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<br /> applicablc law may specify for rcinstatcmcnq bcfore snlc of thc I�roperry pursuunt to uny powcr ot'sn(c contnincd in this °-
<br /> Sccurity Insirun3cnt; or(b)cntry of a judgmcnt enforcing this Sccurity Instrumcnt. Tho,c conditianc arc that liurrowcr. (al ��
<br /> p:�ys l.cnder all sums which then would bs due under d�is Securiry Instruntent and the Ncite as if no arceleration hud
<br /> " necurreJ;(blcures any default of any other covenants or ugreements;(c)pays i�ll expenses incurred in enfurcing thiti Security , _
<br /> �� Insirument,including, but not limited to, reasonable nitorneys'fees; and (d) takes such nction u�L,�nder muy re:asonably . *r-
<br /> rr_quirc w assure thut the lien of this Security Instrumcnt, Lendcr'.s rights in thc Propcny and Borro�ecr's obligation ta pay thc „
<br /> sums secured by this Security Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Horrower, U�is Security ,• �sa�,
<br /> • ° Instrumcnt and thc obligations sccured hc»eby shall rcmain fully cffcctivc as if no acccicration h;ad�n:curr�d. Howevcr, this .;,,�„
<br /> • right to reinsiate shall not apply in the case of acceleration �.nder paragraph 17. „ � �-
<br /> 19. Snle of Note;Chenge of Loan Servtcer. The I�ot�: or a partial interest in[he Note(together with this Sccuriry . �• "�`�
<br /> Insin�mcnt)may he sold onc or more times wi[hout prior notice to Borrower. A salc may result in a change in thc cntity �_
<br /> Iknown as the"Loan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Security lnstruR�t,u. Thcre also :�; .'�
<br /> • , rnay bc one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelatcd to a salc of thc Notc. If therc is u change of the Loan Scrvicer. � � - "-'
<br /> Barrower will be given written notice of the change in accordance wiih paragraph 14 above and applicable law. The notice �. ����,°.,;;�:��=e�
<br /> w ill state thc namc and address of the new Loan Scrvicer and the address to which a ments sh�uld be madc. The notice will �t�����:=,•;,'•=.-
<br /> P Y `•�i►:wa 4:;;�:z:�_
<br /> al so contain an other information re uired b a licable law. � • ti'`-` -
<br /> Y �l Y PP •,:�t•`�,a.�=`�--,�=
<br /> Z0. Haznrdous SubsWnces. Borrowcr shaU not causc or permit the presencc,usc,disposal,storAge,or rclease of any ,,;;,�.�_,�__
<br /> Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Bortower shall not do, nor allo�v anyone else ta do, anything affecpng the ..•..s,�r=-
<br /> P�operty that is in violation of any Environmental Law. Thc prccedins two sentcnces shall not apply to the presence,use,or =_ _
<br /> storagc on thc Propeny of smaU quantities of Hazardous Substanccs that a►rc gcncrally recognizcd to be;�ppropriate to normal , `;=.�.G�_.-�
<br /> residendal uses and to maintenance of thc Property. '`'`���' -.___ _
<br /> Borrower shall promptly give Lender written notice of any investigation,claim,Jemand, lawsuit or other acpon by any
<br /> overnmental or rc ulato a tnc or rivate an involvin the Pro ert rnd an Hazardous Su6stance or Environmental `_�"=--�=�
<br /> S � rY S' Y P p Y S P Y' Y
<br /> Law of which Burcower has actual knowledge. If Borrower leams, or is notified by any governmental or regulatory "�: 4��_�-
<br /> authority, that any removal or other remediacion of uny Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary,Borrower -
<br /> st�aU prompdy take a11 necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law. 'y i'___
<br /> As used in this paragraph 20."Hazardous Substances"are those subs�ances defined as toxic or ha�ardous subst.�►nces by ;,«-�u L�
<br /> , Environmental Law and thc following substances: gasolire,kerosenc,othcr tlam►nuble or toxic pet�oleum products,toxic .��.��-
<br /> - ' � pes�icides and herbicides, volatile solvents, materinl�containing asbestos or formaldehyde, and mdioactive materials. As t��
<br /> used in this paragraph 20,"Environmental Law"meanti federal laws und laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located _
<br /> ihat relate to health,safcty or cnvironmental protcction. • �!s;�� ,;,
<br /> NON-UNIHOKM CUV�NAN'fS. riorrower and Lender tunher covenant and agree as fo�lows: �.y�.y�:�s+i��=��
<br /> 21. AccelernUan; Remedies. Lender shall give notice to F3orrower prior to accel��ntian followtng Borrower's �=•�r a�<
<br /> breach of any covenant or agreement in this Security InstrutrneM(but not prior to accelerntlon under puragcnph 17 '� '`��
<br /> unless upplftable law provtdes otherwise). The notice shall spec(fy: (a)the default;(b)the acdon required to cure the •�:
<br /> defnult;(c)a date.not less than 30 days from the date the notfce is given to Borrower,by whlch the default must be .
<br /> cured;nnd(d) thnt failure to cure the defuult on or before the dute s�ecifIed in the notice mny result in acceleratton of
<br /> ' •• tfne sums secured by this Security Instrument and sule of the P�•operty. Thc notfce shuq further lnform Barrowcr of
<br /> ttae rEght to reinstnte after ucceleratton and the ri�ht to brin�n court actlon to assert the non•existence of n defeult or ,,;,;.,; .
<br /> a�ny other defense of Borrower to accelerutton and sule. If the defAUlt ls not cured on or before the date s�►eclfled in ,„,
<br /> tite notice,Lender at Its option may require immediate payment In full of ull sums secured by this Security I�.strument
<br /> without further deinnnd nnd may invoke the power uP sale and nny other cemedtes permftted by applicable Yuw. ' . ���
<br /> Lender shall be entitled to collect ull expenses incurred in pursuin� ttie remedie�• provided in this paragrnph 21,
<br /> includ[ng,but not limited to,reusonuble attorneys'fees und costs of title ev[dence. � � ,
<br /> [f the power of sale is invokesl.'1'rustee shall record n notice of detault in eac�h countv in�vhich Any part of die �-••�
<br /> Property is lurated and shall mail copies of such notice in the manner prescribed by apwlicable i��v to Borrower and to n ''r "`�L-
<br /> ttie other persons prescribed by lpplicuble law After the time required by epplicable➢ew, 'I�ustee shull give public ' �_
<br /> notice of sale to the persons and in the manner prescribed by applicablc law. 'IYus4ee,without demand on Borrower, �'��='�
<br /> st�nll sell the Praperty ut public uuction to the highest bidder at the ttme ur�d pince��d under the terms designated in =�'`"�'�� ,�%�``
<br /> tt�e notice af sule in one or more parcels und[n�ny order'irustee determines. 7Yustee may postpone sale of all or any !<�
<br /> parcel of the Property by public announcement�t the tfnie und place oP any previously sriteduletl sale. Lender or ttc .. �
<br /> designee mey purchase the Property At any sulc. , �� � � •
<br /> Upon receipt of puyment of llie prtce bid,lYustee shaU deliver to the pw•chascr'I�ustee's deed conveying the f . 2:
<br /> � Propertv. The recituls in the'Il�ustee's deed shall be primn facie evIdence�f the truth of the statemerets mude therein. , •1e. ,�
<br /> Trustee shall apply the proceeds of the wle in thc follo�ring order: (a)to ull cnstti and expcnses of exercLsin�the power • , ,.
<br /> _.---_-_— -. . � _
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