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<br /> 27,�06!ECYif3t�Ct3u�fl.�To tVza o:ttcrt parmit�d by lar�,Cirantor n�roos 4o pay I.ondor'o roaconnblo Tooa and cooto,Incfudlnr�,bvt not Iiml4cd to, „
<br /> fae3�nd eosta of nttarnoya nnd aii:or capsnt� Inetudln�vtl.iiout Ilr�iltmlon paralcp�la,ciert;o r.nc1 eo��uu�nto),erh�tP��r ur not r,ucn tttc�rn�y or artent lo
<br /> an n-np'oyc�at lr.ncl�r,�filcii avo Incurrnd�y Londsr!n coll�ctinp nny amount c9uo or onforclnp eny rlphl ar ramedy undor Ihl3 Daad of 7rus4,
<br /> _ . whett�or or not euit I�broupht,Including,b►n not Ilmfted to,all feea and ooste Incurred on appaal,In bunF.ruptoy,und for po��f•Jud�mcnt calt�ction
<br /> am��no.
<br />' 20. PARTUIL R�LF./�SE. Lender may rateass Its Intsnst In a ponlon o}th�Property bY executlny nn�reoordinp one or more Partlnl Dasde o1
<br /> R�conveyanrw wltnout eNecting ita int�rent In th�remminlnp portl�n of the RrapeRy. Nothin0 hereln shall be cleemed to obllpate Lender ta rate�se ,
<br /> sny nf Ite in4erest in the Property(excepl aa requlred under PareDraph 38),nar shall Lender he obl{gated to releaso any part of lhe Prqp�ityll(3ruttov
<br /> • la In d�tault urd�r thb DRSd ot Truit. Th�I!an�nd ucur( interest croeted by the[�ed ot Truec romal�In eHect with rospect to that portlon o}the ,
<br /> prop�rry,a�d�fin W In ths Desd of Truat thnt le not the oub�iot ot thla or nny Partial Desd of Asconv�yAnce
<br /> 20.iL10DiFtCATiON AND Y/AlY£B. Tho modlticatlon or waiver of eay af Orantor's Obllgatlone or Lander'e ri�hte under this Daad o1 Tni�t muet be .
<br /> ' contatne�In n wr1Un eipned by Lender. Lender me perform en ot kioirower'a ar Grantcr'c Oblipa4iona,d�i^v or f:tl ta cxcrr.f°�Pny of ite ri�hte or
<br /> acap!pRymont�trom Qrantor or enyane other than(3ru►tor withaut oauelnp a walver of those ObllOatlane or dphte. A waivu on on�occaalon ehatl ,
<br /> not oonttitute a walvsr on any other ocraelon. Qr�ntor'e Obliyrilona under this Dead o}T�ust ehefl not be aflectad f}Lendsr�mends,camprorrslNa,
<br /> exchange�,tallo to exercise Impalre or releases nn�of the�bllgations betonping to any Orantor,Borrowet or third part�r or t�Ry of ite riphte epelnst
<br /> any Qnntor,Borrower or thGd party or any o}the Property. Lendnr'e faliure to inelot u on etrict peNormnnce of any o1�he Oblipattons shall not be
<br /> deemed a wafvar and Lender ehali have the rlght et nny time thnreaftar to Inslst upan strPct pertormancs. �� •
<br /> 30.9UBSTITUTE TFlUBTHE. In case ot thm death,Inablitty,retusel to act or absenee N the Truetee irom tne sta4e where the real propertv le lo��ted •��
<br /> or In cane the holder o!ihe Obilpatlona ehall deslre far an ree�son ta remove tho Yruatee or any eubstitute truatee ae traatse herounder end io appoint
<br /> a new truetee In his place and etead,the holdor o4 the�bligatlone is hereby pranted 1uU power to enpolnt In writing a substifuYe Wa4ee far sald .
<br /> Truste�,end the aubatilute trustee ahall,when eppotnted,becomo succesaor to atl righte of Truate�horeundar and tho aamo shcll hs:ome ve5ted In ,
<br /> him�orths purposea e��d obJecb of thle Daed ef Trust with all the power,dutfes and obllgatlone heroin conterted on tho Trustee. f . ;;:,;�
<br /> " ' 31. 8UCCESS�R3 AND A931GN8. Thls Oaed of Trust shall bo binding upon and inuro to the benefit of Grantor and Lender and thetr reapsctive �.5 � � '
<br /> auxessors,aeaigne,truatees,rocehrere,administretore,personel ropresentattvea,lepatees end davisaes. t• :. ,: ,.
<br /> 32. NOTICE9. Excep4 as othervvise required by law,any notice or other communlcatlon to be provldec!under thla Deed otTrust ehell be In writing ,; .,�,,,,.��..::
<br /> and sent to ihe partfea at the addrosses doscrl6ed In thls Deed of Trust or ouch other addre�s as thn paMes may dealgnate In wrlting from tima to ,, �x�-..;:,
<br /> time. My auch nnUce so 6Iven and sent by tirst class mati,postage prepaid,ehall be deemed 0iven the earlier of throe(8)days afWr euch nntice Is ,, ^:�Y,�.
<br /> ' sent or when recaived by the pereon to whom euch notice Is being gfven. i•r��:.,_
<br /> � 6 atasa�H an�y�provislon of thtp�Qoad�of Tru�!volntcs the lae�oe e unenforceabte,l hereqt ofttse Deed of Trusttehall continus ro boavilid and �=`�°-
<br /> ,:�.,�._�
<br /> . entorCeabte. l=�"'
<br /> 3A, APPLICABLE LAW. This Doed of Trust shall be governed by the laws of the state where the real property Is locate�. Untess opplicabte law _ ��=�"'-��°
<br /> provides othervdse,Cirentor conaonta to tha judadlotlon and venue ot any court eetected by Lendet,In Ita sole disorelion,loaated In that�ta!s. r�"-_— _
<br /> 3�. �VII3CELLANEOUS. Grentor:urcl Lender upree ffiat tlma le ot the essence, (3rantor waives presentmont,damand tor paymont,natiCe o}dishnnor „ �����
<br /> and protent except ae raqulrod by law.NI refarencea to OranNr In thia Deed of Trust shell Include all persona signlng below. C ti�ere le mero than ane _%���`-'
<br /> Qrantor, their Obllgations ehall 6e Jolnt and aeveral. This Dced of Trust represents the camplete integratetl underetandlrp bltws�n Ciru+t�r u1d . _ �� �
<br /> ' Lender pertalning to the terms and conditions hereof.
<br /> 30. NO THIRD PARTY RiGHTB. No parson is ar shali 6e a thlyd party bonetic!ary of any provlsion of this Qend o!Truat. All piovlalona o}thls Qeed of ..s?��'���=
<br /> � Trus!lo tavor oi Lander are Intended solely 4or the beneflt of Lender,and no thlyd party ahail be entliled to eoaume or expeat that Lendu wili not walva _
<br /> or conaent to the modiflcatlon of any provision ot thla Deed of Truet,In Lender's sola discretlon. '_"""'
<br /> 37. PHE3ERVATION OF�IABILITY AND PRIOAITY. Wfthout aHecNnfl the Ilablllty of Borrower,Orardor,or any gusrentor of the Obllpations,or eny � ^.w��..
<br /> ' other pnroon(except a person expressly releasod in writing)tor the payment and performance of the Oblipetions,and without aNsctin the riph�s of _
<br /> Lender with respect to any PropoRyr not expressly released In writing,and without tmpalring In any way the priority of this De�d af�ruat over the , ;4 ^
<br /> � Inter�n of any pereon acqulred or first evidenced by rocarding aubsequent to the recordlng of thia Deed of Truet Lender mey eRher betore or after �,
<br /> • the maturfty oi the Obllgatlone, end without notice or consant: roleaso any person Ilahle for paymant or per�ormence of su o�eny part of the �` �,��,�
<br /> --�-'-- -'�--�—-_=- L"w't�:i6Ao�i�i��S:ii'i�$iC�.::�i�::1trf:1$S.h�S°-S!!^.o nf �nvmwnf n� n��rn.mance ot a�t or any pert of the Obligatlona;OXlydse or rotrafn irom _,�• �;��-r._.-
<br /> ' exercising or walve any rlght o�romedy Yhat Lender may�iave under the Deett of Truek eccept addltional securiry of u►y Kma fo��ny oi me
<br /> ObligeUons;or release or olhervv�se deel with any real or pereonal property secu�ing the Obligationa.My peroon acquldng or�ecordlnp ev:dance of �;,-�
<br /> � , any interost of any nntvro In the PropeAy shsll be deemed,by acquiring auch Interoat or recording any evtdence theroof,to h�w canasnted to all or t:;�~"—°
<br /> any such notlona by Lender. �•'w��-
<br /> 3!. DEFEASANCE. Upon the peyment and peAormance in full of all of the Obligatlons,Lender wlll execute and deliver to Orantor those documente it`°7::�-,-
<br /> thn msy be requlrod to reteese thla Dced of Truat of record. Orantor shall be rosponalble to pay any coste of rocordation. -_.—_
<br /> 39. COP�ISTRUCTION LOAN. [] Thla Deed af Trust is a conatruction moRgage under the Unifarm Commerciel Cnde,to secure an obiigation - = r
<br /> • ineurred tor the construatlon of en improvement on Innd,including the acqulsition costs of land. Thls Deed of Trust eecures e conetruMton loan,and It '_�
<br /> wlll be sub ect to the terma of e conatrucdon loan a reement between Grantor and Lendar. My matedats,equipment or supp�es uaed or Intended for ---
<br /> use in the conetruction,devetopment,or operatlon ot the Property,whether atored on or off the Propedy,ahall nlso be eub)ect to the Ilen o}thta Oeed -•:��:;��_
<br /> of T�u�t. ^�,'`-
<br /> . 40. WANER OF HOINESTEAD AND OTHER EXEMPTIONS. (3rantor hereby watves all homestead and other exemptlons In the Propeny to whlch T,�:,�
<br /> Grnntor would otherwise ba entitted under any npplloable law. �• '��-;��
<br /> • UPOH,Tiilfl DEED OF TBUSL ��;:�-�
<br /> 42 AQDYfiONAITERM.^z ,-;.�:�,��,i�'
<br /> . '� ��'
<br /> ;v/
<br /> ` `
<br /> . I
<br /> ��¢nlor acknowiedges that Grantar has road,underatends,and agroos to tho torms and conditiona o}thls Deod of Trust,and acknowlodgeo recelpt ot {
<br /> - an exact copy of enmo.
<br /> . I
<br /> , Datedthis 1Gth __deyof_Dece�borL 1994_ -- ---.- ---• �
<br /> i
<br /> I
<br /> I
<br /> I
<br /> OWWTOfl: ��aoLte ROEe (iRANTOR:
<br /> - ' - - --...- --- --. - ..
<br /> �������---- �-- - - - - --- - �- - - -.___. -
<br /> -_:- - -- _ _
<br /> (iRlWTOIL' �FlANTOR:
<br /> 13RANTOp: GRANTOR:
<br /> ._--- -- —-- ------ - -- - - - -
<br /> � ' I
<br /> , . GRAHTaH: GFiANTOR
<br /> I ----
<br /> � " I lPNE8�1D4�FormA�lonTOCnnolog�c�,lna�6/t6I8<) �800)QJ7�3109 Pagoaol6 ;
<br /> ., -, ... _ . .
<br /> . - .. . _ _ ...._ . - �:�-...�. v . . . _.
<br />