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<br /> � not to oxceod tho mu�cimum amount n londcr tor n tedcralty rol�ted mortpago lann may roquiro fa�o'h'o+ir�r��fffw�a�D�t und�r tho �� F.���;,�,""'
<br /> fcd�ml I�=a1 EcQato 5o14t�mcnt Proccduros Act of 1974 os nmc»d�d fron tUn� to tl�r^, 1?.U.9.C. 8601 ct ccq.("RESPA°), unl�so enothcr I�w ,, ��'+
<br /> that applb;, to th� Funda Coto o l�accr amount. If ao,Lcnd�r may, at cny t6r�, cot:::ct and hold Funds In nn anpunt not to oxcc�d lho " '
<br /> , IesEOr amount. Lsndar mny ostlmnto tho c�mount o! funds duo on the bas(s o} currcnt data nnd reasonable ostlmates of axpondifuros of _ -__.
<br /> tuture EeCrow Item9 ot otherwlse In acaordnnco with nppl�able law.
<br /> Tho Fund3 shaA be held In an Instltution whoco doposlls nro Nsurod by a fodoral n3onoy, Instrumonlaltty, or entity(Inotudinp Lender, H ;, -
<br /> •, Lendor 15 auoh an Instkutbn)or in any fdderal Homa Loan Bank. Lender ehall apply the Funds to pny lhe Escrow Iteme. lender may not � ,1 .._
<br /> ahnrge Bono�v�r tor holdinp and appryinp the Funds, annualy enary�np the eacrow account, or verHyhp the Escrow Itema, un(ass Lender �
<br /> paya Borrower Interost on th6 Punds and appibable law p�rmits lender Qo make such a charqa. Havrevtr, l.cndcr may rcquUO Borroelcr to • �•
<br /> pey a one�ttme charpe tor an hdependent real estate texrepoRhp savlce used by Lender In aonneatlon wkh this bin,unlese epplbabb law . ,.,..;;r:,
<br /> • providos otharwise. Unlese en apreement Is made or appl►cabl� law requkes htarest to be peid, Londer ohatl not be requlred to puy
<br /> ' Bortowor any tnt¢rest or enmin0s on the Funda. Bonower end Lender may agree In writln@,however, that Intarest shell be pald on the Funds. .
<br /> L6ndar aholl glve to Borrower,without charge,an annual accounthg oi tho Funds, showlnp credite and dobits to the Funds and the purposo -
<br /> tor whbh ouch deblt to tho Funds was mede. Tha Fundc are pbdged as addklonal seouriry(or ali sums socured by this Socurity Instrument. . ,��
<br /> If the Funds hefd by t.cindor exceed the amounts permiited Ea be held by appli�abk� lati�, Lcndcr shnA occouni to 9orcower tor tho �, '� ��
<br /> excess Furtds tn accordanco wlth tho requlrements of epptkable law. If the amount ot tne Funds held by Lender at any tfine Is not euftictent _ , "��;
<br /> , to pay the EsCrow Items when due, Londer may so notify Borrower h wriling,nnd, In such case Borrowsr ehall pay to Lender the emount -�,;:,:;�,?�'�� '�
<br /> „ necessary to mnke up tha deilclancy. BoROwer shall make up the deffcbncy In no more lhan bvehre monthty payments, at Lender's sob .<':�,',-:,��� �
<br /> • �
<br /> discretion. ''� ' � ;_±
<br /> Upon payment h full ot all sums s�aured by this SeCUrfly IneWment, Lendor nhell prompty retund to Bortower any Funds held by ,,,:�;r,r.��,�
<br /> Lender. I}, under pflrapraph 21, Lendor shall acquae or sell the Property,Lendor, prbr to the acquiskton or sale o}d�e ProFerty, sheli appy ,:�.`,�-^Y,,, �}��
<br /> nny Funde held by Lender et the t4ne of acquisitbn or se{e ea a cr�edk epehst the sums securod by lhis Securky Instrument. �;y,,,,;,�.:;i:;� �.,�. ���
<br /> 3. Applicetlon of Paymente. Unless appl�able law provldes otherwiso,all paymenta recelved by Lender under parayrapha 1 and • �
<br /> ,;..�„„_.e_
<br /> 2 shall be eppl!ed: Iirst,to any prepuyment char{�es dua under th�Noto;se.ond, to amounls poyable under parapraph 2; thYd to tnterest '"��:"��
<br /> due;touAh.to prk►atpal due; and Iest,to any late Charpe9 due under the I�ote. ' �'`�=���-"�
<br /> 4. Chargea;Ltena. Borrower shall pay ail taxos,assessmonts,charges, thes and knposklan5 attr�Duteble to the Propsrty wh(oh ''�?�� ;�.
<br /> may attain prfority ovev this Securky InsWment, and leasehatd oaYmenls or pround rents,H any. Borrower shall pay these obliyatlons In the _��,��:
<br /> manner provided tn paragraph 2, or if not pald in that manner, EJortowor shall pay them on time dPectly to the peraon oMred payment. .��#�_:�:__.
<br /> Borrower sha0 promptry fumish to Lander ail not�Ces of amoums to be pald under this pnragrnph. If Bortower makes the5e payments `��~:_-----
<br /> dUeotly,Borrower shall promptry tumish to Lender receipts evldenchp the pnymsnts. • ^�f��
<br /> Bortowor shell promptly diSOharpe any Ibn whbh hos prlorriy over thls Security Instrument unlesE Borrowor. (a)sgress In writinq to the �j
<br /> peyment of the oblgatlon secured by the Iien in a manner ucceptebb to Le�der, (b) contests In pond IaRh the Iien by, or detends apahst ` _��s _
<br /> enforcoment of the 119n in, Iepai proCaedhgs whfch In the Lendefe opinbn operato to prevent tne enforcemeni oi ine iian;ur taj 5a:�;�o5������ - - . "'-�
<br /> the hotder of th9 Iien en agreement saqstactory to Lender Bubordlnathg the I{en to this SeCUriry Instrument. if londer detormhes that any � ��,,,
<br /> , paR of the PropeRy Is subJect to a Iien whlch may attaV� prlority over thts Security Instrument, Lender mey gNe Borrawer a not�e IdBntHyhg ;t��
<br /> the Iien. Borrower ehall saQisty the Iien or tako one Or more of ihe actbns set forth above wfthln 10 daye oi tho gNing of notke. -...
<br /> �� 5. Hezard or Property Insurance. Borrower shali keop the Improvements now oxisting or heroatter ereoted on the Praperty ,• yf�
<br /> . �
<br /> hsured agalnst loss by iire, hernrds inCluded withh the term "extcmded Coverege' and nny other hsrards. includfr�g floods ot floodhp,tor '��y,�� -,
<br /> whfch Lender roqulres Insuranco. This Insuranco shell be maintaNed In the amounts and(or the perlo�s thnt Lender requkes. Tho hsurance •�", •�f
<br /> cartter providfnp the fnsuranco shall be chosen by Boaower subJect to Lenders spproval which s?�n�not be unreaaonebly wRhheld. If ��.
<br /> Bonowor talls to melntaln coverogo doscrbed ubove, Landor may, at Lenders option, obtaln covorege to protect Lendars rights in thu �'�� ; `�
<br /> Property N accordnnCe with parngreph 7. �` �` �;y7
<br /> All Insurance poUcles and ronewals shall bv eccoptobb to Lendor and shaA Inalude n standard mortpage clause. Lender shall hevo the , : � "
<br /> rlpht to hold the polfctes and renewais. If Lender requiras,Bonower shaq prompty pHe to Lender ail �eceipts o! pald premiums and renewal M
<br /> notices. In the event of loss,Dorruwer shali plve prompt nottce to the MsuranCe cartler and Lender. Lender may make proot of bss B not ,�� '�,�
<br /> mada promptly by Borrower. ;•%� .. x"
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower othenvlso agroe fn wrilhg, hsurance proceeds shall bo applied to restomtion or ropafr oi the Property
<br /> damaged, II tho re3toratlon or repak Is econom�alry feasfite nnd Lenders securky Is not lessenad. If the restoratlon or repaY Is not � t- T--
<br /> oconom�aly feasi�le or Lendere security would be lessened, the insurence proceeds shall bo applied to the sums socurad by thls Security f •' '
<br /> �- Inswment.whether or not then due,with nny excoss pald to 8nrrower. It 8orrower abnndons tha Property, or does not answer wfthh 30 � -
<br /> days u notlCO Irom Lendor that the hsurance canier hes oHered to settte a clalm, then Lender may colbct tho insurance proceeds. Lender 3.•
<br /> _.�F
<br /> muy use tho proceeds to repnir ar rostore the Property or to pay sums3 secured by this Socurtty Instrument,whether or not then due. The i �w_ � T���'��1%
<br /> 3aday period wlil bogln when the not�e Is gNen. i ' t' �•
<br /> Unless Lender and Bortower uthervvise agree tn writing, any eppucatlon of proceeds to principal shell not oxtend or postpono the due -'"'
<br /> dete of lhe monlhly paymonts reterrad to In pnregraphs 1 and 2 or chanpe the amount of the paympnto, If under peragmph 21 the Property � r�;
<br /> Is acquirod by Lender. 8ortowor's rlght to any hsuranca pol'�¢Ies and proCeeds resuftinp hom damage to the Property prior to the ncquisition i ,.��
<br /> shall pass to Lenda to the eMent ot the suma securod by this Saeurity InsWment Immedi�tery prlor to tho acqulsidon. " ,,�
<br /> ' 6. Occupency, P�eaervatton, hlalntenance and Protectiqn of the Property; Borrower'� Loan ,, i
<br /> A(1pIIC8L10l1;LcasehoYde.Bortower shall occupy,estabifsh, end use the Property ns Borrower's principat residence within sixty days �
<br /> � efter tha exocutbn ot this Sncurity instrument nnd shal continuo to occupy the Property es Bortowers Drincipul rosidenco (or nt bnst ono a '
<br /> � year atter the date of occupency, unless Londar otherwiso agrees h wriling, wh�h consont shaG not bo unreasonabty withhold, or unbss '
<br /> extonuntine clrCUmstanCas exist wh�h are boyond Borrowors Control. Borrower shall not desVOy, damagv or ImpnP the Prop�rty, allow the
<br /> PropoMy to dfltoriornte, or commlt wnsto on tho PropoRy. Bortowor shnu be N defnult U any(o�foi;uro nction or proceoding,whether clvil or i -
<br /> crlmMal,is boeun thnt h Londer's pood folth Judgmont could rosutt h toAOituro of tho Proporty or othenviso matorlally Impalr tho lien crentod • �
<br /> by thls SeCUrity InsVUment or Londsrs secrrity Interest. BorrowQt mny Cure such a detauR flnd relnstflte, as provided In parpgraph 19, by � •!I
<br /> •�i
<br /> _.._,r. ..._ _..�.,. ... ....,..�i.... .., we a�...e�� Wx�, o ��u,., fhnf h innr►nrc nnnd tnith rlotaminallon_ omch�des forfekure of the —_1
<br /> =- _ _ —�-- :.o..o�.y ...o v,...�... ... �.. �.a ... ..� ...�..._'__ t
<br /> � Borroworc hterest h tho Property or othc�r materinl Impahnent of tho Ibn crontod by thla Socurity InslNment or Lenders 5ecurity hterest
<br /> Bortower ohnll elso bs�In detauk H Borrowcx,durina the ben appliceibn process, puve materlalty talse ar haccurr;to Iniormation or stntoments �'�
<br /> � to Lender (or telbd tn provld0 Lender wfth any m¢torinl Inlormallon) h connection with the bun evldenced by the Note, Inctuding, but not +,
<br /> lirnitod to, rapresentfltbns concominq Bonowor's ocCUpuncy ot the Proporty as n prnclpul rosidence. If thls Sscurity Instrument ts on n �
<br /> : i loaeohold, Borrower chell compy with oll the provlstans ot tho baLD. I} Bortowor pCqu�os fee Iltb to the Property, the leasohold nnd the �
<br /> � lao titto ahall not morpe unbss tho lendor agroos to the morger h writlnA. �
<br /> �
<br /> r
<br /> � � ;
<br /> i P�p�2 0�5 Form 9020 0/00 �
<br /> ' . PIO�O.LAIO(f0/Y�) �
<br /> I
<br /> � 00
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