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<br />; � TOGETHER WITH nll the improvcments now or hereufter crcctcd on Aie propeny,and a�l cascmen�5,appurtentuues, �
<br /> � and fixmres now or hereafter a part of the property. All reptacemcnts and additions shall also bc covcrr,d by this Secudty �. _
<br /> , [nstrurnent. AU af the foregoin�is referred ta in this Security Instrument as the"Properry." _---
<br />_ ' BQRROWER COVENANTS that Borrrnvcr is lawfully seised of the estate hemby convcyed and has thc right to grant _
<br /> and convey the Properry:u�d that the Propeny is unencumbered,exccpt for encumbrances of rewrd. 8orrower wurrants and ��
<br /> „ ' will defend generally the title to the Property against ull cluims and demands.subJect to nny encumbrances of record. ___
<br /> � THIS SECURI'I'Y INSTRUMENT combincs uniform covenan�s for nudonal use and non-unifarm covenants with
<br /> . limited variations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform security inswment covering real property.
<br /> . UNIFORM COVENANTS. Tiorrower und Lender covenant and agree tu fallows: ------
<br /> • , �• , �l. Payment af Princlpal a9�1 I�terest;PrepAyment and 3,ntc Charge,. Bo►rower shall promptly pAy when due the
<br /> . � principal of und interest on thcs debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and l ate charges due under the Note.
<br /> 2. Furtds for T'�xes And Insurtutce. Subjcct to applicuble law or to n written �vaiver by Lender,Borrower shall pay to
<br /> Lender on the day monthly payments are due under the Note,untll the Nate is paid in fuA,a sum("Funds")for: (a)ycarly
<br /> � taxes and assessments which may attain prioriry over this Security Instrument as n licn on the Property;(b)ycarly leaschold
<br /> ' payments or ground rents on the Propeny, if any; (c) yearly hazard or property insurnnce preeniums; (d) yearly flood
<br /> insurnnce premiums, if uny; (e) yearly mortgage insurnnce premiums, if�ny; nnd(fl uny suma paynble hy f3orrower to
<br /> Lender,in uccordunce with the provisions of p:uugrnph R, in lieu of the payment of mortgii�;e insuranee premlums. These 9
<br /> - items ure culled"Ehcrow liemti." Lender muy,ut nny time,cuUect nnd hold funds in nn umount not to cxceed the mnximum
<br /> nmount n Icndcr for u fcdcrully rclutccl n►urtgngc luim may nquirc f'or Hurrowcr:ti cscruw urcnunt un�cr Il�u fcQc�•al Rcnl
<br /> F rtntc Setttcment Prucedunv Act ul' 1974 ox unr�nded fr��m timc to�ime, f 2 U.S.C. �2601 er seq.("RI'.tiPA"),unle�s�ututher
<br /> , �� luw thin�ipplics tu�hc Ilmdti scts u Ics+cr nmuunt. If+o, l.cndcr mny,nt nny�imc,callect c�nd I��ft,t I'unds in nn unwunt nut to
<br /> :' , cxcccd Ihc Icsscr unwunt, l.cndcr nury rtitiroutc thc umouut ot'I'unds duc ~m thc hnsis uP currem dntu iuul rciisunuhlc
<br /> ctidmnt�s of expenditwcs ul'f�nure liticniw krm�:or uthcrwi�c in nccurduncc wilh npplicabli law.
<br /> 'I'lu I�undti shnll hc hcld in un imtituti�m whuse depasits .�re insurcd by,u feder�d ugency, innirumentnllty, or entity
<br /> (including L.cndcr,if L.cndcr is such un imtituticml or in amy Fcdcrul Humc L.oan 13unk. Lcndcr shnll npply thc Funds to pay
<br /> —`-- ----- Ih����:(`rnW �fnntc ���nr��.r nle�� nr�( t'4l:3ioL• Rnrrnwnr f'nr�n��1::20:15:� :.�{��lj:!2p^ :�2^.f':!^�°.:SS2S:L'.1!!�SSS�lj7-SAa tt:�L'.°.L'TL�:N
<br /> —„ � •ucount,or verifying the Escrow Itcros, unle4ti Lender pays Barrower interest on the 1�Unds und upplicuble luw permits --�—
<br /> Lender to muke such u charge. However, Lender mny require Harrower to pay a one•time churge for an independent real
<br /> estate tax reportEn�service used by Lender in connection with this loan,un(r.ss upplicable law provides othen4ise. Unless an
<br /> „ a�rccmcnt is madc or applicnble law rcquires interest to be paid,Lender shaU not be reyuired to puy Borrower 1ny intcrest or —
<br /> . carnings on the Funds. Borrower und Lender may ugree in writing,however.that interest shall be puid on tho Funds. Lender -
<br />_ shall�ive to Borrower,without charge, an annual accouming of the Funds, showing credits and debits ro the Funds iuid the e=`
<br /> purpose for which cach debit to the Funds was rnade. The Flmds are pledged as additional security fot all sums secured by ��''_
<br /> tnis Security Instrument.
<br /> If thc Funds held by Lender excecd thc amounts permitted to be hcld by applicahlc luw, Lcndcr shall account to -
<br /> Borrowcr for the excess Funds in acwrdance with the requircmentt of applicable law. if the amount of the Funds held by ''r�
<br /> Lender at any timc is not sufficient to pay thc Escrow Items when due,Lender may so notify Borrowcr in writing,and, in ' ��
<br /> such case Borrower shall pay to Lendcr the arnount nccessury to make up thc deficiency. Borrowcr shall make up the _
<br /> • deficiency in no more than twelve monthly payments,at Lender5 sole discretion. -
<br /> ; Upon payment in full of ull sums secured by this Security Instrument,Lender shall prompdy refund to Horrower any �
<br /> , Funds hcld by Lender. If,under paragraph 21, l.cndcr shaU acquir�or scU thc Properry, Lcnder,prior to the acquisition or
<br /> ' sale of the Property, tihall npply uny Funds hcld by Lendcr at the time of acyuisition or salc us a credit nguinst thc sums -
<br /> securcd by this Security Instrument. f
<br /> ::,,=
<br /> ' 3. Application of Payments. Unlcss applicable luw provides othenvise, all payments rcceived by L,cnder under
<br /> paragraphs 1 und 2 shall be applied: first,to any prepayrnent charges due under the Note; second,to amounts payable under
<br /> paragraph 2;third,to interest due;fourth,to principal duc;and last,to any late charges due under the Notc. " "
<br /> � 4. Charges; I.iens. Borrower shidl pay ull taxes, assessmentx, ch:uges, tines and impositions attrihutable to the L
<br /> , Property which may attain pric�riry ovcr this 5ecurity Inswment,and lcaschold puyrnents ar ground rents, if any. Bo�TOwcr
<br /> shall pay these obligations in the manncr provided in paragraph 2, or if not paid in that manner, Borrower shall pay them on .
<br /> time direcdy to the person owed p.ryment. IIortower shall promptly furnish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paiJ under
<br /> a this puragraph. If Borrowcr makes thesc payments directly, Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lcndcr receiptti cvidencing
<br /> thc payments.
<br /> Borrower shull promptly diseharge uny lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Bonower.(a)agrees
<br /> in writing to thc paymcnt of thc obligation secured by thc licn in a manncr arccptablc to Lender;(b)contcsts in good faith thc
<br /> licn by,or defcnds against cnforccment of the lien in,Icg�il proccedings which in the Lendcr's opinion operatc to prcvent thc
<br /> enforcement of the lien;or(c)ucures from the holder of Ihe lien an agreement s;�tisiactory ro Lender subordinating the lien
<br /> to this Security Instrument. If Lendcr detcrmines thut any pun of the Properry is subject to a licn vihich may attain priority
<br /> ovcr this Security Instrument,Lendcr may givc Borrower a notice identifying thc lien. Aorrowcr shall�atisfy the lien or take
<br /> onc or morc of thc actions sct f'orth abovc within l0 days o(thc giving of notice.
<br /> 5. Hazttrd or Prn�erty Ins�rnnce. Rorrowcr shall keep thc improvements now existing or hemuRcr crected on thc
<br /> Property insurcd against loss by firc, haz;uJs incluJed within thc tarm "extendcd�ovcrage"and any othcr har.ards, includinb
<br /> floods or flooding, for which I.ender requires imuranee. This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts imd �or the
<br /> .' " �.
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