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<br /> , periods tiiat Lender requires. The insurnnce caerier providing the insurance shall be chasen by Rorrawee subject to Lendee:;
<br /> . • „ � npprova!which shuU not bc unn:asonnbly withhcld. If Borrawer fails ta mainY:►in covernge described utwve,Lender may,at —
<br /> Lender?s aption,obtain covcrnge to protcct Lendcr's rights in the Property fn nccordan:e with para�rnph 7.
<br /> _u All insurance palicics and renawnls shall be c�cceptablc to Lender und shalE inciude a standard morcgabe clause. L.ender
<br /> shall have the right to hold thc policies und renewals. If l,ender requires,Borrowcr shall promptly givc to Lendcr all reccipts
<br /> ,i of ptsid premiums and renewal noticcs. In thc event af loss,Borrower shull glve proinpt notice to the insu��ance c.vrier and
<br /> Lender. Lender may make proof of loss if not made promptly by Honotvcr.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing,insurance proceeds sh�ll be applied to restoration or repair of
<br /> the I'roperty damaged, if the restorution or repair is economically feasible and Lender's seciuity is nr�t lesscned. �f t:ze
<br /> restoradon or repair is not economically feasible or Lcnder�s security would be lessencd.the insurancc proceeds shalt��.
<br /> applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Horrower. If
<br /> Borrower Abandons the Property, or dces nat answer within 30 dnys a notice from Lcnder thzt the insu►�r►ce camer has .
<br /> , offered ta settle a claim,then Lender may callect the insur�nce proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restore
<br /> • ,, the Propsrty or to pay snms secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not thcn due. The 30-dny perlocl will begin when
<br /> . the noticc is given.
<br /> . _ Unless Lender and Hottower other�vise agrce in writing, any application of procecds to principal shuil nnt extertd or
<br /> . postpane the duc datc of the monthly payments n:fcrrcd to in paragraphs l And 7.or ci�ange the nmount af Ihe payment�s. If
<br /> � under pr+r�grnph 1,l thc Property is n���iire�i hy Lt�nder, Rnrrotivcr:+ �•i�!ht tn,�ny in�iir�nce��Ileles z!nil {�rac��cly rrs��!�:na
<br /> from damngc to ttie Property priar ta thc ncquisftion shnll p�199 l0 L,endcr tu Ihe extent of the sums sccured by this Sccurity
<br /> ; ` � Instrument immcdintcly prfur to tlu ncyuisitinn,
<br /> 6. Qcc��pancy, E'reservnUon, M��lntennnce imd �'rMecHon of the L�m��erty; flnrrower'e Lopn Appllr,aNair
<br /> IRASCI1bItI9, Burrower shidl occupy,er,tiihlitii,nud use�he I'ropeny ns Ilnrrowerk prinripnl residence wfihin xixty clays ufter
<br /> .. Ihe cxccution uf Ihis ';ccmity(nshmncnt nnd shidl conN��ue lo nccu�y dte 1'ropetty nv Norrower�principnl rrsiQence for ut
<br /> Icns� nnu ycnr uftcr �hc dntc �if occu��an�:y, unlcss Lcndcr othcrwisc tigrecs in writing. whlch canscnt hhull nut t�e
<br /> unrcnsm�nhly withhctd,��r unlcss cxtcnuuUn�;chtiumtita�ucs cxist wl�ich nrc Ixynnd[9orrowcrti contral. Hurrowcr shall not
<br /> ' dctitn�y, dnmagc iir fmpair slic Pru�x:rty, nlluw thc Property to dctcriurntc,ur commit wc►stc on thc I�raperty. Honower ahall
<br /> „ lx in default if'uny forfclture nctiun ur procccding,whctl�er civil or criminal,is begun [hnt in Lcnder!s goocl faith judgment
<br /> � coulci r�esuU in forfeiture of the Property ar othenvlse materiaUy impair thc lien crcated by this Securiry Instrument or
<br /> ' Lendcr�security intcrest. Dono�ver mny cure such u default and reinstatc,us provided in paragraph 1&,by causii�g the actlon
<br /> , or proceeding ta bc dismissed�vith a rulin�that,in Lr.ndcr'.s gaod f�ith detem�ination,precludes forfeiture of the Bcvrower's
<br /> iuieicbi iii tl�c F��Nciiy �i vt�"ici iiiuiciiu= i�i��d��Tidii uf i(ii Iici Gicdtc� uy i►iia aci:ii�ity b��i�umeni or I.cnd�r=s sccuri"ry
<br /> interest. Borrower shnll also be in defnult if Borrower, during the loan application process� gavc mAterially fulse or
<br /> tnaccurate information or statements to Lender(ar failed to provide Lender with any material information)in connection with
<br /> ' the loan evidenced by the Note, including, but not limited to, representations conceming Dorrower!s occupancy of the
<br /> Property as a principal residence. If this Security Instrument is on a leasehold,Bonower shall comply with ull the provisions
<br /> of the lease. If Honower acquires fee title to the Property,the leasehold and the fee title shall not mergo unless Lender ngrees
<br /> �• ro the mer�er in writing.
<br /> 7. Prolection af Lender's Rigl�ts in the Property. If Borrower fnils to perform the coves�anu ;uid ngreements
<br /> contained in this Security Instrument, or there is a legal proceeding that may significantly nffect C.ender's rights in the
<br /> , Propeny (such as a proceeding in bankruptcy,probate,for condemnation or forfciture or to enforce laws or regulations),then
<br /> Lender muy do und pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Propeny and Lender's rfghts in the Property.
<br /> L.ender�s actions rnay include pnying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over�his Security Instrument,appcaring
<br /> in court, paying reusanable attomeys'fces und entcring on thc Property to make repairs.Although Lender may take action -
<br /> under this paragraph?,Lender does not hnve to do so. �
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall becomc additional debt of Bonower secured by this `�'
<br /> Security Instniment. Unless Borrower und l.ender agree to other terms of payment,these amounts shall bear interest from the �'-
<br /> :' dute of disburscment at thc Notc ratc and shall be payablc, with interest, upon noticc from Lender to Bonower requesting �-"`
<br /> payment. -
<br /> 8. Mortgage InsurAnce. If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition of making thc loan secured by this
<br /> . Security Instrument, Bonower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurnnce in effect. If, for any -
<br /> reason, the monguge insurance covcrage reyuircd by Lender lupses or ceases to be in effect, Borrower shall pay the �
<br /> ' ` • premiums required to obtain coverage subst:u�tiully cyuivalent to the monguge insurance previously in effect, at a cost
<br /> �� substantially equivalent to the cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in effect,from an altemate mortgage
<br /> insurer approved by Lender. If substunti;illy equivulent mongage insurancc covcruge is not available, Borrowcr shnll pay to
<br /> Lender each month a sum equal to one-twclfth of the yearly mortgage insuruncc premiurn bcing paid by Bonower when thc
<br /> , insurnnce covernge lupsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender will accept,use nnd retain these paryments as a loss reserve in lieu �
<br /> of mortga�e insurancc. Loss resetve puyments may no longcr bc rcyuircd,at the option of Lendcr, if murtgage insurancc
<br /> � coverage (in the:unount and for the period that Lender reyuires)provided by an insurer approved by Lender ugain becomes
<br /> � , availttble and is obtained.Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintnin mortg:i�e insurance in effect,or to provide a
<br /> � loss reserve,until the rcyuirement For mortgage insurunce enJs in accordanee wi.h any wntten agrt;ement between Borrower
<br /> and Lcndcr or applicable law.
<br /> 9. Inspectton. Lcnder or its ngent may mnkc rcasonablc rntrics upon and inspections of thc Property. Lcndcr shall
<br /> give Borrower notice ut thc time of or prior to an inspcction specifying reusonablc cause for the inspcction.
<br /> , 10. Condemnation. The proceeds of nny award or claim for damages,direct or conseyuential,in connection with any
<br /> Singlc Family-•Fnnnle Dtne/IYcddle Muc UNIFORM INS7'RUMGNT•-U ndomi('mcnams 9/90 fpage J��fn�,ux�•�� I
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