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���a:i:' ,, v_- <br /> �. �=s.. <br /> , <br /> '-"�� . • n-�._ <br /> � ' . . , <br /> ,�. <br /> .t. <br /> „ . <br /> '. •�WCes�, :' , , .. . . , _ •••,�.v,.�, ' __ - <br /> ,� <br /> .. > � , ����,� �,�Q��P . ",.���� <br /> 9a. 6oreo��ror'o L�I�hB 49 Rctnat�4o. It Borro�vcr mc�to ccnuln cand�uon�, BO.iO�vCf 9h9 r a i�'io r � oSio a u urccm�nt of � �--�� <br /> thl; S�CUdty Ir��Wmcnt dlscontlnuod nt ony ttmo prlor to Iho c�rC�r ol: (n) 6 d�yn (or auch othcr perlod ao oppl!cabl� 1]e� m�y opcCfty lar �.��° <br /> I ralnetalcm�nl) bcloro onl� of lho Properly puraunnt to ony poe�cr ol aal� conta�ned In Ihla Sccur�ly Inctrum�nt; or (b) cr�iry ol n Judpr�i:nt <br /> � onlorolnp Ihb Sxu►ity instrumant. Thoso conditlono nro thnt Borrovror: (a) peys Londot ell sum3 �vhlCh Ihon would bo dua undor thl� °�•- <br /> I Securlty Instmrnent end tho Noto aa II no accebrntion had oCCUrrod; (b)cures any dotauh of ey�y othor covannn¢ or eproomento;(o)puya ;�:-- <br /> alf oxponses hcurred h enforoing thl9 Securtty Instrument,fnaludlnp,bul not Iimftad to,reasanable ettomeys'lees;end(d) talco� sucA acllon <br /> � es Lendor m9y reASOnebty requke to assuro thet lhe Ilan of tht�Sflcurity InsWment, I.onde�e r{phts h the Property tnd Borrowere obl;pation <br /> I lo pay the eum�s�eured by thb &eeurRy Imtrumen!ehtN eonthu�unohtnpo0. Upon rahatttenwnt by Borrowa, thh Securlty Instrummt . . -� <br /> and tho obfigatlons sacured heroby ahali fomnln NI!; et(octko as M no accebrnt(on had occurted. Hov�evor, thl9 ripht to roln6lata eh�il not �� ��„ <br /> � appry h th�caeo of tcceknt(on under parqflraph 17. , <br /> 19. 9ale oi Note; Chanqe oi Lonn Servicer. Tho Note 0► 6 pertlal hterest In the NOte (top�ther wRh thFJ SoCU�ity , <br /> Instrument) may ba eold one or more tknes wfthout prlor notice to Borrower. A sab may resuk h e chanpe In t19 ent8y (known es the +�o <br /> 'Loan�)that colloete monthry paymente due under the Note and this Securtty Instrumen� There a(so may b�ona or mor�ohanQes �b, <br /> o}tho Loen Servtce►unreiated to s sale ot lhe Note. If thare Is a chanye of the Loan So+vicor, BoROwer wlll ba pMen wrNten notke o}the ��!•' <br /> chanpe h accordanco wRh para�reph ta above and epplfcabie law. The riot�e will state the�ame end addresa of tho new Loan Serv�or • �•_ <br /> � nnd tho address to whiah payments shoutd be mado. The not�a wiu afso contn��eny other hformatton requlrad by applicable Ww. ,,,,,�;� <br /> 20. Hazardous Subatences. 8orrower shall not cnuse or psrmR tho presonco, use, dlspoanl, etonye, or release ot eny - <br /> �.��E_: <br /> Hezardaus Substenees on or In the Proporty. Bonower shnll not do,nor albw enyone else to do,snythhp ef;ecthp the Property th6t Is in :�.�. �`�;�p�F" <br /> vtotation ot any Envkonmentsl Law. The proceding two sontertcoa shall not appty to lhe prosenco,use, or storeye on tho P�oporiy of email " '�r "'�" <br /> quantittes of Harardous 5libstances thnt ure penoralry recopntred to be approprlata to nortnat resklenttal uses and to mahtenence o} the . , . { �, ��` <br /> Property. ...�,:�`s <br /> '�i -- -.��� <br /> Dorrower snall promptly pHo Lender writton not�Ce of nny Invostipetion, clnlm, demand,lawsuk or othor eatbn by eny povemmentel or ���'��c <br /> ::r�e:u. <br /> regulatory n�ency or private party Involving the Property and any Hazardous Substence or Environmentel Law of whbh 8ortower has actual •� .-;;�� <br /> knowledge. If Borrower leams, or Is notified by any govommentel or reguletory authariry, lhat any removal or Other remedlatbn o1 eny �-r'==_- <br /> Haxnrdous Sub5lanco aN�cting the Property Is necessary, Borrower shall prompty take all necessary ramodiel aotlonu In eCCOrdenCe wfth ���+1f!'�- <br /> Envaonmenlal L.ew. :"it:.;�� <br /> .• e��.• �m—� <br /> � � A;, used N thb parapmph 20, 'Haxardous Substances' are those substunces dufinod as toxb or has4rdous substanca9 by '.'�", "."•-- <br /> Environmental Lew and the followinp substancos: gasollne, kerosene, othor (lammubfe or toxb patrobum produote, toxb pestiCides end . �!��� -- <br /> herbbldes, votal�e soMents, materiels contolninp esbestos or fomwtdehyde, nnd radbactHo mate►lals. As used h thb perepretth 20, �=-- <br /> 'Envkonmentat Law" mean5 fedeml laws and laws of the JurlsdlCtlon where Ihe Praperty Is bCated that relate to hearth. attely or "���� .� <br /> environmental protectbn. �� � <br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bortower and Lender further covenant and apree ss folbws: <br /> 21. Acceteratton; Remedles. Lender ahell glve notice to �orrower prlor to aaceter�llon tol�owing y��� -- <br /> �._.'� . . _ T:'�. <br /> t3orrower's breacit oT any coveneni or ugreemeni in utia �er.uriiy insirumerei (oui noi prio� i6 occcio�aii'vn --.=- �,•�_ <br /> � under pa�agra�h 17 unless appllcable lew provtdes otherwise). The notfce ahell speclty: (e) the deMult; ��� .� °� <br /> (b) the act`on requtred to cure the detault; (c) e dete, not less than 30 o1aW$ irom the dete the noUce la , <br /> given to Borrower, by whlch the def�ult must be cured; nnd (d) thAt fIDiiv�re to cure the deteult on or % <br /> betore the dete speclfled in the notfce may result In ecceleretion of the sa,ms secured by thta Security �� ' <br /> Instrument end eale of the Property. The nottce shell further inform �or�owee of the right to relnatate aiter ;.. ' <br /> . <br /> r�cceleration and the right to bNng a court action to essert the non-existence of a defeult or any other � r, <br /> defeose of Borrower to aoceleretlon and aale. If the deMult ta not cured on or betore the dete apecNled 1`� � ' <br /> In the notice, Lender at its optlon mey requtre immedtate payment in i�tl ot ell sume aecured by thia ,'�� ' <br /> � Security In�Vument without turthe� demend end mey invoke the power of sale end eny olher remedlea „ ^ �, <br /> permltted by applicable law. LQnder shall be entttled to collect all expenses incurred In pursuing ihe . . <br /> remedtes provided in thfe peragreph 21. including, but not Ilmlted to, reasoneble attorneye' tees end coats , • �.f , . <br /> of title evidence. j ;' :'�`r��� <br /> If tne power �f sale is invoked, Trustee shall record e notico of deteuit fn eech county in which any j . - <br /> . part oi the Property is located and sholl meil copies ot such notice In the manner prescr(bed by eppUcable � - � <br /> , law to Bar�ower and to 4he other persona prescribed by �pplfCabte law. Aiter the time requ(red by •� <br /> applicabte law. Truatee sh�ll �ive public notice of sale to the persona and In the manner presc�ibed by �,'`��� <br /> � applicable law. Trustee, wdthout demand on Borrower, shall sell the Property et publlc auction to the �, <br /> i highest bidder at Rhe time �nd place and under the terms destgnated tn the notice oT sele in one or more I � , ,�It <br /> � parcels and In arey order Trustee determtnes. Trustee may postpone sate of ail or eny �ercel of the � � •, - <br /> � P�operty by public announcertnent at the ttme and plece of any prevlousty sched�led sale. Lender or ite , ��• �` i;� <br />.. designee may pur�chase the Property at eny sale. � �` <br /> Upon receipt ot payment of the price bid, Trustee shalt detiver to the purchaser Trustee's deed , , � � <br /> � conveying the Rroperty. The recttels In the Truatee'a deed shell be prima facie evidence ot the truth of � , � �' <br /> tho stetements made thereln. Trustee shall appiy the proceeds vf the sale tn the tollowtn� order: (a) to ell ' <br />_ coste and expensea ot exerc(sing the power of sele, and the sale, Including the payment ot the Trustee's �� <br /> fees ectuelly fncurred, not to exceed 3 °� of the princtpal amoun4 ot the note at the time of the � <br /> declarntion of dotault, ond reasonnbte ariorney's fe�s as permltted by law; (b) to all sums securad by this � ; <br /> Sec�rity InsVument;end (c) any excess to the per�on or persons legally entitied to It. � "� <br /> 22. Reconveyance. Upon payment qi elt sums seCUrad by thls Security InsWment. Lender Shail reyuest Trusloe to reconvay Ihe • <br /> Property and shall surtonder this Security Instrument and nll notes evidencing debt secured by this Security Instrument to Trustee. Trustoe y i <br /> shall reconvay the Property without wartanty and without charge to the porsan or persons legalry onti[led to It. Such person or pprsons shall . f,� <br /> � pay c�ny rocordalbn costs. ' <br /> 23. 5ubstitute Trustee. Londer, at its optlon, may from tUne to tMe remove Trustes and appolnt a successor trustEte to uny �4�i <br /> Tn�ttm annolntnd hc�lnundnt 6v nn Inswmont racnrdad In tho countv h wh�h thls Sncuriiv Instrumsnt is rscordnd. Without convovence of � <br /> ' tho PropeRy.successor Uugtee shali succoed to ell tho t�tla,powor and duties conlerred upon Trustes hernin and by appi�able L�w. <br /> ' 24. Request fur Nottees. Borcowa� roquosts thnt copbs of the not�es of dotttuR und sato be sent to Bortower's uddross which ' <br /> , Is tho Property Address. A� <br /> 2b. Rld@�8 t0 t6118 S@CU�I�}i IIl&tfUlY16tlt. 11 ono or moro ridors Hro oxc�cuted by Borrotivor nnd recorded togothor with thfs � <br /> i•� SeCUrity Instrument. t�e covenants and agreements of each such rider shall be incorpornted into and shtlll pmend nnd supplement the , <br /> covennnts nnd apreumants o�thfs Security instrurnnnt as if the rldor(s)wure n pnrt ol this Security Inscrument. � <br /> , � <br /> . ' <br /> Ptp��al 6 Form 907� 8/80 ��� <br /> � F10Z0.1M0(10/WI) - . - <br /> �' ea <br />