<br /> ��.M ,. .. . .. '
<br /> r
<br /> �i �
<br /> (� � �4.,. . . ' . ..-..• -
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<br /> r , �•. �� . -..:u'rw+-1---=' -
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<br /> .. � _. ./i. .. -._ .
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<br /> .f . --.---. _ . ____
<br /> � e MOR9'GAGG A�nCNDIJM d � ,� ` --
<br /> ., • ��` ��.���;� .. . . _._ _
<br /> v •fhe follov,fn�nre nddendn to lheMong�Be� Pleaac che�k the npplicnbie nddendum. 'tho •z,y;
<br /> ndJcndum checked shnll be Incorporate0 intu. nnd reeorded v��tli� �he Mangnge. Ti�e term ,
<br /> . ,��.
<br /> . � •Nlar��ogc" ehull be deemcd to include'Dcu1 ot Trusi," It nppiicable. _
<br /> � FHA nnd FmHA ADDBNDUM . � :,.;�-,
<br /> ;�� r.
<br /> ' TNIS TAH-l3XHMPT PINANCINO RIDBR It mAde Ihla 20 dAy of Aec. , 199{�� r ��. .', ,,�,•:'— -
<br /> 7: �, _,�,�, .,
<br /> � �ncl It incarporatcd {nto nnd ahail be deertied to amend and supplomcnt�he Mongage, Deecl ot __
<br /> 'Pn�el ar Securi�y Dced ("Secu►iry In�irument') of ihe same date given by tha undersigncd �.,_f
<br /> ("IIorrowcP)�o secure Dorrower'e No►e('Note")to __
<br /> Norweat Mortga6e, Inc. ' _
<br /> _ . �{_
<br /> (•Lender')of the anme datc nnd covering the piop2rty descrf6ed fn the Securfty Instrument�nd . �°
<br /> tocnted or. . '. ,�:�
<br /> 118 Euse Rroolclyn 5treet — Doniphan, NE 68832 • ' �'
<br /> ���
<br /> L
<br /> (Properiy Addreas] ' .���.:Y--
<br /> za�c:
<br /> r�'•��..
<br /> " in addilfon to thc covenants and a��aments made in the Security Insuument, Aorrower and •.����'`^'_"
<br /> LenAer furthe�covena�u and agree to amend Paragraph 9 of the Model Mori�age Narm,entitied y�:��==
<br /> "Grounds for Acceleration of Debt"as by adding additional grounds for ncceleralfon as follows: �::��--��,`
<br /> rr�F�`-r`".
<br /> Lender, or such of iu successors or assigns as may by separate lnsuument assuma , L, ., �,�,�
<br /> .,,y„'..�"'r,-.`—
<br /> respansibiliry for assuring compliance by the Borrower with the provisions ot thit ��s _
<br /> Tax-Exempt Financing Rider,may requlro Immediate payment fn full af aU sums secured ,. :`TW���_,�.
<br /> by this Secudty lnstrument if: ,
<br /> - �ti����.
<br /> �aj pil or part of�he Propeny is sold or otherwiae tnnsferrecl by 13ottowet •• �
<br /> ro a purchaser or othe�transferee: , ,,�' _
<br /> ,,. .'� +�
<br /> ����� Who cannot reasonably be expecteA to occupy lhe pr��erty u a ,,
<br /> l prineipal reaidrnce w�in►��: �:::��r��la :imt �fte� !!!s !ale or tran:fer, all u '�, �
<br /> I provided in Section 143(c)and(f)(2)of the Intemal Revenue Code;or '����
<br /> �j►) Who hat had a present ownershlp lnterest in a pdncipal residence ��W a
<br /> dudng tny part of the ihrce•year pertod�nd[ng on th�Aste of the sale or tcnnafer, . ;y � �,
<br /> atl as provided in Section IA3(d)and(i)(2)of the Internal Revenue Code(except ,�
<br /> �:.
<br /> ���at°100[xrcenl' shall bc substituted for'9S�xrcenl or mm•e'whcrc Ihc laltcr � ,��, '
<br /> appears in Sutton 143(d)(1));or ,
<br /> (IIi) pe an acqulsition cost which Is grwter �han 90 percent of the �
<br /> i a�!
<br /> a�e�age area purchaae pdce (grea�er lhan 110 percent for targeteC ara
<br /> ' ra[dences),t�� as provided In Section 143(e)and (i)(2)of the Internal Revenuo I
<br /> Code;or I :?�`=''-
<br /> , !'
<br /> (iv) Who has a g�oss family Income in excess of the applicable I �
<br /> , percent�ge of applicable median family income as provided in Section 143(�and � .
<br /> (i)(2)of thc Intemal Revenue Code;or �
<br /> /;;
<br /> . (b) Bortower fnils to occupy the property described in the 5ecurity instrummt � " p
<br /> without prior writtcn conseat of Lender or Its successors or azsign� described at Iha ' ,
<br /> beginning of this Tax-Eaempt Financfng Rider,or r r.
<br /> .� ��
<br /> (c) IIorrower omtts or misrepresents a fact that is materiai wilh respeci to Ihe
<br /> . provisions of Section 143 of the Internal Revenue Code in an application for the loan
<br /> secured by this Security Insiniment.
<br /> References are to the Internal Revenue Code as emended and in effcet on tha date
<br /> of issuance of bonds, the proceufs of which will be used to finance tlie Security
<br /> ]nstrument and ure deemed io includ�the implementing tegulations.
<br /> BY SIGTIING SELOW,Borrower accepte and n�rees to the terms und provisions in this
<br /> Tax-Exempt Financing Rider.
<br /> ��,�.�.Q Q ��iR,� �
<br /> Bortowu Carol J. Goakey
<br /> Borrower
<br /> v• MnRTI�A(tE ADDENDUM . .
<br /> ' � [Propeny AddreisJ
<br /> if, so long ua the Mort�agc is outstanding, all or any part of the property is sold or
<br /> Iransferred t�y 9ortower wilhout Lender's prior written consent,other lhan a transfer by devise,
<br /> descent or by operatlon of la�v,tAe Lender may,at I.ende�'s aption,declare all the sums secured
<br /> by the Mortgage to be immediatcly due and payable.
<br /> Borrower
<br /> Datc Bortowcr
<br /> P ,
<br /> � . :�. _• __
<br />