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,1 e <br /> 0" <br /> .� <br /> �' , .. i��y <br /> �'i <br /> ;. . . . .. , . . . ..____.. _..----'-----------'�"'e- <br /> .. . ' _ .. .. ._...:-'--"-- -. . . .. . .. .-. .---- <br /> ....._ .. �-- -" � • ._ <br /> � <br /> __..r...._�.---- ..__.._ ... _ - . <br />— ; �._....___'_.' ���� �O�Qd�U' ^ � I �M' .�b. . <br /> I4. INSURANCE. Truotor, at do expcnao,�•�ill momtain w1h mouroro approv..d by Bonofciary, inaurancn vnth ro�per,l to tho , � • <br /> � Improvornonto nnd paroonal proportv,conctitufinp Iho ProporYy,npainat lo�n by fuo,liflhininfl,larnado,and othor ponl�ond hwardo i <br /> c000rod by ctnndnrA oxtcndcd covnrnpo ondoraomont,m nn amoun►oqual to al I�n�t ono hundred porcont o}tho full ropl�cornont ' <br /> vaiva thoroof and Inour�nco npa�nat auch othor hez,arda and in euch amount3 a�is cactomanly ccrriad by ownero nnd operotoro o} � �,y y� f <br /> efmdnr propartl�a o►aa Donaficlary mey roqul►o for do protaction.Trustor vnll compty wrth ouch othor roqwroments ee Beneticipry mey i ���� <br /> irom time to tlme requs3t tor tho Frotaetlon by maumnce of tho Intereeto ot lho respoctfvo pnd[ee.AII meurnnce polia�a melntetfnad �� <br /> purauant lo this Dead of Trust shall namo Truator ond Benofiaiary aa Inauroda,no thov►eopechva interoote may eppear,nnd provtde i <br /> thet th�n shall bo no cancwilation or modifi�stlon without no leas tttan 16 daya pnor wniten not�calion to Truatee and Benaflciary.In �,. �:�� <br /> � the evenl any policy hereunder ts not renewed on or before 16 days prior to its expiratton deto,Tructee or Boneficlary may procure I <br /> cuch in�uranco i�accordanco t>ilh tho provtaiono of poraQraph A.0 hercof.Tructor chnll dolivor to Bonoficfnry tho oripinnl polieise o! �,T,y <br /> inaurnnc�nnd nn�wals thereof or memo coplee of such policies and renswale thereof.Failure to lurniah such insuranco by Trustor, , . .�t ¢, <br /> or renewala ae required hereunder sheil,nt the option of Bene�ciary,conatitute a de}auit. i �+R���� <br /> &. TAXES,A83ES8MENTS AND CHARQES.Truator ehall pny ell texes,nsaessmento and other chargoa,including,without � �„t <br /> limitatfon,fines and impasitions attributeble to lhe Proporty, and leaaehold pnymente or ground rente, H any, beforo the snme <br /> become delinquent Trustor shsll promplly furnish to Beneficiary nll noNces of amountu�due under this paragraph,end in the ovent <br /> Truaror ehall make payment directly.Trustor shaq promplly}umish to Bonefieiary rewipts evidencing sach paymente.Trustor shNl ,�'�. <br /> pay all texos and asseasmonta which may be levied upon Beneficiary'o(nterest hore'in or upon this Ooed o1 Truat wlthout regerd to '^! <br /> any Iaw that may 6e enacted imposinQ payment o}tho whole or any part thereof upon Ihe BeneReiary. ' "�11e <br /> 8. AODITIONAL I.lEN3 AND PROTECTION OF BENEFICIARY'3 3ECUfiITY.Trustor shall mnlco nll payments of interest and � ' <br /> principal and payments of any other charges, tees end expensea contractod to be pnfd to any existing lion holdero or prior <br /> beneficlariea under any prior deod of trust or mortgage bofore the date they are delinquent and prompty pay nnd discharee nny nnd ,_'� <br /> ail other tians,claima or charpeB whfch may jeopardize the security grantod herein.It Trustor fnils to mnke eny auch payment or faile �• <br /> to pertorm any of the covenants and npreemente contefned in this Deod of Trust,or in any prior mort�nge or deed af truat,or i1 any ' <br /> nctlon or proceedinp Is commenced which materlalty e8ects Beneficlary'n Interest in tho Property,including,but not iimited lo, ` •'���`'= ° <br /> .:�• ;. <br /> ominent domain proceedinge,or proceedings Invohdng a decedent,or if Trustor fails to pay Trustor'o debto peneralty es they become ..,.�,,�� <br /> due,then Benoficiary,at Beneficiary's opt:on end without notico to or demend upon T►ustor and witfiout relensing Trustor ftom any -• F• <br /> oblfgation hereunder, may mnko such nppoarances, disburso such sums end tako euch action as is necossary to protect „ <br /> Beneficiary's interos� mcluding, but not limited to, disbursement o1 rensonnble nttomey'o fees, pnyment, purchese, conteat or � _� <br /> compromiso ot any encumbranco,charflo or Gen, nnd entry upon the Proporty to mako repairs.In the ovent that Trustor ehall fail to �� <br /> procure insuranco or to pay tex.�s,assessments,or nny other chargea or ro make nny paymerate to any existinp prior lien holders or , =_ <br /> benefieleriea,Beneficiary may prxuro euch ineurance and make such paymont Any smounta disbursed by Boneficinry pursuant to ' �y-.— <br /> this Pnregraph A.8 ehell become addittonnl indebtedness of Trustor secured by this Doed of Truat. Such amounte shnll b�payabk ���d¢ � <br /> upon notice hom Beneficiar�to Trustar requesting payment thoreof,and shall beer interest from the date oi disbursement et the 'a��. <br /> rate paynble hom tfine to time on outstanding principal urtder ihe Note unlesa payment of interest at such rete would be contrnry to �• +«- <br /> npplicable law, in which event auch amounte ahail bear interest at the highost rnte permissfble under applicable Inw.Nothinp "`!� <br /> contained in t1Js Parapmph A.8 shall require Beneficiary to incur nny oxpense or tnke any aetion hereunder. +��-� <br /> 8. IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED THAT: ' *�' <br /> ,�e1�, ��;. <br /> t. ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS.Benoficfary sha�hnve tho right,power end authorrty during the continuanco of thie Oaed of Trust ��r� �" , , <br /> !o colivct tho ronts,iseues and profits of Ihe Proporty and of any personal proporty locatod thereon wdh or wdhout takinp poaaeaafon � i <br /> ,r <br /> of the property aNected horeby,and Truator horeby absolutely and unconditionalty aeaipns all such rente, iseuBe nnd profde to ..:;.� <br /> Beneficiery.Benoficinry,however,horeby eonaente to the Truslor'e co�leMion and retention ol auch rente,issues and profite as they ;<•:.�� : <br /> accrue and become peyable so long as Trustor is noG nt euch time,in defeult wAh respect to payment of any indebtednese securod ' � <br /> I ' .It 1''W:: <br /> � hereby,or in the performance of nny ngreement hereunder.Upon any euch dofault,Beneficiary may at any timv,either in person,by ;. <br /> agent, or by a receiver to be appofnted by a court, wdhout notice nnd without regard to the adequacy of any securiry for the ,�� <br /> indebtednoss hareby secured,(a)enter upon end tako possesaion of the Proporry or any pnrt thereof,end tn ita own name eue(or or <br /> otherwis�collect ouch rente,iseues end profde,fncluding thoso past due and unpaid,and appty the eamo,less coata and expenses •,;�,} <br /> of operntion nnd collection,Ineluding reaeonablo attorneye tees, upon any indebtednese eocured hereby,and in euch order ae <br /> Boneficlery mny datermme;@)perform euch ncts of repair or protection as mny be neceseary or proper to conserve lhe veNo ot the , <br /> Properiy;(c)lease the same or eny part thereof for such rental,tenn,nnd upon auch condiUona as its�udgment may dictate or <br /> tetminate,or ndjuet tho terma and wndrtbne of existinp leasea.Unlesa Trustor ttnd Benaficiary thereof ngroo othervrise in writing, „�;�`�+- <br /> any appGcation of renta, issues or profits to any indebtednesa secured horeby shall not extend or postpono tho duo dale of the I , <br /> �: � <br /> inetallment payments na providod in cnid promis,ory noto or chanpo tho emount of such instalimente.The entering upon and i. , ,;,i <br /> takinp possoesion of the Propetty,the collection of ouch rento,issueo and profite,and the npptiention thereof ae ataresaid,ehall not � <br /> wnfve or cure any detault or notice of defauft hereunder or invalidate any nct d�ne pureuant Fo such notice.Trustor also essigne to I �` ••' <br /> ; Beneficiary,as furthor cecurAy for the pedormance of the ob6gationa secured heruby,ali prepaid rente and all momes which may � �,:.. �•i <br /> heve been or may herocftor be depoaded wilh sad Tmotor by any lessee o1 tho Property,to seaure the payment of any rent or i f+5+��( <br /> damnges,or upon defautt�n the performance of nny ot the provis�ono horeoi.Trustor agrees to deliver auch rents and deposite to <br /> Beneficiery.Delivery of wrrtton notice of Boneficiary'o oxercise of tho nghto grantod horem,to any tonant occupying ecfd promisos i , �.•.:,�Y� <br /> shell be sulficiont to require said tenant to pay rent to the Beneficinry untii furtl�er notice. w,, <br /> , �.I <br /> 2. CONOEMNATION.If title to any pnrt of tho Property shall be tCken in condomnsUOn proceodmgs,by nght of ominent damam � �' � <br /> or similar action,or shall be sold under threat oi candemnation,ali awerde,dameges snd procseds are horoby nseigned nnd shall be ,� <br /> paid to Benefle�nry who shall eppty such awards,damageo and proceodo to the eum cocurod by this Doed ot Trus4 with the excesa, <br /> if eny, paid to Truotor.If Truator recoivee arsy notico or othor intormation rogardinfl such aetione or proeoodings,Trustor shali give ,�, <br /> prompt writton notice theroof lo Benoficiary. Beneficlary shall be entitlod,at its option, to commence,appoar in and prosecute in ite • � <br /> own nama nny such nction or proceedmge and shall be entdled to mnko uny compromfse or eotlloment in connoction wRh any uuch <br /> , i nction or procomdinga. • <br /> � � 3. FUTURE ADVANCES.Upon request of 7rustor,Benefidary at Boneficiuy's optian,prior to reconvoyence of the Property to . <br /> ( Truator,may mnke futuro advancoo to Tructor. 3uch tuturo advancoss,wdh intorosl thoroon, shall bo�ocurod by Ihia Trust Oood <br /> whon ovidoneod by promissory notoa otnbng that aaid notou c+ro cocurod horoby;prov�dod that ett no Ume shall tho secured pnnapai. .I <br /> tuturo ndvnncos,not mcluding suma advancod to proted tho secunty,oxcoed Two Nundrod porcont(20096)ot the onginal principal <br /> � amounte cecured horoby. • A�� <br /> � 4. REMEDIES NOT EXCLI�SIVE. Trutstae ond Bonoficmry, and oach of tham,shall bo ontRlod to onforco paymont and . <br /> � porformanco of any indobtednose or obligatians socurad horaby and to oxercise ali nghls nnd pov��ro undor this Doet9 0l Truct or :� <br /> - { under any other npreomont oxocutoa�n eonnaaion norowrtn or nny�awo no�v or horoenor m torw,nonvrch3tnncung soma or an ot tno � - <br /> � sucfi fndobtodnoso and obl�gndono cacurod huroby mny now or horonftor bo othc�rwfso socurod,vihathor by mortgngo.d�od ot trust. <br /> I pledpe,lion,ascignmont or othervnse. Nadhor iho accoptance of this Daed of Trust nor dcs onforcement whethor by court cct�on or ;� <br /> pureuant to the power of oale or other powere horem contaned,ctNall prt�udico or in any mnnnor nifoct Tructao'o or Bonotiaery'o <br /> i right to roalizo upon or onforco any othor cocunty now or horeaftor hold by Truateo or BonoUeituy, d bomg egrood that Truotoo and <br /> ' Bonefiacvy, end oach of them,ehnll bo entAlod to onfarco th��Deod of Trust and cny othvr cocurrry now or horoafter hold by i <br /> • Beneficmry or Truoteo m ouch order and mannot as they or edhor o}them may�n Ihe�r nbaolutu disaotion dotorrnmo. No rometly � <br /> horoin contorred upon or rocurvod to Trustoo or Beno6anry is intendod to bo exclusivo of eny other romody horom or by law • <br /> • p•ov�do�or permittod, but oach uhall bo cumulatnro and shall bo in addAwn to ovory othor romody grvon horounder or now or <br /> horenftor oxisting nt Inw or in uquAy or by atatute. Evory powor or romady provided horoundor this Doed of Truat to Tructoo or <br /> BeneftCmry or to whiCh otthur of lhom may ba otherwise ontdlod,mny be oxorcisod,concurrontry or mdopondonty. Irom timo to timo <br /> and no oRo��aa mny bo doemod oxpedient by Truatoo or Bonehcmry end adhor of tfiom may pureuo mconsistent romed�s�.Nothinp ' <br /> hvrein ohnll be conctrued ns proh�bding BoneSaary lrom seeku�g a dohaoncy�udgme�t cgamat tho Truator to the oxtent euch nct�on <br /> i�porm�led by law. <br /> aoro�+nakaL�a oo�s�o � <br /> £; � <br />