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All replaccments und ndditions shnil alsa be cavercal by this Sccuritp <br />°"1 � �� (nstnunent.All af the Pc,regaing is referrecl to in this Security Tnstrument as the"Property." _ <br />- „ . BO�tROWER COVNNANTS that Borrowcr is lawfully sciscd of thc cstatc hcrcby convcyccl anJ has thc right to graait nr� <br />;�;,q.. . . convcy thc Prapcny and that tl�c Property is w►cncumbcrecl, cxccpt for encumUranccs of rccorJ. �orrowcr warrauts und wU! <br /> � defend�enerally the title tn the Property ngainst all claims and demands, subject to any encumbrances of record. <br /> • THIS 51iCUR`TY INS'�RUMEN7'combines uniforn�covennnts for nationa! use and non-uniiorm covcnants with limitaj = <br />�`'i • "' variations by jurisdictiun to constitute a uniform security instrument covering real property. <br /> �� UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bnrrowcr and L.endcr covenant and agree as follows: <br /> , l. Pnynient of Princfpal ancl Interest; Preppyn�►ent nnd Lute CI►arges� Borrower sf�all pramptly pay whcn duc the <br /> principal nf and interest on the debt cvidenccd by the Note und any prepayment and late charges due under tl�e Note. <br /> '� Z. Funds for Tuxes and Insurnnce. Subject to upplicable law or to a written �vaiver by Lender, Borro�ver shall pay to <br />- �. '� Lender on the day monthly paymenis arc due under the Note,until the Notc is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for:(u)ye,�rly taxcs ` ' <br /> � • ; and ussessments which may uttain priority ovcr this Security Instrument as ti licn on the Property;(b)ycarly leasehold payments <br /> or ground rents on thc Froperty,if any;(c)yearly h;uard or property insurancc premiums;(d)ycarly flaod insurance premiums. <br /> • if uny; (e)yearly martgage irysurance premiums, if any; and (�any sums payablc by Borrower to Lender, in accordunce wi►h <br /> the provisions of paragraph 8. in lieu of the payment�f mortgage insurance premiums.Tl:ese items a�+e called "Escrow Icems." <br /> �'. ' Lender may, at any time,collect and hol� Funds in an amount not ro excced the maximum a�nount a lender for a feder�lly <br /> ' { rclatcd mortsage loan may require For Borruwer's escrow account under the fedcral Real Estate Setdement Pracedures Act of . <br />, � - 1974 as amended from time to time, 12 U.S.C. Section 2b01 et seq. ("RESPA"),unless another luw that upplies to the Funds <br /> : � scts a Icsscr amount. If so, Lcndcr may, at any [ime, collect and hold Funds in an ,unount not to cxcced the lesser amount. <br /> " . Lcndcr may estimate thc amount of Funds duc un thc basis of current datu and reaso�iable estimates of cxpenditures of future - - - <br /> + Escrow Items or othenvise in accordanee with applicuble ln�v. <br /> � The Funds shall be held in an institution whosc depusits urc insured by a fedcral agency, instrumentalit��, or cntity <br />-, „ (induding Lendcr,if L.endcr is such an instiw[ion)or in any Federe.l Home Laan Bank.I.ender shall apply the Funds to pay the <br /> . Escrow Items. I.cnder rnay not charge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds, annu�lly analyzing the escrow account, or <br /> verifying thc Escrow Items,unless I.cnder puys Borrowcr interest on thc Funds and applicablc law permits Lendcr to make such <br /> a charge. However, L.ender may requirc Barro�ver to pay a one-timc charge for an independent real estate tax reporting service <br /> used by l.cnder i�i connection with this loan, unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an agreement is made or <br />. , �' applicable law rcquires interest to be paid, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any inte�rst or earnings on the�unds. <br />", ' Borro�ve�and L.cnder may agrce in writing, howcver. [hat interest shall bc paid on thc Funds. Lcnder shall givc to Borrower, <br /> without charge, sn annual accowuing of the Funds, showin� credits and Jebits to the Funds und the purpose for which each , <br /> � - debit to the Funds was madc. Thc Funds are pled�cd us additional security for all sums sccured by this Security Instrument. <br /> �`'�,T If the Funds held by Lender exeeed the amounts permitteci to be held by applicable la�v. Lender shall account to Borrower <br /> � �� for the cxccss Funds in accord;mce with thc requircments of upplicablc la�v. If thc amount of the Funds held by L.ender at any __ <br /> time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow I[erns wheo Juc. Lr.nder muy so notify Borrower in writing. and,in such case Barrower <br /> _ shall pay to Lender the amount nrcessary to make up the deticicncy. Borrowe� shall make up the deficicncy in nu more th:u� <br /> ,, t�vclve tnanthly paymcnts,at Lcndcr's sale discretian. ��, <br /> Upon payment in full of aU sums securcd by thiti Security Instn►ment. Lcnder shall prompdy refund to Borrower any �_ <br /> �� Funds held by Lender. If,under paragraph 21.I.ender�hall aryuirc or sell thc Property. Lcnder, prior to thc acquisiGon or sale ''�.° <br /> ., of the Property. shal l apply any Funds held by Lender at the time uf acquisition or sule as a credit agninst the sums securt:d by <br />_ . this Security Instrumcnt. �-�'- <br /> c�= <br />= 3.Appl[cution of Payments. Unle+s applicable law providcti iitherwise,all payments received by L.cndcr under paragraphs = <br /> ° I and 2 shall be applied: first. to any pmpaymcnt charges duc under thc Notc: second, to amountx payable under paragraph 2; ,�;: <br /> third,to intcrest due;f'ourth,to principal du�;and last,to any I�te rharges Jue under thc Notc. <br /> � 4.Charqes; l.iens.Borro�vcr shall pay all taxes,assessmcnts, chargcs, tines and impositions attributablc to the Property " <br /> which may .utain pciority o��cr this Scrurity Instsument, and Ieasehold payments or ground rentx, if uny. Bormwer shall pay ���, <br />. � thcse obligation�in thc mmner prc�vidcd in paragraph 2,ur if not puid in that manner, aorrowcr tihall pay them on time directly <br /> . to thc perscm owcJ payrnent. Borrowcr .hall pmmpdy furnish ta[,cndcr ull noticc�cit'amounts to bc paid undcr this para�raph. <br /> �; lf Borrowcr makcs these paymcnts dirccdy, Bonmvcr�hall promptly furnish to Lendcr reccipts cvidenring the payments. �"� <br /> &irrowcr shall prompdy discf�argc any licn whirh hati priority over thi�Scrurity Instrument wtictiti f3orrower: (u)agrceti in <br /> , writing to the payment c�f the cihlig�tion�ecured by lhc lirn in a manner acreptahlr ai L,ender;(b)c�mtests in boal faith the licn <br /> ; ;...', by, cir defcnds against cntiirccment ot thc lien in. Icgal prorcrdings �vhich in thc I.cndcr'� opinion uperatc to prevcnt thc <br /> , enl'orcement of the lien; or Ic1 secures from thc h<�Wcr uf th� licn an agreem�nt,atisfac►ory to Lendrr subordinating thc lien to <br /> - . this 3ccuriry Instrument. [f 1.�-nJcr dcterminc�that any part uf the Pr�perty is ,ubjcrt lu a lien �vhirh tnsy cutain prioriry uvrr <br /> ;, f this Security Instrument. Lcnder mu}�give Aorrower a notice identitying the licn. R��rra���cr�hall sati,t)-Au lirn or take cme ar <br /> more of the actions set forth above ��•ithin ia days ul the gi�•ing uf notice. <br /> ' Form 3028 9190 <br /> . .. Pn{�o 7 0l� <br /> . 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