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'1'hose conclitions nre thnt Batro�mr: (a) �°° <br /> p�►ys Leuiler c►II sums which then would bc�iuc under Aiis Security Instnunent und thc Note as if na nccclenulon had <br /> . accurred;(b)cures any default of uny other covenimts or ugreements;(c)pays rJl expenses incurred ln enfarcing this Sccurlty -- <br /> Instrument, including, but not limited to, musonnUle uturncys'fees; and (d) tukes such uctian ny Lender may rcnsonubly --- <br /> requi��c�o ussurc thc Iicn of this Security Instrumcnt, Lendcr's rlghts In tl�c Property und f�orrowcr i ohligiition ta pny thc — <br /> simis sccured by Niis Security Instrument shuli cantinuc imchimt;ed. l�pnn reinstatement by I�onowrr, this Security � <br /> Instnut�cnt nnd thc c�bli�;iulons sccurcd hcrcby rhull rcmnin fully cffccNvc uv If nu ncccicrntion hnd�x:currcd. Huwcvcr,thfs <br /> ,. riE;hi t�rcinstn;c shull nut upply in th�ciixc nf nc�:�lcrudon undcr pnr�i��rnph 17, <br /> .. . iy. 5ale oP fVote; Ch�in�e oP te�i�n tia�vl�er, '1'he N�ete ue n purtiid Inwrest in the Note (togcther wltli this Sccuri►y L-- <br /> liihtnuncntl nury hc aulQ one ur nturc�imcti wlUtuut prlur nuticc to Nu�•rowcr. A ynle mi�y resul� in a chun�c iu the enliry <br /> Ikn��wn us�hc "lenin Scrviccr")thau rullccls mnnthly� pnymcnty duc undcr Ihc Nutc nnd th�s Security histrumcnt. 'f'Ihrrc idsu <br /> ntey Irc unc or un,rc ctian�,cy uf Ihc Scsrviccr unrclutrd tu n sidc�if ihc Nutc, IP Ihcrc iy a chan�c uf thc l.cuw Servicer, <br /> , I!„rro�vcr will hc givcn�vrittcn noUcc nF tl�c tihnngc in iiccur�ltmcc witli pnriigri�ph 14 ubovc nnd npplic�iblc la�v. 7'hc nc►ticc <br /> ���ill yUUC thc numc und nddress uf thc ncw l.uim Serviccr cuid thc�tcidress t.�wMch puymcnt�s should bc rnndc. '17ic nnticc�vill <br /> nlsu cantnin miy othcr inforr�ntion rc��uira.l by npplici�blc Inw. � <br /> • 20. Huzurdou�yu6stt!nces. Borro�rcr shall not ciiuse o�pc;�udl lhc pmseuce,use,dfspasal,stomge.or rcicus�of uny � <br /> ' NilYllf(IOU9 Subtit:mces ai or in thc Propeny. Borrowcr sliaU not du, nor ullow anyonc else to do, anythins uffectins the <br /> F'raperty thut iti in violation of uny Environmental I.i�w, Thc prcccding two scntcnr,cs shuq not apply to thc pmscncc,usc,or - - <br /> ston��;e on the Propeny of smaU qauntities of Hi�urdous Substunces thnt are generally recognizecl to be appropriate to n�rmal �`�-�� <br /> residential uses und to maintenance of:he Pruperty. - — <br /> � .. Bormwcr shaU prompdy give Lender written noticc of any invcstigation,cluim,dcmand,Inwsuit or other ucdon by uny �"" <br /> govcrnmental or rc�ulutory agency or private party involving the Property and any Ha7.ardous Substancc or Environmental <br /> „ Law of which E3orcowcr has actual knowledge. If Borrowcr Icams, or is natificd by any �ovemmental or regulatory � <br /> „ authority,thut uny removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substunce affcctin� thc Property is necessary,lionower m��=. <br /> shall promptly takc all necessary remedial actions in ucconiuncc with Environmental Luw. e <br /> -• As used in this paragraph 20,"Haznrdous Substances"are those substnnces defined as toxic or hazardous substances by <br /> Environmental Law and the followin�substances: gusoline, kcroscne,othcr tlammable or roxic petroleum products,toxic r�- <br /> �� pesticides and herbicides, volatile solvents, materials containing asbestos or formaldehvde,and radioactiv��n�r��;��, n� �"'=�-� <br /> �°���z i���F���'pP���. "�»�irunmen�ai Law°means[ederal laws and luws of the jurisdiction wherc the Property is located <br /> that relate to heAlth,sufety or environmental protecdon. �_�'- <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lcndcr further covenunt and agree as follows: — <br /> �.,_ <br /> . Acceleratlon; Remedies. Lender shall give nottce to Borruwer Urtor to acceleration following Borrower's ------ <br /> breACh aP uny covenant or Agreement in thls Security Instrument(but not prlor to ucceleration under parugraph 1� � <br /> � unless applfcuble luw provldes otherwise). The notice shnll speclfy: (a)the default;(b)tl�e acUom requtred to cure the <br /> defuult;(c) u ds�ie,not Iess than 30 days from the date the notice[s gtven to Borrower,by which the default must be ' <br /> cured;und(d)that failure to cure the default on or hefoce the date speclt7ed ln the notice may result(n acceleratlon of �-'- <br /> the sums secured by this Securtty Instrument and sale uf the Property. The nottce shall further inform Borro�ver of <br /> the right to relnsGtte ufter acceleration and the rlght to bring u court uction to assert the non•existence of u defnult or , " <br /> nny other defense of Borrower to acceleratfon and sale. If the defnult is not eured on or before the date spectfterl in '* � � <br /> the notfice,Lender nt its option may require immediate payment in full of ull sums secured by thi�Securtty Instrument <br /> without further demand und may invoke the power of sale and uny other remedies permitted by applfcable law <br /> , Lender shull be entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided (n thls pnrn�raph 21. <br /> including,but not Ilmited to,reasonable attorrteys'f'ees and costs of title evidence. <br /> If the power of sele Is Invoked, Trustee ahall record a notice of default In each county In which any pnrt of the <br /> ' Property Is located and shnll mall copies of such notice[n the mamier presc��ibed by�pplicuble Iaw to Borrower and to <br /> the other persons prescribed by c�ppl[cah�le In�v After the time required by applicable law,'[t�ustee shull give public <br /> , notice of sule to the persons nnd in the manner pre§crtbed by applicable Inw. 'IY�stee,tivlthaat denand o;��urrower, <br /> '� she9 se!!the Pro�str:y�:.t public auction to the highest bidder ut the time and place�nd under the terrns desl�iated in <br /> the notfce of sale tn one or more parcels s�nd in any order'[Yustee determines. 'Irustee may postpone sale of all or Any <br /> � �� purcel of the Property by public announcement at ehe kjme und place of any previously scheduled sule. Lendet or iks <br /> - designee moy purchase the Property at eny sale. <br /> ' Upon receipt of payment of the prtce bid, 'I�ustee shall dellver to the purchoser'I}�ustee's deed conveying thc <br /> Progerty. The recitals in the'il�ustee's deed shall be prima fucie evidence of tite truth of the statemm�ts mude therefo�. <br /> � . <br /> 71�ustee shnll upply tlte praceeds of the sale in the following order: (a)to pll costs and expenses of exercislnq the power � <br /> I <br /> i� • i <br /> I <br /> � <br /> i <br /> i <br /> • ; <br /> ::. =; ` <br /> , <br /> `___....__ <br /> � <br /> ......... <br /> . .. _._._. <br /> ._._._ ..__. .... ---T� <br /> ti: . __ ... ---------- <br /> �� , . <br /> , .. , <br /> "� ; . <br /> ..� . <br /> . . . <br /> � . . <br /> . <br />