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°�,. <br /> c+� <br /> . _t.• <br /> f '. .' , ��"• <br /> ;, .� -- <br /> .. ., .. . ....._._ _ .. ..................------ -- -__ <br /> _.._....... . -� <br /> .......w.., ... <br /> ..... ..� --�-- .�.r � <br /> . �- ,��"�"�t3���9 • <br /> R '�a- <br /> '� G. Untoc��pulloc�lalny�providoo othan•�luo,nll poymcnta raociv�d by Lortdar uredor tho Noto cn�porc�rcpho 1 and�S horaof ohc!I bo cap;icd by�ctsdor " ' <br /> flPOt In pc,yvta�it of c;aaamto pcycblo to Londor by�orroe�or unslor poicprcph 4 iioroof,thon to Inioraot pnycblo on tho Noto,thon to tha pdncipcl n4 �: <br /> ttto P.oto,ond tha�to I��tnront cnd prinolpcl on cny/urthor ndvn�oco ov othor hirlcGtadn000 ooaurcd horcby. j <br /> 1 <br /> 0. Qorrov�er ohall koep the Propo►ty in paod ropair nnd ehell not oommlt wueto or pormlt lmpnirmont or dotoriorotion u1 tha Propotty. f' ��`' <br /> �,. <br /> 7. If tho 8urrowor fe:le�o:0)melntaln or poy tt�e premlum�(or the roqialrod Incuronoo oi tho Propetty,or b)pey toxoe be+fore delinGuent,ot o)RsY eny �! <br /> � • nniount duo unAor o prlor mortpa�e or truat dood be}ore dtlinquent,or dl malntaln the Pruperty in pond repol►,or n1 perform eny o}the uovemnt�or � �"n <br /> �preemente of thla Tiuct Oead,then 4ender m�y�t Ito opllon pey ruch inoureno�promlume,lexeo,rtioripope o�truet dead poymente,ot mak�rspdro ., '� ' <br /> , �nd ditbtuaa�uoh tmms end tske�uoh eotlon e�it duem�n�oeatnyto prot�ot ful��tero�t wlthout w�ivinp o►otlootinp in rlpht to d�cl�n cr dshult ��� <br /> urtd eouoleroto Iho debt oeaurod ho►oby booauae of eny utwh fAllure ol the Qorrov►+er. Any nmcunto ao dleburcod by tha I.�ndm shell ooneti4uto ��� <br /> e0ditlonol Irtd�btedno� of Borrower qeound by thlu Tru�t D�od end ohUl beer Intere�t Irom the dut�of dttbu►a�ment at the rete peyabta under th• i „ ��, <br /> Not�. �Jothlnp aontYnsd In thl�pueqnph wh�l1 nGulr�L�nda to mok��ny tuoh dicbut�emento or teke�ny eotlon wh�t�ocvu. .. � <br /> , _Y. <br /> 0. Lendor moy mako or oeuoe to bo mado roe9ona41e ontrlea upon end Inap�otlan of the Proporty. V�'` <br /> , <br /> fl. The prooeodo of ony ewerd or olatm for dem�pea,direot or oonetqu�ntiN,In conneotion with�ny oondemnallon or othe►takinp of the Propsrty, • � <br /> or pnrt theroof,or for oonveyanoe In Ileu of oonrJemneUon, oro heroby a�nipnod ond ehnll be puld to Lender to the extent of tha full emount of the <br /> remelnlnp unpeld indebtadneQe eocured by thlo Truot Deed. � <br /> If the Property lo ebendoned by Borrowe�,o�If,efter notioe by Lender to Borrower that the eondemnor offete to moke an ewud ot tettle e cldm fo� „i <br /> demepea,Borrowor ldl�to reopond ta Lender within 30 daye after the date auch notico ie mailod,Lender ie nuthoritad to oollect end epply the ptoaeede . • <br /> to the aumo oocu►ad by thle Truet Doed. <br /> .�.. <br /> Condomnatlon ptooeedo or awardo chell be croditnd to th�lest maturinp in9tellmmto 01 the iredebt�dnese pocured aM ahell not excesd or postpon� � <br /> the dua de[e of the Inrtailm�nto nterrsd to in p��epraph�1 �nd 4 h�rsol or ohonp�che unaunt of auoh instellmente. '� <br /> . ,.,.�., f''�� <br /> ,' .�,.�.. 1�.,�F <br /> 10. it tho Londor leaueia e portiel reloeoe of thla Truot Deed,tho p►000edo rooeivod therofor oholl bo oredlted to the leac moturinp in�tel�m�nto of the _ . '.'�"�: .;'Y;" <br /> indebted�oao oecured heroby. , , •� ,3'r_; <br /> 11. If Lender oithor volunterll or Involuntoril becomeo e nrt to an uuit or le al roceedin rolaNn to the Pro art ,Note or thl�Tru�e De�d,thm =-i�*+�-_:: <br /> Y Y P Y Y 0 P 8 G P V <br /> Barrower wlll roimburee tho Londor tor oll 000to end,to the extont permlitod by lew, roeoonablo ottomoy feea inourrod by tho Lender rel�Nnp to suit � -- <br /> or lepal proaeedinpa end eeid auma shell oonedtute nddiHonel indebtednees oecured by thfe Truet Doed und bear intorest et the rete payabls under the ,:`�.Y;'R'�`;y <br /> � Note,untii paid. 'r'�.`^��ti�.___ <br /> 12. Ae additlonal sewrity Botrowe►does hereby eselpn,trenofer and set ovar to lender,in coao of default in tha perlormencu o!eny of Ihs termn or ':3°��y�`�= <br /> conditione of thfe Tmtt Dead,the Note, or the termo of on indabrod�eso eeaured herob oll of the ►ento,rovonueo ond nn incom�of en t s ��`�.�-"'` <br /> V Y� Y V YP �+KL <br /> wh�taoever to bo deiived from the Property,Includinp Isnd oont►act peymente. Lsnder, in person,by ep�nt or by rooelvcr,without repsrd to tM -�ir:__. <br /> solvonoy or ineolvenay of tha Bonower or the vatue of the Property,ehell be antitled to take poaeesafon of, tepnir,ront end man�pe the Proparty and .. -_— <br /> to oolleot the rente,reve nuee end incame therefrom end it mey pey out of eeid Inoome all expensee of repoir end coate fncur►ed in rentlnp�nd m�nepinp � <br /> the Propeny and oolleotinp rentele end for peyment ot Inaurenoe promium�wlth eny remainlnp belonae to bs eppifed to th�Istt maturinp peyments � <br /> of the debt seourod hereby. Upon presentinp e aopy of this Truet Deed and demaM to eny le�sea,tenent or uontroat puraheser of the Property,suoh ^����— <br /> �w.u��oh.n�oy��!..�.a,,oy.n��+o o��.�nte 8'°_^St�-!t!`•!8@S!"��:SL'I,•��h=��^�a•�sr.•P elrch's sso»�_•t•_m!!Y_!!�s!Qer. <br /> � 3�, � <br /> 13. If oll or any purt of the Propeny or ony Interest therein ia deoded,aotd by la�d aontraot or othe►wiae oonveyed,alienated or further encurt�besed ` <br /> � either voluntnrily o►Invotuntariiy wlthout Lender's prlor written ooneent,or tl the Truator is e aorporetfon e�d there ie e ohany�In owntnhip of 6096 <br /> or more of the ao�poration'� stook,or ff the Truotor I�a partnenhip and th�rs I�� ohenpe In the memberrhip or e dis�oiution o}th�partn�nhlp, ''� <br /> exoludinp lo)e trantler by opendon of(ew upon the denth of��oint ten�nt or Ib) the prant of eny lee�ehold intere�t not aont�idny an optlon to <br /> purchete wlth e lea4�te rm of two ysars or teso,or(o)the ore�Uon of the puroh�se money eecurlty Interest In household eppliano�s,thsn L�nde►msy, <br /> et ite option,daolare oll sume eeoursd by thie Truet Deed 2o be Immedietoly due�nd peyebte. In the event the Lender con�e�t�to�ny�uah ohanp� <br /> In ownerehip,control o► dis8olutlon or trensfer of all or ony pnrt of the Property,then Lender may et Ite option adjuat the interest ret�to the pr�vaitinp .�,. <br /> rete ot intereat thet le charped on new aeaurad loena of tha type eacured by thle 7ruet Dead ot tho time of the chanpe in owneraMp,oontrol,disfotuUon • '� <br /> of trenafer and mey che�pe e treneta►tee. s . ,,,r <br /> 14. Upon Borrowar'¢breech of ony covonant or aproament of Borrov�er inthie Truet Deod,includinp tho covonante to poy whon duo eny oums oecured " � �.,"� <br /> by this Truet Deed,lendar at ite option may declare eil of the sums aecwad by tNe Truet Oeed to be immediatoly due end peyable without turthsr ` ''; " <br /> demand end rnay invoke the powar of ente and/or ony other remedlee permitteJ by nppllanblo Inw includinp tho ripht to foreclooe thle Truot Desd in ` <br /> the manner providod by lew for the foreolosure o}mortpopee on renl eatate, Lende�ohatl bo entitled to oolleot oll reesonable coete and exAenaea �i:► • <br /> Innurred In pu►auin0 euobi remadiee Inciudinp,but not flm(ted to,and to the extent pa�mitted by lew,reesoneble ettorney foes. �'��• � ��— <br /> If the power of eale leinvoked,Truetoe ehall reCO�d e notlae o}default in eenh counry in whioh the Property or some pert thereof is loCeted end provide "� r ' � <br /> notico thoreot in the monner proecribed by appliceblo low. Atter the lepso of euch timo ae mey be required by eppliceble lew,T►uotee ahdl pive publio Y.���; � <br /> � notioe of eate to the persona end In the manner�reaoribed by epplioeble lew. T►uetee,or the ettorney lor the Truatuo,without demand on Borrow�r, <br /> ehail seli the Property at pubilo ouotion m tho hipheat bidder et the time end plaoe end under the torms doeipnotod in the�otice ot eale in one or moro ° <,� <br /> parcelr end in euoh order es T►uatee moy dotermine. Trueteo moy poatpo�e eule ol all or ony poraol of tha Proporty by pubUo ennounoement at the % <br /> tlme end pleae of eny p►edouaty nohoduied ea:e. Londer or Londor'e daeiQnoe moy purchaao tho proporty ot eny 3ale. i { <br /> U on reoel t of e �'�' <br /> p p p ymant of tha prioe bld,Truatee ehnll deliver to the purchaoere Truetee'e Dood,without worrenty,conveyinp the Property sold. The I r� <br /> � recftale In the Truetee'o Deed ohall be prima facie ovidence ot tho truth of the etatemente moAo thoroin. 'trueteo ah�ll euppiy the proaeode oi the sale • � <br /> � In the fallowing order:o)to ell reesoneblo ooete und oxpenaes of the oole,Includinp,but not Iimitud to,Truntoo's fooa of not moto then Flve Hundred �` <br /> o�d No/100(8500.001 pluu 1/2 of 1°,6 of the omount eocured hnraby nnd romaininp urpoid,ond coete ot titlo avidonce;b)to all euma aecured by this � <br /> � Truet Deed;ond o)the oxceao,If eny,to the pe►aon or persona lopally ontitlod tharoto. ; ' <br /> ' 16. Any foroboerence by Londor In exercleinp any right ot►emody horaundor, or othorwieo u}torded by opplicablo law,ehnit not bo n weivor of or � <br /> preolude the exeroioo af ony ouoh ripht o►remedy in the event of oontinulnp or futuro brenohoe hy the Borrowor. , <br /> . 18. All remodleu p►odded in thiu Trunt Deed nre diotinot end cumulntive to sny other right or romody undor thfe Trust Dood or afforded by lew or equity, , <br /> • end may ba exorciGOdconcu�rontly,indopondontly or euccossivoly. If Borrowor hoe pivon Londor o ohnttol mortpepo,or eocurity apreemont on pereonal � <br /> property ea odditional oocunty fot the debt eocurod horeby,in tho event of detoult herounder or theroundor,Londo►sholl heve the rlpht end optlon to , <br /> firot forecioso on suid Dereonal property w(thout preJudioo to ita ripht to thoroafter eell or forocl000 tho Property vr to pureuo oll socurity nt the eamo � <br /> tlme or to pursuo thoperoonot property nftor tho ealo o�foroclosuro ot tho Propotty. <br /> 17. Upon pnymont ol oll eums eocurod by thio Truut Ooed,Londor oholl ropuoet Truotoo to roconvoy tho Proporty and oholl uurrondor thie Truet Daod <br /> ond all noto�ovidontinp ii�dobtodn000 oocurcd by thia Truat Dood to Truatoo. 7ruatoo ehnll roconvoy tho Proaorty w�thnut wurrunty to the Do�oon or <br /> pe�eono lopnlly ontitlod theroto. Suah pereon or peroone oholl poy oll coeto ol rocord�tion, if ony. - <br /> 10. Londer, at Londcr'o optfon,may from tima to timo romova Truotee nnd eppoint n euocosnor truatoe to any Truetoo oppofntod he�oundor by on <br /> .._ .. . Inattument mcnrdnd In�h.x Counrv In wNrh thlc Tnmt I]w�rl{c�nnnrded W:tluust nnnv�vnnrw`sl rh�P.nnu�.. �he e......�.......•...�.��_��i�.....�W... ., <br /> • -- ---- - - -� �-- -- --•- -• � - -�-�-.....--------_. ..,._..............__`___.., . . <br /> � cll tltle,powor ond dutieo con}erred upon the Trustae horein nnd by opplieablo lo�v. <br /> 19. Excopt for uny nolicoo,domondo,roQuoato or othe�communicotiann�oqulred undor eppl�aublo luw to ba prvon m�nothe�monne�,whonevor lon�or, <br /> , Burrowe► ot T►untoo pivoa o► oorvoe ony notico lincludinp, without limitntion, notice ot dofault nnd nuhc� of caiol, domanda, rapuoeto or otho� <br /> communlcotlon with ierpect to tMe Truot Oood,onch auch notloe,domand, iaqueet o►othor commurncotion uho11 bo m writlnp and eha11 bo effectivo <br /> only If the eamo la delivorod by pereunol earvica ur rnnilod by certifiod me;1,pootopo propa�d, roturn�ocoipt roquoetod,add►eanod to tho oddtoos oo aot <br /> � fotth at the boBlnninp ot tho Yruet Deod. A copy of uny notico of defoult, ony notloa of oolo, roqwrod or pormittod to be prvon herounder,oho�l bo <br /> mailod to eeoh pe�uon�v►ao io n porty heieto ot the oddroan oot forth�t 1ho boginnin�of thie Trust Doed. Any pnrty may nt nny timo chnngo ite oddreae <br /> fo�suoh notieou by dolive�inp u�mnilinp to thu othor po�tion horoto,no oQoroaoid, e not�co of euch chnngo. Any nut�ce horoundor t�hull be doemed to <br /> havo to boen glvon to Bo►rowor or Londer, whon pivon In the mannor designntod heroln. <br /> , I 30. Tho oovenantn ond ngreomonte horofn contufnod oholl bind,ond tho r�flhto horoundor eholl inuro to tho rocpochvo hous,roproaontotivos,succoanora <br /> ontl eaelpns of the pallo�. All covonanto and ogreomonts of tho Bonowor aholl bo jolnt and sovornl. Whonovor roforonco is mado to tho einpular <br /> horeunder,it eholl includo tho piu�al end the plurol ehell include tno efnpula�. <br /> ,, , <br />