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.,. <br /> . ,'�. <br /> 1��� -- 'r: <br /> < <br /> .�. <br /> �5, .- . <br /> -., n <br /> , ; .... ._ . _'__'__"'"_.._"_"""' '_'__' ' '"' .. .. . ..... .. .. .. .... ... _"__"_ . , -. <br /> , .... . . .. .. .� . <br /> .___�..__.._._+a..__.�.�—.._...... _ _. ._ _. .. . ._. ...' """_„' 7 <br /> �� . �i � '�•' <br /> � ; <br /> . . '�`�� .`�9.�09�' i ., .. <br /> - � , <br /> If thc Property is abnndoncd by Aorrower, or ef,niter noticc by Lendcr lo l3orrowcr thrit the condcmuc�r offcn • <br /> „ ' - to make nn awsud or setAe a clalw for damages, Aorrower fnils to respoud to l.cudc� withln 30 days after the date thc � <br /> uotia: is p;iven,Lcuder IS Al11IlOTI'LCd to callcct aud npply thc procccds, nt its option, clthcr �o rcgtorndou or repalr ��( ' � � <br /> � thc Property or to thc sums s�;curcd by this Sccudty ius�ruwcut, whcthcr or nat thcu duc. � ` <br /> � Uuless L.ender nnd Borrawer atherwlse ngree ia wdling,nay applicntioa of procceds to p�inclvnl �hnU not extend i .• + <br /> or pos�ponc tlic duc detc of thc monthly peymcnts referrcd to in pnr�graphs 1 and 2 ar chan�;c �hc uni�uni uf such <br /> , pnyments. ; . � <br /> Il. Br�tmower Not Rdeastd; Forbearmce By Leu6er Not a R/siver. F�cteasion of thc tiuic for pnywcnt �ir , <br /> modiflcution of nmorti•ration of the sums se�:ured by tWs Secudty Iustruntent }�anted by Iw:nder to viy suc:cessor iu ' <br /> interest of Borrower shnll not operate to rclease t�c ltability of thc ori�nal Borrawer or Borrower's succt;ssors in ' <br /> interest. I.ender shall not be requltcd to cammence proceedings against any successot in intetest or refusc to extcnd <br /> tinte for payu►ent or otherwtse modify aworqzation of the sums secured by this Security Instrumeut by reacou of�wy � � <br /> demand made by the orignnl Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest. Any forbearance by Lendrr in exerrising � <br /> any right or remedy sLall not be a waive� of or preclude the exerclse of any right or remedy. . <br /> 12. Saoce�ors and�►SSi�s Bonad;Joint md Sever�l I3abllity;Co-sig�eis. 'Ihe covenants aud agrcemcnts of this <br /> Security Instnunent shall bind aud bene8t thc successors and assigis of Lender and Borrower, subJect to the provisions <br /> af pazagraph 17. Bonov�er's wvenants and ageements shall be joint and several. Any Bonower who w-sigis this <br /> Sccurlty Instrument but does not execute the Notc: (a) is ca-slgning this Secudty Instrument only to ruortga�e, grant <br />- and convcy that Borrower's intcr�t {n ihe Property under the terms of th3s Sccurity Instrument; (b) 1s uot penon:tlly <br /> • obllgated ta pay the sums secured by thls SecurIty Instnw�ent; and (c)agees that I.ender and any ather Borrower may � <br /> agce to extcnd,modify,forbear or make any accommodations with regard lo the tenus of this Securily Instrumcnt or � # <br /> the Note without that Borrower's consent. �, <br /> 13. Cbaiges. If the loau secvred by th{s Secudty Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum luau � � ��' <br /> . charges, and that law Is�inally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charses collecte4 or to be collected in <br /> ;�_, <br /> connection with the loan exceed the permitted limits,then: (a) any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount ,,. <br /> necessary to reduce the charge to the perniitterl limit; and (b) any sums already collected from Borrower whic6 ,:r <br /> �xceeded permltted limits wlll be refundeci to Borrower. I.ender may choose to make tttis refuad by rrducinb the .�, G'; <br /> pdncipal owed under the Notc or by making a direct payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces prindpnl, the reduct{on � <br /> will be treated as a partial prepayment without any prepaywent chazge under the Note, f�-- <br /> � 14: N�tir�a: Any nqt{rc� tn Rnrrnwer nmvided fnr in thia Cec�tr(ty inctmmcQt cha]1 hr �VPLI}1V(IPIiVPTlQo jt nr ____��ir,..� <br /> � by mailing it by first class mail unless applicable law requires use of another method. The notice shaU be directed to � l . `�. ';"i <br /> the Property Address or any other address Bonower destgnates by notice to I.ender. Any notice to I.endcr shaU he ' <br /> �iven byIIrst class mul to Lender's address stated hercin or any other address I.end¢r desiguates bynotice to Borrower. <br /> . Any notice provided for in ihis Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Bonower or I.cnder wheu • . <br /> gven as provided in tWs paragaph. . •, <br /> 15. Goveming;Soverability. Thls Secudty Instrument shall be goverued by fedcral law and thc law of the „ . <br /> jurisdiction {u which the Properiy is locsted. In the event that any ptovlsion or clause of this Secnrity Instruutent or • � " � <br /> the Note conflicts with applicable law,such confllet shall not affect ot�er provisions of this Security Iustrument or the • � � � <br /> ,,a,S <br /> Note whlch can be given effect wlthout the confltcting p:o��ision. To this end the p�ovisIons of tttis Secudty Instrument � <br /> and the PJote arc declared to be severable. � '. <br /> • 16. Bonower's Copy. Sorrower shall be given one confonned copy of the Note and of this Sccudty instrument. , <br /> 17. Tansfer of the Prarperty or a Beaafidil Intenst in Bormwer. If all or eny pari of the Property or any ; ��'�`� <br /> intcrest in it is sold or transfencd (or !f a bcne$clal interest in Bonower is sald or ttansferred and Bonower is not � ` <br /> � a natural person) without I.ender's priur written consent, L.ender may,at its option, reqtdre Immediate pa}m�ent in full • %� — <br /> of all sums secured by this Secudty Instnwient. However, tlils opt{on shall not he exercised by I.ender if exercise is <br /> prohibited by federal law as of the datc of thls Security Instrumcnt. �� <br /> lf L.cuder exercises this option, I.ender shall givc Borrower notice of accelcration. T6e nottcc shall providc a _���? <br /> period of not ]css than 30 days from the date ihc notice is delivered or mailed within whlch Borrower must pay all • <br /> sums secured by this Securlty lastrument. If Bonower fails to pay these sums pdor to the expirntion of t6is period, %� <br /> L.ender may invoke any remedies pennitted by this Security Instnwicnt without furthcr notice or demand on Bonower. �k• �, <br /> 18. Borro�vcr's Rtght to Re3sslatc. If Bortower mects certain c;onditions, Bonowcr sh�ll havc the righs to have � � " <br />- c.nforcement of this Security Instrument disc:ontinued at any ttme prior to the earlier of: (a) 5 days(or suc6 other � <br /> period as applicable law may specify for reinstatement) before sale of the Property pursuant to any po�ver of salc <br /> , contained in ttus Security Instrument; or(b)entry of a jud�►ent enforcing tWs Securlty Instrument. Tliose cc�uditious <br /> are that Bonower: (a) pays Lender all sums which then would be due under this Security Instrumeut and thc Notc ! <br /> as if no acceleration had occuned; (b) cures auy default of any othcr covenauts or agreements; (c) pays all expenses <br /> incurred in enforcing thls Security Instrumeut, including,but not limitecl to,reatonable attorneys' fees; and (d) talces � , <br /> such :ction as Lender way tensanably require to assure that the lien of tLis Securlty Instrument, L.ender's rights in the <br /> Properiy and Borrowcr's oblibatiou to pay the sums sccured by this Sccurity Instrument shall continue unchanged. <br /> iTpon reinstatement by Boaower, this 5ecurity Instrument and thc obligations secured hereby shall rcmvn fully <br /> �ffcctivc as if no accelcration Uad occuncd. Howcvcr, ilus right to rcinstatc shall not apply in ihc casc of accelcration <br /> 1 undcr paragraph 17. <br /> 19. S�Ic of Notc; �ngc of Loan Servicer. Tlic Notc or a partial interest in thc Notc (togethcr with this <br /> � Seeuritv Iactrumentl msv he cold one or more tim�c without nrior nntice tn Rnrrnwrr A c�t� mav r�cnit in n,•h�n.�.• <br /> l in the entity (known as�the "Loan Servicer°) that �rollects monthly payments due under ihe Note .wd this Security <br /> i Instrument. 'Rtcre :ilso way bc oae or more chan�cs of the [,oan Scrviccr unrclatcd to a salc af tbc iJutc. If tt�crc <br /> ' is a change of the I.oan Scrvicer. Bnrrower will be �iven written notice of t6e c6ange in aa;ordanu; �vith paragraph <br /> i ld ahovc wd applicablc law. The notice �vill state the name and address of the new Loan Scrvicer and the addre�.a <br /> j to whic6 paymcnts shoiild be made. Thc notice will also contain any other informatton requircd by applicablc la�v. <br /> � 7A. I;aardons Sabstutocs. Borrowcr sh:ill not cause or pecmit thc presenix, use, disposal,storagc, ur relca�c <br /> ' of wy Fiazardous tiubstanccs on or in the Property. Borrowcr shall not do, nor allo�v anyone elce to Jo, wythiug <br /> � affectin� thc Propcny that is in violation of any F:nviroumental Law. 'ILc preceding two sentencx.e s6a11 nut apply to <br /> � t6e presence, use,ur slorage on the Pmperty of small quantities of Huzardous Substanres that are generally recognir.cJ <br /> � to be appropriatc to normal residcndal nsec wd t� maintenancr. of thc Property. <br /> NEIilW.1KA–timglc I'unuly �-Famlc ALc/Tmddie 11�e UiVIFOAM QVS'IRUMFWP ►rorm 30�9I90lPu�r a ui a F'aNC>i <br /> `� ORIGINAL <br />