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. . �ir,„- <br /> 'x'4.;. <br /> .> �"L�- <br /> �; <br /> y' , . ., -wy�i�sf�..�,. - � „ .. . . - . .. ..: � ., .. Ifi"�"r•. <br /> .. o _., , .. � �� . - •- .. . ..�.��rR .�.�` <br /> . �. <br /> - "_"'__""" � -�.:.._.�..__'_..._._."'�.__�..'__ �_"".�.�."_"_"..._._'_...'_'_......_.__�.....�"___"_"�_"�_'".....'__—_^—'___�______.��_i.. �.� <br /> .i ��. <br /> c+�.� <br /> ���� ����u�� <br /> by o�vner'� and operotora of aimllar propertles and ns Beneficiary moy requlre for ite protoction. Truator w81 comply ' ,y�,^ =� <br /> with euch othor requlrements ae Honoilcla�y muy irom tlme to tlme request for the Rratectlon by inaurence of the '�� <br /> intereat ot the rospectivo partlas. All Insurence pollcles mainte(nod purauent to thie Deed of Tru�t shall nnme TPUetor �a <br /> , and Beneficlary as Inaured, es their respactive Interast mey eppaer end provide thet there ohell be no cancellation or •,��; <br /> , � modlfilcatlon wlthauY i(fteen f161 �ays prlov v�rrl2ton notiflcatlon to Tru�teo and 9anoficlery. IN thv ovont any policy ; �' <br /> hereundor Is not renewad on or before fiftean 115) dsys prlor to Ite expiretlon dpte,Truotee or Beneficiery may procure <br /> I such insurance (n accordence with the provisions of Peregraph 7. Trustor shall doliver to deneficlary tho original ,'� . <br /> pollciea of insurence end renowals tNoreof or copies of such policiea and ronewels thereof. Failura to furnish such <br /> insurance by Trustor,or renewels as requfred herounder,shall, at tho option of Beneficiary, conatitute e default. All �' <br /> unenrned premiuma are hereby aesigned to Trustee es additlonel socurity, end e sole and canvey9ncu of tho Property "�' <br /> ..• <br /> by the Trustee ehell operate to convey to the purchasor tho Truutor'c(ntorost in and to all policies of In�urance upon �� <br /> the Trust Property. � '� <br /> � 6. Texea and Atsesamenta. Trustor shell pay all taxes ond special asaessmenta levfed or asseased agalnet,or ="�"'VI <br /> due upon,the Properry before delinquency and wil�deliver to Beneficiary copies of receipto showing paymont of such �� <br /> taxAS and speclal assessments. � <br /> 6. Additionel Uena. Trustor ahatl maka ell peyments of interest and principal,and peymenta of eny dther chargea, � � �'��� <br /> fees, und expenaes contracted to be pafd to eny exlsting Ilen holdera or prlor benoficfarios under any prlor Deod of . '' ' <br /> Truat, Mortgage or other security egreement, before the date they are delinquent a�d to pay any othe�cieim whlch ±��� ► <br /> " Jeopardlzes the security granted herein. " <br /> 7. Protectlon o?Beneflclery'a Security. Should Truator fail to make eny payment, feil to da any act ae hera(n �����»��+ <br /> ' provided or If any action or proceeding Is commenced which matArially eNects Baneficlery's Interest in the Property, .. "� <br /> including, but no lirnited to, eminent domeln. Insolvency, prrangements or proceedings involving e bankrupt or <br /> ' docedent,then Beneficlary or Trusteo,but without obligatlon to do so,end without notice to or demand upon Truator, <br /> �nd without releasi�g Trustor from any oblig�atlon h�reunder, mey meke or do the seme, and may pey, purchase, <br /> contest or compromise andy encumbrence,charge or Ilen, which in tho Judgement of either appears to effect said • - <br /> Property;in exercisi�g eny such po�vers,the Beneficiery or Truatee mey incur a Ilabllity end expend whatove�emounts, .1��•...�`-= <br /> including disbursements of reasoneble ettomey's fees, which in their absolute diacretlon may be necessary. In the '���-- <br /> event that Trustor shall fell to procure insurance,fail to pay texes and �pecial assessments or fall to meke any .�, <br /> payments to oxisting or prior iien hoiders or oanefiiciaries,ii�e Senefiiciary mey procure sucn insurance and maice sucn �.. --� � <br /> � , payments. All aums incurred or expended by Beneficiary or Trustee in accordonce with the provislons of the Deed of � •'y%`� <br /> Trust ere uecursd hereby end,without demend,shell be immediately due end payable by Trustor and shell bear interesY ' �"`+�'E` � <br /> at the rete providad for advances under the Loan Agreement;provided, however, thet at the option of tho Beneficlery y� . , <br /> � or Tru3tee, such aurna mey be added to this princlpel belance of eny fndebtedness secured hereby and shell boar the `` ° <br /> seme Intereat as such indebtedness and shall be peyeble retably over the rernelning term thereof. " � <br /> 8. Assipnment oi Rente. Bsneficiery shall heve the right,power end euthority during the continuence of this Deed � �, '' <br /> of Truet to collect the rents,issues and prof(ts of the Property and of en�r personel property loceted thereon with or � ,. <br /> without taking possesaton of the Property affected hereby,and Truator hereby absolutely and uncondit(onally easigns � -�j . <br /> all such rents, tssues end profit3 to Beneficlery. Beneffciary,howevor,hereby consents to tho Truator's collectlon end �� -' " � ' <br /> retention af such rencs,Issues and Drofits as they accrue and become payable so long es Trustor Is not, at such tlme. ��" ' <br /> in defeult with respect to peyment of any Indebtedness oecured hereby or in the performence of eny egreoment �� <br /> hereunder. Upon any such dofault, Beneficlery may at eny time, elthar In person, by agant or by o receiver to be '� � <br /> appointed by a court,without notice and without regard to ths adequacy of any security for the indebtedness hereby � � ���'� <br /> secured: (a) entor upon and teke possession of the Property or any part thereof end in its own nemo sue for or � <br /> , otherwise collect such rants, issuea end profits,including those past due end unpaid, en apply the seme, loss costs � ' '�j <br /> end expenses of operetlon and collectfon, including raasoneble ettorney fees,upon any indebtedness secured hereby �� ��.•, �� <br /> , • and In such order es Beneficlery mey deterrnlne: (bl perform such acts of repair or protectfon as may be necessery or i �� ,���i <br /> proper to co�serve the value of the Property:(c)lease the same or eny part hereof for such rentel te�m e�nd upon such � !� .�t. : <br /> . � conditlons as its ju�+gment may dictate. Unlese Trustor and Benef(cfary egree otherwise in writing, any applfcetfon of � ;`�, ,��!� <br /> rents,issues ar profits to any indebtedness secu�ad hereby shall not extend or postpone the due dato of the ir�stallment � ,� � ��;f; <br /> � peyments a:+ provided in the Loan Agraement, and the npplication thereof as aforosaid shall not welve or cure any .' �'I <br /> ..��, <br /> � I default or notice at defeult hereunder or fnvelidate any act done pursuant to such notice. Trustor elso assigns to • <br /> I Benefir,lery, es further secur(ty for the performance of the obligetfons secured hereby,all propafd ronts and ell monies � � <br /> , which may hevo been or may hereafter be deposited with sald Trustor by eny Iossee of the Property, to secu�e the ., <br /> ; poymont of any rent,and upon default in the porformance of any of the provisions hereof, Trustor agrees ta deliver � <br /> such rents and deposits to the Beneficfery. Deliv�ry of written notico of Beneflcfary's exorcise of the rights granted � <br /> � herein to any tenant occupyfng safd prernfses shall bo sufficient to require said tenant to pay said rent to the � <br /> Beneficiary until further notfce. � � <br /> 9. CondemnatEon. If title to eny part of the Property shall be token in condemnation procesdings, by right of , <br /> eminent domafn or simfler action, or shell be svld under threat of condemnation, all ewards, dameges and proceeds .. i <br /> are heroby assigned and shall be paid to Beneficiary who shell epply such eward, damages and proceeds to the sums �•�I - <br /> socurad by the Oeed of Trust, with the excesa, if any, paid to the Trustor. <br /> 10. Future Advancas. The Loan Agreoment provides for edvances frorn time to time to Trustor by Baneficiary ' ��:� <br /> �- �� as proviclocl thero�n. m eaarcion,upon roquost ot i rustor, Benoticlslry, at t3tineticfery's option, prior to roconveyanco '�-��� <br /> of tho Property to the Trustor, mey make additlonel future edvences to the Trustor. Such tuture advances. with � ' ; <br /> Interest thereon,shall be secured by this Deed of Trust when evidenced by promissory notes steting that said notes �.�; <br /> ere secured hereby; provided thet a? no time shall the securod principal and future advonces, not including sums ; <br /> ' �dvancod to protocY tho socurity, axcood ono hundred porcent (100;0) of the orfginal princlpal amounts secured ' <br /> , heraby. � <br /> 11. Ramedtea Cumuletive. All remodies provided in this Ueed of Trust are dlstinct and cumulative to any other , , <br /> right or romody under this Deod of Trust or effordad by Inw or oquity, end may bo exercised concurrently, <br /> Y Indopondontly or successlvely. <br /> 12. Acceferatlon; Nomedisa; Salo. A dofeult shell oxist In the event of: , <br /> : (A1 Any freud or misropresentetlon by the Trustor in connection with the Ifne of cradit whlcfi thls peed �of Trust � � <br /> , s�cura3; ' <br /> �1 � srs4 ao8-2 ' i <br /> --��.4_._W._._�_.___ --- — ----�' _..._..� <br /> _..,,,,,. -- ----r- — <br />