<br /> .. ..,�,�it, - . .. _.
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<br /> J 4- �.0�°"��9 --
<br /> �.,,..
<br /> . Thc Funds shull bc lycld in an institution whosc dcposits arc insurcd hy a fcdcrid agcncy, instrument�lity, or entity _ °"
<br /> (incluJing[.c:ndcr. if L.�nJcF-is�uch un instilutinn)or in any Federnl Hamc Loan E3ank. l.cnder shall apply tl�e Funds ta pay ihe _ _
<br /> Escrow ltems. L.cndcr rn,ry not rhar�e l�orruwer fcn•holding+md applyinU thc runds,annuully an.+lyr.ing die escrc�w aca�unt,or „ . :°:�'�
<br /> verifying the Escraw Items, unlesh l.endcr pays�orrower interest un the Funds and applicable luw permits Lender to make such -,;-:-• ,
<br /> � a chargc. Howcvcr, Lcndcr ivay rcquire sarrowcr to puy a onc-timc chargc for an indcpcndcnt rcal cstatc tux reporting scrvicc , . , ,,,,�,:
<br /> used by I..ender in cannect ion with this loan, unless upplicnt,le law provides ntherwise. Unless an agreement is mnde rn• '•'.,i�:,,•=.�:�^�:.__
<br /> " upplicablc luw requires interest to be paid, L,cnder shall not bc rcyuircd to pay Borravcr nny intcrcst or c:amings on the Funds. �"^%�`}:��?�`
<br /> ' Boirowcr und Lcndcr may a�rcc: in wrning, howevcr, that intcrest shull bc puid on thc Funds. Lcndcr shall givc to Burra�vcr. _ ._.-M-==�
<br /> - without churgc, an annual accnunting nf thc Funds, showing crcdits und dcbits to thc Funds and thc purposc for which cach
<br /> debit to the runds wns made.The Funds ure plcxlgcd us uJditionul u;c:uriry for all sums sccured by thes Security In�trument. ���,„���'=`�� -
<br /> �''�`-"_�-=_
<br /> If the Fundc held by Lcnder excecd thc:unounts permittcii to bc held by applicablc luw,Lcndce shall nccount to Barra�ver �,
<br /> for the excess Funds in acc�rdance with the requirements of applicable luw. If the nmount of the Funds held by Lend�:r at uny ---_---
<br /> � timc is not sufticient to puy the Escrow Items wheii duc, I.ender ma tio notif Borr�wer in writin , and. in such case 9orrowcr .�~,�'_-__-v=_
<br /> Y• Y s �-•;�..,_
<br /> ' . shull pay to Lendcr thc amount nccessary to make up the dc�cicnr.y. Horrowcr shnll make up the deficicncy in no morc than �___..�v
<br /> twclvc monthly payments,at Lcndcr's solc discrction. • �• "��'---:_
<br /> � Upan payment in full o( all sums sccurcd by this Security Instrument, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower uny ���:�'==`--
<br /> Funds hcld by Lender. If,u nder paragraph 21,Lender shaU ucquirc or�ell the Property.Lender, prior to thc acquisition or sale '�'''`-*:=-=-._:
<br /> �s.:._=--
<br /> of the Property,shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit�gainst the sums secured by _.________
<br /> this Scc:urity[nstrumcnt. �`p°�—'"
<br /> 3. AppUcation of Payments.Unless upplicable la�v providcs othcrwis�,all payments received by Lender under paragraphs .��.��_D���
<br /> ' 1 and 2 shall be applied: �rs�,to any prepayment churgcs due unde;thc Note: sccond, to amounts payablc under para�raph Z: �
<br /> � third,to interest due;fourth,to principal due:�nd last,to any late charges due under the Note. , {�=_��`—
<br /> .�-r:: =
<br /> 4. Charges; Llens. BQrtowcr shnll pay all taxcs,assessments, charges, fines and impositions attributablc to thc Property "T__
<br /> � which may uttain priority �ver this Secunty Instrument, and leasehold p�yments ar ground rents, if any. Bonower snall pay _
<br /> thesc obligations in the manncr provided in puragraph 2,or if not paid in thut izi�uiner,Borrower shull pay thcm on timc directly -___
<br /> " , to the person owed paynicnt.Borrowcr shall promptly furnish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under this parugraph. _--_—.
<br /> If Borrower makes thetie payments direcdy.Bnrrower shull promptly furnish[o Lender receipts�videncing the payments. �—
<br /> Borrower shall promptly dischargc any licn which has prianry over this Securiry Instrument unless Borrower: (a)agrces in Q�;;_
<br /> writing to the payment of tl�e obligation secured by the lien in a munncr acceptable to Lender;(b)contests in good faith the lien
<br /> ' � by, or defends against enforcernent of the licn in, legal proceedings which in the L.ender's opinion operate to prevent th� _—____
<br /> enforcement of the lie�i;or (c)secures from the holder of thc lien an agreement satisfactory[o Lender subordinnting the lien to __
<br /> this Security Instrument. If Lender determines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien which rnay uttain priority over —____
<br /> this Security Instrument, L.ender may give Borrower a notice identifying the licn. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or --.
<br /> � morc of thc actions+c[ forth abovc within l0 days of the giving of noticc. ---
<br /> S. Hau�rd or Property Insurance. Borrower shall kecp the improvements now existing or hercuftcr erected on the
<br /> Proper[y insured againsi loss by fire, h:uarJs includeci within the term "extended coverage" and any other hazards, includin�
<br /> floods or floodin�, for�vhich Lender requires insurunce. This insurunce shall be maintained in the amounts and for the periods �"':
<br /> that Lender requires. The insuranee earrier prov�ding the insurance snail ne ciw,�u uy DVIIUWGI ;ub�ect ta I,.:;�3er'; a�s:c•.'a! - ��,__. A
<br /> which shall not be unrcasonably withheld. If Borrower fails ro maintain cov�rage deurihed ubave, Lender may, at Lender's ;''�
<br /> option, obtain coverageto protect Lcnder's rights in the Propeny in accordancc with parngraph 7. • ,� �-
<br /> A l l insurance po licies a n d r e n e w a l s s h a l l b e a c c e p t a b l e t o L e n d c r a n d s h a ll i n c l u d e a s t u n J u r d m o n g u g e c l a us e. Le nder _ w�:
<br /> shull have the right to hold the policies und rencwals. If Lcnder requires, Borro�ver shull promptly givc to Lender all receipts of __
<br /> paid premiums nnd renewal notices. In the event of loss, Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insurance carrier and Lender. � :':�
<br /> ' Lendcr may make proo(of loss if not madc prampdy by Borrowcr. -
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower othcrwise agrce m writing, insurancc pracuis shall be applied to restoration or rcpair of the �
<br /> Property damaged, if the reswration or repair is economically feasible and Lender's tiecurrty is not lessened. If the res[oration or ;`.-
<br /> repsir is not economically fe;uible or Lender's security would be Icssened,the insura�icc pracceds -;hall be upplicci tu the suitts _
<br /> secured by this Securiry Instrument, whether ur not then due. with uny exeess paid to Borrower. (f Borrower abandons thc ;'''+ , .
<br /> Property. or does not answer within 30 days a notice frc�m Lender that tlie insurance carricr has��t�fered to setde a claim. then „'s. .
<br /> L.ender may collect the insuranec proceeds. L.ender nnry usr the proceeds to r�pair or restore the Property or to p.ry sums �;-
<br /> secured by this Security Intiwment, �vheNur or not then duc.The 30-dap period will begin when the notice is given. '"
<br /> Unless I.ender unJ Borrower othenvisc agree in writing, any application c�f prnceeds to principal shall not extend or �"v�. ���_�,__,�
<br /> postpone thc due date of the monthly paymcnts rcferrcd to in paragraphs I anJ 2 or changc the umount of thc payrnents. If , % ��
<br /> undcr parsgruph 21 thc Prc�perty is acquircd by Lcndcr. Borro�ver's right tu:uiy insurancc policics and procccds resulting frorn . "��; -a
<br /> �/�,,
<br /> damage to the Property prior io the acyuisiuon shall pass to LcnJer to the extent uf the sums sccured by �his Sccurity lnstn�ment -
<br /> immcdiately prior to thc acyuitiition.
<br /> 6. Occupancy,Pr�servation,Mnintenance und Protection of the Property; Borrower's I.oan Application;I,easeholds. � �.��;
<br /> Borrower shaU occupy.establish,and use the Property ati Bc�rrower's principal residence within sixiy Juys after the exrcutiun uf �� :
<br /> this 5ecuriry Instrumem and shall rontinue to occupy thc Pruperry as Borrowcr's principal residcncc fc�r at Icast onc year after . . .. �
<br /> the date of occupancy.unless Lender atherwise agrces in writing. which consent shall ncu he unreasonubly withheld, or unless ,,• ,
<br /> extenuating circumtitanees exist �vhich are heyond Borrower's cuntrol. Borrower shall nnt destroy, damagc or irnpair the ,I� . '���/�,i
<br /> • Property. allow thc k'ropeny ta deterioratc. ur rummit wnstc cm thc Propertp. Borrower shall be in Jcfuult if uny fnrfeiturc . r �
<br /> � • action vr procceding, whcthcr civil or�riminal, is hcgun Ihat in I.cndcr's good 1'aith judgmcnt could result in furfciturc of thc ��.�S`�
<br /> . Property or otherwire material ly impair thc lien rreuted hy thiti Srcurity Intitrumern��r Lcndcr's sccuriry interest. Borrower may '`r
<br /> cure such a dcfault and rei nstatc,as prc�vidccl in paragraph I8, by rausing thc action or pr��cccdinF tc�hc dismi�scd with a ruli�i� , '���
<br /> thut, in L�nder's g�x�d faith determinatiun, prcrluScs t��rfciturc uf thc Burre�wer's intcre�t in ihc Praperty or vther muterial �� �
<br /> intpnirmenl ul'the licn crcatecf hy this Security Instrument cir Lcnder'� xcuriry intere�t. [3orroa�er�hall al�u hc in Jcfault if . �
<br /> Borrowcr,during d�c loan applicatiun prorr��, gavc nuitrrially falsc ctt inaccuratc infnrmution i�r�t.�tcincnts to Lcndcr cctt I'ailcJ I `.I
<br /> to provide Lcndcr witli any matcriul informatiunl ro runncrtion �vith th� I��an rvidcnceJ hy ihr Nute,i►icludin�, hut nut limitcd ! ,
<br /> ., tu. rcpmsrntation,ro�xcrning Burrciwcr',occupuncy c�l'thr Pruprrry a+u prinripal rcsidrnr�. It�ihi,Scrurity Instrumcnt iti nn a ' .,,• :
<br /> le:�sel�uld. I3urcowcr shall cumpl�• a-ith all thc prervitiionti uf thc Ira�r. II' Burruwer acyuircti Ice iitle tu the Propcny. i':u '
<br /> leasehold and thc fcc tide shall nnt mcrgc unless Lcnder ugrces to thc mcrgcr in writin�. I
<br /> 7,Prntectton of Lender's Ri�l�ts in the Propertv. If Borrower fails to perfonn the covenants and agrcetncnts cuntaineJ in ' . I
<br /> this Securiry instrument, ar ihere is a Icgal pracccding that may significantly aftcct Lendcr'ti right�in thc Property (�uch as a �
<br /> procccciing in bankrupicy_ probatc, fi�r rondcmnation or forfcimrc ur tc�cnforcc L•i���ti or rc�!ulatio»s1, thcn Lendcr may do and �
<br /> i ••'
<br /> �sy fur whatevcr is neCessary tu protrrt thc��.►lue al thr I'r��perty and Lendcr's ri�hts in thc Pr��perty. Lcndcr'� artiuiiti ma}� ._�r ,
<br /> —. -.--- .---- .....�...i„ ......:.... ..„„ .��.,,� .rri�rrd h.• :� li��n whirh has prioritv uvcr this Scruriry (nxtrumcnt. ap{-�caring in cuun. naving , ' I
<br /> �_....._ .. . �.�........ .._...._
<br /> �.»�...a ...y . -_
<br /> rcaumablc attorney�' fccti and cntCring un thc Pruperty tu makr rrpuirti. Althuugh LAndcr mxy �akc action undcr thiti p.uugraph . -.:-�
<br /> 7. Lcndcr di�es nut hu�•c t��du �i�.
<br /> ' Any anwwns �fi�bur�cd by Lcndcr undrr thi� paragraph 7 �hall hrrumc additional �icM i�f 6c�rr�nti•rr �ccurcJ b�- thi, � �
<br /> Sccuriry Instrument. Unlcs�13ormwer and Lendcr agrer to uthcr tcrnn of paymrnt, thcu.mi��unts ,hall hrar intrrctit 1hm�thc , ;'i
<br /> datc of di�buncmcnt at thc Nrnc ratc .�nd .hall hr payahlr. «•ith intcrc�t. upun natirc Irum LenJ�r to Eiurro��•cr rcyuc�ting I
<br /> • paymcnt. ,
<br /> ' 8.hlortpi��c Insurancc. II LenJrr rcyuircd murlEagc intiurancr ati a r�mJitiun uf making thc lu:ui ticrurrd h�•thi,Srrurit�•
<br /> ' Instruntent. Horruwcr.rh�tll pay th� prcmiuma r�yuired tu tnaintain Ihc m�irtgagr in�urancr in cffict. II'. liir an}• rcawn. thc �
<br /> �� mon�±a�c intiuranrc ��rvcr:igc rcyuired t,y LcnJcr lupu. ur rrau, tu hr in rl'fcct. f3urra�scr�hull �a} thc prcmiums rcyuircd �a
<br /> • uMain rovcra�c �uh�tantialls cywv:dcnt tn lhr rnurtgagc in�uranrr pre��rously in rffcct. at a c���i�ub�tantiully r��ui��alcnt �n thc
<br /> � �c�tit tu [iurro���cr uf lhc enurtgagc in.ur:uur prr+�i�iu+l�� in rllrtt, frnm an c�llcrn:nc numgaFr m�urcr apprnvrd h� Lcn�lrt. U �
<br /> ' .. 4 �
<br /> �
<br /> �•.,.��•t„�.t . Form 3026 9190 �
<br /> � I
<br /> �
<br /> „ ,. . __—j ---- --_,,,,,,,,,,,,, -
<br />