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<br /> --- u�JLTST���_�_7Zi.DP�'C_L'ti��n� =_'a^"--'—'�R��---�irti�-yr���u�i..a�'�'.:��r�fi_°.I.i�Llf�'Yv'taT�l��rts.-..
<br />..___.._.t__.__,..._��__�.__�.__e. � ._. .. . — -- lveTa[v.�++�.�.w..�.-........�. L_fG"°—'"_
<br /> ft,:.;:i�..,,'��c:�t c:'ell�I:.:�•:.:��_«!��d�,tbj�.7m-11T�:ed,tItc t?�r.°fii.!-�ry Eh7il r.n,ue>.t the'i'ructee to reeunsey thu��rnpecty nnd shali eur�audcr ihis `=� --
<br /> "1�„i!}�ch!.1;�p c�d•-;c��cicr.�i�;�{bt:�=L^.,;.1�::.;r.ttw�Q h�thls'li��.t F;::d:n ll:.'f�r�!os vuA"11a�i,:,chall rccom;:y ti;.��sa�zsiy+vithout crrrmnty he�i:^ ��`^� ,
<br /> ��_:_.::�r.�ti:•tr.,,!..�.�ti• c��i�tl:�l t��:..?n.►:at iP d:��vfi lr. anc•':i��Ih:;��.:;i��:nt ni'�.'d nu::nr nuy p n Ili.i.uf nr nuy aP Wc intc;::•.l Ihcmr.�c:iicn dr.�
<br /> c:i���� � . ,.=�d'.,,���r cili;_e„7 [ lu r;�;rti�;cul�:�al���: •ul,ih:�i Itir�d�:d�(�zll �:���.i�i w f,��c nnd th2�•,lio!;:n(��,�:I unt.rh:�ll h:re;�;r
<br /> f���;�-.Ji,ot .!:I,;.i!f.^4.���.L�� �y'r.r.�±f,�.�,;r�(i�;�ln:dlcrp:��:id:�l."lir,�l����.ic:::h�llli.�•..:IL:7tr��it.u;:��nd:t�e�nd.tu;mynrc�llul �Irtfnll�r:,m;; tnla�alrn�ic.l!:t�'�
<br /> p��cy��.sir,n uf llic pm�xYty,co fCnt Ihr. r:m;:nl taich��nt.da ns�ou m:�y decin Pu�pct.tu cnll�ct Ihc tait:�,Iu mak�uuy uccc:.:a�y icpa.�,w•i�pl.:�ci�tcnt:�Icq� `!r�,;
<br /> ll�r pru�k�ty.uml.aftcr�?.yUtg thc Cas[ of�tudng Ihr,propc�ty.collt.liny Il�s t�nt•�anA 11�2 m:�ktng uf.;ny rcp:drs to qic pr��perty.lu apply Iho h.�l:iucc w►I�!� � �,::_
<br /> tun•r•hercby�.ecuteA�anA iP th:rt io nm sufucient nct icnl:+l m�mCY rcci�c:t to pay tiie cn•,t uf r�Pairx 11!cn+my li:dance sh:dl h;Recurd lu:reby nlung�i�� �
<br /> tf�c rnte ond he.v Ihe s:w2e rate oP ir.tcr�vL•nnd in n�lAidun th:'llustcc ur hle n�t��tntY m:�y pnxcCA In sdl Ihe property fn iis cndr�ty nr In plrccia nt Ihc� ,�r�;•-
<br /> aptlon ot tl�c T'�ust.c hcrtinbefo�c Jc�cribcd at public miclinn.to tlic Ii11;Gc�t hfAcicr,fdr e;���ti.ilms,,scr,�hc puucr��f:�:ilc lic;�in cunfE:rrC�l upnn Ihc TruSttt AS'•;)�,;�;
<br /> Yul!not Isr exerciseA untit(I)ihe Tru4ue ahall first fil:fur«roN,in 1l;e o0ice uf�hb register nf dzeds nf catl�county�tihercin the Icu�.t prupr�ty ur s��re� ��,h_�
<br /> part ar parcel t8ercaf is aitaated,r�notkc o!defimit.idcnti(ying th:TruStce by�.taiing tlm n:imce of the'i'rustnr nnd nantts thcrtin nnd pi�InA�hu bnnk nn� __ _
<br /> �:�=c;h^rc tt�-.�rmc in rrcardtrl. a dr�triptinn nf�hc Inist �:mp�rtY.und contaminy;i:�t.rtemtnl�li!t n im°;ch��f nn��bligatiun for��i�ich U�c iru�,t prniiu�y �°"'_.
<br /> wia conveyed us secuflty Iras acurrcd.and setdiig fonli Uic naturo��f suCi�b:tiz�h and or hIs cleci�os:o Rcfl ar cnusc w I�e�tulJ�uc�� pmi�:i+y i.�s,iti�fy il. __
<br /> offilgauon;ar.d(1.)nfter thv lapse uf nnt lass ihan one month,tha 7Yustcc 6ha11 gi�e noUcc of salc as prnvidcd by Ncbr.iska law.Aflcr noticc of d:i:mlt o� _
<br /> fs�nc of not Icss then�nc month,�t�c'Ctustcc sha11 gi�'c x•rittcn nnti:c of the umc nnd placc uf��Ic p:uUcularly dcscribin8 tbc properly In bs sold hy puh;ir.sua� ���u.
<br /> oP s�ch notia,ut icast fise tiirce,oncc a x•cek for five cousccuti�'c�sceke,(f1C I:ISL(Ip111lC1110Ii l0 bC tl[IC85t IO ll:ips but not morc thln 30�S;+ys pricr ta ihc _ .�,.
<br /> eule,in some r.ewcpnper having n general sirculatio� in eaeh eounty in which the pmpeny to be solJ,ar soms,part thereof. Is s(tuatecl.Upon nuch sale,the �-�_=•-
<br /> u
<br /> Tiustet shall execute ond deli��er n deed of conceyance oP the property sold Io Uie purchascr ar purch�sers therenf and nny elatement or rc�(Inl nf f,ict In such �_,,;
<br /> deed in rcia[ion to the exercise of ihe power of saic and cate of the prop;rty dcseribcd Iherein,iiicluding rccitnls conccrnins any tuailin�,personal dcli:try �:��,
<br /> and publication of the notice of default,nny malling nnd the publieaN�n ond posting uf not:ee nf sale,und the conduct of s�le:�nd sucl� :ecital shall coustimte e.rx-=_
<br /> prima 1'acle evidence of such compliance and cundusi�e evldence tltcrcof In fa�•or of 6ona fide purcha.trs nnd encumhnncers fur value and a•ithout.notico. _ __
<br /> The Trtescee s der.d shul.l op�:ntc co conrcy to Ihc purchascr,without right of rcdcmption.IBc Trustec's title nnd nil risht.tidc,inten:st and claim of thc 7nntor
<br /> und liis successorv in interest nnd of all persons claiming by or ttirougii or under tf�em,in and to the propeny sold,incluCing nll such righi.�itle.intercst and _
<br /> daim in nnil to such�iropertY ncquittd by the Tcustor or his successors in Intercst su6sequent to the execudon of the Trusree�The Trustte sttall Gpply the proceeds _
<br /> of thc Trustec's s;ilc,Grst,to the cost nnd cxpenses of cxcreising thc pmvcr of sate,and af the sale,inciuding the paymcnt of the Trustce's fces ncwall�incurred s,°��Y�;�.
<br /> not to exceed the umount which �nay Ge�mvic�ed for in the trust deed,second.to p�yment of the obli�a[ion,�ecared by the«ust deed and Qie 6alnnce,if �f."s..
<br /> any,to tlie persnn or persons Iegnity entitlul thcreto. �� f
<br /> «---
<br /> And the Trustee covcnants faithfLlly to perform the trust hcrcin crcatcd _
<br /> DEN��ICIARY may from time to time sutlstitute n successor or successo�to uny Trustee named hercin or acting hercunder to execute this Trust[ktd. _
<br />- Upon such appointment and without conveyasce to the successor Trus[ee,the iatter shatl bc vaeted with oll titic,pa.:�ts,and dutie�conferrcd upon any Treisi�e _._
<br /> herrin nanied or accing liereunder.Each such nppointment and substitution shall be made by written instrument and executed by Ikneficiary.containing rcfercn:e ��_
<br /> to this Tcust Decd und its placo oi recorcl,which,when rccoMed in the orccc of the Rcgister of Deeds of the counry or cauntiss in which said praperty is ----
<br /> situ�te<1,chall ba conclusive pmoS af proper appointment of the suceessor Trustee.Tl�e fomgoi»g power uf substitution:ind[he precedurc therefore shall not _
<br /> be exclusive of the power and procedurc provided for by Iaw for the substitutlon of a Trus:cc or Trustccs in the pince of the�frustcc or Trustccs named hcrcln. r
<br /> 4'-._—.
<br /> Sh�u1d the Trustor or its successor in intercst�vi�hout the consent m writing of the fleneficiary sell,transkr,or convey,or perniit to be sotd.transferrcd
<br /> or convey�ed,by.^.gttement for sal�or in any manner,ics intrrest in the above described real estate(or any p�n thereof),then Beneficlary may dedarc all surns _,;t�,�
<br /> secured hcttby immediatcly due und payable,subject to applicablc luw.
<br />- Tlu waiver by Trustce or Bcref iciary of any default of Trustor undcr this Trust Deed shall not bc oi be deemed to be a waiver of nny other or similar _
<br /> defisults subsequcntly occurring
<br /> This Trust 1)eed shall inure lo nnd bind thc hcirs,lcgatees,dcvisces,administntors,executcrs,suacssors nnd assigns of the partics hercm. �_
<br /> The Trust Deuf shall be construed uccordinp to the laws of the Stnte of Ne6raskn. -�—
<br /> Tlie 7rastor rcquests that a eopy of any notice of default nnd of any notice of sale hereunder be mailed to him by certified mnil at the address tiettln6efo� �
<br />