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<br /> (E)ERaNve D�te of Ghaeges � --
<br /> My naw intensc rate will bocoma effecdve on each Chunge Dute. 1 will pay the bmount of my reaw monihly�ymerti T
<br /> begtnning on the Cust monthlY paYrt�ent dato aftu tl�a Change Date undl the amount of my monthlY payment change�egain. ,•, �-
<br /> � _ (d�Notice o�Ciu�e�es -
<br /> . 71�e Nae Holdu will deliver or mail to me a nodce of eny changes in my intcr�est rate and the amount of my monthly �� '
<br /> payment bcfoc�e�he effecdve date of any chnnge. 7ttie notice will include infonnation roquired by law to be glven mo and alx�
<br /> the dtle and t�kphono number of a person who wW Answu dr►y questton I mny have n:garding ehe notke. , ;y,
<br /> F '
<br /> *:
<br /> UnUorm Covenant 17 of the Security Insuument ls artknded to read as follows: •• �
<br /> ,.,,..., _ ..� -
<br /> Transttr of the i'ro�erty a�e�e�?eHe�!1 aat�eaS an Bo�ow�. If ell os tiny g�st of the Pro�,sty ctr aay in*.�e!�es�: .:`�,>°:-"
<br /> .: ,N..T�.._..
<br /> sold or trsinste:red(or if a beneficlsil interest In Borrower Lv sold or uansferrcd ar.d Borzower i�g not a nawral iserson)wiihout �'� ,�- �--
<br /> . I.ender's prior writt�en cansent,Lender may�at Its optian.roqulra immediate payment in ful!of all sums se�urad by this � �'�;-..�,���
<br /> „ Socurity Insuument However,this option shull nat be exeancised by Ler►der ff eae�ise is�mhibtted by foderal!aw as of Ihe �'-
<br /> , ruita c►f t,`iLq Sacuriiy bisuun�ent, Lendei aLso sfiaU not eaucise this optlon If: (a)Borlower ceuses w 6e submiued to Lendu ( .. .; ��.?�;,�--
<br /> informaflon required by Lender w evaluate the inte��dcd trnn�ferae as if a new loan were b�ing made w tha transferea;snd(b) � r-�;�.�„ "_
<br /> � ° . Lendet reasanably deteimines that L.ender's security will not be impaired by the loan assumption and ths!tlie risk of a bceach �`�'`'�-��-
<br /> of an covenant or �`s ��
<br /> Y agreemeat in thIs Sccurity Insm�ment!s aaxptobb w I.ender. .J:�;;��,,—
<br /> . To the extent permiued by applicable law.Lender may charg�e a reasonublo fee as a eondidon to LRnder's oon3eru to the : "� v�.'_!.:
<br /> ' loan assumpdon. Lender may also rec�iiire the vansferee to aign an assumpdon agreement that ls acceptabk to Lender aaxl �y;
<br /> " that obUgaus ttw tzansferea to kccp ell pmmises and agroements made in the Note and in this SecurIty Instruma�� Borrowa � � `'
<br /> -----.- will continue to be obWtated under the Nota and this Socurity Insmiment unl�ec Is.�xler�elPlav Rnrv+nw�r in�dno. I �_,
<br /> _ _
<br /> If Lender exerctses the opdon to require unmedlate payment in fiill.Lender shall giv�Borrower nadca of acoekaation. � . �= `�
<br /> Zl►e notice shall prnvide a period of nat less than 30 days from the date the notice is dellvered or mailed v,�ithin whkh � '� �� +
<br /> Borrok+er rnust pay all sums seciued by thls Security Insm►men� If Horrower fails to pey Ne,ve sums prlor to Ihe expiratlon �
<br /> of this period,I.cnder may fnvoke Any remedIes peimiued by thls Socurity Insuumen3 wlthout furtha rauica or citmand on , ���
<br /> Botrower. � ., .
<br /> . .,r�-
<br /> • . J Y,
<br /> BY SIaNINC3 BELOW,Borrower acc�pts end agroes to tfie tecros and covenants contninad in pages 1 end 2 of this a'�'"
<br /> Adjustable Reta Rider. ';;.� �
<br /> ,�...�,,,�;� '
<br /> . ���/ J �� J� - �S�� _� �'\. �/�� �SGi11� _ ,. �. ^��.
<br /> GREGORY�BU NETT �—Borrower C RISTY L $URNETT •eorro��r , �- , "`�f•
<br /> i,,�." � .
<br /> (Seal) (g�)
<br /> <'
<br /> -Dorco�er .Bortower � ' � ,,
<br /> I �
<br /> . tS�� �C�� 1 ill.
<br /> J '
<br /> -BOrroxCr •Barrowtt I -�
<br /> • t ,� '�►. ..,,.
<br /> ' i '� i�
<br />� . I �
<br /> i .
<br /> Form2Q3012(OtOS) Pape2N2 OadC0006001171 �nUlaknBuflrxuPorm�,Inr.�loOrarCatR 1�106�63o-ND70i�a0te-7o1•11�1 .
<br /> ACCT�f f 14�2010
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