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<br /> . � .,_..____.—----,_.- -- ,
<br /> (b) q�msy bo pormlUCd by.law,aft4r d�ducting a11 costs,fone and oxpon:os a4 7n�ctoo end of this'frusL lmluding cost�ot cvtdcrs�a o9 _ -
<br /> � � Guo In connactlon vfth nalo,Truatoa shell �ppty Il�o procoacl9 of osta to pay►nont ot (p oll cum9 nxpondod«adcr tho t�m�o}tlits Oced of � R}��
<br /> � Tiust or under the torme of iho Note not thon ropNd,Inc!u�ing but not Iimttod ta nccruad Inmrosl and late chargo9, (II)atl othor aums ihan �-
<br /> cccurod horo�y,and (IIl)tho remalndor,tf any, ta tY�a p4roan or porcons loga!ly onGtlod ther4to, "=--
<br />=h ' (c) Truexe�a may In Iho manner provlded py Inw poatpons oufe ot NI or Any portlon of tha Proporty. '`���"
<br /> ++�,�:
<br /> Rem�dlea Not Exciur�v�. Truotoo.and LunCor,and oach o7 thom,ohall ba antlqod to or�forca payrrwnt and portormnnq of any Indohtodnesa � •�1r,t�.
<br /> or obllgnUans sa�urod by thls pooci ol7rust r�nd to oxorclso�II aights aiid pov:vra und�r tht�Dc�d ot 7ru�t,undcr tha RatA,undar eny of tho 1��
<br /> - Relelad �ocumenU,or undor any other�graament or any laws now or horaefter In force• noiwithstanding,oomo or ell oi such Indobtodnes9 ����_
<br /> � , and aMlgelloRS oecured by ihis Dupd o1 Ttuut miy now on c�xoafter bo othorvvtae oocurod,whether by mortgage,dend of wst,pfodge,Ilon, ��
<br /> assignment or othonviso. Noithw the�cc�iptance of Ihl9�ood ot Truet nar:ts antorcornont, whethor by court acifan or pursuent to th�powar of
<br /> � � eNe or other poworo contdnod in thls Deed o1 Trust, ahall prejudlce or In any mannor eflect Tntstao'o or Lander's rlghY to raalize upon or ^�
<br /> onturce any othor eocudry now or haroafter hold by Trustaa or Lendor,It batng egread thnt Trustee anJ Lendflr,and o�ch ot tham,ehail be �t
<br /> onUtbd to antorco thla Oood Qa Trust end any othor eacuriry now or horoaftor liatd by LoncSor or Trustee In such ordo�and mannor as thoy or _
<br /> � olther of thom may In tholr eb�otute dlaaretlon detemHne. No remody conforrad upon or resorved to Trusteo or Londer, is Intonded ro bc�
<br /> � oxclusivo ot nny othor romedy In thla Ooed o9 Tiuc�Y or by law provldod or pertrsitted, but a�ch ahnll 4o cumulaUve end shcUi Ae In uddiUon Yo ?��
<br /> � � �� ovory othor ramedy given In thle deed ot'�rust or now or hereefto►oxisllng ct law ar In oquity or by stntuto. Every pawer or rerrbdy given by the .. , .
<br /> Nota or any o1 tho Rofrtod OoCUmanto to Tmstoo or Londor o►to which elthor of thom may bo otherwlso onUtlod, may bo oxordaod, .
<br /> concurronUy ar IndopondonUy,irom 9mc�to timo and as otton as may bo doomod oxpedient by Trusten or Lender, and either of thom moy
<br /> pursuo Inwnsistont�omodlos. Nothing In thls Doad o1 Trust shell bu consWed as prohlbittng Lender trom seeking a doflcloncy �udgn�ent
<br /> -- egdnst tho Tn:stor ro tho omant such acUan 19 portnitlod by law. � .
<br /> � R�qwst For NoUc�. Trustor,on boh�Uf o1 Trusror and Londor,horoby roquests lhat a copy of eny NoUce of Data��it nnd a copy of any Not{ce
<br /> • � of 9alo undnr lhls Oeod o}Trust bo mellod to thom�t the addreasos aot torth In tha iirot poragrnph of thls Oeod of Tnist.
<br /> �� '" W�Iv�r; EI�aUOn of H�m�dNa. A walvar by any party of a orench oi n provislo�i oi lhle Daed of Tru�t�h:Jl no2 constltute a vdeJvo►oi��r �• _.
<br /> � projud�e the party e tiflht9 othorvvlst�to domend atrict complisnco wlth that provlslon or any othor provislon. Election by Lender to pursue any .
<br /> � remady provided in lhts Doed ot'17us1,the Piote,ln any Releted Document,or provlded by law aha11 not exdude puwuit ot any other remedy, �"_�_
<br /> � and en alocilon to mako ox�ondituro9 or to take aeL'an ta p�rtnrtn an oblignUan o1 Trustor or Barrower undor this Deed ot Trust after failure oi , =
<br /> � Trustor or Borrowor to poKorm ehull�ot aflaci LonclGr'o dght ta declarc�e default end to exerGse eny of fts ramedias. '°-'�
<br /> �
<br /> Attom�ya'F�s;Ep��na�s. tl Lend�r Instirattaa�ny cult or ecUon to entorca eny of tho tem�a of this Deed of Trus�Landor ehall be entitled to � . . �w���,-,f__
<br /> recovo► euch eum aa tho couR mt�y adjudga roasonablo as attornoys'faes at Ulal nnd on nny appaal. Whather or nat any court scUon Is x
<br /> InvoNed,all rossonaWe axponsos IncuRed by Lender which In londer'e opinlon ero necasswy nt any Ume tor the protc�cUon of Its Interest or the +�►-��-.
<br /> �� onforcoment ot Ita dght9 ehall bocomo a part ol tho Indobtodnoss psyebie on damand and shal bear Interest at the Note reto from the dato of �?� °��.
<br /> . oxpondituro unlll ropald. F�cponsfls coverod by this paragreph Includo,without IlmitnUon, tawever subJect to any Iimlb under appllcable law, • r
<br /> Lendore attorney9'faos whnthor or not there Is a lewsuit,Including attomays'toes tor bankrupicy proceqdl[�.pocWrita$-qibrhr4'o madity or +,,�y ;�_=
<br /> vacuto eny automaUo stay or Injunctlon),oppnels and nny nnUclpatod post-Judgrrrent colloctlon sorvlces,the.oaltt at�iirehtngnecbrNs,obtelnir� �+Ir
<br /> Utle raport�(Including torociosuto toports),aurvoyore'reports,apprelsal tees,Utte Insurance,end fees tor the� 'Y.�,�u�,�,►�he,�xtont pom�ittod by �.•:•�� _
<br /> applicabin law. Trustor elso will pny any court costs,In addition to NI other sums provldod by law. n"•'' "'�' '
<br /> _
<br /> ...�:�:y..,.. ..... • ��^,�� _
<br /> E�1lflhts of Truste�. Trustos ehall have all ot ttro dghts and duUes of Londer ns set iorth In thls secUOn. �-=�il� .
<br /> POli�R9 AND OBL(GiATtONS OF TRUSTE�. The following provlsions relnUng to the Nnwor3 and obligaUons of Trustoe ara part of thls Dead of •}�!'�"�•��• •
<br /> Trust ' �
<br /> Pow�rs of TrustM. In addiUOn to NI powors ol Truatao arlsing as n mattor of law,Truatee ehNl hava lho powor W teke the foliowing acbons '
<br />. with respoct to tho Proparty upon the writtora request oi LQnder and Trustor. (a)Join In preparing and fiiing a map or plat of the Roal Property, �
<br /> InGuding tha dadlCaUon u}otreots or othEr rights to the public; (b)�oln In granUng sny easomont or creatlng any restrtcUon on the Real Properry;
<br /> and(c)bin In any aubordlnaUon or other ag�eement aftacifng this Deed of Trust or the InteresE of Lendor under this Deed of Trust .
<br /> Truetee. Tn�stoe shdl moot all quNiNcatlans roquired tor Trusteo under eppl�able law. In nddlUon to tho dghts and remedle�set fotih above, , •,��
<br /> ca
<br /> wim respoct to�II or any pari ot the Proporty,ihe Trustee ehail heve the 8ght to torecloso by noUco and eale,and Lender ehall huve the hght ta -
<br /> forecbse by Jud�lal forecbsuro,In eilhe►case In accordance with and 4o the full extent provlded by eppllc�ble law. ,f,.,¢'� �
<br /> Suecsaaor Truatw. l.ondor,at LAndor's opUon,rnay trom tlrcw ta Ume appotnt a successor Trustoe ro nny Trustee appoUted haraunder by an .,
<br /> . Inswrrwnt oxacutad nnd acknowledpod by Londor and recordad in thA of8ca of the recorder ot Hell County, Nebreskn. The instrumont shall • .,
<br />- cantNn,In addiUon to ell other matters requlrod by state Iaw,tha narr�s ot ihe original Lender,Truatoe,and Trustor,tho book and page(or �
<br /> computer aystem roteronco)whoro this Ooad olTrust I�recorded,and the name and add�ess ot lhe successor trustee,and Yho Instrumsnt ehe:l ' ��°�.�� ��
<br /> ba oxoculact end acknowledged by all the bc��rwflele�las under the Deed of Trust or their successors In Interest The succossor trustee,without . , *�:�
<br /> conveyanoe ot the Property,shell succeod to NI the UUe,powor,and duUes conterrod upon the Trustco in this Ooed of Trust and by eppliCabla . „
<br /> IAw,Thie procaduro tor aubstituUon of trustoa oha11 govnrn to the oxciuslon ot a11 othnr provtslons for subsUtuUon. ,
<br /> NOTICE9 TO TRUSTQR AND 07HER PARTIEB. Any noUco under this Doed of Trust sh�ll be In wriUng and shdl ba eNoctivo whon aclueliy _
<br /> dellvered,or when depositad with a naUOnally rocognizod ovornight wudor,or,If maltod,shc�lll bo deomed ettective when depositod in tho Unfted �-:a
<br /> Statas mall ilrst c1a5s,rogistored mell,postago prepald,diracted to tho addressas ehown noar the beginning of thts Doed ot Trust Any pariy may S `-�i
<br /> chnnge Bs address tor noUoos undor this Deod of 7mst by giving tortnal writton noUca to the othor ptutles,specifying thnt tho purposa o1 tho noUca Is ,�",�
<br /> to chango the peny's addros3. All coples of notices of torecloaure from lho holdar ot nny Ilen which has prlorfty ovar thl3 Doad o1 Truat shell bo sent �� ,�)
<br /> •, � to Landor'o addross,fls shown naar the boylnNrac�01 this Deed of TruaL For notice purposvs,Trustor ngrctos to keop Landnr and Trustoo Intom�ed �''. 4,;
<br /> � nt ell Umos of Trustor's cuROnt eddross. 'z., , a��
<br />- , � .
<br />. '� � . „• MISCEWINEOUS PROVIS►ONS. TP�u to�owing miscelieneous provisions aro a part oi thls Dead o1 Trust , -
<br />' � Amendmenb. This Oaad of Trust,logothor with any Relntod Documants,constitutes the entlre understanding and ngreomont ot ti�c�pnrUes as ' �Y �
<br /> , . to tha mnttore sot torth In thls Dcsod of 7rus3. No NtornUon ot or arrbndment to this Oeed ol Trust shNl bo ottoctivo unlass giren In wrlUng and I '
<br /> slgnod by tho party or perllos sought to bo chnrgod or bound by tho elternUon or r.mondmont.
<br /> F ' Annual Repotta. It tho Proporry Is usod tor purposos other than Trustor's rasidenco,Trustar ahnil furnish to Londor,upon request,a caNfied � �
<br /> statamont of nat operaUng income rocoivod trom Iho Proporty during Truetor's pravfous fiscN yonr In such fortn und datWl as Lendar shNl � �r
<br /> ,, roqulre. "Not operaUng Inwmo"shNl moan M cnsh rc�calpts irom tho Proporry loss nll cnsh oxpendiNros mado In connacUon with tho opomUon
<br /> • • . ottho Proporty. � �
<br /> , ' AppUcaDlo Luw. This Qend o!Truet han bcen dollvarcd to Lcndor and acccpted by Lender In the 5tate of Nebraska. Thla Deed of Trust ;
<br /> ' ah�ll Q�a govcmed by and conatrwd In accor�tancs with th�laws of tho Stste of N�braeka. I �
<br /> CapUon HeaBin�. CapUon hoadfngs in thts Doed of Trust erd tor convenlonca purposes onty and aro not to bo usad to Int�rprot or detino tho ' �
<br /> • provlsion9 0}this Dood ot Trust. • �j
<br /> 4 Mer{}er. Thnro shNl bo no mergor of tho Intorost ur ostnto crentod by this Dood of Trust xlth nny other Interest or estato In tho Proporty nt nny , . ��.i
<br /> � Umo hald by or tor tha bc�nofit ot Londar In any cenpnciry,without tho writton consent ot Lendor. . ,
<br /> . Multlpia Partles;Coiporate Authod4y. Atl oblEgaUons of 7rustor and Borrownr undor ihis Ooad ot rnist snan do�ourc and severni, ano ai� -_ � - -_-''�
<br /> � roferanCO9 to Bortovror shnll mgnn oach nnd ovory BoROwar,ond nll rotorcincas to Trustor shNl moan ench end overy Trustor. This meuns th�t
<br /> t ,v aach of tho porsons sl�nfng botow Is rospunsibto tor all obligallons In thls Dood of Yrust. . '
<br /> � Settera6lllty. If a court of compotont Jurlsdk:Uon finds any provislon of this Oood a1 Trust to ba invNid or unonforcoablo ns to nny pa�rson or •
<br /> }s circun�^,tnnco,sucN finding ehnil not rondor that provision Invnlld or unnntorceablo as to nny othor porsons or circumstancos. If taa�lblo, nny 1 I
<br /> - such ottending provlslon shNl bo domm�d to bo moditiad to bo wlthln the Ilmite of antorconblliry or vNidiry;howovctr,If the ottanding provl�lon
<br /> I cannot bo eo modiflad,it ohall bu oirickan n�d NI olhar provlslons ot this Daad of Trust in oll other raspocts shatl romnln valid und onfarconbio. � .
<br />_� � 5ucceaeora and Asaign�. SubJnct to tho limitc�tlons stn?od In thls Da3d of Trust on Vansier ot TrustaYo tntarost,thls Doad ot Yrust shsfl bo �
<br /> binding upon und Inuro to tho bcnolit o1 tho pnrUos,tholr succossoro nnd a^,slgn3. It ownnrsh{p ot the Proparry bocomas vo�tad In o porsots •
<br /> othor thnn Trustar, Londor, wltl�out notico to Trustor, mny dnnl with Trustor'o succossors�with rotoronco to th:s Doad ot Trust nnd tho
<br /> � Irrdobtodness by wny ot torbonrnnco or oxlonslan without roloasing Trustor from tho oblignUons of this Oaad ot Trust or Iiabitiry undar tho ,
<br /> � � ,; Ind¢btodrASS. !
<br /> Ttma la of ths Eesence. Tlmo ts al tho assonco In thd portormanco of this Dcx3d of Trust. , ��
<br /> ,1
<br /> • � Y�atvero ui�d Consent�. Londor ohNl not bo daomad to hpvo wNvud nny hghts undor ihls Qaod of Trust(or undar tho Raiatod Docurrbnts) I
<br /> t� . , �
<br />