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, ._..,�:,� . . . . . ,. <br /> �-�»,�r►t► . -� <br /> �r. . - � � . . � f rr�. . . .. ' .' `. , .... . . . . . .. - �. yw+.�n'.. <br /> i> , .. .. . . . _ '..�,'�,"�:y�,j. <br />.___ �..n... .n .. .. a '1L'.• .,tLN�� l�'�4� , __ /,= . �. � „ .. wr.�4� ., . ♦. .. . ' ... ... wil�wl\._. ._ <br /> _^r��JY5�F1H°A`�a:M' . . ,.�f�e<i�f'r.�.j. ,.� �A,. � ' . - �� . . . .v . ' � � . ..� . ..a. — ...., � . <br /> �r4. �4tni^+:Sq•E;q'rhl�.cw.-.�r..-�.�.a�..yW.r..M.�.,..» _ . . ' . .. . -• ' .. ' . � . .�'�.tW�t <br /> _,. . . . �, - . . �i, <br /> �. ' " . � . . . . •, _, <br /> n <br /> ..__...._.._.._ -.-�._. � <br /> . .._........._.... ..__...... .... ... ..... ... .... . _._.. .. . ... ' <br /> � .. . .- --' � ....... . .. . ....._. �. <br /> -- � .. ...-".'--.__.. ._.. . <br /> j <br /> � <br /> � " ; .��'�-�1d <br /> . � . � � <br /> �� i 0l9� �L- <br /> ' �� 'fO�ETHER WITN uli the imprnvements no�v ur I�cr�:nller rrccicd nn tlie property. and ull easements, rlgius, L <br /> ��_ . t upPurtcnnnces,rcnts, royul�ics,mincral, oil r.ind gus rlglus imd �►ralilti,wntcr ri�,h���nnc!stork�nd ull fixtures now or I�crenR �., <br /> , I p a r t o f t h e p r o p e r t y. A l l r c p l.i c c u�e n t+a nd rid d i Umis ,Im l! ii ltiu hc r��vcre�l I�y ilii�;ticcurity Instrument. All of the forefiain�ri �{�� <br /> .. ' 1 I referred to in this Secu��ity Iiti�,tium�iu��ti thc "Pi�u�i�ity." .�,:.t. <br /> 'S .. �.. <br /> BORRO�VER CUVGNAN'PS lht�t 13orrt�wcr iti luw(��Ily 5�lycd uf�he r�trqc►�crc�•y runvcycd und has thc right to gr�nt und <br /> i �;_. <br /> - convcy Ihc Properry and that thc Property is uncs��uinhcrcd, exrcpt fur cncumbnmccr nf rccord. Borrowcr warrants and will �'- <br /> � " � defcnd gcnerally thc titic tc�ihe Property ngainst nl) d�iims�md dctnimds,suhJccl In nny rncumbr:mces oF rewrd. �- <br /> ' i <br /> � � �::�- <br /> 1. Pnyment nP,ln4crest imd I.a�te�:lu►�•�e. Hurro�vcr,hnll pi�y�vhcii duc Uic principal af,and interest on,thc �"�y <br /> , I debt evideneeci by the Note and lute chnrges duc:under lhe Nata � <br /> ��� 2. Monthly Pnyments oP Tt�xe.v, Imurnnce und Uther Chi�rtics. Nl)I'fUW��• ti��BII iucluile in cuch monthly payment, <br /> , togcthcr with thc principal und intcrest us sct forth in dic Nntc tmd :�n��Intc rh�ir�;4ti,�u���i�,t.Ulmcnt �►f nny (i�)t�xcs and spcc�a! <br /> assessments Icvicd ar to bc Icvicd agi�inst thc Praperty, (h) Iciisehold p;rymcutti ur gnuiml rcnts on the Praperey, and (c} <br /> prcmiums for insurancc rcyuired by paragraph 4. <br /> � Each montnly instalbncnt ror items(�), (b), ;uid(c)shall cNuul nnc•t�vclfth of'dic imnuol nmountti,ny rc.itionably cstimated <br /> • � by an amount sufficient to maintuin an additinnul htil:mrc ul'nat morc Ihun unc-,Ixth uf'Ihc cstintnted amounts.The E��'-- <br /> �, ,, I full annual amount for cach itcm xhull be .iccu�uulutcd hy Lendcr within u Eicriud cndln�t une nuuith Neforc an item would <br /> i becomc dclinyucnt. I.cndcr shall hold the umounts rollcrtcd in trt+st t�i pi�y i��ii�ti (;i), �b), noid (c) heforc tl�ey 6ecarae � —= <br /> ,. I dclinqucnt. w <br /> [f at imy time thc total of the puymenty hcld hy IAnQcr for itemti �u�, (�i), ;uu� ��•�, �ng��hcr �vi�h thc futurC monthly -- <br /> � payments ti+r such items payable to l.ender prior to thc duc dnteti„f yur�i itcros,CXl'l'6llti Ily �pp�•��������ppC-ti1RlI1 lI1C CSIIIIISICCI r <br /> ; amount of payments requir�d to puy such items when duc, and if p,iyments on thc N�►tc ure current, Iheu I.ender shnll either <br /> : refund the excess over onc-sixth ot'the c�timatcd paymcnts c�r rrcJil qic exress uvcr unc-sixtli of Uu•r��in,���...� �.,..�,.o ...,, !—� <br /> �` ;���cyuc,�i paymcnts by isorrowcr. at thr opuon ot Borri�wcr. If thc tutal uf'�hc puymcnts m,idc by 13urrnwcr for itcm(a)s(b). <br /> or (c) is insufficient to pay the itcm whrn duc. tl:en pnrrower .hall pay iu lAnder imy i�muunt neressary tn nn�ke up the <br /> � deficiency�m or beforc the da[e the item beuniicti due. _. <br /> „ ., i �,. <br /> � As used in this Security Instrtunent. "Secret�u•y" mcans th�: SecrcUiry uf' Iluusin�, and Urb;m I)evclo�m�ent nr his or her �'�— <br /> .. . � designee. in any year in which the L.ender must puy a mortgugr intiurmice prcmium tu the Sccrcinry, ench mm�lhly puyment `},;"' <br /> , i shall�Iso include cithr.r: (i) an installmrnt af the annunl ntortgagc insuruucc premiuni�,� hc pidd hy I.cndrr ti� Ihc 5ccrcttiry,or <br /> ' (ii) a monthly chargc instcad of a mortgagc inruruncc prcmium il' Ihis Sccuri�y In,u-umrul iti licld hy ilir tirrrcliiry�. �'ach = <br /> monthly installment of the martgage insurance premium,hull hc in�m cuni,u�u suffiriim t��urrumulruc thc liill nnnu;�l mnrtgage �� . <br /> insurancc prcmium with Lcndcr one munth prior to thc dutc thc fuU nnnuul in,��•t�uN� in�ur:mrc prcmium I�duc tu �hc Sccrctcny, _ <br /> =•;� or if this Secw•ity Instrument is hcld by the Sccrctary, cach mo�phly charFe �h�dl hc in ;in nnwuu� cqunl Iu unc•hvelflh of <br /> one-half percent of the outstanding principal balancc duc un�hc Nutc. <br /> If'Borrawcr tcnders to Lcndcr thr. f'ull payment nf all sums scrured hy tl�i� Crcuriry In,trumrut. Nnrru�ecr'� �ircinwt shall <br /> bc crcdited with thc balanre rcrnaining tirr all inst:�llmc��ts fiir itcros �a), lhL uud Ir) :md uny mmt�:ul�c in�ur;uu� pr�i»ium .. <br /> ., installmcnt thut I.cndcr has n��t bccomc obligatcd to p.ry ,o thc Sccrct:uy.:md Ixndrr�hall prnmptly rcluu�l;�ny rxcc,ti lim�ls In <br /> .� Borrowcr. [mntediatcly prior tu a forcclosure salc uf ihr Property or ith acquisili�in h�• I.cndcr. Ilurmarr'ti arr�umt ,h,�l� hc <br /> crcditcd witlt any balcincc remainin�for all intitcillmcnts tiir rtrnu(u�, �b),;mii(�). <br />::� . <br /> 3.AppIIc�tion of Puymcnts.All paymcntx undcr par�igraphs I and 2,hall hc applir�l hy Lcn�lcr a, I�,I lu�a, <br /> # <br /> Fint. ro thc mortgagc in,urancc premium ro bc paid hy Lcndcr tu thc Sccrct;iry ur t��ihc mmilh:y rh;u��tc hy ihc ticrrrtary . <br /> ' instcud of thc monthly mortg•agc insuranrc prcmium: <br /> 5ccond.t�� uny taxes.spcci:d asscssmcnts. Icaschuld p,lYI11111I\OI'F;fUlllll�fl'IIIS. :md lirr. Ilunil nrnl uih��r hui.r,d iminiincc <br /> prcmiums, as rcyuirecl; <br /> � ° 1'hird,to interest du�under the Note; I <br /> �ourth, to amortizatian of thc princip,d��f thr N�,tc: i <br /> . FiRh, t�latc chargcs due undcr thc Nutc. I <br /> , „ <br /> ��4RINE1 ; <br /> � ua�n 7 0l G <br />_ -- -..._.... _y � . <br /> =T.--..._,.._.-.._.__, <br /> � -------..._ ---q <br /> ._.__�. <br /> �-_...__�.�_—__,._ .._" <br /> .._..."_..._..... . . .. <br /> ' , . ..._._ . . .. _._. <br />. ! - . , - .. , - .. <br /> ! ,. . <br /> t.. � . . <br />- �f ' <br /> ( .. . ,� - . � .. - <br /> l . <br /> � � . '".. .. . -. .. .. � . <br /> � ' .� . . . ' ., . <br /> t <br /> •� , .. � � .• .. � .. <br /> � _ _--_—_ ._. <br />