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<br /> � . gifts I have initiated. To follov� and i�plement any eatate �'
<br /> � " � p�an that I have formed. Gifts may be made to my said � -
<br /> attorney iP my attorney is a member oP my family and would � � �
<br /> • otherwise be deprived o� an equal share. �
<br /> . . {
<br /> W. To disc],aim. To renounca and disclaim in whole or 3.n part, ;.
<br /> ' Practional shares or specific asseta in the manner provided ' �'�' � :�
<br /> .��,
<br /> . y laca, any property or intnra�t in property of any kind � . ` _
<br /> whatsoever., passing to me by inteatate succession, as � � rr���,�-��
<br /> � devisee, as successox of a xenounc�d interest, as donee, as � . _�
<br /> . . benef ic�ary under a testamentary or nontesta�entai y „ ,,�.. _:: .
<br /> instrument, as donee of a power of appointment, as grantee, � �-
<br /> � as sux�vivin oint owa�er or sur.vivin � *-a�
<br /> g j g joint tenant, as ,:� ,,
<br /> beneiiciary of an insura�ice contract, or as the person ��-%i:.��t:
<br /> � designated to take purauant to a pocver of appointment ' •>�'=-_-�_
<br /> exerciaed by a �estamentary or nontestaraentary instrument, or :,���,.=�- '
<br /> as r�cipient of any benefit otherwise under a testamentary or ,,. �
<br /> �• nontestamentary insicrument, and ta execute and deliver and `•--
<br /> .
<br /> f3.le in the an ronri.atp l:n»rt� _ �r or t _ t_a n •�r,c� , r ., ..����-
<br /> -p - -- -- . - --�-�' -h- ri-r-Y' SL..thQ..�.t j ---._ _
<br /> any such renunciat.ion or disclaimer. � �
<br /> X. To anpoint guardian and conservator. To nominate a guardian ��
<br /> Por my person and a conservator for my �state if such
<br /> , protected proceedings al:�e commenced.
<br /> � Y. �►ccess to safe depos3.t box.
<br /> . . �¢..�.:�
<br /> . 7k��My attorney shall have full and free access to my safe ,�, fl�.�
<br />�,_ � , deposit box. . ;,�:
<br />_ . . , r
<br /> Z. �ower of attorney effective immediatelY and to remain in �� �''�"'.,`:�=;;L.
<br /> � effect notwithstanding disability or incat�acity of �� ' *•°
<br /> br�nc�.pa],• continues in effect a�fter�rincipal's death un�i ''�� �'
<br /> � notice. , ' '
<br /> i , '�
<br /> Pursuant to the pravis ions af the Nebraeka Probate Code, I � �� ,��
<br />- declare that. th{s ps+a�r af attorney shall take effect "'
<br />- , immediately and shall not be affeciced by my disability or z�
<br /> incapacity, and that the authority granted herein shall .. ��"•
<br /> con�inue during any period whilQ I am di�abled or ��
<br />�' incapacitated. Further, pursuant to said sec�ions, all such
<br /> � � authority shall continue a�ter my death, un�il notice of such ! ,� '
<br /> death shall have been received by niy attor.ney so that said �
<br /> attflrney has actual knowledge of the fact that I have died. � '
<br /> . � Any ac�ion taken in good faith by said attorney during any !
<br /> period whilo it is uncertain whether Y am alive, befvr� he or
<br />�- she receives actual knowledge of my death, or, in any event,
<br /> ta}cen during the period while I ara disabled or incapacitated,
<br /> sha11 be as valid as if I were alive, competQnt, and not
<br /> disabled. .
<br /> � ,
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