<br /> . .._ .. .. .. .. �.x�
<br /> .�. [i ' � --
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<br /> j . �;Y' .. . •. ` ..� -,na��:�O!'r��,��- .. .•.~.rFi4]� �_�—.-.
<br /> ' ,�..►,....ra�+'���YBd�•. . . . - � .1�.... .�_,__�.,_........_.��.._-_--._..�-'- [�{� ____�_-V _
<br /> __".�.'_____"____'__..._..._...._..._�._ '_"" �,i�.. -er�rtl`�-�
<br /> . ..l:J..--��_.�la.s�-�.a..r.�' '—�'__._.�..�..�.�..��.....__�. _ ._. .
<br /> • � TO(3ETHER WiTH n!I tho Improvcmenta noti�� on c�rc:dtcr crcctoU on Iho proacry, cnd cll caocmcnto, eppuRa-�cncc�, end ��
<br /> � � fixturca nor,r on c�rcaRcr n p:rt ot lha prop�riy.R!I rcplaccmcnto and nddYlona aha11 e.i�o ba eovcrcd by 4hla 3�cudry Inatruracitt. >,�,�=�
<br /> !�!I o9 tP�o lotc�o!np Is rcicncd to In thl� 9:cutiy Inatrumcnt ao tlio 'Pr�pcyiy.' �..
<br /> DORROWER COVtNAN78 that Bonov�er Is law�lil�y aeizcd o1 tho catato hcrcmy canvcycd nnd hao tho rfp�d to �rent cn:i�'� � �
<br /> convoy tha Property and thet the Property le unencumbered, oxccpi far encumbmncos ot recor�. Borrower wartnnto and w[It� _
<br /> detmd gmer�ly tfi�e Utls to the Property agnlnnt sil clnlma end de+nende, oubJect tn eny encumbrcnces o4 record. �,��d .
<br /> TH19 SECURI"fY IN5191UMENT cambinea unitorm covenante tor nelional uce end non�uNtoRn cavennnte with Ilmlter# � ..-. -
<br /> vaAatlone by �urlsdlcUon to conatftuta a unilorm security inotrument covedng roal pr�periy. p -
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANT9. Bortowa�nd Len�er caven�nt end aproe�a IoNowa: .w . :r.+�..:"-_="°
<br /> I _ ..,.,;..
<br /> 1, pA��enent of Principal end Interest; �ropay�nent and L.ete Chargos,eonower ahatl p:omptty pay when ��r� , ,�
<br /> due the pdncipnl 01 end Interest on the debt evidenced by the Note end eny prepsyrnenl and lato char4{cw duo undcr tho Roto. . A. _-_-- _
<br /> . 2. Funds (ar'9'utes and Insur�ne�. SubJect to nppilcable!aw or to a wrlttan watver by Lendm,B�r►ower eh�f pay � .;,�����n;_—
<br /> to Lender on tho ctay monthly paymenta ere due under the Note,until 4he Nole Is pald fn tull, e sum ('Funds")for. (a)yearFy :�;��_
<br /> texea end asaesaments whlch rnay ettaln prlorHy over this Securiry Instrument as e Ilen on the Prop�rty: ib) Y�Y ��stlhold , �.
<br /> paymente or ground rente on the Property, if any; (o) yoattyr hazerd or propesty ineurence premluma; (d)yaatty flood inautance �� r.�Y��;:,,�'�
<br /> premluma,Ii any; (e)yeadp mortgaga Insurence premiuma,fl any; and (q eny aums peyab!e by Bortower to Lender In accnrdsnce .;:�;`:�s�,
<br /> with the provlslona of pamgrnph B, In Ileu o1 the payment o1 mortgage insurnnce premiums. Thase Items are calted 'E�craw .�.f_.
<br /> Itema.' Lender may. et any Ume, collect enJ hold Funcls in an amount nat to oxceed the max)mum amount e (6nder 1or e � `"' ���
<br /> federairy related mort�ape loan may requlre tor Bortower's escrow account under the toderel Real Eatnte Settlement Procedures YJ 'r�_ '��;�___
<br /> Act of 1874 as emended from dme to ttme, 1'L U.S.C.�2801 et seq. ('RE3PA'), unleas another luw that appliea to the Funds . , ,,t,.
<br /> seta a lessor amount. It so, Lcnder may, at eny time, coliuct and hold Funda in en amount not to exceed the lesser emount. ,4 ..t. ,�i
<br /> Lender mey estirnate tho amount of Funds due on the basis of current data end reasonable esUmates of expendtturea of tuture — —�
<br /> Escrow Items or otherwise In acaordance arith applicable Inw. ..
<br /> The Fu�ds shall be held in an InaUtutinn whose deposits ara Inaurod by a tederal agency,instrummtnlity, or entity (Induding ,,:_i;.. ; ���� s:
<br /> ,�'Li,'•U'L:
<br /> Lender, H Lender Is such an InstituUon)or In any Federel Home Loan Bank. Lende► shall appy the Funda to pay the Escrow , ,g.��
<br /> Itema. Lender may not charge Borrower for holdinp and epptying the Funds, annucy cnalyNng the escrow sccount,or verltying '.. ... .... :�M
<br /> the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays 8artower Interesi on tho Funds and applicable law permfta Lender to rrxke nuch a . � ���,���a
<br /> charge. Howavor, Lender mey requiro BoROwer to pay e one-time charga tor an independent real estate tex repoNnfl service ,� .sr•?��_�____
<br /> used by Lender in c�nnecUon with this loan, unlesa eppllcable law provides olh�rwise. Unlesa an agreemont Is mado or :' :.'=�"�•�—
<br /> ' a�
<br /> appOcuble !aw requlres Interest to be pald, Lender ehal!not be requlred to pay Bortower any interest or eemtnge on the Funds. r��..=^,.,,_
<br /> " Bortower and Lender may agree In writing, however, that Interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender ahall gNe to Bortower, 6` .# ;,�^=��
<br /> wlthout charge, an ennual accounUng of the Funds, showir,g credlts and debits to the Funds and tho purpose tor whlch each ,��_
<br /> deblt to tha Funds was rnade. The Funds aro pledped ea addNonel secudty tor all sums aecured by the 3ecurity Insuumen� ; w�;;-;�
<br /> It tha Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts pertnitted to be held by applicable law, Lendx ahall accaunt to Borrower � •�r,_;I��.�°� --
<br /> for the excess Funds In accordancc+ wlth the requlrements of applicable law. It the amount of the Funda held by Lender at any ��:�
<br /> Ume is not sufftctent to pay the Escrow Items when aae, Lender may so notliy Barowet in wriUng, and, In such csae Borrower .�,��,-
<br /> shall pay to Lender the amount necesanry to make up lhe d�flclency. Borrower shall make up tha deflclency In nu more than _
<br /> iweNe monthy payments,at Lender's sole dlacretlon. ,�'���—_
<br /> Upon payina�i ii� �� ci st! �ums �s.:sssd b;ihla �n�r�ty Instrument. Lender ahall promptty retund to Bortowet any Punds • '`�,� -,
<br /> � held by Lender. It,under paregraph Zt,Lendor shall acqulre or sell the Property,Lender, pdor to the ecqulslpon or sate ot tne _ .-
<br /> Property,shall app.y any Funds held by Lender at the timo ot acqulslUon or sate as a credtt agalnst the suma secured by thls �rk"�� . �
<br /> SecurBy Instrument. � '!
<br /> paragnp ePP'and t2s hal�b applled:n ilrst tol any p epayment chargesddue utnder the Noteasecond,to am unta payable under � �. '. •
<br /> , paragreph 2;third,to interest due; fourth,to pdncipal due; and last,to any late chnrges duo under tho Note. `' .� `
<br /> 4. Cil�►gY8; Uens. Borrower shell pay all texes, assessmants, charges, flnes end ImposiUons attributable to the
<br /> PropeAy whlch mey attaln ptlorNy over thts 3ecurtly InaUument, and leasehold paymento or ground rents, Ii any. BoROwer ehail �' ,.
<br /> pay these obligatlons In the menner provtded in paragraph Z, or if not pald In that manner, Borrower shell pny thrJm on tlmo I � �'�
<br /> dire.tty to the peraon owed payment. Botrower ahail promptly iumish to Lender all notices oi amounts to ba pald under this '; i
<br /> � ' .i,
<br /> pamgreph. If 6ortower makes these payments directty, Borrower shall prampUy tumish to Lender receipts evldencing tho ; j ,i
<br /> ;>
<br /> payments. '
<br /> Borrower shall promptly discharge flny Ilen which hos prtority over this Secudty Instrument unless BoROwer. (a) aqreas in j
<br /> writing to the payment of the obllgation secured by the Iien In a mcnner acceptable to Lender, (b) contests In good taRh the I , "+�
<br /> Iien by,or defends agalnat enforcement of the ilen in, legal proceedings whlch In the Lender's opinion operato to prevent the ���
<br /> enforcemRnt of the Ilen;or(a) secures from the holder o i t ho Ilen an agreement satlsioctory to Lender subordinating the Ilen to ; . r,.
<br /> thts 3ecurtry Instrument,If Lender determines thet any part of tho Property is subJect to n Ilen whlch may attaln priodty over this �
<br /> Secutiry Insdument, Lender may glve Borrowor n notice IdentNying the Ilen. Bortower at►all seUsty the Ilen or take one or more of `. � .
<br /> � the acUons sot forth above wRhin 10 days of the giving of notice. ��.
<br /> 5.H87A�d or Property Insurenco.Borrower shail keep tho Improvements now exlsUng or hereatter erected on tho � y ��!
<br /> � Property lnsured against loso by flro, hazrirds included within the term 'extended coverago' and any other hnzards, Induding ;"� ��
<br /> (loods or flooding,inr whlch Lender requlres Insurance. Thls ineurance shall be malnteined In the amounta end tor Ihe peiods � �
<br /> tnat Lender requires. The Insurance cartier provlding the Insurance shnll be chosen by Borrower subJect to Lender's epproval � �. ���:,
<br /> which shall not be unreasonebiy withhetd. If Borrower fafla to maintaln coverege described above, Lender may, at Lender's :� ;���'�a
<br /> optfon,obteln coverage to prot�ct Lender's rights In the Property In eccordance wilh paregreph 7. ' . . a f
<br /> M insurance policles and renewals shall be acceptable to Lender and ahall Include n standard mortgapo clause, Lender "
<br /> shall have the rlght to hold the poYcles and renewals. If Lender requires, Borrower ehail promptly give to Lender ell rQCeipts oi .M �
<br /> pald premiums and renewal notices. In tho uvent of Ioss, Borrower shall give prompt nuUce to the Insurance carrler and Lender. �'R'.
<br /> Lender may make proot o}loss H not mado promptly by Borrower. 'l
<br /> Unless Lender end Borrower othenvise agree in writing. Insurance proceeds shall be appiled to restoretlon or repalr o1 the ��
<br /> Property dumufled, If the restoratton or repalr Is economlcally teasible and Lenders security Is not lessened. It the restomtion or
<br /> repalr Is not economically teasible or Lender's secuNry wouid ba Iessened, the insurence proceeds sholi be applled to tho sums ��
<br /> � ssacured by this Socuriry Inst►ument, whether or not then duo, with any excess peld to Borrower. It BoROwer nbandons the y ,
<br /> Properry, or does not answer v�Rhin 30 daye a notfce trom Lender that the (nsuranco cartier has oftered to sottle o clalm, then
<br /> , Lender may collect tho insumnco procaeds. Lendar mey uso the proceeds to repalr or restore the Property or to pny sums ,
<br /> secured by thls Sncudty Instrument,whether or not then due. Tho 30-day pedod wili bogln when the notice Is given. :1I _
<br /> Unless Lender and Bortower olherwiso agreo In wriUng, any npplicatlnn of proceeds to princlpai shall not extend or 3
<br /> � postpono tho duo dnta of tho monthy payments reterred to In pamgrnphs 7 and 2 or change the emount of tha payments. If ,
<br /> under p[iragraph 21 the Property Is ecquired by Lender, Borroweis right to any Insuranco pollcles nnd proceods rosuiting hom , �(
<br /> � _ damngo to the Properry prfor to tha acqulslUon shall pass to Lender to tho extent oi tho sums by this Secudry Instrument �•'�
<br /> --• � - � Irnmediatety pdor to tho acqWSiuon. "`�z��
<br /> I 8. Qccupancy, Freservatton, Malntenancu and Protoction of the Property; Borrowor's Loan ,
<br /> Applieatlon; L68seF1o1S18. Borrowc+r ahall occupy, astablish, and use the Properly as Borrower's principal rosidenca within :i
<br /> ; sbcty days atter tho oxecutlon ot ihls Security Instrument and shall continuo to oecupy the Properry es Bortower's principnl
<br /> restdenco for et least cno year after tho dnto oi occupnncy, unlesa Lender othawfse ngraes In writing, which co�sent shull not i
<br /> bo unrea.sonably withheld, or untesa extenuating circumatances exlat whlch ure beyond Borrowcr's cantrol. Borrower shall not
<br /> destroy, dnmaga or Impnlr the Properry, allow tho Property to detedornte, or commit weste on tho Prope�ty. Borrower sholl be In ;
<br /> defaull If nny torleituro action or procendinp, whother ctvil or criminal, Is begun that In Lender's good tnith Judgment could result
<br /> . In forfeituro ot tho Property or othervviao mnterintty ImWalr the Ilen creatad by thls Securiry InsUUment or Lender's sacu�ity interest.
<br /> / f-/� .
<br /> Pugu 2 0l 5 /�-���� ��(�� �
<br /> ' � Ft3tfi.LM�(t0194) —"' "- I
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<br /> � 93t01 I
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