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. , :n.,.:. <br /> . .. �,� <br /> . �, �.� . � , � ��� <br /> �� . ..�„�,,,, — <br /> . � ,. .�,n.abrr�xnv�., i, � ti:w <br /> • -- --- r...L,�..,.w.. . :',� � �_�.—�___._...__ "� .f.�.. <br /> �_ �_.. _.. . - - - <br /> � ..s,.:. -�,. . ,° ,__ -- <br />�.r ., _ -----_._..._...._. ' '�Tv�`-- <br />. „M�a39f384 0��� ������� � ������ �A�o� � . <br /> , l��a�a C�o �G�,�!� (�s�otinz�c€i) ��-.�.r�r- f .. <br /> �—.. ��_, _._ .. - ---- -----�_�.---.--.=_..._,.—__..--Q----„--- <br /> mntadal3 aro suppllcd to tho Properry, It any nrchanlc'o Ilan,matorialmon'o Ilon, a othor Ilon could bc� a�ser4od on eccount o1 tho v�ork, � ' ;"; <br /> aorv�cos,or metadaia, Tru�lor wiU upon roquoat ot LonCar turnish to Londor nd��anco assurnpca3 aeUatactory to Lc�ndor 1hntTrustor cnn and wlll � ,�•.. <br /> • pay tho cost o1 ouch Impravcmanta. <br /> � PROFFRTY DAMAGH IN3URANCE.Th�tollowin�provislons ralaUng to Insuring tha Praporty aro n part o}this Dond ot Tru31. � <br /> .,,'�:.. <br /> Mdntananca oi Inauana, Trustor ahell procuro and matntaln pollcios ot ilra Insuranco with etandard extondad coverege endorsenxints on n ��i a, <br /> replecarr�nt besie tor the tull Insumbla uNuo covodng NI Improvomonts on iho FioN Property in an amaunt culficlent to uvold appllcntian o}any ., <br /> colnsurance ctauae,and with e etnndard moRgagoo cteuse In tavor oi Wnd�r. Grantor ehall also pracura end malntaln comprel�e�ssivo gonarN I + <br /> Ileblury Innurance In such co�erago amoun!e as Lcander may raqunst with truate�o and Londor 6elna namod as addlUanN Insureds In such Iieblliry ,�' <br /> � Insurancn policlos. Addillonally,(�rantor ohell melntNn such othor Insurnnco, includlnc�but not Iimited to htuard,businaas IntorrupUon,nnd , . o <br /> �� � boller Inouranco,na Landar mny raa^onabty roqulra. Po11cles ohall bh wrltton In lorrn,nnwunte,covoraga�nnd basls raosonabty acceptable ta <br /> Landor and Issuod by A company or companl�s reasonabty accaptablo to Lendar. Trustor,upon requost ot Landor,will detivor to Lender from I � <br /> � ' dme to Ume tho policlus or cordflcates ot Insuranco In form eaUs!actory to Londor,Induding s9pulsUons that covereges wiu not ba cnncEilad or f <br /> dlrnlnished without nt loast ton(to�doys'prlor writton notice to Londrr. Each Insurancc+pollcy Nso ehnll includo cn endorsoment provlding that � , . <br /> covorago In favor o1�ender will not bo Impairnd In any�vay by eny act,omisston or default o}Grantar or any othor poreon. Should the Real � , <br /> Proporry at any time brjcome locatnd In an azoa dosignntod by tha Olrector o1 thv Foderal Emorgency Managament Agoncy us a spnclel(lood � <br /> hazurd area,Trustor a,qreos to obteln and mnlntuin Fedarel Flood Insurance to the exlont euch Inaurance Is roqulred by Londer end is or � <br /> bncorr�s availabie,lor the term of the loan and tor the full unpald prinGpaJ balanco ol lhe loan,or the meximum Iimlt of coverage that I� <br /> nvallabla,whichever Is less. <br /> App1lcaUon of P�oceed9. Tnistor shal promptly noUfy Lender of any loss ar darnage to the Proporry if the est)mated cast of repeJr or � <br /> roptacarrpnt oxcoade$�,000.00. Lender may mnko proot of loss il Trustor(Wls to do so within tifteon(16)days of the ca�uelty. Whether or not I <br /> Wndere socudty is Impalrod, Lendor may, at fi9 eiecilon,recetve and retain tha proceeds ot any Insurance and apply the proceeds to the , <br /> reducUon of the Indobtodness,payment o}nny Ilon attecUng the Property,or 1he rostoratlon and ropalr of the Properry. II Lender olec:ts to epply I ' <br /> ' tho pracoeds to rastoraUan and repolr,T�ustor shtill reaelr or replace the damagad or doriroy�d Improverrr�nts In e��°mrwr ealle(netory ta � <br /> Lendor. Landor shall,upon satlsiactory proot of s��ch expgnditure,pay or reimburse Tnastor from tho proceeds for tho roasonablo cost of ropelr � <br /> or restoraUon if Truetor is not In doft+ult under this Deed of Trust Any proceeds whlah hnve not benn disbursed withln 180 days aftar lhelr � <br /> recaipt nnd which Lender hns not committed to ihe repelr or restoraUon of the Property ehnll be used flret to pny any amount owing ta Lsnder � �t <br /> under thls Dacjd of Tru9t,then to pay accruad Interest,nnd tiie remeJndor,if uny,shdl Iw appliod to the pdncipal bN�nce ot iha Indebtedness. I =_ <br />- . .' If lsnder hotds any prqceads after payment!n full of the Indabtedness,such prateeds shall be pald to Trustot�9 Trustot'o Imore9ts may <br /> � .�'"�!� <br /> ePPoar. . .. � <br /> Une�ired Inaunnce at Sate. Any unuxpired Insurance ahall Inure to the benefit of,and pass to,the purchaser ot the Properry covered by this � �xa. <br /> Doed of Truot at any trustae's sole or othor sate held under the provislons ot thls Deed ot Trust,or nt any forectosure sale of such Propmrty. , � <br /> ' � Tru9tor'e Report on Innurance, Upon requost of Lendor,howover not more thon unce n yenr,Trustor ehall furniah to Lender a report on each . ��r� <br /> exlsUng palicy of Insurancu showing: (u)the name ot tho Insurer; (b)tha rlake Insured; (c)tho artaunt of the poliCy; (d)the proporry insured, � <br /> the then current reptacement velue of euch property, and the manner ot do[ermining that value; and (e)the oxptratlan dalo ot the policy. �� <br /> Trustor aheil,upon requ49t of Lender,hava an Independent eppraiser estisfacto�to Lender determine the cash value replact3ment wst of the l ;..�';���= <br /> __-- ProperN. � (.��qC^ .• <br /> EXPENDITURES BY LENDER. If Trustor tells to comply with any provlston of this Doe�of Tmst,or Ii any action or procoading Is commancsd that ?��' , <br /> would matedelly affoct Lend6Ye Interests In the Properry,Lendar on Trustor's bnhatt may,but shail not be roqulred to,take any aclion that Lendor ��'�°`�` <br /> deoms appropriate. Any emountthat landor oxpends In so doing v✓ill bear Interest atthe rete chargeri under the Note trom the dnte Incurred or pald , ., b°� <br /> by Lender to tho date of rooayment by Trustor. All such expenses,at Lender's option,will (a)be paynbte on demand, (b) be added to ihe balance • k'' _ <br /> • of the Note end bo epponloned emong and be payc+blo with any instaliment payments to becorrw due during olther (�the term of any applicable _ <br /> Insuranca pal{cy or (II)thn remNning term of tho Nate,or (c)be troatad as e belloon payment which wlll be due and payabta et the Note'e maturity. . <br /> Thi9 Ooed of Truet slso will secure payrcwnt ot these timounte. Tho rlgMs provided for In thls peragraph shNi be In additlon to sny othor dghts or any "�,. <br /> ' ' rornodies to whlch Londer mny bo anlitlod on account oT the defnutt Any auch¢ctlan by Londer ohNl not be construed as curing the dotault so as to <br /> bar Lender ftom any rernody that It otherwise would have had. ��r� <br /> W0.RRANTY;DflFENSE OF TITLE. Tho following provislons relsting to ownershlp of the Property are a part of thla Deed of Trust. ; � �' � <br /> Titl�. Ttu3tor wa�ants that: (a)Trustar holds good nnd marketablo Utlo of record ta the Proporry In foo almpin,free and ctear of ell Ilons and i �` ''�� <br /> enaumbranca9 other thun thosa set torth In the Real Properry dascrlQUon or in any title lnsurance poilcy,Utio repon,orflnal dtle opinlan issued In I '� � 'r , .. <br /> favor o},end aCCOpled by,Lendor In connecUon wlth ihfs Deed of Trust,and (b)Trustor has tho tuil rlght,power,end euthotiry to exocute and � <br /> do!Ivnr ihis Det�d of Trust ta Lendor. � �'':! <br /> � Oei�ne�o!Tltla. SubJect to tha excepUon In the paragreph ubove,Truator wrurants a�d wili toraver detand the tttle to tho Properry agalnst tho , ����'_ <br /> ', le�vful clalms of NI porsons, In the ovont uny uction or procaoding Is commenced that quostlons Trustor'e tlUe or tho IrRorost of Trustee or ,�, . • ,� <br /> , Lender undor this Dund ot Trust,Truetor shNl doland tho actlon at Truator's expansa.Truator moy be the nominel perty in euch pracaeding,but ,..; <br /> Lender shall bo on9Ued to perikipnte in tho procoeding and to be reoresented in the procoading by counset ot Lendor's own chotce, and I <br /> Truetor�ill doiiver,or cause to be delivered,to Lender such InsWrnonts es Lendor mny request irom Ume to tlme to pertnit such parUcfpaUon. l � .c <br /> Compil�nc�Wlth Lawa. Trustor warrants that the Property and Trustore usa ol tho Properry complles wlth aG oxistlng appllcable Inws, � .��,�i <br /> ordinancos,and roguletlons of governmentN authodUes. T.`.�; <br /> • CONDEMHATION. The following provistons relnUng to condemnutlon proceedings are a part ot thls Deed of Truet �� "' <br /> • � : �;.: <br /> , Appllcatlon of Nat Proceeds. If NI or ony ptut ot the Proporry Is condemned by eminent domaln procoadings or by any procueding or ,a � .�= <br /> purchnso In Ileu of condomnaUon, Lendor mny at ito ot4ctlon require that NI or nny porUon ot tho not procc3ods of the awerd be applled to tho �- ,i; <br /> Indobtodnoss or the repalr or restosatlon of th�Proporry. The net proceads of tha awnrd ehall rtwan tho awerd after payrcwnt of all ransonable � `',s. <br /> ca4t�,oxponsos,and Qttorneys'teas Incurred by Trustee or Lender in connecUon with tho condomnutlon, I ;, � <br />� Proceedlnpa. If any proca�ding In condomnntlon is filod,Truotor sh�ll promplly naUty Londer In wrlUng,end Trustor ehetl prompUy such � „ r 7• <br /> etapa as may ba noCassary to doiond tho acUan nnd obtaln tho award. Trustor may bo iho nominal partyr In such proceeding,but Lender shall . . <br /> be onUtic�d to partidpata In tho procoading and to bo roprosontod In tho pracooding by cnunsol 01 Ita own cholco,and Trustor�viil dolivar ar � <br /> F � causo to ba dolivored to Lendar such Instruments as may ba roquastod by ft irom tlmn to tlma to pormit eucii p az U Gpa Uon. ; <br /> IMPOSITION OF TAXBS,FEES AND CHARGES BY GOVCRNME�lI'AL AUTHORITIE3. Tho following provislons rolaUng to govornmontnl toxes, '� ' <br /> tees nnd chnrgos aro a pari of 1Ns Oood c:1'ruat: , ,� ; <br /> . Curront Taxes.Feea and Char�es. Upon roquest by Londer,Trustor ehNl oxocutosuch documents In additlon to thi9 Oeed of Trust and taku I <br /> vrhntovcr other nCUon Is roquesled by Lvnder to portoct and contlmio Londer's Ilnn on the Floal Property. Truetor shnli reUnbwso Lunder tor all , ; <br /> tnxas, as doscrlbod bolow,topothor with NI expensos Incurrad In racordinq,pv►fxUng or conUnuing thfs Doed of Trust, InGuding wlthout 1 � <br /> IlmitaUon NI ta�cas,toos,documontnry stnmp�,nnd othor chtugos for rocording or rogbtadng Uil9 Dond ot Trust � � <br /> Taxea. Tho following shan consUtuta taxos to which tt�is secllon appflas: (a)a�specifio tax upon this rypo ot baod of Tmst or upon nll or any � j <br /> pert ot tho Indobtodness sec�red by thts Deed ot Trust; (b)a specHio tox on Borrowor whlch Borrowor Is authorizod or requlrod to doduct trom � .�i ; <br /> pnyrrronts on tho Indobtadnoss sacurad by thls typo of Dcx�d at Ttust; (c)a tax on Ihl9 rypo of Dnnd oi Trust chargonbio agNnst tho Lendor or ', ., I <br /> - -- - •��...�.�...���u..�e. e� tdi o o�.4tt..te��n dl n.nn..nn.tinn n1 thn Inrinhtndrwca nr nn nnvrrwnta o}ndntlnnl nnd Int�rn9t mIIdo bV ._ _ _.__I <br /> ............ ...._._..._ .:__.... �rti��w� v���w�.���t r•� �����r�...��.�.. � �. �.l �.�.��..�. �.�.�.����_"�__ _• _ �.� ' , _ ' <br /> n^ - � ' ♦ • ---�-�. <br /> W R�wOr� <br /> � Subsaquent Taxea. If any tnx to whlch this cacUon oppllos Is onactod oubsoqaont to tho dnto of thls Dood of Trust,thls ovant shal hnvo tho �� <br /> serm>uflact ns an Evont of Dofauit(ns d�tinod bolaw), and Landor mny oxerclso nrryr or NI of Its uvNlablo romodlos tor an Evont ot Dntault a9 :� <br /> • providod bo�ow unloss Ttustor olthar (a)pays tho tax boforo It b�tcomos doilnquont,or (D)contosts tho tax ns provided abovo In tho Tnxos nnd <br /> Uons sncUon nnd daposits wlYh LondGr cnsh or a sufi1clont corpornto surary bo nd or othor sacuriry eaUsfactory to Londar. � <br /> �� 5[CUR{TY AGHEEMENT; FINANCING Sl'ATBMENTS. Tho tollowing provislons relAUng to this Dood ot Trust as a socurity ngroomunt nro n part ot � I <br /> thls Dood o}Tru3t, � <br /> `, � 3ecsttity Agro�ment This Insirumnnt ohNl consUtuto n sacurity ngroomont to tho exl¢nt nny of tho Proporry constflutos 1lxturos or othor . <br /> t porsonN proporry,nnd Landor ehal havn NI of tho dghts o}a sucurad pnrty unda iho Unlform CommorciN Coda us amandod lrom Umo to <br /> � Umo. � <br /> . j. SacuHly Itttaroat Upon roquost by Londer,Truotor aliall oxacute finnncing etntoments ond tako whatovor othor actton is raquoatad by Londcr � <br /> b porfoct and wntlnua Londor's sacudry Intorost In tha Ronts and Porsonul Property. In nddition to rocording this Dood o1 Trust In tho roN � <br /> ", proporry rncords,Londer may,at any tima and without tunhar authodzaUOn lrom Truetor,filo oxocutad counterparis,coplo3 or roproductlons of <br /> " ���� this Dead o1 Trust ns a linancing atctn�nont. Tru3tor ohall ro:mburco Londor for nll oxponsos Incurtod In partocUny or conUnuing Ihls sacuriry I <br /> .� \ � <br />