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. • ' , <br /> • . .. � - � �r,wy�Y <br /> . .'� ' � � :T��f' <br /> L1� , ��� . �� . . .. . .. � ��_., <br /> :I � . � • -� . � •� � .4 <br /> �. . - � � c.. ' , .. ' _ __ <br /> *.'p _ '� ... ....._:.i "' 'JV'tl�'_ � _' <br /> �. <br /> ' "_'_"'_""�"_"�_'_"""""""__""'..._'......._._..'_�`_'__'""""._...v_..._"_'_'"""' _'_"'_"'_"""—"""'__' <br /> ._..._J!t!`:. _. <br />,.-:�: . ' ..` _"_"""_'" Il . - v=-' <br /> . � ��- <br /> l� <br /> ,� o . .T. . . ,c��,��1����°� I. .�- <br /> . , <br /> 9. Condcr���intlo��, Thu proceeds ol any award or cl,��m for d.unages,duecl or consequonGal,m conncction �vrtl�any <br /> condemnation or other lalcmg of the Property,or part thereol,or for convoyanco m lieu o}r,ondemnt�tion,arp nflreby tl9signed •o_•- <br /> and stmll Bo pq�d lo Lpndor. <br />_ . In tho evnnt ol a total taking of the Properry,tho proceeds shAll be opplied to the aums secured by this Deed ol Yruet,with �� <br />_ .�s;y <br /> Ihe QMCOSS,d nny,p��d to Borrqwer.In the evc�nt o}a pnrtinl taking of the Property,unlass 6orrowor nnd Lc�ncfor oth�rwise `� t� <br /> �� ag�oo in w�iting,there ehall bo applied to the sums securod by thls Doed of Trust euch proportlon of theproceedaas iaequal to � <br /> �_ <br />; . - Ihatproportionwhichtheamountolthosumsser.urddbythis0e�dofTrustimmedintelyprlortothedateoftakingboaretothe �'E«� <br /> lafr mArket value of the aroperty Imm�dintely pnor to tho deto of takmg,vrdh the belnnce of the�roceeds pet�to 5orro�lor. <br /> I}thfl Proporty�s abandoned by Borrowor,or�f,nfte►notice Gy Lsndei to Borrower that the condemno�offers to make nn �'j w <br /> . awa►d or settle a cleim lor demeges.Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days aftor tho date such notice fs meiled. r� <br /> lendor�s authorized to collect end�pply the proceeds,et Lender's option,oithor to restoration or repeir�1 the Property or to +.� <br /> Iho sums secursd by ihfs Deed of Trust. I � <br /> Unless Len�er and Borrower otherwise agree in wnting,any such application of proceeds to principal shall n�t extend or <br /> postpone the due date of the monthly Installments referred to in parac�raphs�end 2 hereot or Chango tho ernount of such � <br /> '. mstaliments. I . . <br /> . 10. Borrowa►Not Releai�sl.Extens�on of the time}or payment or modification of emortizotion of fhesuma socurod by this <br /> Deed ot Trust granted by lender to any successor m interest ot Borrower shall not operate to relea&e, in eny manner,the �•V <br /> „ liabillty ot the onginal Borrower and Borrowor's successors interest.Lender shall not be required to commence proceedings '� <br /> against such successor or refuse to extend time for paymont or otharwise modify amortization of the sums aecured by this � ' <br /> " �� �eed of Trust by reason of any demand made by the orlginul Borrower and Borrower's succossora in intnrest. <br /> . 11. Forbearance by Lendtr Not a Walvn.Any torbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder,or <br /> otherwise alforded by applicable law,shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exerciae ot any�uch right or remedy.The <br /> � procurement of insurance of the payment of taxea or other liena or charges by Lendar shall not be n waive�at Leflder's rlght to <br /> accelerate the maturity of the mdebtedness secured by this De2d o}Trust <br /> 12. Romedles Cumul�tl�e All remedies provided in this Oeed ot Trust aro distinct and cumulative to any other right or •• <br /> „ remedy undetthis 0eed of Trust or afforded by la�v or equiTy,end may be exercised concurrently,independently o�successively. <br /> 13. SucceuonandAs�lgnsBound;JolnlandSsveralUablliQy;Capttons.Thecovenentsandagreementshereincontained .;;ti <br /> - shall bind,and the rights hereunder shall inure to,the respective successors and assigns of Lenderand Borrower,sub�octto :. <br /> , the provisions of paragraph 17 hereof.All covenants and agreements of Borrower shall be jo�nt and several.The captlons and . <br /> headings ol the parac�raphs of this Oeed ot Trust are for convenience only end are not to be used to interpret or define the '�� <br /> provisions hereot. <br /> 1�. Notice.Excegtfor any not�ce reqwred under applicable law to begiven in ano4her manner,(a)any notice to Borrower I �Y� <br /> �� <br /> .. provided for in this Deed ot Trust shall be given by mailing such notice by certified mail addressed to Borrower at the Property , �r� <br /> Address or at such other address as Borrower may designete by notice to Lender as provided herein,and(b)any notic�to j <br /> lender shall begiven by certified mad,return receipt requested,to Lender's addres9 stated herein orto such otheraqdress as � <br /> Lender may designate by notico to Borrower as provided herein.Any notice prnvided for in this Deed of Trustshall be deemed � � � <br /> to heve been given to Borrower or Lender when given in the manner designated herein. � '�;=�.,� <br /> � <br /> •14.1 "Request for Notice.Trustor end beneficiary request that a copy ot any notice of detault end notice of sale made ar `' �' � <br /> _ , executed by the Trustee pursuant to the prrnisfons hereof be sent to the Trustor and Beneficiarv at their resoRr.nva ma�unr, __.�1_.- <br /> . . � ------- - arlrlrac�n��of i0S2l:8tS^..�o." • • � - -..... r..T:r�_._- <br /> 1S. Untiorm Deed of Truat;Governing Law;SaverabtUly. 7he form ot deed of trust combines uniform covenents for , <br /> nat�onnl use end nort-uniform covenants wrth Iimited vanations by�unsdiction to constitute a uniform secunty instrument ' <br /> covenng real property.This Deed of Trust shall be governed by the law of the�unsdiction in which the Properry�s located.In • <br /> the event that any provisi�n or cleuse of this Daed ot Trust ur the Note conflicts wrth applicable law,such Conflict shell not , <br /> . � afteCt other provisionsof this Deed of Trust or the Note whfch can be g�ven eKectwithput the conflicting provisions,and to tnis <br /> ; end the provisions o}the Deed of Trust and tha Note are declared to be severable. � ' <br /> ; 16. Borrow�i's Copy.Borrower shall be furnished a conformed copy ot the Note and oi this Deed of Trust at the time of . .4 • � <br /> exeCUtion or aRer recordation hereof. I . � � <br /> 17. Tran�fer of the Propetfy;Assumptton.If all or any part ol the proporry or an interest therem is sald or transferred by <br /> , Borrower without Lender's pnor v+ritten consent,excluding(a)the creatlon ota lien or encumbrance subordinate to th�s Deed � <br /> � ot Trust,(b)the creatian of e purchase money secunty interest for householdapplienr,QS,(a)a trensfer 6ydev�se descontor by �' � <br /> operatlonoflewuponthedeathofajointtenantor�d)thegrantofanyleaseholdinterestotthreeyearsorlessnotcontairnngan � � <br /> option to purChase,Lender may,et Lender's aption,declare all ttie sums secured by this Deed of Trust to be unmedlately duo ; ` <br /> and payeble.Lender shall have warved such option to accelerate it, pnor to the sale or transfer,Lender and the person to <br /> whom the Property is to be sold or transferred reach agreement in wnt�ng that the cred�t of such person is satisfactory to <br />_ Lende�andthatthc�interestpayableonthesumssecuredbythisDeedofTrustshallbeatsuchrateasLendorshallrequest.lf , �•:�.-.•�,t� <br /> . Lender has waived the option to accelerate prov�ded in fhis paragraph 17.and d Borrower's suCCessor in interest hasexecuted I '"' a�"d'^: <br /> a w�itten essumption agreement nccepted in wnting by Lender,Lender shall release Borrower from all obligahons under this I . ' <br /> Deed ot'frust and the Note. � ',� <br /> It Lender exercises such option to accelerate,Londer shall ma�l Borrower notice ot acceleratio�m accordance with I <br /> peragraph 14 hereof.Such notice shall prowde a penod of not less than 30 days trom tne dete the notice is mailed wrth�n wh�ch i �?� <br /> � Borrower may pay the sums declared due.If 8orrower fa�ls to pay such sums pnor to the expiration of such penod.Lender i y •;�'�j <br /> �. • may,wrthoua further noUCe or demand on Borrower,invoke any remedie&permitted by paragraph 18 hereof. i <br /> NON•UNIFORM COVEP7ANTS.8orrower and Lender lurther covenant end agree na follows: (; 4�y <br /> 19. AcCele►�flon;Remediei.Except as provfded in paragraph 17 hereof,upon Borrower's breach of any covenant or rs <br /> agreementot Borrower in this Deed of Trust,including the covenants to pay when due any sumssecured by this Deed o}Trust. � ��'^• , �� <br /> Lender pnor to eccolerahon shall mail notice to Borrower as providad in paragraph 14 hereof speci�ying:(t)the breach:(2)the �,�, <br /> achon reqwred to cure such breach:(3)a dete,not less than 30 days frqm the date the notice is mailed to 8orrower,by which � � � � <br /> such broac�must be curetl;and(4)that failure to cure such breach on or before the date saec�fied in the notice may result in ". � <br /> •acceleratforraf the sumssecured by this Deed of Trustand salo of the Property.TFSe notice shall further inform Borrower ot the <br /> right to remstate aftor acce{eration and the right to bnng a court actiun to assert the non-ex�stonce af a detault or any ather Y ' <br /> i LQnde s�opt on Ay decl•a e'alao�the sums secu ed by this Deed of Trust to be immodia ely ue and payable w�thoutt rther � <br /> � <br /> • demand and may invoke the power af sale and any other remedies perm�tted by applic�ble law.Lender shall tra entitled tq <br /> collect all reasonnblo costs and expenses incurred in pursumg tho remed�es provided fn the paragraph 18.i ncluding,but not <br /> , • limrted to,reasonable attorney�s fees. . S <br /> If the power of sele is mvokQd.7rustee shall record a noUCe of default in eacn county in which the Properry or some part <br /> thereo}is located and shall mail copies of such notice m the manner pre�cnbed byappl�cable law to aorrower and to the other � <br /> persons prescribed by appUCable law.ARer the lapse of such hme as may be reqwred by appGcable law,Trustee shall gwe <br /> shnll�soll�the Prope1rtyst publ crauction o�tho highe t biddeSat the t�me and�p ace and undQr the t�rms de�g ated n h e no ce '' <br /> ,' �. <br /> . ol sale in one or more parcels and in such order as Trustoe may determine.7rustee mny postpone sale o1 al I or any parcel of <br /> the Property by public announcement at the t�me and place of an reviousl scheduled sale.LendQr or i wndp.•�noo:.....,.�. � ' <br /> - ---. . (IIClV 011fChARO fhn Arn�w.n...�......__._ Y P y _'_ <br /> . '_. _'��.y...... -�---_� . <br /> __ ,___-___ _ . ._ __ '.._. ._�....y...v..�ou.v. . . <br /> ' Upon rec9�pt o}paymont of tNe pnce bid,Trustee shall delroer to the purchaser 7rusteo's deed conveying tho Property sold. <br /> The rec�tals in the Trusteo'3 deed shal I be pnma fac�a evidence of the truth of fhe statements mnde therein.Trustoe shell epply � � <br /> thg proceeds of the salp in the tollowing order:(a)to all roasonable costs and expRnses of the s41e,including,but not limitod to. <br /> Trustee's fees of not more than__ 96 of the gross sale pnce.reasonable attorney's fees and costs�t title evidence: <br /> Ib)to nll sums secured by this Ooed ot Trust:und�c)the excess,d any,to the parson or p8rsons legally enhtled thereto. <br /> 19. Borrowe�'Y Rlphl to RefRSfate.Notwithstanding Lender'g,�cceleration of tho sums secured by this Oeod ot Trust, I <br /> � Borroworshall havo the nght to have any proceadings bngun by Lendar to enforco thp Deed of Truat disCOntinuod atany timt� <br /> .. pnor t0 the eather to occur of(i)the Glth day betore the sele of the Property pur9uant to fht�power of sale cantemed m thp Odod <br /> ot Trust(ii)entry ot a�udgment enforciny this Deed af Trust if:(a)Borrower pays Londar all sums which would be thon due � <br /> unaor this Deed of Trust,the Note and notog sacunng Future Advancos.�f eny,had no accelerotion occured:(b)Enrrowor � <br /> f curos all breachos Of eny other Covenants or egraemonts ot Borrower contnmod In this Deed of Trust(c)8�rrowt�r paye all <br /> rensonablo expensos incurrod by Lender end Trustee entorc�ng thv covenants and agreempnts of Bor�ower�ontoingd in this <br /> oe8o sonablvatto noy's{oes nnd d)Borrowert kes sQCh ac on srLo de imay r�r�onablyhequ ro oess�u obh t tho I en of � <br /> ` � this Doctd ot Trusf.Lendor's mtsrest in the Property ancl8orrowor's obligahon to pay the sum5 st3cured by this Dood o}Trust <br /> shall continuo ummpnired.Upon such pryment and cure by Borrowor,this DeoU ol Trust and tho obligations socurod hcsroby I <br /> shall ramain�n full farco and olfyct as�t no acceleration had occurred � <br /> � <br />