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<br />__�� ��� _.. ., Beginring at a point on the Narth line of the Sautheast Quarter �.--.
<br /> :*..�,,
<br />= � (SB'�+)of Section Thirteen(13)�Townshig Pley�n(11),Range Ten .`_r,
<br /> — ., '�` (10), said point being Sixry Three (63.0) feet West of the ;��r;,.:_
<br /> � Northeast Corner of said Southeast Quarter tSE'/.) of Section '" `'
<br /> .�;�r�w
<br /> = �� Thirteen (13), Township �leven (11), Rang� Ten (10); thence ,.�'.��;;:
<br /> �,-�::.:
<br /> �=T � � •• •�• ' Southerly on a line to a point One Hundrecf Forty Eight and Five ��_.
<br /> ' . Tenths(148.5)feet Sauth of and Sixty and Forty One Hundredths �.���
<br /> = . . �. '. ��� (60.41)feet West of the Northeast Corner oF the Southeast Quarter ��__
<br />_ ,. .� •�:_:��, (SE�/)ofSecdonThirteen(13),TownshipEleven(11), RangeTen __—
<br /> - - (10); thence East on a line One Hnnd�di Fc:ty Ei�ht and Five
<br />- ' �� Tenths(�48.5) fezt South af anJ parrallel to tl�e Nort}i line of the �,_
<br /> � .. . Southeast �uarter (SE�/+) nf Secrion Thirteen (13), Township "=---
<br /> Eleven(11), Range Ten (10)for a distance of Sixteen (16.0)feet; r:•:..�
<br />=„ ��'� �: ` thence Northerly on a line to a point Thiriy (30.0} feet South of �='f�_
<br /> . � � and Forty Six and 5ix Tenths (46.6) feet West of the Northeast ���::::
<br /> � ' Corner of the Southeast Quarter (SE�/�) of Section Thirtecn ;.3), �.�_
<br />� � . ' Township Eleven (11), Range Ten (10); thence Northwesterly on �.
<br /> • ° " a line to the point of beginning, as shown on the plat dated °���
<br /> � 10/31/94, marked Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated =._
<br /> .- herein bv reference, �
<br /> � � . • together with the following rights: ___
<br /> . • tirantee shall have unrestricted ingress and e�ress to the above-described easement and �
<br /> -_", : . ,,,;, right-of-v►�ay for any purpose necessary for the surveying,construction,inspection, maintenance, �`�=
<br /> t:,;:
<br /> .� � . ��Y��
<br /> � . repair, replacement, relocation, extension, remuval, and operation of such public utilities and .s��.
<br />-. . y �+, '
<br /> � � - . appurtenances. Such rights of ingress and egress shall Ue exercised in a reasonable manner. :�
<br /> _ . . �:.
<br /> H�
<br /> Grantee shall have the right to excavate and refill ditches and trenches necessary for such
<br />_ , publie utilities and appurtenances; to temove, clear, and keep clear, trees, bust�es, hedges, ��
<br />� undergrowth, and/or any obstructions interfering with the surveying, construction, inspecdon,
<br />= " maineenance, repair, replaceinent, relocation, extension, rernoval, and operation of such public
<br /> � utilities and appurtenances. �
<br /> � , �
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