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'' � � <br /> .'.'� . •. _.. .. <br /> k. ,. `�� . ,. .. . , _ ' �- � ..,.. : . ,..,...�,{�_�� -T� <br /> ,.�a.. . .t - � -- - - -- •r.,r-. _ - � -- <br /> f�_ ...aKI•t.•i � .. . . .�..�_...._ ... .Y..waY.w� . v.......,...r....�. <br /> .�:....a..._,.�..�..�..�. -- .`i...._���...�.�.� _.._ <br />�`F ' ' * +"%- • ' �+-��^-�v—�arm�mv�ns�a _-- " <br /> 1 u•_s6_.�._.... �.._.�._.__..._�__...:— __�_— --_--_ . <br />� .... <br /> :aE,�-� ... � �:�:1'.C� __—. <br /> � --- � i(a��.�'�.0���'e�� . � <br /> � qpalnst futura monthty Inr,mllmnnhi o!FunU�.If fho nmaunt o/fho Funds hold by 6cnr.11clary e/ioll not bo sul(IClnnt to pay taxos,nacossrrt::nt.^, <br /> Insuraneo prcm�ums enui pround renf�na tlrc/lall duo, Tru�tor chnll poy to Bonc/!clary nny orrcounf nccossnry�o malc�up tho d::l/cloncy vdlhln fhlry <br /> days from fho dnto rtolico Is mallcd Iry BonotlGory l0 1'rustor rvquosUnp pnymanl thoroof.Upon paymentln full o/all IndnbPOdnoss,Bonoticl�ry ehell ��.^ <br /> promptly rolund to Tiusfor orry Funds hold by Bonollclnry.(/Iho irust Proporry Is sold undor Iho powo�ol snfe or lho Dust Proporfy is othonrlso --- <br /> � acqulrod by l3onoflclary, Donollclnry ahnll opAty,lmmudlntory prlor to fho salo ol�he Tiust Proparty or Its acqulsltion by Bnnol;clary,any Funds he:d <br />_ by Bono!lcfory at tho 11m�i ol applicaflon as a crodit apafist 1ho Indobtorinuss.I�Bo�ioflclary oxccuto9 n�vdtton wallor ol Tiustor's oblipatlons under __ _ <br /> • fhls parapraph 4, riustar covanants and nproos to pay,bo�oro tho samo becomo dollnquont a!I taxos,ascossmonts,lnsurenco pmmlums,praund <br /> � rents,and all othor cAnrpos whatsowor lovled upon o�nssessad,p/acod or made agnlnst Iho irust Properry.Tiustor lunher a�rees,upon w�ltten <br /> icqunst by Bonapclory, to promptty dodvor to Bonallclary all roc�ipts for fho pnymont o1 such charpos.Tiusro�Ilkcwlse�pro�s to poy all t�xos, e�W <br />- • essossmonts and otho►chnrgo9 lf�vlod upon or assossod,plecod or mado agalnst,or mnasur+ed by,tAls Onad ol tYust or the rocordatlon heieal. L—- <br />- b. Applicutlon ol Paymonts.All pnymonts roco/vad by Bonollalary ns to erry dobt,1lnbllity or o6Upatlon aved b Bonollcfary by liustor msy bo epplfed by ____ <br /> Bone/lclary to tho pnymont ol tho/ndubtodrtoss o�to rarry such othcrr dobt,Ilablliry or obligaticn,In any order or mannor ol appllcadon whlCh _— <br /> Bena/iclury,In!ta absoluta dlsarot/on,doems npproprlata Un/oss othanvlso oloctod by Beneflclery, arry sirch pnymont shall bo doomod c+pp1led first <br /> • •� to fho paymont ol anydo6t, Ilablllty or obllpAUon othor than 1ho Noto. � <br /> 6. Charges;Uons.TiuAtor wlp kaop tho Tiust Proporty frao from n!l llens nnd encumbrances wh1cA!n arry way mny,!n the Judgmont of lienoflclary,have __ <br /> pdorlry ove�o�lmpAlr tho socudry o(,thls Oood ol�Yust but 1Yustor need not dlscharge arry auch Ilen so long as Tlusror ShWI agroo,!n wBting,ro '_ <br /> ' pay tho obDDndon securod by such Ilen In a mannor accaptable(o Henellclery end slinll ln poad le/th contest such Ilen by approprlato lcflo! <br /> proceedings olfoctNo ro prownt the onlorcemont of the fora and the loss ol erryr interest In or part uf tho Dust Prope►fy. <br /> 7. hlazard Insurance.73vsta shall keep tho bufldings and orher lmprovements now ex/sting or hQroal[or erocfed on the Tiust Property/nsurod by <br /> Insuranco can/ers sallslaCtory to 8onopclttry egnlnst loss 6y flre,haznrds lnc/uded In tho terrn'�xfended coveragd'and such othe►hAZards, <br /> casualNos and r.ontingenclvs as may be requlred by Bonellclary,in such amounts and lor auch perfods as may be requlred by Bertof/cfary.Tho <br /> podcy ollnsuranco snall be In form acceptabfe to Benellcfary,provldo that tho same may not be cancelled or madiflod►vithout/iReen(ib)da�/s p�/or <br /> writtsn not/ce to Beneflclary,and shall have loss payabfe provklons In lavor o/and!n lorm accoptable fo Bersellclary.All premlums an lnsurence <br /> poUcles shall be peld fn tho manner provlded unde�paragraph 4 hereo!o�i1 not pald!n such mannei by Tiastor making payment at/east llttefln(i5) —°_ <br /> " days pnor to tho duo Qalo,dlractly to tha Msur.rnea earrlar. BCne(iclary shs!!h5ve the rlght ro ho(d the pofiCfes&nd nenewels thereol and Austor sAnll ���-: <br /> . prompfly lurnlsh to Benellclttry sll renewal notices and all puid premlum recelpts recelved by it.ln no event shal!BoneBc/ary or Tiustes be held <br /> respons!ble for failuru fo pay insuronce premlums or for nrry loss or damage arfsing out of a detoct!n a�y pollcy or srlsing out o/eny laliure ol any <br /> lnsurencv compary to pny lo�eny loss or damage lnsured agamat oi fo�lalfure by Tiustor fo e�Yect tho Insurenca requlred heraundei In the event o! R <br /> loss.Tiustor shall glve prompt notice by mall to the lnsurance canle►and Beneflclary.Boneliclmy may mnka prool o!loss!!not made prompHy or!n 4=� <br /> proper form by Trustoc All po�lclos of/nsur&nce end any end all relunds of uneamed premlums aro hereby asslgned to Reneficlary as addlUonal _ <br /> :- •;":i . secudty lor the payment o�the Indnbtedness.fn tho event of 8enoflclary's exerclso o!the pava�of sale contalnad hetaln,or!n the event of <br /> � - lorec/osure,aU rfght,6t/e and lntorest o/Tiustor!n and to arry Insurence policy then In lorce shall pass to the purichaser at the trusteda sa/e or <br /> ��•�" ' lo�cfosure sale.!n case ol arry loss,tAe Insu�ence proceeds may,at the uption ol Beneficlary,be applled by Bene!lclary upon the Inde6tedness,or <br />. ..r •1 ; <br /> arry pttrt thereo�,and In such orde�and smount es Benoficlary may determine;or sald insuranCe procoeds,at the op8on of Benoficlary,msy either _ <br /> ;�'. ;�: ' 6e used!n replacing or rosronng the Trost Properry partl8lly oi rotalty desfroyed to a conditlon saNSfactory to BeneOclary;or sald lnsurenco _ <br /> � proceQds,or any porllon thereol,m&y be relensed to Tiustor.Unless Beneflciery and Tiustor otAenviso agree In writing,erry such appl/catfon ol _ _ <br /> insurence proceeds shall not oxfend or postpone the due date ol tha Note,o►arry lnstallments calfed lar therein,or changa the emount o/such <br /> lnsfallmenfs.►f tha 7iust Proporty!s ecqulred by Bone/IC1ary pursuant to(he exerclse of the povre�of sale or other loreclosure,all rJght,tltle ortd <br /> _-_____-_.,__ _._.._ _ .,.,..�,,...,, ro PGd10 IIOVOI�IG AC A/QCIII�/IIlIATA/fP�fl�IIR Tmg�Pmnartv nrinr m fhe sala nr acnulsft/on shall Dass to <br /> . _ . —___- _ ,_— IOfB/U5f UI IruslVr n�ai�v iv a.�'�......f'S^....'.!L'.........�.._�'.."_'..'_'".. _.__..._o'"".' . • �� <br /> 88nef1Gary and shall be appllad llrst to tho costs and expensea includ;ng attomey fees,incuired/n colfeating such proceeds,thon!n tho manner ��' <br /> end In the orde�prov7ded ho�eln. _- <br /> • 8. Preservutlon end Mamtenance of Tiust Property. Tiustor wtll koep[he buildings and other lmprorements now or hereaher erected on the Tiust _ <br /> Properry In Qood repalr end condltlon end wlll not commlt or permit waste,wlll not alfe�the deslgn or structu�ef character constltuting arry bu/lding __ <br /> now o�he►aeitor erected on end constltutJng fhe Tiust Proep�ty wlthout the prlor written consent o1 BeneliClBry,wl11 not do erry 8Ct or thing whfch t.. <br /> . . .�� wou/d unduty Impoii or dopreclate the value of the 1Yust Properry and will not abandon tho Trust Properry. Trustor will not remove arry lixturos E: <br /> �� � consdtuting tho Tiust Pmperry unless tho same are lmmodletery raplaced with liko property su6joct to the ilen and securiry lnterest of[his Deed ol -` <br /> • . �"��•:'•�'��• Tiust and of at leest equal valuo and utlli�! Tiustor wlll compty wlth all prosent and luture ordlnances,ragulatlans and requlroments of erry <br /> .� ti '>� povemmenta/body whlch are applicablo to the Aust Proparty and ro the occupancy and use thereoL It this Deed o►Tiust Is on n uNt ln a <br /> condominium or a planned unit davvlopmont,Tiustor sha/l perfo�m all of Tiustor's obligatlons untler the dec/aretfons or couvnants creaNng or [*� <br /> governing tho condom/nlum or the pinnnod unit dwolopment,the bylaws and regulations ol the condominlum or plsnned unit devefopmcrnt,and the <br /> constltuent documenls. � <br /> 9. Inspectlon.Beneliclery or rts agents may,at a11 reasonab/e times, en�er upon tho Trust ProperYy lor the purpose of lnspectlon.Beneildary shall hnvn i� := <br /> no duty to mako such lnspoction nnd shAll not be Iinblo to Tiusror or to anv person ln possessbn II!t makes or lalls to make arry such lnspectlo� <br /> iQ ProteCilon ot SeCU�lty./1 irusror lails to pertorm airy ol the Covenants and agreemenfs r,antelned in thls Deed o►Tiust,or!f arry acflon or proce Uinn �'" <br /> Is commenced which doos or may sdversely aKoct the Trust Property o�the inrerest ol Trustoi or Beneficiary fhereln or tlie tltfo o!Tiustor thereto, �; <br /> the»BenellClery,nt its option,may perform suCh Covennnts and agmemnnts,make such oppeerencos,defend agalnst and lmestlgate suCh BCtion "'".� <br /> or proceoding nnd teke such other acHOn as Bone6clary deems rtecessary ro protect its Infenest includmg,but not Ilmited to,dlsbursement o! tf� <br /> roasonablv ottorney loes end entry upon the Tiust P�operry to make repairs.Arry amounts disbursed by Bonaliclary pursuant to thls paragreph 10, I <br /> „ with lnterest thottton,shall Constl�v[e lndobtedness o1 Tiustor soCUred by thls Dsed ol Tiusf.Unless Trustar and Benelicary egree to Of,her terms oi ! . <br /> peyment,such amounts shnll bo payable upon notice Irom Beneticiary to Tiustor requesting prrymen►thereo�,and shal!bear Interest bum the date � <br /> ol dlsbursoment at tho de/a�lt rato,ii eny,sof forth in the No%or otherwiss at the hlghest rafe perm�tted by law:Nothlrtg ContBined in thi9 per8greph i <br /> + �:`' shalf 2qulre Bonel�c�ory ro Incur any oxponso or toko any nct(on hereunder. Tiusror irrevocably authodzes and empower5 Beneflclary to onter upon � <br /> the Tiusf Proporry as 7lustor's agent nnd,in Tiustor's name or othanvise to perlorm any and all covenants and agreements to be pe�formed b� � � <br /> irustor es heroln prov(dod.Bonollclary shall,et rts optlon, be subrogated to nny encum6rance,lien,c181m or demand end to eli rights and securihos � �� <br /> !or tho payment thoroo/p[�fd or dlSChergod by Bone�icinry under the provisions he�oot and any such subrogation rights shall bo 8dditiort8l nnd <br /> Cumulativv socunry for thls Doed ot Tiust. <br /> 11. Condemnati0n. Tho procueds o(ary mvard or Gelm for darnuc�os,d,mct or consequonfial,m connechon wrth arry condemnafion or othpr taking of the <br /> Tiust P�oparty;o�arry part Morool,or!or conwysnce�n!reu ol o�rn anticlpation ol condemnarion,aro horoby asslgnad to und shnll be pald to <br /> BOnoliClBry.Tiusror wi�!fdo and prosocuto.�n good loith dnd wifh due dil(genco,ds clalm for arry such 3ward or pnyment,nnd w�l!ct+use the same to ba <br /> Col/ttctod rtnd pnld!o Banc�/ic�ary.and,should d tail to do sa Tiusror irrwocably autho�itos and ompowcrs Bonehaary,m tho name ol Tiustor or <br /> • . ornonv� rro,prosocuto,setflv or comprom�so any suCh claim and to collacf.receipt lor and refam the proceeds.ll tho Tiust Propany is ebandoned � <br /> by Tiusto�or,otta notrco by 9onol�aory ro Tiustor mat tho condomnor o1lers to mnko an award or settln a clnim tor damuges. Trustor lails�o respond ro I <br /> , Boneliciary wrthm thlrry(30J drrys a/tor 1he dafe suth nohco is mad�d.Benehc�ary�s authonzod ro colloct nnd app/y tho procoads in tho mannur I <br /> �nd�carod horoin iho prtxvods ot arry award or cloim may: alto�deduchng all Rtasonab/e crosfG and exponses.mcludrng attaney fovs,which may havo <br /> been lncuned by Beno%Gnry in tho collechon thereot,et thct solo aiscrchon o/BonQl�aary,bo rvfeased lo Tiustor,aAP6Qtl to restorahon o!7ius!Proporry, , <br /> �� � a applrad fo tho prrymenr o/the lndebtednoss.UNess Bsne�iciary and Tiusror othenwse ngreE m wnhng,arry such applicatron ol proceods ro � <br /> Indobtedness shal!not extond or postpono tho due date of tho Note or tho payment ol arry mstallmonts callad!o�thoroundQc <br /> 12. Tiusror Not fteloasod.Ex!ons�on o�tho timo for prryment or modAicehon ot arry amortizanon ot tho Indebtednoss gmntod by Bonerraary to arry <br /> � succossor rn mrorost of Tlustor shall not operero[o mfeasv, m any mannot the I�abrliry of Trusror onti irustor's successors in interost.Benelicmry shell <br /> not be rtrquirod to commenCO procaodmgs against such suCCOSSOr or roluse ro oxtond time lor ptryment or othenv�se moddy amortzahOn ol fha <br /> -^--,. - ,,,.a�.'e.r.,oae r,�.,mv�n nr anv dnmrind mr�du bv Tiustn�and Tiustor's succossors rn mtoinst. <br /> __ -_ _ _ __ _ - ...-.�•--••----• ---- . . - <br /> 13. Finanda!Informat�on. Upon mquosf ot Bonvhciary. riustor wdl prov�dn to Qonelicia.y.wifhm nmety f90)daNs ol thv close ol oach hscal yea�ot <br /> ' Trusto�th�Consol�datQd bulsnCO shaet artd stutemont ot oammgs of Tiustor antl ony and a�l guaranto�s ol the Indobtodnoss socumd hemby.d a�y. ; <br /> . and�vdl provido and dolnv�to Bonoliciary suCA other fmanC�ol mformahon nnd�n such manner as Benetiaary moy rQASOnably requost�rom f�mo ro ' <br /> • timo. <br /> � 14. Flnancial Covenants ln o�iddwn to uny othor fmonc�al covononts ol Tiusror mado in nny olhe�asroomvnf.�nshumpn�or Aocumont. Tiustor sholl <br /> •, compry w�th end shnU cduso any ond t+ll gunrnntors ol fho Indebtodness securod horoby fo compty wrth,or be�n complianco�v�fh.1he fo�iotivmg i <br /> ,. f�ncmaal eovonanrs fPh�s paragroph shail not oppty d covonanfs and mqu�mmvnes am nor s�t forth horem 1 <br /> 15. Schodulo of lodsas W�Ihrn ton(10)tlays altar domand.rrustOr sha�l furn�sh to Bonolr,�ary a fo by 1'iusfor.sottmg forth o1l/oUSOs <br /> ' of the Dust Proporty,or nny pomon tharool.mcluding m onch tnse.tho namo 01 tho tvnpnfs or occupants.a tloscnphon ol tho spaco occup�od by ' <br /> 7 such tanrrnf or occupnnt. thu�ontal pnyobfe for such spaco. nnd such othe��nlormation nnd documents w�rh rospoct ro sucn'er+sos and rvnanc�os , <br /> � Us Bvnolrp�ry ntAy�o:.lsunllbry requosf <br /> � .• �6. �ovenants ol Tiustor w�tn Aospect to Lot�sos W4houf tho pnv��vnttort consent of 8enehCiary.Tiustor sha�l no�. tluectly o�mduoctly Wrth�45pQCf ID <br /> � any lQaSO Ol Sp9c0 in tho Tiust P�OpS7It)!o/liny pOrtron IhC�'U1.whC+fhQ/SuCh!0.]50�5 nOw or hQrBU!(Qr in e.Y�sfOnCe <br /> I <br /> � I <br /> i <br /> ., � <br /> . .. .. . .. . . . . . .... . <br />