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<br /> „ (A�slgnmer�t of i�ent�) ° =.
<br /> 1994 , and Is Incorporated Into and ehall be . • •-
<br /> THIS 1�4 FAMILY RIDER Is mado this ?.Oth _dny o1 Docemher �_
<br /> deemed to amond�nd eupptement tha MoRpafle,Deed of Trust or Securiry Deed (Ihe"9ecuilty Inatrumont') of Iha aemo dato given by tha _
<br /> underelpned (tlio •eorrower•)to secure eonower'e No2e to The Overland Natianol B�mk of ���nd Islond �
<br /> (tho "Lendcr') o} tha 3nmo dntp nnd coverinfl tho
<br /> ° Property descdbed In the 9ecuriry tnstrument end located at: , __
<br /> 405 E. 14th Street QrAnd Island Nebraska 6880�P�op��naa.��n� /
<br /> 1-4 FAMILY COVENANTS. In Addftion to iho covennnta and aQreements made In the Sacurlty�nstrument, BoROVde► 8fld LHIdeT 1�r
<br /> turther covennnt and s4rea as toilows: ��'
<br /> A. ADOiTIONAL PRQPERIY SUBJECT TO ZWE SECURITY INSTRiJMENT. In additlon to tho PropeAy descri6ed In
<br /> tho Scairity instrument, the tollowin� 8ems aro edded to the Properiy descripllon, end shall also constituto the Propertyr covered by tha ,,, --
<br /> � Secur(iy Instrument: bullding materlals, appllunces and goods of every neture whatsoever now or hereafter Iou►ted In, on, or used, or inten�ed :
<br /> to be usnd in connecUon with the Praperty, Includfng,but not Ilmlted to, thoco far ihe purposes of supptyin8 or dlstrlbuUnp heatinp,cooAng, �t ;._
<br /> eloctriclty, gas, water, alr and Iight, IIre proventton and extinguishing appsratue, secudry and accesa control apparatus, plumbing, bath tub9, , :=
<br /> water heaters, water closets, sinks, ran5es, stovos, refrigemtors, dishwashers, disposels, washera, dryere, awnings, atorm windows, storm : �
<br /> doore, acreens, blinds, ahades, curtaina and curlaln rods, nttached mirro►s, cnbirtete, pane�lnp and attnched floor coverings now or hereafter �r ,�
<br /> attached to ine Property,ail of whtch, Inctuding reptacements nnd addldone thereto,shell be deemed to be snd remaln a part of ihe Property ,;,�:_,-�-_�
<br /> covered by the Secudty Instrument. NI of the forego(ng toge4her with!he Propedy descdbed in the Security Instrument (at the leasehold '�;�:�.�,�,�__� _
<br /> estato it tho Secudty Instrument Is on e IeAe�ehol�are referrad to In thls 1-4 Family Rider nnd the 8ecwiry Instrument es the 'Property". ����a��_--
<br /> - B. USE OF PROPERTY; COMPUANCE WITH LAW. eortower shall not soek, agree to or mako a chango In the use of �.,�;�_i�:;,.r-
<br /> the Rroperty or Its zoning cles�ificaUon,unless Lender has agreed In wdting to the chsnge. Bortower sha�comply w{th NI Iawa. ordfnances, * �_��—_,"
<br /> reguluUons ond requirementa o1 eny govemmental body appl!cable to the Property. ���
<br /> 3�rt:�:-:
<br /> C. SUBORDIMATE l.IENS.Except es permtited by federal law,BoROwer ahall not auow any Ilen i�tedor to the Secudry InsVument ^�;•� �
<br /> , s�:t;�—:°-_:
<br /> "',''^}--_-__—
<br /> to bo periected against the Property wRhout Lender's pdor written permission. ,i:,��.��,;;
<br /> p. I$ENT LdSS INSURANCE. Bonower shall maintsin Insurance against rent loss In addiUon 4o the other hezards for whlch �y�r._+_,w„—
<br /> inaurance Is requlred by Uniform Covennnt 5. �"i"_—
<br /> E. "BORROWER'S RIGWT TO REINSTATE" DELETED. UnHorrn Covenant 18 Is deleted. r:-:°
<br /> � F. BORROWER'S OCCU�ANCY. Unloss Lender and Borro�ver othervvlse aprea In wrNing, the flrst sentence In Unifotm � y,-��-
<br /> Covenant 8 conceming Bortower's occupar�ay of the Properry is deleted. NI remaining covenants and egreemente set forth In UnHomt .
<br /> Covenant 8 shall remain In eifect
<br /> fa ASSI(�NMENT OF LE81SE5.Upon Lender's requeat, Borrower shall asslgn to Lender all leases ot the Property and aA
<br /> .'
<br /> security deposits made In conneetion wfth leases of the Property. Upon the asalgnmom, �ender enaii havR ina rigi�i iv �����`t��, s.ci��d a: ,
<br /> tertninate the oxisUng leases and to execute new leases, In Lender's sole diecreUon. As used in this pemigreph 0,the word 'lea�a' shap i�,s�
<br /> mean 'subisase'if the Security Instrument Is on a leasehold. �
<br /> and uncondiUonally usslgns and trans(ers to Lender all the rents and revenues ('Rents') of the Property, regardless of to whom the Hents of
<br /> the Property are payable. Borrower authoriies Lender or Lender's agents to coliect the Rents, and agraos that each tenant o1 the Property
<br /> shall pay the Rents to Lender or Lender's egents. However, Bortower shall receive the Renta unt(I (q Lender has gNen Borrower notice of
<br /> defauft purauant to paragraph 21 of the Searity Instrument and (i� Lender has given notice to the tenant(s) that the Rents ere to be peid to �: �
<br /> Lender or Lender's agent. Thla esslgnment ot Renta cono�tutes an absolute nsslgnment end not sn assignment for additlonal security only. }� N �
<br /> If Lender glves notice ot breach to Bortower. (1) all Rents recelved by Borrower sha�ba held by Bortower as trustee tor the benefit ot i
<br /> Lender onty,to be applled to the eums �ecured by the Secu�ity Instrument; pi) Lender shall be entitled to cotlect and recelve ell of the Renta �> +��.
<br /> of the Propertyr; (Iii) Bortower agrees ihat each tenant of tho Property shall pay all Rents dua and unpeld to Lender or Lender's agents upon � 3;�4
<br /> Lender's wdrien demand to the tenanC(N) unless epplicable law provides othenvise,all Aente collected by Lend.r or Lender's agents shatl be r ``__
<br /> applied flrst to the costs oi taking conVol of and managing the Properry and collecting the Rents, Inctuding,but not IlmRed to,attomey'e tees, • �•��• . :.j,,,_
<br /> receiver's tees, premlums on receiver's bonds, repalr and maintenanco costs, Insurance premlums, taxe3,nssesamente and other charges on r R:
<br /> the Property,and then to the aums secured by the Security Instrument; (v)Lender,Lender's agents or any Judiclally appolnted recelver shall ;��' �
<br /> be Ilable to account Tor only thoso Rents actuelty receivod; and (vq Lender shaii be entiUed to have a r�ceiver appolnted to take possesslon ' '�
<br /> of end manage the Property and collect the Rents end proflts de�ived trorn the Property without any show(ng es to the fnadequscy o4 the � „, �?-
<br /> Property as security. r•
<br /> Ii the Rcnts ot tho Properry are not sufficlent to cover the costs of teking control of nnd managing the Properly and ot collecting the � �
<br /> Rents any funds expended by Lender tar such purposes shall become indebtedness of Borrower to Lender secured by the Secudty . �%'
<br /> Inatrument pursuant to Unifortn Cavennnt 7. � r-
<br /> Borrower represents and wartants that Borrower hes not executed eny pdor assignment of the Rents and has not and wiil not peAorm s'�,. r
<br /> any nct that would prevent Lender from exercising Its dghts under thls parngreph. ,� _
<br /> Lender,or Lender's ngente ar a Judlcially appointed recelver.shall not 6e required to enter upon,take cantrol of or maintain the Propertyr I '
<br /> beforo or after glving noUce oi defau8 to BoROwer. However, Lender,or Lender's agents or a Judlciuiy appalnted recelver, may do so at any i
<br /> tYno when n defuult occurs. My applicatlon ol Rents shall not curo or weive any default or invalidate eny other rfght or remedy of Lender.
<br /> This aosignment of Rents of the Property shall terminate when all the sums secured by tho Security Irstrument are pald In tull.
<br /> I. CROSS-DEFAULT PROVISION. eorrower's detault or breach under any note or agreement In whlch Lender has an Interest ,
<br /> ahnll bo a breach under the Securitrj In3trumont nnd Londer may Invoke any ot the remedies permitted by the Security Instrument. �
<br /> BY SIdNINO BELOW, Bortower eccepis and agrees to the tertns and provfslons cont�ined In thls 1-4 Famlly Rider. �
<br /> L� �
<br /> � G�-�, ✓� �l.t..��j/��SeaIJ
<br /> aW� rry G. ells
<br /> � ' ,
<br /> • �,-�� i' ( � ��r.'�!_.f- _[�ealj
<br /> s�«�•V�� Karen E. Wells
<br /> _[sealJ
<br /> 9orwwcr
<br /> I
<br /> [SeaIJ
<br /> Bouowor
<br /> �
<br /> � MULTISTATE td FAMILY RIQER • Funnlo Mncl�reddlo Mac Unifom� Instrumcnt Form 3170 9/90
<br /> ' � Ft]a2.LMU I�tFJal
<br /> I
<br /> �� �
<br /> � 9A117
<br /> ' f _ _
<br />