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<br /> � Loran Noo �09b6-2862921
<br /> �• SECQNI) HOME RID�R
<br /> 'I`Ht9 SECQND NOMB RIDSR ie madc on thie 5�h day of DECEMBER �19 9'� � �
<br /> nnd {r� Incai�poralcd intu and sLall b;: dcciuc� to acaend and supplement thc Mort�age,D�ed of Tn!sl,or 3�c�ieity l�eed (the
<br />� . „ ' ' "Secud�y Ia�mtmcut") of thc A�me d�te �ivcn by tbc uudcrslgted (tLe "I3onawer,"whether thxre are one or more pctsaus F:y:
<br /> " unde�slgned) to,ecure �orrower's Note to ALLIAPTCE SANCORP� A CAI,TFORNTA CORPORATION
<br /> (thc "I.cuder")
<br /> . of the samc datc and wvcdns the property describeA in 1Gc Secudty Instrument (tlie "Property"),wh{ch is lacated at "
<br /> 207 90UTH PLUM, DONII�HIIN, NEBFtl�i9KA 68832
<br /> (Proporty Addres.aJ �.. Y-
<br /> -� Ia�addidon to the wvennnts and agreemcn�9 made in the SecurIty Instwnent, IIanowcr nnd I.ender fuxthef wvcnnut '•'�;�-`
<br /> rA
<br /> .• und agce that Uniform Cavenwt 6 of the Sccurlty Instrumcnt ie deleted and is replucr.d by the foUowing: �'•';`
<br /> '. 6.Occap�,y md Use;Pt�esetvatlaa, Mdnteama aad Pcotatlan of ihe Prope�43+: Borrower's Lom s: �__'.
<br /> . � Applicatton; I.ese6olds. Bonower sball occupy, and shall only use, the property es Bonawer's `"-;-;.�
<br /> second ltome. Boaower shall keep the Property available for Borrower's exclusiv¢use aztd cnjoyment F����
<br /> . at all dmes� and shall not subject the Property to any timeshartng or other shared ownetship �;
<br /> �W-�'.
<br /> , � urengement ar to any rental pool or agreement that requires Bonowtr eiWer to rcnt the Property
<br /> or give a maaagement Srm or any ather person any control over the occapancy or 1ue of the Ptopert�. �;;y
<br /> � � Bonowcr shall not destroy, damage or impair the Pzoparty, allow tlie Property ta deterlorate. �r
<br /> oommit waste on the Property. Borrower ahall be in default if any forfeiture action or procecdin�, ��'
<br /> • ' wLether civll or criminal,is be thet in I.ender's aad faith ud enieut wuld resnit in forfelture of '`�%���
<br /> b'� b 1 S i'�. .,
<br /> � the Property or otherwise materlally inipair the flea creatc:d by this Securlry Instrument or L.cadcr's ��t:�:;
<br /> secudty interest. Bonower may cure such a default and r�elnstate, as provided in pazagaph 18,by
<br /> causing the action or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling that, in Lender's good faith '
<br /> dctcrminution, precludes forfeiture of the Bonower's interest in the Ptoperty or other mate�ial ,��`
<br /> _ . ..'_.'� .. . . . . . . t •�_... T _ �
<br /> 1IDp31tII1CIIt O�l�6 jICII CICBICA Dy wi� �a:iutiy �ii�7iticu2 �i uuuci'S 5a.—ti ailj� iL�c�wt. aaGilvR':.f T�
<br /> '� � shall also be in default if Borrower, during the loaa application pracess, gave materially false or
<br /> inaccurate information or statements to I.ender (or failed to provide Lender with any matetlsi] •°�
<br /> , tnformation) fa wnnectloa with the loan evidenced by the Noto, including, but not limited to, ` `
<br /> representadons conceming Bonower's accupancy and use of the Property as a secQnd home. If this
<br /> . Securtty Inst¢ument is on a leasehold, Borrower shall comply with all the provisioa.s of the lease. If '
<br /> Borrower acquires fee title to the Properiy, thc leasehold and the fee dtle shall not merge unless �
<br /> ,,.
<br /> L.cuder agcees to the merger in writing. �
<br /> BY SIOMNG BELOW, Bonower accepu and ap,rees to the terms and provisions contafued in this Sccond Home I t,
<br /> Rider.
<br /> f (Scal)
<br /> M. A ( Borrower
<br /> f� I .
<br /> .� " r � 'D (tiQ" (Scal)
<br /> � EDNA P. RODRIGUEZ Borrowcr �
<br /> • I
<br />. I
<br /> �� c��� f
<br /> Bonower F
<br /> - t
<br /> ; r-.
<br /> (Scal)
<br /> Horrower I
<br /> I
<br /> , ,- (Seal)
<br /> „ Borrowcr '
<br /> ,
<br /> � - - - -
<br /> _..
<br /> =- ----___ - �°-
<br /> , �.�n,� -
<br /> � � Bonoavcr
<br /> 1,
<br /> r�
<br /> S �
<br /> �
<br /> T � _ �n.�[srnrn ssoorm �toa� tsroutt -s��-n� u.a vxmnxeu uasn�,osawr r�3sso
<br /> �` J ORIGINAL �
<br /> � .__
<br />