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<br /> � .. '1'(J(il:'I'H�?R WfF'H ull the improvements now on c�rcaftcr erected on the propetty,and al!cascments,uppu►zennncefi, ��1�� ,�.,�,_ -..° '• '
<br /> und fix�urey nnw on c�renfter n part of the property. All replacernents and additions shall Etlso be covered by this Securlry —_�--°--•—---
<br /> Ins�ninunt. All nf thc tiimgaing is refcrred to in this Securiry Instniment as the"Propeny." e"""'�'y-
<br /> ��.-�-
<br /> 130RltOWI?It COVI:NANTS that Horrower is lawfully seised of the estate I�ereby conveyedl and has the ri�ht ta 6runt -
<br /> und ccnivcy the Praperty nnd thnt the Properry is unencumbered,except for encumbrances of record. Borrower wnrrants nnd �'�'�'-�-"""'"="`
<br /> ' will defencl�enerally�he«tle to the Property against all clalrns and demands,subject to any encumbrm�ces of rccord.
<br /> 7'HIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uuiform covenanu for national use and non-uniform covennnts v�lth Q�°"'"�'- --= —
<br /> � limited vnriuNons by Ju risdtction ta constitute a uniform security instrument covering real properry,
<br /> ,. UNlFOItM COVBNANTS. 8orrowcr and Lender covenant and agree as follows: ___.
<br /> _._ 1. Pnyment�P�rinel�a!and Interesh,PrepAyment und Late Charges. Borrower shall prompdy pay when due the
<br /> principul of und intcrest on the debt evidenced by tF.e Note And any prepayment and late charges due under the Note. _
<br /> � 2. [�'unds for'[hxes and Iusue•n�tce. Subject to applicable law or to a written wuiverby Lender,Bonower shall pay tn
<br /> :• Lcndcr on thc day monihly puyments are duc under the Note,until the Nc�!e is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for: (ca yenrly
<br /> • tuxcs and ussessments which may uttnin priority over this Securiry Inswment as a licn on the Prcpeny;(b)ycarly leaschold - -- -
<br /> " pay►nents or ground rents on the F'roperty, if any; (c) yearly hazard or property insurance premiums; (d) yenrly tload
<br /> insurancc premiums,if any; (c) yeurly mortgage insurance premiums, if any; nnd (� any sums payublc by Borrowcr to _-----
<br /> Lcndcr,in uccordnnce with the provisions of pAragraph 8, in lieu of the payment of mortgage insurance premiums. Thcsc
<br /> items ure called"Escrow Items." Lender may,at uny time,collect and hold C'unds in un amount not to exce�d the maximtim
<br /> amount a Iender for u federally reluted mortgase loan may reyuire for Borrower's escrow account under dte federnl Reul
<br /> � Estate Sctticmcnt Procedures Act of 1974 as amended from time to time,12 U.S.C.� 2601 et seq.("RESPA"),unless another
<br /> � law that applics ro the F�unds sets u lesser amount. If so,Lender may,at any time,collect and hold Fimds in an amount not to __ _
<br /> cxcccd thc Icsscr umount. Lendcr muy cstimate the amount of Funds due on tlie basis of current data �u�d reasonnble ___
<br /> estimutes of expenditures of future Escrow Items or otherwise in accordunce with applicable law. _----
<br /> The Funds shall be held in un institution whose deposits are insured by a fcderal agency, insavmentality, or entity r,.___
<br /> (including l.cndcr, if Lender is such an insutudon)or in any Fcder�l I-iome Loan Bank. Lcnder shall apply the Fl�nds to pay F
<br /> the F.scrow lterns. IA nder muy not charge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds, annually analyztng the escrow
<br /> accoant,or vcrifying thc Escraw Items, unlcss Lender pays Borrower intcrest on the �nds and applicable law permits o�
<br /> � Lcndcr to mnkc such u chur6c. Howcvcr, L.cnder may require Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an independent real
<br /> " cstute tua reportins service used by Lender in connection with this loan,unless applir.able law provides othenvisa Unless nn _
<br /> agrcemei►t is madc or�tpplicublc luw roquires interest to be paid,Lender shall not be requircd to pay Borrowcr any interest or == —
<br /> cumings on thc f�uuds. Borrowcr imd Lcndcr muy agree in writing,however,that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender —
<br /> shuU give to Borrower,withou�ctutrge,an annuul accounting of the Funds,showing credits and debits to the Funds nnd the ��—_-
<br /> purpose for which cach debit tc�thc t�unds wus madc. The Funds arc pledged As addi6onul security for all sums sccured by �`���
<br /> d���o=_
<br /> - -- __.. _ . . _ . . a��-� _
<br /> -" --- ""- thts accunty Instrurncnt.
<br /> If the Funds held by Lendcr cxcccd thc umounts permittcd to bc hcld by npplicable law, Lender shall account to �„'��,�y
<br /> Borrower for the excetis Funds in acrordance with thc requirements of npplicable law. If the amount of'the Funds held by .
<br /> � l.cnder nt uny time is not suFticicnt to p:ry the Escrow Items when due,Lender may so notify Boaower in writing,and,in • �
<br /> such cuse Borrower shull puy to Lender the iunount necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the ;�
<br /> deficiency in no more than twclve monthly puyments,ut Lender'.s sole discretion.
<br /> Upon puyrnent in (ull of ull tiums secured by this Security Instrument.Lender shall promptly refund to Bonower any
<br /> Funds hcld by L.endcr. If,under p�rugruph 21, Lcndcr shall acquirc or scll the Property. Lender, prior to thc acquisition or �
<br /> sale of thc Property,shall upply uny Funds hcld by Lendcr at thc timc of acquisition or sale as a credit against thc sums ,.
<br /> secured I>y this Security Instrument. ,,�.
<br /> 3. R.pplicntion of Payment,g. Unless applicublc luw provides otherwise, all payments received by Lender undcr � ,,,
<br /> paragraphs I and 2 shnll bc applicd: first,a�any prepayment charges due under the Note;second,to amounts payablc under t':s
<br /> paragraph 2;third,to intcrost dus;Fourth,to principul duc:and lust,to any late chNges due undcr the Note. �{ �
<br /> 4. Charges; Ltens. E3orrowcr sh.dl pay all taxes, asscssments, charges, fines and impositions uttributable to thc �;�r � .�-_
<br /> Property which may attain prioriry over this 5ccurity Imirument,and lcasehold payments or ground rents,if any. Borrowcr ;.,�!� �,.' .
<br /> shall pay these obli�ations in thc manncr providcJ in puru�;raph 2,or if not puid in that manner,Borrower�haU pay them an �. ...:�
<br /> time dircctly to the person owed puymcnt. fiurruwcr+hull prompUy furnish to Lender all notices of amounts to bc paid undcr
<br /> this paragraph. If Borrower makes these p,rymrms directly.Borrower shall prompAy furnish ro Lender receipts evidencing ��
<br /> thc payments. I �:
<br /> Borrower shall promptly di�chargr uny licn ahich hu�priority over thiti Security Instrumcnt unless Borrower:(a)agrees .. ��
<br /> in writing to the payment of thc ubligation sccured Ny the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender;(b)contests in good faith the ��
<br /> lien by,or defends aga.inst cn{'orccmcnt of thc lirn in.Icgid prucccdings which in the Lendcrs opinion operatc to prevent the I 'w• r,
<br /> enforcement of the lien;or(c)sGCUres from thc haldcr ul'tbc licn an agrecment satisfactory to Lender subordinating thc lien I � .
<br /> to Qtis Sccuriry Instrument. If Lcndcr dctcrminr+that any pan of�hc Propcny is subjccc �o a licn which may aitain priority
<br /> ovcr this Securiry[nsvumcnt.Lendcr may givc liurrawcr a nuticc idcntifying thc licn. Bortowcr shall satisfy the licn or takc �
<br /> one or more of the actions set forth:thove within IO day+uf thc giving of noti�c. �
<br /> 5. Hazt�rd or Property lnsurnnce. Horrowcr chc�ll kccp thc improvemen�s now existing or hereufter crccted on thc
<br /> Property insured against loss by fire,hur.urdti inrluded�ti•ilhin thc tcrm °ext�ndcd cuvcrage"and any other ha•r.ards,including
<br /> floods or tlooding, for�vhich Lcndcr rcquirc� in�nrancc, l'his intiuruncc shall bc rnaintained in thc amounts and for thr
<br /> , Porm 302N 9l90 1p�ixe 1 nJb pa�;r.�l
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