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� . . .. . 1 <br /> ., .. •�a�► - , . . <br /> _ "' '°a�i�� - � �� - � � .. .... r 'w- -' - ' <br /> , _ <br /> .. ..., - -- -- <br /> , . ._ ..•.. . _. ... _- . - .. <br /> rt�q. <br /> fl � � �. t �t.i� .' ` . .. �.. . .�Sr i'��.�.. . . . . . r.�,.,,�/` ^_? � '�.�."2 �.�-. <br /> < < ici' ' i'rA . . .i . ,._ ,./J . ,�,:vY�;�JIWW.WI,AW..vV�t� �� ;tiM.�-,_ _�_ f' � <br /> � , . � <br /> , , . • . <br /> � .. . .� . - _' ' __'_'__ rQ_�m�r <br /> ,—„_y..�.�,. � . � x��. , �1.. . . .�,r�,.�caeoxayV•�Na�iYtrorae.v;-ctr:. _ ,i�.....`..r..a�., �.�.-... ....,� <br /> � .. .. -�.3F'Z�@IS'�- - - - -—_.. <br /> ' '_ <br /> .... - . . _ '— <br />_��. : . , �..-,- <br /> '.'_...... - .-� <br />�.. ... .. , . .._ � . .. .__ _._. <br /> •:. �s`�� i�111M�11�11YYlirtl-. ':-'_.__-___. - ______ <br /> ..n . .. �aI 1 � �3Vq9 U 1..Y1� �7�_ <br /> a�olnst futuro monfh�•lnstnllments ol Fundo.II fAo orraounf ol tho Funds liold by Bcnolicl�ry ahnll nof�o sulllclonf to psy t�r.�s,nss�.^.sr;�nro,e � <br /> Insumnco promiums ond pround ronls ns thc/Iall duo, ilu�ta shall pfly to�ionoflclory ary omount nccocsnry to mnlro up tho dcfictcrtcyr�xl7hln►hlrty ,. <br /> daya Irom tAO dato notico Is mallod by dorrvficlary to Tiustor rcquo9tlnp paymont Ihcr;of.Upon pnymont!n full of n/l IndcGhtdnos�,B^_ncliclary Cha7 <br /> prompty rofund to 1iu�tor nny Funds hold by Br�ncflc�ary.ll tho lYust Properry Is so/d unUor Iho powor ol salo or tho Trust ProAorty fs otbtrnvfs�v ��--- <br /> acqulrvd hy 9onoBclnry,Bono�lclary shall apply, lmmodiatofy pii��ro tho snlo ol tho 1Yust Proporty a!(o acqulsltlon by BonQtic/ary,nrty Funds hald - �y.-� <br /> � by Boneliclary at thn l/mu o1 oppllcatlon ns a crr�tlit ac�a�nst thu fndobtodnnss.ll Qonofldary oxocutos a�vnttcn vrolvm cl 1Yustor's obllDatlons undor �'.=-�_ <br /> thls psraprnph 4, Tiustor covonants and egraos to pay, boforo tho samo bncomo dallnQuont,all faxes,ossossmants,lnsuranco premlums,pround � <br /> ronts,and nll othe�chAryos vihntscwvr IGVled upon or pssoasad,pinacd or mndo or�ofnst tho 7iust Propnriy.7iustor lurthnr aDreos,upnn w�itton �--_•.-. <br /> � • roquost tr�Bonnpciory,to promptty deliwr ro 8enotlur�ry eN racolpta lor rho peymont of such charpos.Tiusta llkc•:rl�o ac�rco�ro pcy al!t.;x�� �- <br /> . ussossments and otha�cha�7os fevlcd upon a assos�ed,pincad or mado aDnfnst,or moasurod by,thls Uood ol Tiust or tho rocorrtatlon hereot. <br /> b.Appllcntfon of Paymonts.Al!pr�ymonts rocoivad by 8ortoliclary ns ro n�ry dobt Iinblliry a obfipa�fon owud ro Renellclary by Ylastor may bo appNod Gy == <br /> ° Benet/clary fo tho paymont ol tho Indobrodnoss or to arty such othor dobt,f1a611iry or obllDation,In a�ry ordor or mnnna�of oppllcatfon whlch �%�-- <br /> Boneliclary,in!ts absobto dlsCrotlon,dooms oppropdato.Unlose othenvlse olectod by Bonoficfery,any such paymont sha/l bo doemod appllBd t/rst __ <br /> to tho ptrymont ol any dabt,1labiUty or obtlgaU�n other thnn[ho Noto. ���"�-� <br /> 8. ChArgos;Llens. Ttustor wlil keop tho Trust Property l�ee from all Ilens and oncum6rnncos wh!Ch In omr wc+y may,!n fho judgment of OonMfclary,hava �""" <br /> � pdairy nva�a lmpalr tha securrty ot,thls Dccd ol Tiusl but Tiustor neod not discha e such lien so/on as Tiusto�shall adroe.!n wrlfln ,to °�`��-- <br /> pay the obllgnUOn secured by such Ilen In e mannei acceptab!o to Benoficlary and�nll�good Inith contes such 11on by epp%vdate le�►el� �_,' <br /> ■�_- <br /> procaedings�ffective to provent tho en/orcement ol fhe fren ontl tho foss ol A�ry Interest In or part ol tho Tiust Propnrry. �:-�=: <br /> 7. Hazard Insurenco.Tiustor•sha:l keep the bulldings and olho�improvements now existing or heroalter eroctnd on tho Tiust Propertv fnsured by '* <br /> Insu�ance carrlers satlsfactory to Baneliclary aga!nst foss by fire,haze�ds Jncluded!n tho[e�m'textended covo�agd'and such other hazards, ;,�� <br /> casualt/es and contingenclns ns may be roquired by Bene!lclery,in such amounts and for such perlods as may b9 requlred by Beneliclary.fio ��,�=- <br /> pollcy ollnsurance ahall be!n lorm acceptab�to Beneficlary,provide that the same may not ba cnncelfed o�modifled without lilieen(i6)drtys pdor �-'-`° <br /> - wdtten not/ce to Beneliclary,and shaf!have lass payeblo provislons In lavor ol and!n/orm acceptable ro BonellClAry.All pmmlums on/nsurnnce Ik?`�.'-- <br /> policies shal!ba peld!n fhe m�nner prov�ded unde�pa�agreph d horeot or,il not pald!n such Tiustor making payment et IBesl filtEen(15) °�._.=- _ <br /> deys pria ta the dus date,directly to tho Insurance caider.Beneliclary shall have the right to hold the pollcles end renewe/s thereo/and Tius!or shall '�'=`-- <br /> �, � promptty lurnlsh to Beneflclary all renewal noacea and ell pald premfum rece�pts recelved by�t.In no event sha!!Benelicfary or Tiustes be held r_'.-= <br /> responslble for fallure to pay inswance premlums o�for arry loss or damnge a�lsing out o/a de%ct!n ers�pollcy or a�(sing out of arry lallure of arry ��'ti= <br /> insurence company ro pay lor ary loss or damage lnsured again�t or fo�lailure by Tiusror to olfect tho lnsurence requlrod hereundor.In tho event of = . <br /> loss,Ttustor shall glvv prompt notice by mell to tho Insumnce canler and Beneflciary.Beneflclary may make proof o/losa 1/not made promptty or!n �• ' � <br /> � prope�lorm by Tiusto�All polides ollnsuvnce and arry and ell relunds ol unearned premlums a�e hereby asslgned fo Beneficlary as ndditlonal - <br /> secunty/or the payment o/the Indebtedness.In the evenf o/Beneticlary's exerclse ol the pa,ver oJ sale contulned haroln,or!n the svont of - <br /> loroclosure,a�!rlght,t/tle and lnterest ot Truslor 1n and to any lnsurance pol/cy then in lor�e shall pass to tho pu�hasor at tho dustes's ss/e o► _ <br /> lorecfosuro sale.!n case o1 arry loss,!he Insurance proceeds may,at the optlon o/8eneflclary,be applled by Bene/lclary upon the Inde6tednoss,or <br /> any pan thereof,and in such orde�and amount as Benelicfary may determino;o�sald insurence p�ocesds,at the optlon o/Benoliclary,mtry elther :�::}. <br /> be used 7n replacing or restoang the Tiust Property paitlally or totalfy destioyed ro a condJtlon sabs/actory to 8ene�lclary;or sald lnsurance - <br /> " prGCeeds,oi sny portlon themof,may be released to Tiustoi Unless Beneliclary end Tiustoi othenvlse agree!n w�lting,any such applicatlon of _ <br /> Insurence proceeds shall not extand or postpone the due dato o/the Note,or arry installmcrn�s called lor thereln,or change the ampunt of such <br /> __ in.c�allments II thA T.ust Pronnrtv ls acaufred bv Beneficlarv nursuant to the exe�cise o1 the power o/sale or other loreclosure,aU d,qht,titie and �- <br /> interest al Tiustor!n and b arry lnsurance proceeds payable as a result o!demage ro the Tiust Property prlor to the sale or acqulsiBon shall pass ro ��t, <br /> Bene�+clary and shall be applred/list to Iho costs end expenses,including attorney loes,incmred in collecBng such proceeds,then!n tho mannor <br /> and!n the orde�provided herein. _� <br /> 8. Pivservatlon end Malntenance ol Trust Prop6rly. Trusloi wil!keap the 6uildings and othar improvements now or hereetfer eracted on the Tiust .':�_ <br /> Properiy in good repair and cond/11an and ww7 not commit or permlt waste,will not alte�the deslgn or structural character constitutlng any bullding ' <br /> nuv or herea/ter erected on and constltuNng Ihe Trust Proepriy w(thout the prlw wiitten consent of Beneliciary, wlll not do a�ry sct or thing whlch <br /> would unduty fmpalr or deprecla[e the vaNe d the Tiust Property and will not abandon the Trust Property. Trustar w/ll not removo srry Ilxtures a� <br /> constltutlng�he Iiust Property unlass the same aro immediately repleced with fike property sub/oct fo the Uen and secunty/nterest of th/s Doed ol ' <br /> Tiust and o!at least equa/vulue end uHliry. Tmsfar will compty wlth all present and future ordinancos,regulatlons and requlrements ol ary i <br /> � governmentel body whlch are appucable to►he Tiust Property and to the occupancy and use thereof.II this Deed ol Trust!s on s unit In a - <br /> condominfum or a planned un(t dsvelopment Tiustor shall pedarn all ol Trusror's obllgatlons under the declaratlons or covenants cren�ing or I =,_, <br /> govern/ng the condominlum o�the planned unit dovolopment,the bylaws and rvgulatlons of fho condominlum ar p/annod unit devolopment,and tha t"� <br /> constltuent documonts. <br /> �� •� 9. Inapectlon. Beneflclary or its ugents may,et all rgasonable timos,enter upon the Trust Property lor the pu�pose ol inspection.Benel/r.lary shall havo �, <br /> no duty to make such lnspectlon and sha11 nW be Ilable Io Tiustor or to any person!n possession�l it makes or falls to make any suCh inspectlon. '•`t+`+ <br /> IQ Protectior ol Sncudty.!►Tiustor lails fo perPo�m arry of the covennnts end agreements contamed in this Dead o/Trust,or il any ectlon a proCOBding `�� <br /> . !s Comm��nced whlch does o�may adversety alfect 1he Trust Property or the lnferost of irustor or Bene�lciary therem or the titfe ol Tiustor thoreto, "�"' <br /> then Benellclary,at its optlon,may perlorm such covanants end agreements,make such appearences,defend against antl/rn�estlgate such actlon I � <br /> or proceeding and takd such othei action as Bene�iciary deems necessary to protect its interest lncludmg,6ut not Umited to,dlsbursament ol <br /> . . reasonable attomey fees[+nd entry upon fho i�ust Property to make repalrs.Any amounts disbursed by Benellciary pursuant to thls paragreph 10. <br /> witn lnterest thoreon,shall cons�ituto lndebtednvss of Tiustor securod by thls Deetl o/Tiust. Unloss Tiustor and Bene!(cary ar�roe to other terms ol <br /> payment,such�mounts sha11 be payable upon notice Irom Beneficiary ro Tiustor requeshng payment fhoreo�and shall bear Interest from tho date <br /> • of dlsbursoment at the default rste,if any,set brth In tho Noto,or ofhenvise at tha highast rnte permitted by law.Nothing contalnod in this paragraph � <br /> shaU require Beneliciary to incur sny expense or take arry action he�ounder. Trustor irrowcabry authonzes and empowers Oene/iClary to enfer upon <br /> the TruSt Property as flustor's ugent and,in irust0�'S namo oi othenvise to porlorm any end ell covonnnts and agreoments to be performetl by ` <br /> Trustor as herein providetl.Boneflclary shnN,at(ts optfon,be subropated to any encumb�ance.ben,clalm or dem8rtd ond to all rights and seCUnHes <br /> for the peymont thereof pafd or discharged try BortefiCiary under tho p�ovisions he�eo/and arry such subrogation nghts shall be sdditlonal nnd <br /> cumulative sflcunry lor dUS Deed ol Trust. <br /> 1 t. �ndemnnt/on.Tho procoeCs o!ary o�va�d orcfaim!or damnges,diroct or consequen6al,in connection wrth any condemnabon or other tak/ng o/thp <br /> llust Property,or any part theieol, or fo�tormyanCCt m/rpu o/o�in anhcipatlon ol Condemnatlon,ure hereby ussigned to nnd shall be paid to <br /> Benoficisry! Trustor will l�lo end prosocuta in good►eirh snd with due ddigonce,!ts cla(m!or arry such awarc/or paymant And wdl causo the same to be <br /> • collectad and pard to Seneliclary,end.should rt fa�l to do sa Tiustor in�voCaby eufhonzas and empowers Benel�ciary,m Ihe name of Tiustor or <br /> othenvisa to fdo,pmsecute,sottle or compnomse ua�such claim:�nd to collect,receipt for end retam the proceeds.It rhe Tiust Properry is abandoned � <br /> . by Tiusto�or,atror notice by Boneliclary f0 Trusmr rhaf fho condemnor oNers to meke an awartl or settfe a claim/or demages. Trustor fails to mspond to � <br /> BenefrClttry wdAin thlrty(30)da/s aKcr the d&m such nof�ce is madod.Qenehc(ary�s authonzad fo collect and apply rhp procoeds�n the mnnnor i <br /> ,ndicatod horoin. fie pror.oeds a'orry eward a c�aUn may,etter daducring ull reasonoble costs and exponses,meludrng afiomoy loes.whrch may have <br /> been�ncumtd by 6CnpliC�ary in the collac6on Ihereof,aC the soiv tllscrphon ol ro•'eosed to Tiustor,epplied to resrorat�on o!Tiust Properry. � <br /> o�appfretl to the payment of the Indabtodnoss Unbss 8enelic�ary and Tiusror othenvise agree m�vnhng,arry such upplicr�hon of proceeds to � <br /> IndobtednOSS Shall not nxtend orpostpono fhodue date d thv Nota or tho paympnf of ary msta�lments caUed for thn�undQC � <br /> i <br /> 12. T ustor Not Roloasvd.Extonslon of tho hmo lorpaymenf or modd�cahon o/urry amort�zatron o/fho Indobrodness giontud by BQne6aory to urty <br /> succossor in mte�est ol Tiusror shQll not opr3ra�e ro rofCas0.�n any manne�the I�abd�ry ot irusror and Tiusror's succossors�n interesL DenaLuary snen � . <br /> �_ __ _ not be roQUrred to commenco proceodings eqamst such succossor or re(use to vxtond hmo lor p&yment or otherw�so mod�ry amornzauon o�the <br /> Ir.de6fodnoss by reason of urry dernand madn by TiuS'or nnd Tius:or's successors�n rnteres[. � <br /> ' 13 Financ�al lrtformat�on.Upnn request ol BenefKietry, Lusta wrll provido ro BeneGcmry.�v��hrn ronery(901 deys oi thet closo ol ouch lisco!year o! <br /> Trusto� tho consol�dated balence shoet end slutomont ol pnrnmgs ol Trustor and any and alI guaranto�s ol!he/ndebtednoss socured noreby.�t any. <br /> antl wdl provido and dolrvor to Bene6c�ury such other fmanc�al mlormahon and m such mortnOr ns Benehc�ary may ret+sonabty request lrom hmp to <br /> ' hme. <br /> t T4 Frnancial Covenants-hi etldihon to any o�hpr Imanc�ol covOnnnts ol 7iustor mnde m nny othei egroQment. mstrument oi tlocumonL Tiusror shall <br /> ,. Compfy w�th an�sha//edusv orty and all gua�antors ol tho I�idBbtGdnoss secured hg�eby fo compty with,or bp in Comp6ance w�th.the lolfow�nq <br /> hnuncial covcnants (Th�s avrngraph sha.'I no�opply d cO��CnpntS ontl rpqmrBmpntS Un3 nOt sCt IOrth hern�n J <br /> '� la Sehadulo of Leases. W�th�n ron�t0)days n/fe3�domand. Tiustor shuil furmsh fo Bonoliciary a scnedule.cornGed to by Busto!settmg lorth all loasos <br /> of tho riust Proparry.or arry portion thvrcol, mclutlrng�n oach case,tno namp o�tho tenonts or occupants.a descnpt�on of tne spaco occup+od by <br /> "p such(Onant or occap�nt,the rantal peyaDlO fOr such space. and such otho.mformnho.�nnd Oocumenls tvrth respect to suclt�eBSes anU fenanc+Os <br /> } as Benohanry may reasonabty�oquas <br /> . { ' 16 Covvnanfs ol Trustor wrth f;espoct to Loases Nrthout fhe prror wn:ten consen�ol6etnoGCr;3ry 1ru5tcr sha�l noL d�rr.crry or ma�rectly �v�M respocf b <br /> , ttrry feose ol spaCO m fho Tiust ProRerfy.Or airy pprhar Me�oot.whother such leaso�s now o�nereaKar�n ex�stonce <br /> „� <br />