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<br /> .. , •t. . �yARR�►NTY Q�E:D ' �' .,��,,
<br /> <w t,„,c n Dantel W. Ha�non and K�ren S.Nunnan, husUnnd s�nd wife; Jam�s Michael Hnnnon.Jr. ��., •-��-.
<br />— - �` s;'`•"�;-`-:• ^fi�'�1'�`;;.�..
<br /> . ,.� nnd Kathryn A. Hunnon. husbanci anct wife: nnd Michne! Patrick Hnnnon nnd Kimbcrly S. 4' "�
<br /> �� � `� � ,� �-Iunn�n,husband and wife,Grnntor,whether one or more,in consideration of l�lf3�'TY��'HFiE� = ��° -
<br /> ��F`:"._
<br /> ,�,, ,z ; .�..� .. �:
<br /> THULJSAND AND NO/IOiI---------�----•------ --------($83,000.00), receipt of which is hereby � :`"°--;::=_•'-
<br />_ - acknowledged,convtys ro Gregory o.Burnett and Christy L.Burnett,husband and wifc,Grantee, 1 .:,;�;;4
<br /> the follo�ving described real estate(us dcfined in Neb.Stat.§ 76-ZO1)in Hail County,Nebra.ska: � ��;^r;;;.
<br /> �. . �:;.,:.,�.
<br /> .. A tract of land comprising a part of tha South�vest Quarter(SW 1/4)of Section'I'wonty Nine(29), ! ���'�� '°
<br /> Township Ten(10)NaRh,Range Twelve (12)West of the C�th P.M..Hall Counry, Nebraska, and ��;"�-�_
<br /> more particularly described as follows: � �r `�Y�,:_
<br /> � � , :t��;;��:�
<br /> '.�:�a...
<br />_ Beginning �t the southeast corner of said Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4);thence w�sterly, ,,.._r�.-.___
<br /> , .. along and upon tiae south line of snid Southwest Quarter(5W 1/4), a distance vf S�ven .:>:;:�-"'-"�
<br /> H�andrecl Thirty Seven and Sixty Two Hundredths (737.62) fest; thence de�ilecting right ��'`���
<br /> tig'...__'.
<br /> . � �� 88°32' 39"and running no�therly, a distance of Four Hundrerl Ninery One and Fifty Five � �
<br /> H�ndredYhs (491.55) feet; thence deflecting right 92° 15' 27" and running eascerly, a � ��'�.�`��
<br /> . ' distance of One Hundred ThiRy 5ix and Eight Tenths(136.8)feet; thence deflecting left ��m���_�_�_
<br /> . , 41° 39' 24" and running northerly ,a diatance of Six Hundred Seventy Seven and Thirty _��`�`"'`:°�-_
<br /> . Seven Hundredths(G77.37)feet;thence deflecting right 90°S 1' 18" and running sasterly, -----
<br /> purallel with the sauth line of said Southwest Quarter(SW I/4),a distance of Six Hundtcd `���`��
<br /> ,. Twenty Six und Eighty Five Hundredths(626.8�)feet to a point on the east line of said ����A�
<br /> Southwest Quarter (SW1/4); thencc sautherly, nlong and upon the cast linc of snid trf�r�r��
<br /> �} �UUl11wG5t t�,[lit't�G� �uiit � 1•.. �n 1 C'v u C r �'`-�'---
<br /> i f�,, a c�:�tanz:, af O7� Tltcu�:.nd �:i� Hussd..c. s.t, 1. �n� p
<br /> Seventy�ight Eiundredths(1,I 66.;8)feet to the point of beginning nnd containins 18.022
<br /> �A�--
<br />