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<br /> ` • ' 1,psyrrt�nb, Borrowar agreee tQ mako all paymants on the aacured 6eDt�nrRen deae. Unteas @ar►awcr ar�d tender dpree ocharwtae.amr , ' "' ` .
<br /> � ' paymerrta LenCer�aceives trom Borrov�er ar iur Borrawer's benatit will be apDQed first w anY smoume �ortower owes on the seeuted debt � ��`i�,` �,..
<br /> e�cluaIve ot tntPreat s�or�nc(D�.��nd to Intereat,and then to princlDaL If Oarttel ptspayment of the saeuted dehf ccc�re tor eny rebsdn.tt�viti . _ ;�•;,
<br /> � � not reduce cr�cusa aay cchedula�Oaymerrt u�W tfce eeeurod Qebt ia Daid in tull. , � � . • :;•� .
<br /> � y Gyaims wQ�init nfi�.Barrower will pay aif axsa,aaseaamerKe,and`other chargea ernibuteWe to thopropertl►whan dua an4 vuf0 detand titts ��,_4;.'����: � •=:,':(
<br /> •- `°• �` to tt►e praDa�aaalnst any clains wfilch woWd impatr the!�n at thte dead af vwt,lendar msy ra¢uUe Bormwer to essign afly rtphfi,elatrtu ae •�£ `,' �. ;, _
<br /> � � ' detensea whi Banowet may heue against parHas who euppiy iabor ar mateNats tn(mprove ot matntein tho prayerty. . �`�r �.:• `"�:�°:-.
<br /> ' � 8,tnzuraese.Bor►ower witi�aep the QropeRy tns�ueA undd►te�ma eeeeptahte to Lender at 6orrowa�'s e�en3e and tor Les�der'8�ertefit.AD . `�t<�"-:-`:-
<br />- � � ' tnauranee�a6ctea she11 inctuda a ctandard mort�eBe dauae tn favor af Lendar_tendao w:il bs nameQ ea losa payee or ai the insure8 an eny sucA ;,:" •``
<br /> - [nsuraneo�oNey,Qny insuranea proceeda may 6a apppcd,withtn Lendu'm di3�htion,fo aither tha rsate�athon m repai►of the damaaed pmperry `.�;`"r '; -'=r,'��.:r�_
<br /> �...�_`. � � _ a r m t h e ceeuras dab�tt Lender�equires mortgage�nsurante.B i jrrower agroes W meintaln suc�inaurence for ss lartg as Lnnder reQutres. 4._ t 2� _
<br /> � 4.Frap�rty.8arrotivar wili keap the D�openy tn gaod cortd'rtiort ersd make e11 repahs roasnnabiy npceseary. • . ° +�-«j —_
<br /> � i � 6.C�intt�.HOR6Wp!8Qf888�p8Y a114enQer's experaes,inotudinp matana�ts attcmey�'teas,it Borrawer lueatcs eny eoveaarY.s in thia deed ��.., �'�'r� '�
<br /> , � ' ' , � ef vust or(n any o0ligaiien secured by tflis dead of trus4 Borrawer wi0 pay tttese amounta w LenQet as provtded fn Cavenar»9 of thTa dead ot s�.=f �:�_
<br /> . . . Vut�. ' . '„�-:�r�
<br /> � . -• ----�---
<br /> - . � 6.Prini S�eudty trrtsras4a.Uniasa Boaower first aDtaine l.ender's written eoosenc,Borrower wili not mage or permit any chu►gys ta enY Q►tar -��.�;_.��...��____
<br /> s
<br /> ' '� cecurity trterasb.Bomower wiD peAorm ail oi BortoweYs obtigstions under any prlor martgage. Qeed o!truct or other oerau�ry apreecrttrn. �;=°_�°�--='°="�"
<br /> � � inetudirtp 8ortawers eoveneMe to make paymer►ts wAen deio. ' - ----
<br /> 7,A»i a!gxr�snd ProtEts.Bortower asstgns to Lander tl�e roms and prafiu of the ptopertY.Uniau Bnrtowret and Le���tv���s _____—
<br /> othe s in wrWng,Bartnwat may cottect acsd retah�tha�ertts as(ang ai 8orrower b nct in ste�faidt if Bortower detaulti, �__- -- --
<br /> �= ' � agent,ar a eo�at eppoirted reeeiver maY tatce passeasion an6 marteCe the nroperty and eoltect thtr rartta:Any rertt�lander colhCta stqW b� , ____
<br /> • • . � ne�iessarY els�ie°�expen�seafThe rema�n ng amflur�of ren��w�l ilinepDW�t�payme�ns on tne 6ec�a aetri s��OroV�a a�in9�nsn�t t�Y,oUw =�_---
<br /> � � i,{,�p�holds�CondnmWvms;P(mn�d IJr�it Osv�topmtnt�.BorroWer agrees to comAty with the Drevision§ot eny lease lt thii deed oi Vust is on �- -
<br /> e Ieasehoid.i�this deed of trust is on a unit in a eafiQamiNum or a pianned unft deva:opmem,Bor►ower wiil pertprm atf oT Borrawera dpNss
<br /> , undnr the eovanants.Eihtawa,or�egutatiana of tlte condominium or pietmad unit Qeve(nymer�t. ,
<br /> ' � ' . ' ' g,qtrthcrtty a!L�nQsr to��rtortn tar Barmvotr. If Borrower faita to oarform erN of Bnrrower'B duties un0os Ws deed of trust,4andet msY � �
<br /> -- — 'peAort�tP+a duiles ot cause�tltam to tra perfacrosd. Lender may shln�nrtower's name ar paV antl amouM ff neeessarY fot partarmar}ce.If any __ _ _
<br /> ' � --... . . ._
<br /> --�_-•;.�-�:--,-�- --
<br /> .. . ...,:,,
<br /> . �..:..`-F�! ' �
<br /> _.__:. _ .. .�.��.r.,. . . eoncwctIan qn the a.roparty is discarrdnued or not canted on in e roasortebfe mannei.Lende►may o ever rraaisW
<br /> ,'� ��',�;�, �. . � sewritY intetest(n the Droperry.TAiB may inctuQe Complettng the wnsuuctian: . . . . . —
<br /> , � •..-.-'•tr�:� � °'�..
<br /> . � � Lenders failure to pertarm wID not practude Leader 9rom exerc:iing arry ot its other rigMe unQer the law or this deed of trust w;a�
<br /> , . �d w�be�i�erest fr m�tlie date af t«he payment urm�'I p�aid�tn tuil a�t��e bsiteerost�radta in eH ct an the s6c ued debt�.u��1 be due on demmd . -=`.�--
<br /> .h ._�i..! .. _ . . . �f--:"_
<br /> 10.O�tsutYSmd AcZd�ratlon:If Bortower ia;fa to make any payment when due ar breaks arry eovenams under this deed o!tru�ot an}► ,
<br /> � ' o6ligation seeurecl by th(s deed of wst or am►pflor martgaae or deed of trust, Lender may aeeeterate the mat�ity af the sieeured debt an0 � ,
<br /> • demand immediata payment end may i�voke the powar of sate and any other remedies Qermitted by appiicabie Iaw. �':LL��
<br /> 3 �`°"..
<br /> � � 11.R�qu�st tor Notle�of O�fautt.It ts hereby requested that capiea of the notiees of defautt and sate be sem to eaeh peBOn who ia a party . �`���-���-
<br /> • hereto,at the address ot e8ct�sucri petson,es set forth herein:
<br /> `¢'�
<br /> � � � � t1.Porrn of S�i�.lf the Lender inwkea the power of eate,the Trustee shail first record in the oNce of the r0gister of deeAs of eaah oounty �
<br /> � wherein the vuat property or eome part or pareel ther�ot is aituated a notice of detauft wrrtaining the tntormation reauired 6y law.ThB Ttwtse , •
<br /> � ' shail aiso mail wp�es ot the notice of detauit to the ortovrer,to eaeA person who is a party hereto,and to other person�as preaeribe0 by - ,.
<br /> ' • appiicabla (aw.Hot less than one marrth efter the Tnstee recorda the aoUce of dafautt ar two moriths if tha trust property ia not in eny
<br /> ' iaeorparated eity or viliage and is used in tarming o�--..�ons cartiad on Ey the uustot,tha frustee shalt give pub¢c notiee af�ais to thp persons _�, ` �
<br /> � and in the mannei prascrs."`a,d EY�appplicable law.1'n..,�e,wlthout demand on Bottower,sha(1 se11 Me proparty et publfc euctiort to tlse�IgAeit �
<br /> � ' 61dde►.li requirod by/thB farm Romestead Pirotection Act,Trustee shall ofter the property in two separate aalea es required by appliwb(A tiw. }' '_ ,�•
<br /> � � � - ' Ttuttee may post�ocra sate o!a8 or airy parcel ot the propeRy by pubiic ennauncemer�t et the time and ptace of ecry previousty schedulM sate. �.
<br /> �� • lsnde�or hs desi9nee may p�uChase tfia propeRy et any sate. ,i � ..
<br /> ' tipon�eceiDt of PaVment ot the prlce bid,Ttuatee sha0 dellver ta the purChaser Ttuatee's dsed conveying the pro0ert{►•The re�tiab cat�talrt6d in
<br /> � ' Trustee'a deed shall be�ima facio evidience of ths vuth of the statemerts contained thareln.Trustee at�a11 apply ths procaeds of the aaie in the .
<br />:���: � -� � fottpwinp order: !a) to aD expenses of the sete, inGuCing, but not Iimftad to, reasonabio Trustea's fees, reasonabtb attomeYs fees end
<br /> '• � roinstatament teea;(b)to eil sums securea by this dead c�Vust,and(c)the batance,if arry,to the peraons Iagaily entitled to receive It. _
<br />-•.;- " . ° �
<br /> , ' =' ' 1S.Foneiosttn.At Lender'a opUon,this deee ot trust may b9 foreelcsed in the manner prwido by aDpiicable law for torectosura of mottgages ,� �.,�_
<br /> , ���%' on roa1 pra,�arty. ` ��,�
<br /> ••.; ..,��:�_��
<br /> • o!' °--_
<br /> � � 14.(ns�n Lender may enter tha property to insp�ct ft(f Lender gives Bortowor notica batorehand.The notice must state Uis reasonabte - __-'F —�--
<br />