd _ ,
<br /> � .'•� � � r e i n a t a t e m e M i e a s;(b)t o a f s u m a s e c�e Q b y thl�daed of Vuat,and(al the batencg,H arry,to the persons tegatty eMftled to�cafin it. n
<br /> t . � 4.��
<br /> " � 18.Foracio�ur�.At Lenders opUon,thia deed of trust may De forecfosed(n the manna►ptovido�y app8cabta taw far taredasure o!martpa8es ,_
<br />� . ' . onrealproperty. _ � �.� '� . r%��`-
<br />�' . . .�%!%�``-�-�_
<br />� • 14,teuo�etlort.Lender mey ertter the D�oDaftsr ta�ru0ece it If Lender phros Bonower not(ra betorehend.The noUeo must atats tAe roaaonabte __
<br />_ - ,. eauss for lende�a intpeetion. ;� :`
<br /> � ' 76.Can6�mnWnn.Bortowar as�� . t�Lendar the proceaQs ai any award or efaim tor dama�eonnected witt�e wndem��r+ar other tatcia9 �• • �d •?,v',�_
<br /> ' of all or amr part of the property.�aCPo pro�ds will be ep;.::�ae proviQad tn Covenartt 1.�is asstgnment is suDject to the terms of arry prior . ''- • .#-
<br /> �..,: .
<br /> . . seeur(rya�eemeM. ��. •' �
<br />,� . . . o..;�"#`,r.
<br /> 18.W�iv�r.By exeretsing arry reme�y evaitaC:a to Lender,Lendar daea not giva up anY right8 to later use ar�Y other romedy.By not axe.�� .-�•��
<br /> �� , , arry romedy upan Borrower'a defa�t,lonQer da�s not wafve arry AyM to later conaider the avent a dotautt If it happena apaTn. � � ,;. ,� ` `�"
<br /> �,`` , 17.Jdrt md Ssvxd U�ty��slan�n: Suec�uars�u]A�s:ynf Bound.All dWes ur.�ar thls QeeA of truat are jafit and aaveral. My '`. �}
<br /> ,• Exrower who co-aiqn�thie de�J of trust 6ut Qaea �ot co�'s�the unQetty�np debt'(nsr.a^+errt(s) dcas so onty to grent and convey thet �';::��':".
<br /> ;,.s' � 6ortowe:'s interast(n the prope�3 to tha Trustee under tho tcr.zs o!bhia deeQ oT trueL'In e:�n7on.sucfi a Bortowar agrees thai tha LenQer end ,
<br />�- ' a�ry other Borrowar unQef thls dead of aust may extond,mo�,fy or maka eny other chartgas tn the terms of thia dead of vust or the sacaued • • ,
<br />_�.� � • � . debt wtthout t�at 9onowers consent end wt�.T:cr�t releaalnD that Bonower 6am the termi of fhla deed of bw�t. _
<br /> .. • The ddUea and benefita of thia doed ot 4rust shaii bind and benefit the successon and asstgns of Lender end Bonower. . �
<br /> ,;. � � � t8.Notia�.Unteas atnerwiae re.�,aired by law,em►not2ee to Bo�ro�ver ehatl bo 81ven Ay Qeiivering it a�by mailing h by certifled mail eddteased to �< �
<br />- Bonowe�at the property aQEress ar ar�y otl►er adQleaa Nat Bortowar has tven to Lender.6orrowar wUl give any noUce t�Landor by cerUfled
<br />�, • • mail to LenQer'e ed0ress on pape 1 of this deed of truat,or to arry othe►a�6rese wh1cA Lender has designatad.My othar�s::;ca 40 londer ahall .
<br />�� bs seM to Lendera sCQross as stated on page 1 0!thia Qeed o4 trust. ,
<br />� .• � Am/noUco ehaSl be Qeemed to have been Atvezto BoROwer or Lender when Qis:n tn the manner atated eDave. , ,
<br />-- . 1g,Tr�star�yY�'S Ptopaty a a Bwflctai trt�nst bi 1M BorrowR.If ell or anyr Fa7t of'tTie Oraper�y or any intereat in it is sotd ar tr�°aned �. . .
<br /> _. • ' • withaut Lender'a prior written caruerrt. Lender may demand immeQiate paymeitt ot 21rs.s=.�sned dabt. Londor may also demand ir.�sdlate ;
<br /> - , • `' r�tomand p�y�m6SM�in thwe ebove���(f it�i9 pohibid40d b tedeiat law�a,of ths date oi t�.`.�a Qeed of tru tgnafened. Howaier, londer may no! .
<br />-�;� � � 20.Rka►veyanes.When tho obflgatton seu�ad by tlila doed of trust has heen pald and Londv has no turther obilgetton to maka advaneea �
<br /> _� . . . undel the insuumaMe ot agreemartts seeuree by thia daed af trust,tha T►ustee shet�,upon wrhton roquast by the Lender,reconvey tt+g Vust
<br /> � property.TM lenEer ahaU detiver to tt�e Bonowar,or to Bonower's suecessor in interest,tha trust Qaed and tho�oto or other evidonea of the { :`
<br />_ ' .+�� oDRgaUon co seUafisa.Borrower shall pay any reeordaUon eo3te. ;
<br /> Zl. Sueausor Tw2�w Lender. at LondoPa o�on, maY �emove Truatee andapp oint a sueeassoi vuateo by first, maiting e eapy of tho : •
<br />- substitution o1 trustee es reQuired by applieabte law,and then,by fiUng tho substituUOn of trustee for roeord in tho offlce o!the reglster o!doeds ;�
<br /> � '� o!each caunty in which the trust property,a somo art theroot,ts situatod.Tho suecessor vustoo,wlthout eonvAyaneo ot tho proparty,shall
<br />-�� � succeed to aU tha powar,dutie�,authority and Utta o�the Truates namod in tha deed of uust and o!any suceescor vuatee.
<br /> . �..•. a
<br /> a: ;� . ' • , • . . ,
<br /> �� . • .
<br />.C�� ! � � , - .
<br /> ' � � . �
<br /> _ �. •. � . . . . . : .
<br /> -t �f . ' fpegs 2 012/ � -
<br /> _ . • .. .
<br /> -_ _._ . . _ .
<br /> _ . -�__ ,_ .
<br /> -- - _-- - - -
<br /> . . � - EfA111fEiLS S1ISTEIA9.�ve.,sr.aauo,n�w 68�0�I��oa�4t-3san�aev�c�ens� - -- . -.
<br /> � . . ' ' •
<br />_ ti ,Y. . . .. _. _ _ _ -
<br />