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<br /> W['tH nll thc improvemcnts now oc hcrcoftcr crccted on �hc properly� anJ nll cascmcnts, �� �r`,�
<br /> npVurtcnmtus, nnd tixturc.i�ucnlr fAll of thc foregolughis rfcrrcd to inithi.g1Se urity9lnstr�mcdtt+ns tlichnPr perty" I r�
<br /> u�vcred by 1hi5 Sccurlry Ing K'"�
<br /> Rt)R[20Wllt c�p[�rt�N�J thmt�l�ietProperty 11.s uuencumberCd thxc.cptlforena:umbraucesdof record�hkiorr�o�wer �i ��
<br /> 6rau nnd a:onvcy th p Y 4
<br /> wnrtnut5 nnd wfll dcfcnd gcacrnlly thc d►Ic to thc Property ngalast aU clalms utd dca�nnds, yubjcct ta nuy cnctuubr+u►�:�:s �
<br /> of rcwrd.
<br /> THIS SHCIIRIT u��d ct ou�toNconstltu e��a u�°� SC��Y iustcum ntp covcdng enl ptoperty�. �venants with
<br /> liuiited varlatiaus by j • "'
<br /> i1NIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowcr twd I.cud�l a��o1��p�� �orto,wcr.shall promptly pay v�+hcn dnc .
<br /> I 1, piyntrnt of�indp�l �ad Intef'�at; ��Y� re a ent und lnte chac�cs due uuder thc ' •
<br /> I �ti� P�n�p�l of and interest on thc debt evidcnccd by thc Note and nuy p p Y►n
<br /> Notc. a, Sub cct to applicable law or to a wdtt�a �vaivct by l.ender, Borrower shall
<br /> 2. Fauds for Tucs and lnsoran j "Funds"
<br /> pay to l,ender on sh�aa���eats which�may at ain priority ovcr thisunSe,curity Instrumeut�desla 1 en�an thc Propenyt ;,'�,
<br /> fur: (a)yeerlytaxe p y y c earl haurd or properiy iasurance
<br /> (b) yeacly leacehold paywents or ground rents on the Pro ert , if an + ( ) Y Y
<br /> ptemiums; (d)yearly flood insurance premiums, if any: (e) yearly mortgage insurancc premiums. if enY�and �f� any `�;
<br /> sums payable by Borr emiums.�Ttiese 1tem�e called t'EscrowrItems ns Lendera mayh a8�any,time,f collectaand nhold . :�
<br /> mortgagc iasurance pr :�=
<br /> . gundS in nn amount nat to exceed thc m a1�e�°�tate 3et lement ProceduresleAa of 974 as ame ded fiom timc . . �_
<br /> for Borrower's escrow accown under the f —
<br /> ta tiwe� 12 U.S.C.§2601 ee Sc�ollec�d h 1dFundsaintanr azuounta nott'o exceed t eulesser amouness•er�nd�t.�y � :t��` "r
<br /> so, I.ender may. at any tim ,
<br /> cscimate the amount of Funds due on the basis of current data and rensonable escimates af expeLdkures of future �r,.•
<br /> Fscrow Items or athenvise in accardance with applicable law. �; !
<br /> The Funds sh�f�nder�is sunchnantinstituti n)S or in�any FederaluHome Loan Bauk enL.endert hall app+ly�the Fund .'' • .
<br /> �i��l�idine i.endet�
<br /> �; to paythe Fscro�+ ltems. L,ender may not char6c ��s^�ndet p ys�BonowerinteresthonFhe�Funds and aPPlic�bne `� �
<br /> � the escrow accotwl, or verifying lhe Escrow Item , . r
<br /> � lavv permits Lender to meke such a cLarge. However, I.ender may require Borrower to pay a one-time chacge for an ,�
<br /> dent real estate tax reporting service used by L.ender in con►►ect�n;n`''�=�t��to be paid�L,eaderpshdllnot�be , r�;a �;
<br /> i indepen ,���
<br /> � provides otherwise• LJnless an a61eemenl is wade or applicable luw re.c�utr
<br /> � i�quited tv pay Bonower any interest or earnin�.s on the Funds. Borrower and Lender may agree in wddng,howevcr, :',�k�
<br /> � 4
<br /> that iuterest shall be paid on the Funds. L.ender shall �ive to Borrower,
<br /> without charge, an annual accounting of t e
<br /> Funds, showing credits and debits to the Fuuds and the purpose for which each debit to the Funds was niade. The •F���
<br /> Funds arc pled�ed as additlonal secudty for all sums secured by this Secudty Instrunient.
<br /> !f the Funds held bF�ds in acc�ordanhce with th requ�irements of pplicable lawa�ff the annount of the Fundsnheld ' �
<br /> Borrowcr for the excess ` ¢,�`�`
<br /> by L.ender at any ttme is not sufScient to pay thc Escrow Items whentd�ue�,�IIUC the deflciencyY Borrowes shall makc .
<br /> and,in snch case Bonower shall pay to I.ender thc amount necessaty P : ��, '
<br /> up the defiacncy in no more than twelvc monthly payments, at Lender's sole discretion. y
<br /> L7pon paymcnt in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall prompdy rcfund to Bonower �,
<br /> any Funds heid by Lcnder. If,under peragaph 2F�ds held by'L.endereat�theetimecof acqui Iti n oresale�esra ered t �;
<br /> acqulsidon or sale of the Property, shall apply anY �.
<br /> aga�nst the sums secured by this SecaritY Ins�ru�ent. ;<'
<br /> 3. ppplication of Paymee�ts. Unless applica elea la e1pt c��scs ducWUnderg the Note;�second�,o amountsc P yable ' 4�. ' ,.
<br /> paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied: 8rst,to any p P Ym '
<br /> . under paragaph 2;third, to interest due; fourth, to pr�ncipa1 due; aud last, to any late charges due under the Note. �
<br /> ,4 q��ga; Ijens. Bonower shall pay all ealces,assessments, charges. fines and impositions attributable to thc
<br /> I
<br /> , prop�rty which may attain priadty over this Security Instrument, and Icasc6old payments or �ound rent5, if auy.
<br /> gortower shall pay these obligations in thc mu►ner provided in paragraph 2,or if nat paid in that manner, Bonowcr I
<br /> • shall pay tlie o te t aid under'th9s parap,r ph. If Bottow rn malRes�these paymenu directly�Borro vlcerndhall�promptly '
<br /> of emounts t p
<br /> furnish to Lender receipts evidencing the payments.
<br /> Borrowcr shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security prument unless Bocro�utcsts
<br /> af;rees tn writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a mnnner acce table to l.ender; (b)
<br /> in good faith eh�nt the enforcementa of the licur or�(c) secures'�f am thc holder of t�1 en a¢�ag tment�csati.Sfa nory
<br /> operate to p
<br /> to 1_cnder subordinating the licn to this Security Instrumcut. If Lendcr detcrtnines Vh�t�T Y`Pert�°n i�P�cutifying
<br /> � subja:ct to a licn which mny attain priority ovcr this Stcurity Instrumcut, Lcnder may g
<br /> _ �
<br /> chc lien. Borrowcr shall satlsfy the lien or takc one or morc of the actions scl forih abovc withiu 1 O days of lhe }�ving
<br /> � of noti�:c•
<br /> 5 ��� or prop�rty Insutanoc. Bonowet s6a11 kcep thc improvemcnts now cxistiug un c�tca:tr.r crc��zc e�n
<br /> the Properiy insurcd against loss by fire,hazards included withiu the tcrm "extended covcragc" and :my othcr ha•rards,
<br /> �. including tloods or flooding,for N+h',Tcs�°T�c iusuranccnaune�Pro ding hcnn uth ce shall�bc hosen hy Honmv�•r
<br /> � f wd tor the periods that Lendcr req �
<br /> � subject to I.ender's approvul which shall not be unre�sonably withheld. It Borrower fails to utaintain cc�verage
<br /> . dcscrihcd above, Lender may, at I.ender's option, obtaiu roverage to protect IAndcr's ri��s iu the YropertY iu
<br /> ; aa:ordastce �vith para�aph 7.
<br /> � IVEUIZASFCA -�mgle Fomily..�:�%� MaclFteddie hLa IJN�'ORM
<br /> n�sntua�tirrr ►=o�, 3ata 9rx►�r��:� =���,r,�,;••.�
<br /> V
<br /> ORI GINAL
<br />