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.�9 �� <br /> • ' ..'._.� v � ' <br /> �. � .���� _. , . . ' .. .. .. <br /> r-. n <br /> '� .. � . �"ii'6r.�t?c:�_. .. . - ., - .- - . � . _- <br /> � . —"---'--- '-- -__..._._...._ . '- ,.�' . `� • .-: <br /> .... ... _.. -,--... n <br /> _. .._ ...... . ._... ... . .. _ .... . . .. , ' <br /> . � :��.�� 1} `=� <br /> . ,��� �� � - <br /> '90. �mPPA�JCP'0 E,I��i� t0 P�OIPiQ9�BC. II�ortor,rcr rn��to acRatn condltlono, Bonori,,t ah911 havo tN0 rlflht lo hnvo Cnforccrnent o( I • <br /> thls S�curity Inatrumcnt dl,continucd nt any tim� prlor to tho carl'�r ot: (n)6 d:iya (or cuch othcr perlad ❑;, epplicnbl� I�e, m�y spcciry lor I <br /> roinotatcm�nt) bCforo oalo ol tho Property purauant to any po�•�cr ol oal� containod In thls S:oLrity Inolrumenr or (b) cntry of o �udpmonl <br /> cnlorclnp thl� ScCUrlty Inotrumont. 7hoso condltlonD nro thnt Bortower. (e) paye Lender nu 6um9 whbh thon v�ould be due under thls � "_ <br /> SaCUrity Inotrument and tha Not9 aa If no nCCel�ra►IOn had occurrad; (b) curos any dofuult of any othcr covonanl or pprppmanto; (o)pAya � <br /> ., nll cxp6nsos tnCUrcod In antoraMp thi�Socurily Inctromont, Inoludinp,but not IlTftad to,roaoonsbla allomoyo' looa; nnd(dy lakos ouch actlon I J;� <br /> �� as Londor moy roaQOnnbty roquVO to as3uro Ihat tho Ilon of thls Sxurity Inslrumcnt, Len�ar'� rlpht0 In tho Property and BonoerorG obll�ption � ,�_ <br /> to pny lhe euma eecured by thle Socurity InstrumAnt shall conthue unchanped. Upon rolnal�tement by Bortower, this Socurity Instrumanl I �p:. <br /> and the obligetlone �ecurad hcroby ahall romnin tuiy oNeCtiva ae If no nccok;rntlon hnd oCCUrmd_ Howovor, thi3 rlflht ro roinatato sha�not - <br /> apply Yi tNe cuso ot eccebrutlon undor paraymph 17. ^..{_ <br /> 78. Sele o4 No4e; Change of Loa�Servicer. Yho Nqte ot e purttul Inters9t In Iho Noto (topether wilh th�a SeCUrIty � <br /> . Inslrumont) may be sold ono or moro limos without prfo� notico to Bortowor. A suW may rosutt N a ohnngo In tho entity (known as the '" <br /> "lonn Serv�er")thnt colHcts monthly payment� due under tho Note and this Security Instrument. Thore also mny be ono or moro ohnn�c�s <br /> of the Loan Serv�er unretated to a saie o}the Note. If thore Is a chanflv of the Loan Sorv�or, Borrower will be gNen written notico ol the � <br /> chnnpe In acaordance with pareyreph 14 ubove and upp�CUbb luw. The notice wlil stnte the name and flddross of tho now Loan Serv�er � � <br /> nnd tho addross to whbh payments should ba made. The not�o wlll niso contatn any othor Inlormatlon requfred by upplicablo law. •- <br /> 20. Hazardoua Substencea. Borrower shall not cause or parmit the prosvnCe, uso, dl9posei, storage, or release of any � . <br /> Hezerdou:. Subatances on or in the Property. Borrowor ahall not do, nor allow anyono else to do,anything u(teotinp tho Property thnt Is In � <br /> violation of any Environmentnl Lsw, The preceding two sontencos shuil not eppty to the presencv,use, or stor4pe on the Property ot amap <br /> quandttes of Heznrdous Substances that are genorelly recognb.ed to be approptiate to normal resldentlal uses and to malntennnce al the �•�,.� ;�- <br /> PropBrty. I � ' :.: »�:._ <br /> Bortower shail promptty plve Lender wrRten notbe ot any hvestigatbn, alakn, demsnd,lawsuii or other uction by nny govommontnl or . '' ' "- <br /> , regulatory agoncy or prMato party hvoNhg the ProperYy end any Hazardous Substance or ErnYonmental Lew o!wh�h Bonowar hes aCh�nl �'F""' — <br /> . knowledge. If BoROwer leams, or is notHied by eny povemmental or repulatory authority, that eny removal or other remedlation o!uny µ~ � <br /> Hazerdous Substancp effBCNnp the Property Is n¢cessary, Bortower shull prompty take ali nacessary remadlal actions (n accordance with �� ' � . <br /> �' <br /> Environmental Law. . .:;k, _, <br /> :.r:.. ;. <br /> As used in thls paraflraph 20, "Hezardous Substnnces" are those substances deMed es tox� or hazardous substnnc�s by . • ^` <br /> Environmental Lew and the following substances: gesoline, keroseno, other flammubie or toxb ;�°" � <br /> petroleum produats, toxb pestialdes and *���-�- <br /> herb�ldes, vot�tlte soNents, materlais conte�ing asbestos or formaldehyde, and radloaCtive matarlals. As used In th(s paragraph 20, ;�_,�'�� <br /> "EnvUOnmental Law" means toderal laws and laws ot Ihe Jurisd�tlon whero the Property Is locatod that relate to hoalth, sstety or ° <br /> - envtronmental proteotton. �� <br /> NON•UNIFOFiM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender turthAr covanant and agree ns lollows: `��� <br /> 21. Acceleration; R�medtes. Lender shell glve notice to Bor►ower prtor to acceleratlon followin <br /> : Rn��nwnq�c hree�� Qp w�� ��yo�o��� vP o�Pcc�i�Bi�Q itt 'u`�tb aecuriiy insirument(out not p�to► to aCCeleratlon I � . • <br /> � under paregraph 17 uniesa epplicable law providea otherwtse). The notice shall specify: (a) the detsult; �� <br /> (b) the action requtred to cure the detault; (c) a dete� not less than 30 daya trom the date the notice Is � ��� <br /> given to BorPOwer, by which the default must be cured; end (d) thet failure to cure the default on or � � ��""r <br /> before the date spec(tied in the notice may result In acceleretlon of the suma secured by this Secu►Ity ��L�� ` <br /> . InsVument and sale of the Property. Thc notice shall further tnform Borrower of the right to reinatate after <br /> accelerattoR and the right to bring a court actlon to asset4 the non-exlatence of a default or any other „ �.� ��. <br /> detenae of Borrower to acceleration end sale. If the detault Is not cured on or before the da4e spocNied d� ' <br /> In the notice, Lende� et (ts option mey requtre Immedlate payment tn full of eil suma secured by thts " •+x` <br /> Securiry Inatrument without turther demend and may Invoke the power of sale and any other remedies <br /> permitted by appllcable law. Lender shall be enti4led to cpllect ell expenses incurred In pursuing the ^,�a�� <br /> remedles provtded In thls peragraph 21, Includlnti� but not Iimlted to� reasona�ile attorneys' teea end coats .. �� '� <br /> ot title evidence. �� <br /> .;,�' <br /> „ If the power oi sate ia lnvoked, Truatee shail record e notice of default In each county in whtch any � � <br /> pert of the Property Is tocated and shell mail copiee af such notice in the�anner prescNbed by eppticable ��T <br /> taw to Borrower end to the other persons prescrlbed by a�plicable Isw. After the time reqiitred by ' �� <br /> epp l tca b le law, Trustee shell g(ve publtc notice of sate to the persons and fn 4he monner prescrtbed by � � „ <br /> epplicable law. Trustee� without demsnd on Borrower, shell sell the Proper4y at public auction to the � . :�: <br /> highest bidder at the ttme and plece and under the terms designated in the notice oi sale 1n one or more i • ►., :; <br /> , parcela end In eny order Trustee determines. 7eus4ee may postpane sale o4 all or �ny parcel at the � <br /> , � Prope�ty by public announcemen4 at the ttme and place of any prevtousiy scheduled sp7e. Lender or Its ' ; <br /> designee may ptrrchase the Property at any sele. <br /> Upon receipt oi payment oi the prfce bid, Tru�tee shell dellver to the purchaser Trustee's deed <br /> conveying the Property. TNe reci4ats In the Trustee's deed shail be prima facte evidence of the truth of � <br /> the atstomenfs made thereirr. T�ustee shnll apply the proceeds of the sale in the following order: (a) to atl <br /> costs and expenses of exercising the Power of sale, and the saie, tncluding the peyment ot the Truatee's <br /> feea actually Incurred�� not to exceed 3 % of the princlpal amount oi the note et the ttme of thQ <br /> declaratimn of detault� and reasonabte attornoy's fees as permitted by law; (b) to ail sums secured by this <br /> Securtty InaVument; end (c) any excess to the persan or persons legelly entitleq to It. <br /> 22. Reconveyance. Upon paymont of ali sums secured by thls Socurlty Instrument, Lender shell request Trustee to reconvey the <br /> Prop�rty and shali surrend�r thls Security Instrument nnd all nolos evldencing debt secured by Ihls Security Instrument to Trustee. Trustee " <br /> shall roconvey tho Property without worranty nnd without chergu to tho persan or porsons Isgalty entitbd to it. Such person or persons shall <br /> pey c�ny recprdution costs. <br /> 23. Substitute Trustee. Lender, at its option, may hom time to tlme removo Trustee and appoint a successor trustee to any <br /> „ TNSf90 appolnted horeundor by an Instrument recorded fn the countv in which thLs SecuriN Inetmmont�c .or...,�� w���............._..____ _. <br /> ._ _--_--__1 . _ . _ . _ ___.___. ......__.��...o,a„�a�, <br /> the Property.succossor Wstee shali succc�¢d to all tho titla,povror und dutles conterrod upon TrustQO hareN and by appl�cabte taw. <br /> 24. Requeat for Nntices. Bortowor requosts thflt copbs o}tho not�os of dofault and sab be sent to Borrowers eddress v�hkh <br /> I � tho Propery Addross. <br /> 26. RId@P8 ZO tF118 SBGtl1'Il�j If18UUf1'f@Ilt. If ono or moro ►Iders nro oxocutod by Borrower and recordod togother wtth thls <br /> � Sccurity Inst►umenf, the covannnts and ngroQmQnts ol ouch such rider shali bo tnCOrpomtod hlo and shall ampnd and supplement the <br /> covanante nnd nflroomonts af thls Security Instrurceont us ff lhe rider(s)woro n �nrt of thl,Scrcu�ity InstNment. <br /> � , I <br /> I Pa���01 S Form]02B B/90 <br /> .. . _ I Fi020.1R10(t0l0�) — <br /> I <br /> P� � �a <br /> ,' I <br />