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<br /> . ,� �PTTON To I�i1RCHA� '���°°' �101a,3
<br /> AUh20RA COOPERATTt7E ELEVATOR COI�ANY in consid�ration oP TEN
<br /> DeVORE and PATRICIA DeVORE, Husband and Wige, wt Wood River, �
<br /> Nesbraska, the receipt whareo.f is hereby acknowledged, h�rek,y agrees ' '
<br /> to aell and comvey to said RTCHARD DaVORE and PATRICIA DeVAItEo
<br /> „ th�ai� heire, suacessors or assigns For tihe aon�3deration hereafter �>r'-�:
<br /> msntioned the Pollowing described property: - ,
<br /> •S'�,
<br /> A tract of land comprising a part oP the Eaet HalP oP the �,'.
<br /> ;•;�s;,e,�
<br /> Northeast puarter (E1/2 NE1/4) of BBCtion Fiftsen (15�, �"��`�
<br /> Townahip Ten (10) Noxtri, Range Eleven (11), Wea� of tlze ����=-
<br /> 6th P.M. , Hall County, Nabraska, artc� aore par#icularly �":�;°-
<br /> d�saribed ae Pollows: ..
<br /> ,
<br /> Beginning at a i�oint on the East line oE sa.id �agt Half o� the - -
<br /> Northaast Quarter (E1/2 NE1/4) , said point baing Five Hundred i` '
<br /> Twenty-Three and 7�hirty-EigYat Hundrodtha (523.38) Peet Sou�h �;��'-
<br /> oP the Nox�heast aorner of s�id East Hal� o� th� Northeaet
<br /> 4uartsx (El/2 rtEi/4); thenae s oo• oo• oo�� w (asewaefl - -
<br /> • bear3ng) , alonq and apon thn Fast lino of said East �alf o� -
<br /> the Northeast Quarter (E1/2 NEi/4) , a distance of Four Hundred
<br /> Fiftesn and Eight-Tenths (415.8) f.eat; thence 8 90° 00� OOy W -
<br /> a diatanae of Four Hundred �hirty-Six and Sixtv-Eiarht
<br />-- --- - = uur+�;.ad�.i,c� (43a.d�j reet; thence N 00• 00� 00•� E, parallel
<br /> with tha East line of said Eaet Half af the t+Tortheaet Quarter
<br /> (Ei/? NEi/4) , a di�tance of Four Hundred Eighty-Five and One-
<br /> , Tenth (485.1) feet= then�e N 90° 00� 00�' E, a distance of �
<br /> Thxee Hundred Thirty-Nino (339.0) feet; thence N 37' �9� 31" a;;�•
<br /> W, � d3.stance of Two Hundred FiPty-Three and Eighty-Seven �
<br /> Hundredtha (253.87) feot; thence N 00' 00� 00" E, ga�A�,lel �
<br /> with the L�ast lino of saial East Half of the Northeast �''A'�-
<br /> Quarter ��.�>P.-•-
<br /> (Fi/a rrEi/a� , a diatance of Thirty-mhree (33.o� Peet; tt�ence —
<br /> S 5S' 45� 08�� E, a distance of Ninoty-Seven arad sixty-Eight
<br /> Hundredthe (97.68) feet; thence N 90• 00� 00�� E, a distance of �••-
<br /> . Ons Hunc3rsd Ssventy-Two �nd Twenty-Six Hundredths (172.26)
<br /> feet to a point on the East line oP said East Half of the ( r
<br /> Nor�heast Quarter (F1/2 NE1/4); thence S 00° 00� 00�� W, along
<br /> and upon the East lina of said East Half of the rrortt�east �� -
<br /> Quarter (B1/2 NE1/4) , a d3atance of R'wo Aundred Forty-�ight -
<br /> and Eighty-Two Htandredtkis (248.82) feet to the point of
<br /> , beginning, ` .. ��
<br /> e�eaepting a certain tr.act deeded to the State of Nebraska
<br /> recorded �.n Book 122, Page 529, Sall County Regiate�c of Deeds
<br /> . Office,
<br /> � The coneideration to be paid by RICHARD DeVORE or PATI2TCIA
<br /> �:, DeVORE or tizeir assigns o� heirs shall be detarmined as Poalows:
<br /> �
<br /> y .
<br /> ��
<br /> #t �
<br /> �
<br />