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<br /> . �9�°� 11(�0�3 - =.,
<br /> , . " DUItABLE POTiiG�It OF 1�iTi'ORZiSIf .�' J,*,
<br /> .. �.
<br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESEPII^S, tha� I, L.eo F• Boc�den, xesidinr� � �'^�
<br /> •� at Hall County, Nebraska, do hereby make, constitute and appoint . � ;=
<br /> Dorfa L. Seevers, to be my true and la�ful attorney for me. My *..
<br /> at�torney-in�fact, or sucaes�or, shall serve in my name and st�ad, � ;...
<br /> .� ��
<br /> and on my behalf, subject ta the provisions of 1?arayrap Z .,_�`'_',.��
<br /> hereof, to do and execute all or any of the following acts, .,:',.�,.' y�_�,
<br /> deed�, and thinqs: " "��Y=- ° _
<br /> :'�►'"=,;Y:
<br /> :.y�,.l�_.._;'
<br /> p,. �o receive debts and payments. ;�.:�:�=...
<br /> To ask, demand, sue for, recover, collect, and recei.ve all •� ��..:,. __
<br /> :<-r-t�lrcen��
<br /> sums ox money, debrs, dues, goads, wares, merchandise, * =<;-`a���{; _
<br /> chattels, ef fects and things of whatsoevar nature or _ .�;_��•""
<br /> de��ription which now or hereafter shall be or become due, "'�T�.;,R.�.
<br /> owing, payable, or belonging to me in or by any right, t itle,
<br /> ' � ways or means howsoever, and upon execute tandeOdeliver�such
<br /> part thereof, to make, sign, �:• `
<br />- __ _ ranPi.pts, releases or other discharges for the same ��;
<br /> respectively as my said attorney shaii deem advisab�.�• .:: .�.,
<br /> l
<br /> g. To settle accounts. " '
<br /> ,
<br /> To settle any account or reakoning whatsoever wherein = naw
<br /> am or at any time hereafter shall be in any wap ino�r�eceiver '� �
<br /> . concerned with any person whomsoever, and to ay ;�,..
<br /> the balance thereof a� the case may require. . ,
<br /> a
<br /> C. To satisfv securitv interests and mortaaaes. �� . ,
<br /> ��
<br /> _ To receive every sum of money which now is or hereafter ahall ,�;��•'�
<br /> be due or belonging to me upon the security or by virtue of ;.�
<br /> any security interest or agreement, or mortgag�, and on �;�
<br /> receipt of the full amount secured tYaereby to execute a qood �`*
<br /> si�fficient relea�e or other discharge of a��!'h security '
<br /> �
<br /> interesic, or taof tgage by deod or o�herc�tise. . !.
<br /> � ; _ �.;
<br /> D. To compaund submit to arbitration or atherwise settle or I_ �ti.,. . ��
<br /> - ad�ust differenc�s. '
<br /> To cumpound with or make allowancos to any person for or in ' � '
<br /> respect to any debt or demand whatsoever which now is or
<br /> shall at any tfine hereafter become due and payable to me, or .
<br /> by me, or upon my account, and to ta}te and�neccomeosition ory
<br /> and discharge (as the case may be) , 1 p
<br /> dividend thereof or thereupon, amd to give or receive
<br /> releases or other discharges for the whole of such c3abts or
<br /> demands, or �o settle, compramise, or submit to arbitrntion
<br /> every such debt or demand and every other right, matter, and
<br /> r �
<br /> �
<br /> J
<br /> I �
<br />