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..�� ,. � �� <br /> p � : <br /> r , ,..r�,. . ,a . . .. �'C'.'e.=_.. <br /> y' �+ar�w�,�. . �� .. �",:: <br /> ..� � �t�_ .. _ <br /> �,-,;;�,;�„.: . <br /> t .. ...r»....u..MO,.,.a.l.:•.��r.�- ... . r'�� w f"�.. <br /> ' - . � .. - ,. . .. :-F ,. <br /> na._ <br /> �t���ill�7U�IL/ �_�i. <br /> � applica�le law may specify for reinstatemcnt) before sale of ihc Property pur�uunt �o any puwer uf s,dc contained in this ' ♦�`� <br /> Sex.urity lifsuurnent;or(b)entry of a judgrnent enforcing this Security Instmment. Thotic conditinns am that Borrau•er: (al . ." <br /> pays Lender aq sums which then would be due under this Security Insirument and thc Note as if no urceler.uion hud �•- <br /> a occuRCd;(b)cures any default of any other covenants or agn:emen�c;(c)paiys ull expen,es mcurred in enforcinb this Security r <br /> • � [nswment, including, but nut limited to, reasonablc attomcys'fcc�; and (d) iakc,such action as Lender may rcu,onably . <br /> require to assurc Ihat the lien of this Sc.curity Instrument, Lcndcr's rights in the Property and Borrowcr ti obligution to pay the , �s., <br /> � sums secured by this Security Instrumen[ shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, thiti Security <br /> _ ' Instrumcnt and the oblisations secured hcreby shaU remain fuQy effecrive as if no acccicr.�tion hud occurreJ. Howcver,this <br /> rigfu to reinstate sl►ull nut apply in the ca,e of acceleration under para��nph 17. '' <br /> 19. Sale of Note; Change of Lonn 5erv[cer. The Notc or a parti:i!intcrest in the Notc (togcthcr with this Security '�• <br /> Instniment) may be sold onc ar more times without prior noticc to Borrower. A sale may result in a changc in the entity � . � <br /> (known as the"Loan Servicer")that callects monthly payments due under the Note and thiti Securiry Instrument. Therc alm <br /> may be one or more changcs of the Loun Scrvicer unrclated to a sale of the Notc. If thcre is a changc of thc Loan Scrviccr. <br /> Borrower will be given written notice of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 above and applicabl�Ictiw. The notice •' <br /> • will state the name and address of thc nc�v Loan Servicer and the addmss to which payrnents shoutd be made. The noticc will <br /> also contain any other information required by applicable law. <br /> „ Z0. Hazardous Substunces. Borrower shall not cause or pertnit�he presence,use,disposal,storage,or release of any <br /> Hazardous Substances on ur in the PropeRy. Banower shall not do,nor allow ;uiyc►ne else to do, anything affecting the � ,� <br /> I'roperty that is in violntion of any Environrncntal Law. The pmcedin�two sentences shall not apply to thc presence,use,or ��' ;i; <br /> -� storage on the Property of small quantities of H�arJous Substanccs that am�cncrally recognized to be appropriate to normal � �'._.�� <br /> rcsidential uses and to maintenance of the F'roperty. � �`-- <br /> Borro�ver shuli prumptly give Lender wriuen notice ot nny►nvesugauon,clairn,�femand,lawsuit or other action by any �_ <br /> , • govemmental or regulatory agency or privale p:uty involving the Property and any Hazardous S�bstance or Environmental <br /> Law of which Borrow�r has actual knowledge. If Borrower leams, or is notiGed by any govemmental or regulatory �� <br /> � authority,that any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Prapeny is necessary, Borrower � ' ;� <br /> " shall prompdy take all necessary remedial uctions in accordance with Emironmental L�w. � . e•�,�a�� <br /> .. As used in this paragraph 2U,"Hazazdous Substunres"are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances by ' � •� '�' <br /> Environmental Law ;�nd the following sub�tances: gasoline, kcrosenc,other flammable or toxic peuoleum prcxiucGS, toxic ;;"�-°Y <br /> rv+ctiri�Qc r�nr1 };arF�2�:r�PC vnlntiln cnlvnnte r�-��inri�lc rnrtn�n�nn nehncfnc nr fnr��lrlr�Vrle+ :inrl [:�tlinnrt�yi! {S!atrrialc, f�e a�� . <br /> - :---'- ........... .....�.. � <br /> -.:_: - <br /> used in this paragraph 20,"Environmental Law" means federai laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located "� �� � �r- <br /> F' <br /> that relate to heuUh,safety or environmental protection. �� <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Donower and Lcnder furthcr covenant and agrec as follows: ;� <br /> �1. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender shall give notice to Borrower prior to ncceleratIon following Borrower's N� '':` <br /> breach of pny covenant or agreement in th�s Security Instrument (but not prior to nccelerntfon under para��►ph 17 - <br /> unless applicdble law prov]des otherwtse). 'I'he notice shall specify: (a)the defunit;(b)the action requ[red to cure the <br /> defaulh,(c)a date, not less than 30 days from the dute the notice is�iven to Borro�ver,by wl�[ch tlic defnult must be r" <br /> cured;und(d) that fnilure to cure the defuult an or before the dnte speclfied in the notice may result in accelers�Non at �ti o� <br /> the sums secured by this Security Instrument and sale of the Property. The notice shall further inform Borrower ot '�p�. <br /> � the rlght to reinstate after Accelerutton a�td the rlght to brtng a court action to assert the non-existence of a defnult or '^�= <br /> Any other defense of Borrower to acceleration and sele. If the default Is not cured on or before the dute speclCded in '•'` <br /> the nottce,Lender at Its optfon may require Immediute payrtnent In fuU oP all sums secumd by thls Securily Ins¢rurnent ��"' <br /> wiRhout further demand and may Invoke the power oP sale and any other remedics permttted by applicablc luw �' <br /> Lender shall be entltled to collect ull expenses irtcurred in pursuing the remedles provided in this paragraph �1, « <br /> Including,but nat lQmited to,reusonuble attorneys'fees nnd costs of tltle evidence. • j�..� <br /> If the pov�er of sale is invoked.7tustee shall record a notice of c7ef�ult in emch county in which any pnrt of the "�`` <br /> Praperty is Socated und shall muil copics of suc6 nottce in the manner prescribed by applles►ble Inw to Borrower and M 'f�-a���'�= <br /> the other persons prescrlbed by upplicuble law Aflter the time required by applicable luw,'Il�ustee shall give public ti_�"������_- <br /> no¢ice of sale to the rsons and in the manner rescribed b a 1[cable law. 'll�astee,withont demand on Borrower -���-��— <br /> Pe P Y NP , �:a:::ra:.w,��5�e� <br /> ., shall sell the Property at public uuction to the hlghest bidder at the time and pince and under the terms destgnnted tn ' "";�;�;;�:;;s�. <br /> ��-�..1: .�. <br /> the noUce of sule in one or morc parcels and ln uny order Trustec determines. 'Il��stee may postpc►ne sale oP all or nny �_. :�a .__ <br /> arcel of the Pro ert b s'��'�—�" <br /> p p y y public unnouncemea�t nt the time and place of any previously scheduled sale. f.ender or its • .�,�-� <br /> designce may purchose the Property at nny sale. � <br /> Upon receipt oP payment of the price bjd,7lrustee shall deliver to the purchaser 'IYustee's deed conveyln�the R'�'° . ---� <br /> Property. 'Thc recftuls in the'llrustee's deerl shull be primn facie evidence o[the truth of the sYatements made therein, :.:�,; . t� <br /> 'It�a�stee shsill npply t6e proceeds of the sale f n the folloavin�order: !a) ta all costs aa�d expen�es of exerc(sing the power � , <br /> � `t <br /> �. <br /> f M�. <br /> ., .:'�,��• <br /> t� <br /> c,� <br /> _ - _ _ � � : � . <br /> .. _ . - 4► <br /> . . . . . �. <br /> '' - ., � �,�" � <br /> � _ ' ' � <br /> t � <br /> �,... , .. `� . <br /> �. . <br /> �., ' , <br /> � <br />