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<br /> (d) Qrantor hua tho riQht nnd lo�yly nuthorlaod to oxCCUto nnd porform ils Obligutlono undcr thlo D:oot of Truct end tho�a actlonn do not nnd n .
<br /> chall not contllct rdih 1ho provlal hu o1 any e.tntuto,rcpulntion,ordlnanca,rulo of la�•i, contraet or othcr apr�omont e,hlch moy bo bindlnp an +�;
<br /> (irantor at uny tlmo; ,
<br /> (e) No nctlon or proC�odinp lo or ahnll bo Qondinp or throatoncd e�hich mipht rneto►lally nftcct tho Proporty;and „
<br /> (f) tirnntor hae not vlolated and ohnll not vlotete any stutu��te, repulatl�,ordlnenca,ru�te�I I6w,contra 8 r other ugreomont(Inelpoln0�urcunnt x"
<br /> Ilmited to,those gaveminp Haierdoue Matedals)which ml ht metarisll aHact tho Pro e or Lendor'e ri hto or Intorest in the Pro atiyr p �—
<br /> '� to thle Deed uf Tru3t. �o r,%'
<br /> 3. PRIOR D�EDf3 OF TRUST. �rantor reprosonts and warrontn Lhnt there nro no prlor deods ol tniet ettecting nny pnrt o}tho Ptoperry oxcept es aet �,
<br /> ' torth on Schedule 8 attached ro thle Deed of Truot,which Orantot epreea to pey nnd padorm in a timoly mennor. I}thero nro any pr�tr doods o1 trust - �
<br /> then Qrantor agraes ta pay ell Amounts owed,and pertorm all obligatlons requlred,under ouch doeds ot trust and the Indabtednesa stcured thereby �,;:
<br /> nnd furthor agreo�that n defuult undor nny prlor doed o}trust shnll bo o dofauit under thia Deed of Trust und cfinll ontltle Lender to all righta and _ ��
<br /> remetllos contalned hereln or In the Oblipations to which Lender would bo ontili;,6 In tho ovont of any other dofault. �� - -
<br /> 4. TR@N8FHA8 OF THE PROPERTY OR BENEFIClAI INTERE9T8 IN aRANTORS OR BOAROINER3.In the evert of e eale,conveyance,leasr, "-��
<br /> contraot 1or deed or tranefer to eny person of all or any part af the real praperty described In Schedule A, or any Intereat thoreln,or of nll or sny ,�-
<br /> henoficial Interest In Borrower or�rantar(it Borrowor or�rantor le not a nalural persan or persone but Is a corporatlon,Ilmited Ilablllty campa�y, •f`o
<br /> partnership,trust,or�her lepnl entlty),lc.�dcr mey,at Ite option declaro the outstending princlpnl balance ot the Obilpatlons plua accrued Interest
<br /> thereon immediately due ano��nyabte. Ai Lender's raquest,(�raitor or Barrowor,asthe case may be,ahall furnlsh a complete etaternent settin8 forth , ��
<br /> all of Ita etockhaldero,mombers,or partnere,ae epproprlate,and Zhe oxtont of their recpective ownerehlp intereate.
<br /> b. ASSt�NMENT OF RENT9. In consideratlon of the Obllgations,whtch ara eecured by thie Deed o}Truat, (irantor nbsolutely assipno to Londer e�ll
<br /> �rctntor's estnte,right,titlo,intorest,clalm and dornand novr oti+ncd or horeoftor ecquirod In ail oxisting and futura Ieases of the Property Qncluding ,.
<br /> oxtansicns,renewata and subieasa3),sli ngreemonte for use end oc+upancy ui fhc Property(all auch leases and agreements whether wrltten or oral,
<br /> are hereafler referred to as the'Leaaes'),and all guerar"�s of Iws:ras'performanx under the Lnaeea,togethes with the Immedlate end Contlnuing
<br /> right to collect and rocalve all of tho renta,Incomu,rocoip•�,rov9nuos,iesues,profita and other Income of any neture now or heroatter due(Inctuding ,.
<br /> eny Income of any neture coming due during eny redemptian penod)under the l�asea or trom or arising out of the Property inciuding mtnlmum
<br /> rents,additlonai ronte,percantage rente,parking or common aree malntonence cont�Inutions, tax and Insuranco contrlbutlone,deitciency rents,
<br /> Ilquldated damepos tollowing dafault in any Loase, all pracoeda payable under gn• ,:olicy of Insurance covering loss of rente resulting irom �,
<br /> . untenantabllity cauaed by destructfon or damege to the Property,all proceeds payable as a re��!It of a leasee's exercise of an option to putchase the
<br /> Proparty,all proceeds derived from the terminatlon or reJeetion of any Lease In a bankmptcy or other Insolvency proceoding,and all proceeds trom ��, _
<br /> any rlflhts encl claima of any ktnd which�rantor mny have agulnst any leesee under tha Leasos or any occupante ot the Proparty(RII o}the above nre �+-�
<br /> hereaftor collecllvely referred to es the"Rentu'). Thls asslgnmant la subJect to the ri�ht,powor and authanty given to the Laridar fo calteot and appfy �.
<br /> the Rente. This assignment la recorded In accordance with appllaablc ;tute law;the Ilon creatod by thls asslgnment Ia Intended to be opeclfio, _
<br /> porfocted,and chaete upon the recording of this Deed of Trust, ell ua p�r•�Idod ay applioable etate law ae amended from time to tlme. Aa long ea ,
<br /> there la no dafault under the Obllgatlona or thla Qeod of 7rust,Lantlor g� ;s Qranlor a rovocable Ilcenso to collect ail Renta lrom the Loase�when `;�F
<br /> due and to use such proceeds In drantor's busfm ope�elions. Howe :.Lander may at any time roquiro Grantor to dopoaft all Rente Into an
<br /> ' account malntalned hy Grantor or Londer at Lende. .na��tution. Upon default in the payment of,or In the performance of,any of the Obiigetlons, �
<br /> Lender may at its option take possesolon of the Prop��ly and havo,hold,manage,lease and operate the Proporty on terma and tor a perlod o}tlme
<br /> that Lender deema proper. Lender may proceed to collect and recelve all Rents from the proporty,and Lender shail hava tuil power to make
<br /> I alteratlons,renovatlone,tepalre or replacoments to the Property as Lsnder may deem propor. Lender may apply ail Renta In Lender'e sole dlscretion „ q ,;i�,T
<br /> ta payment of the Obllgatfone or to the payment of the cost of euch alteratfona,ronovatlons,repairs and raplacornents and any expenaos Incident to -�� �.�,
<br /> , taking and retelning possesslon of tho Proparty periodicaliy and the management and operatlon ot the Property. Lender may keep the Property � _
<br /> � properly Ineured and may tllscharge any taxea,charges,clalms,assesamente and other Ilone whlch may accrue. The expense and oost of these ^ � �_
<br /> aotlona mey bo paid trom the Rents recelved,and eny unpaid arnounts Rhall be addod to the principal of tho Obllgatione. These nmounte,topether
<br /> I with other coste,ehall 6ecome part of the 06Ilgadons secured by thls Deed of Trust. .,����
<br /> 8. LEASES AND OTFIER AGREEMENTS. (irantor shell not take or f411 ta tako any action whlch may cause or permit the terminetion ar tha ,. �• J'
<br /> wlthtloitiing oT any payman t in conno�iiuri wiii�ai�y�aaoo o r�:�io7:.$i�C�::�^:��.�f.^.°l 7:=•^.L�i�°.'L°—�^�^o f^!!'^prn�erty. In additlon.OtetltOt.W�l{7DUf _ _� .___
<br /> lsnder'o prior wrltten consent,ehall not: (a)collect any monlos payable undnr any l\qreement more than one month In advance;(b)modNy any j a
<br /> /tqreement; (o)a8sipn or allow a Ilan,securiry interest or other encumbranca to be pincod upon Grantor's righte,iitle and Intereat in and to any �
<br /> f�qreement or tha amounta payable thereunder;or(d)terminate or cancol any Aqreement except for the nonpayment of uny aum or other mnterlel �
<br /> breach by the othot party thereto. H Cirentor recelves at eny tlma flny wtitten communication esserting a default by Cirantor under en F�qreement or I , .
<br /> purporting to terminate or cancei any Agreement, (irantor sha11 prornptly fon,vard a copy of such communlcation (end any sutrsequent
<br /> communlcattona relating thereto)to Lender. All such Agreemonta and the emounts due to Grantor thereunder are hereby assigned to Lender as i �
<br /> additional security for the Obligatlons. '
<br /> 7. COLLECTION OF INDEBTEONfeSS FROIA TNIRD PARTY. Lendor shali be entitled to notify or requlre GranSOr ta notity any third party pncluding, � ;
<br /> but not Ilmited to,Iessees,Ilcenseea,governmental authoritiea and insurance companlas)to pay Lender any Indebtedneas or obllgatlon owing to � r�
<br /> (irantor with reapect to the Properiy(cumulativoly'indebtedness')whether or not a dofauit oxlsts underthis Deed of Truet. Orantor shall ditigentiy i ,-' 4
<br /> collect the Indebtadness owing to�rantor from these third partles untlt the ghAng of such notificatlon. In the event that Cirantor possessea or receivea , {
<br /> possesslan o4 any Inatn�ments or other remittances wfth respect to the Indebtodneas following the glving of auch notificatlon or If the inetruments ar ;
<br /> other remittances conatituto the prepayment of any Indebtednosa or tha payment of any Inaurance or condemnatlon proceeds, Orantor ahall hold �
<br /> aucN inetruments end other romittances In trust for Lender apart irom its othet proporiy,endorse tho Inatruments and other remittancos to Lender, o�,�
<br /> and Immedlately provide Landor with possesslon of the Instrumonts and othor remittances. Lender ehall be entitled,but not requlred,to colloct(by ,
<br /> Iegal ptoceedings or uthenvise),extend the timo for payment,compromise,exchange or roiease eny obligor or collateral,or otherwise sattle any of , .
<br /> the Indebtednes�whothc�r or not an avont of dofault exists under this qqreoment. Lender uhall not bo Ilable to Grantor for uny aation,error,mistake,
<br /> omisalon or delay portalning to the actions doscribed In this paragraph or any damagea resulting thorefrom. Notwithatanding the foregoing,nothing
<br /> hereln shall cause Lender to be deemed a mortgagoe-In•possas�lon. �<
<br /> B. USE AND MAINTENANCE OF PROPER7Y. Grantor ahall teke all actions end make any repafrs needed to maintaln the Proporty in good �
<br /> Condltton. (3rantor ahell not Commit or permit any waste to bo committed with respect to the Property. Orentor ahall use the Properry soleiy In
<br /> compIlance with appllceblo law and inourance policlea. Grentor shall not make eny alteratlon�,addltinns or Improvements to tha Property without �?
<br /> Lender's prior written consent. Without Ilmiting the foregoing,all alterations,additiona and improvoments made to tho Property shali be sub�oat to �
<br /> the beneficlal interest belonging to Lendor,ahall not be removod without Lender's prlor written consvnt,and 3hall bo made at(irantor's sole expense. �,
<br /> 9. L03S OR DAMA�E. Grantor shali bear tho entire risk of any loss,theft,destruction or damage(cumulativoly"Loas or Damage")to the Property or .�
<br /> any portlon theroof irom eny causo whatsoover. In tho event of any Loss or 08rnage, Grantor ahall,at tho optlon ot Londer, repalr tho attoatod
<br /> Property to its prevloua conditlon or pay or cause to bo pald to Lender ihe decroase In tha fair market value of the affected Property.
<br /> i 10. INSURANCE. Th9 Property will be kept insured tor its full Insurable velue(replacoment cost) agalnst all hazards fncluding locs or damage
<br /> ' caused by tlood,oarihquake,tornado and ilre,theft or othRr casualty to tho extent requlred by Lender. Grantor may obtaln insuranca on the Proporty ,
<br /> Ifrom auch companles as�o accoptablo to Londor in ns sole discretion. Tho Inauranco policloe shall requlre the Insurance company to provido
<br /> i Lender with at loast deys'written notica beforo sueh pollcies ero altered or cancellod In any manner. Tho insuranco pollc:os shall
<br /> � name Lender es a loss payee and provido that no act cr omission of Grantor or any othor porson shall alloct the rlgNt of Lender to be pald the
<br /> InsuranCO proceoda portalning to the loss ar damage of the Proporty. In tho ovant Grantar faila to ecqulre or malntain InsuranCe, Londer(aftor
<br /> providing notice es mey be requlred by lew)may in Its discrotlon procuro appruprlato insuranCe coverago upon tho Proporty and tho Insuranco cost
<br /> � ehall be an advanca payablo and bearing Intorost na doscribed In Paragraph 23 and securod hereby. Grantor shall furnfsh Londor with ovidonco of
<br /> Inaurance Indicating tho raquirod covornga. Londnr may aot as ariornoyin•faat for Grentar in making and sotlling cialma under fneurance polfcfea,
<br /> canceiling any poilqr or endoraing Grantor's name on any draft or nogotlabto inatrumont drawn by any in3uror. All such Insuranco poilclos ahall be
<br /> Immedlnteiy asslgnod,pladgod end deilvered to Londer as fuRhor security lor tho Obllgatlons. In the ovent of loss,drantor shall Immodlately give
<br /> Londer written notice nnd Londor is authorizod to mako proot of loas. Each insuranca compnny Is diractod to maka paymonte directly to Londor
<br /> instead ot to Lander and Grantor. Lender shall hevo the right,at Its solo optlon,to apply such monlos toward the Obligatlons or tuward the cost of
<br /> robuilding and rostoring tho Proporty. My amounts rnayat Londer's optio�bo applied in tho inverse order of the due datos thoreof.
<br /> 11. ZONIMG AND PRIVATE COVENANTS. Grantor shall not Inftiato or consont to any chango in the zoning provislons or private covenanro aNecting
<br /> tho uso of tha Proporty without Londor's prlor writton rnnsent. If Grantor's uso of tho Proporty bocomes e nonconforming uso under any zoning
<br /> provislon,Grantor shall nat causo or pormlt such use to bo disCOntlnued or ahandonod without tho prior writton Consont of Londar. Grantor will
<br /> � immodlatoly provido Londor vJith written notica of eny proposod chengos to tho zoning provisions or private covenents attocting the Proporry.
<br /> 12. CONDEMNATIOh�. Grantor shail immodlatoly provide Londer with wrinen notica ot any actual or throatened condemnatlon or eminont domain
<br /> �Ll� w I.�.,�M.. �1.. �d M �....Ie ...�/ohell hn
<br /> ..:� " _ ..' __ _�.�_�_A_�����I����..�V���J����u���.• .
<br /> - proceaatng pertaining io mo noporiy. wi�n�rnoa Nnyav�o w vm���v� �w�.�aw.�w�..a��...o.....�....o....�'y�............���...d::....... �...,...'4..—-:'_""
<br /> . appllod ilret to tho puymont of Londor's attornuys' toos, Iogai exponsos and othor costs (including appralsai foos) in connoction w�th tho
<br /> condomnntfon or eminont domaln procoodings and thon,at the optton of Londor,to tho payment of the Oblfgations or the restoratlon or repalr ot tho
<br /> Proporty.
<br /> . 13. LHNDER'S RIGHT 70 COMMENCE OA DHFEND LEGAL ACTIONS. Grantor shall Immedfatoly provido Londor with writton notico of any nctual ,
<br /> � or threatonod action,sult,or other procooding aHocting Iho Proporry. Grantor horoby appointe Lendor as fts nttorn0y-�n•inct to commonco,intorvono
<br /> in,and dotond such actiara,suits,or athor legfll procoodinge and to compraml58 or sottio any clnlm or controvoray portaining thoroto. Londor shall
<br /> � not be Ilable to Grantor for any action,error, miatako,omission or dolay portNning to tho actlons descrihod In thla paragrnph or any damagos
<br /> resulting therofrom. Nothing contalnod horoin will provont Lendor trom taking tho actions doscribod In thls pt+ragraph In Its own namo.
<br />- � 14. INDEhANIPICATION. Londor shall not assumo or bo rosponslblo lor tho poAormanco of any of Grantor's obllgatione with rospact to thv Proporty
<br /> undor eny circumstancos. Grantor shall Immodiatoly provido Londor with writton notico of and indomnify nnd hold Londor and its sheroholdvre.
<br /> . dlructare,offtcora,employoos nnd ugonts harmloss from all clnlms, damAgos.Ilflbllitles (including otlarneys'foas and logel exponso9).cauees of
<br /> action,actlons, suits nnd othor lognl procooding9 (cumulativoly"Glaims")portaining to tho Property pncluding,but not Ifmitod to,thoso involving
<br /> Hatard�us Mnterials►. Grantor,upon tho roquost of Londor,ehall hiro Iogal Counsol to dofond Londor from such Clpims,nnd puy tho ndornoys'toos,
<br /> ' Iognl oxponsos antl othor costs Incurrod In connoction thorowith. In tho altornativo.Lvndor shell bo ontltlod to omploy ita o�vn logal r.ounsol t�dofond
<br /> such Claims at Grantor's cost. Grnntar's obllgatlon to indomnf4y Londor under this paragraph shall survivo the tormination,roloaso or foroclosuro of
<br /> thle Dood of Trust.
<br /> iI 1 LPNE�i Ip � FoimA�tOn TpChnolpA�09.lnc(4/15/BC� (800)&71�97�9 I'nc�a?ot�
<br /> I
<br />