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<br />_.z. " takcn or demndod,Londa�ehell havo tho optfon in(tn aolo an�i nbooluto diao►otlon,to apply nll auch Prucocdn,oftat dqcluctinp ll�aro!rom
<br /> j�, • all coare end axpenses incurred by it in connection wfth euch Proaeede,upan eny indobtednoya eoeurod horoby end in ouch ordor un
<br /> Lender may deterrnlne,or to epply ell eueh Procoode, e}ter auch dnduotione,to tho reatoratfon q!thd P►operty upo� euch con�itlonu aa
<br /> '�' Lendhr mny dctermina.Any epplioetlon of Prooeade to Indebtedne��ehell not extend ot pn�tpane tho duo detn of any peymento undar
<br />:i., :,.. . tho Noto,or cura eny defsult thereunde►or hareunder.Any uneppUed tunde shell be paid to'fruator.
<br />_�;;���`'�''�'`�'�, " �'"� 0. P�rloim�no�by L�ndu. Up�� the or.curronco of en Event o' Do}ault horcundor, or if nny ant is tekan or loflol procoadin{�
<br />_ commoncod which mntnri�lly oftcct�Lcndcr'a Ir.tcrcct tn the Property,LenJer mey in ito own disorotion,but without obtl�eUon to do uo,
<br /> :� end without�oHce to or demand upon Tru�tor end with�ut reloeeinp Truetor from eny oblipetion,do eny eot whlch Truetor hoa aproud
<br />_� '�'� ` ' but feila to do and moy olao do eny othar act it deeme neuaeaery ta protect the eacur(ty hereof.Yrueto�ehall,immadlatoly upon domand '
<br /> ,; ., tt�orefor by Londor, pey to Londor all coets end expenaeo incutred end euma expcndad by Lendor in connantion wfth tho oxorcl�o by ,.
<br />�2- Londor o1 the forotiofng rlghte, topother wlth fnterset thereon et the deleult rnte provldad in tha Note, which ehelt be adJod ro Iho
<br /> _; . , indobtodnoss oocurod heroby.Lendat ehalf not Incur any Iiebllity bocauee of enythfnp It mey do or omit to do hereunder.
<br /> 9.H�sardou�Mat�rlal�.Truetar el�ell keep the Property Fn complience with eI)epplioable lawe,ordinance�end ropulatione rolatinp to i:
<br />�'�� ` , induetrful hyplono or anvironmental proteotlon Icolleotively raferrecf tu haroln ea"Env(ronmcntal Lnein"1.Tniator ehall kao p tho Pr�port y
<br />- •� ' froo from p ll aubetoncoa deomod to be hezardous or toxlo undar eny Envlronmontal Law� (colloctively referred to horofn as "Ha:nrdou�
<br /> .; . � Matorieln"1. Tnietor heroby warrente end raproeento to Lendor that thero ero no Haterdoue Matoriel on ot under tho Proporty. Trustor '`�
<br /> ti horoby aprooa ta indemnity and hold harmleee Lender, Ito dlrootoro, oificere, empluyaoa and opente, and eny ouccessor� to Londor'� {
<br /> „ intorost, (rom ond epelnst eny and ell olaima, dsmapos,losoos and Iiobilitlos Arialnp in connection with tha prosonce, uso,dispostd or �
<br />_' tronoport of ony Hezardous Matorlsls on,undor,from or about the Property.TNE FOR�GOINO WAflRANTIES ANO REPRESENTATIONS,
<br /> TRUST. ��'
<br /> x � 10.Asatgnment of Rents.Trustor horohy aseiflns ta I.ender ths rente,Issuna cnd profitc of tha Property;provided thet Tiustor eholt, '�f.
<br /> until tho occurronco o}an Event of Dofault herounder,heve the rlpht to collont end rototn euch rants,tssuea and proflte es thoy bocomo
<br />� duo and payable.Upon the occurrcnco of on Evont of Default.Lendar may, either in paraon or by epant, with or without brinqinp any ''�-
<br />�,, .' notfon or procondinp, or hy a rocoivor eppointed by e oourt end without roperd to tho adoquecy af ito security, ontor upon ond lako
<br /> . poasossion o} tho i'roporty, or any part thoroof, in Its own nema ot fn the�nmo of the Truatoe, end do eny ecte which it dooma
<br />� r:• necossety or dosira6la to prosarva tha velue, merkatability or rantability of the Property,or eny part thoreof or latorast tho►oin,incroaso '
<br /> tho fncome theretrom or protcat tho security harEOf ond,with or without takinp poseoseion of tha Property,sue for o►otho►wiso colloct .
<br />� the rente,Issues end profite thereoP,inoludlnp thoae paat due and unpald,and epply the eeme,less coata end expenaes of o�aration and =
<br /> colloctlon(noludinp ottorneys'foos,upon ony fndebtodnese eecured hereby,all In euch ordor as Lender may detormine.7ho ontortnfl upon ,
<br />- end tekinp posaoselon of tha Property, the oolleotion of euch ronte,Issuos nnd profite end the applioation thoreof es eforo3aid,ahall not
<br /> curo a wafva any dofeult or notioo of dofault hereundor or involidato eny act done in rosponse to such defeult ot pursuont to such notito • ;�c��"
<br /> � of dnfnult ond,notwitl�stendinp tho continuanco in possesaion of tho Propqrty or tho colleation,tecaipt end applicetion of ronte,iseuos ar •
<br /> • profite, end Trustae end lander ehall be entitted to exorcfse every ripht provfdad for in eny of the Loan Ir,otrumonte o► by law upon -
<br /> � occurranoe oi eny Event oi DofauR, Inolud(np wfthout limitetion tho rlpht to oxoroiso tho aowor ot sele. Further. Lru�dor'n a�n�o a�.�
<br /> :..':adies �+�dor in�s paragraph ohelt Dn cumutative with, end In no wey e limitetlon on, Lendar'e dphte and remodios undor ony `�•',`°
<br /> : �esignmont oi leeses end ronte reco►ded eyeinet the Property.Lendar,Truetee end the receiver shall bo Uablo to eccount only for thoso
<br /> • ronte acWally rocofvod.
<br /> 11.Ev�nt�of Defeult.Tho(ollowinp shell conetitute en Event of Do}ault under thle Oeed of Truat:
<br /> lel Failuro to pay any installment of p►inclpel or interest of eny other cum secured hereby when due; •,�
<br /> " (bl A bronch of or dofault under eny provlsion contelned in the Noto,thi�Daed ot Truet,any of tho Loan Inet►umonls,or ony r,
<br /> s othor lion or oncumhrenco upon tho Prapeny; -
<br /> �;'l;'`r,, ' Ic)A writ of execuHon or ettechmont or eny atmilar process ahall bo anterod aqainst Truetor whlch ehall become e lion en thu
<br />- � Proporty or eny portion the►eo}or interost the►efn;
<br /> '�.��� (d)Thore shall be filed by or epalnat Truator or Borrowor on aotfon undar any prosont or tuturo}odoral,eteta or othor stulua,Inw •..4
<br /> . ., .,�'', �r reguletion telstinp to benkruptay, Ineolvenoy or othor roliaf for dobto�o;or thoro shall bo appointod eny truEtoo, rocoivor or .~r�-.�a
<br />_ ;�... , ��quldator o}Tivator or Botrowor or of ell or ony part of tho Porporty,or tho ronte,iseuos or profite thorool,or Trustor or Borrowor
<br /> nhall moko nny ponorol asaiqnmont fo►tho bono(it of crodltqre; �
<br />'; � "' � lo)Tho ealo,transtor,loaeo,esslpnmont,convoyanca or funhe� encumbrenco of oll or eny peK of or any intorost In tha Proporty,
<br /> ; . ."�1': aithor volunterily or involunterily,without tha oxpresa written coneont of Londor;providod thut Truetor ehell bo pormittod to oxncuto
<br />_, , a looso ot tho Proporty that doos not contain an optlon to purcheso and the torm of which doo3 not oxcood on�yaer;
<br /> ... . . (fl Abandonment oi the Property;or -
<br /> , lp)It Truator io not an Indivldual,thc isouance, eate,trenefer,eselpnment, convoyance or oncumbtence of more then o totnl `"i
<br />_ � a��H[d�percont of!if e corpo►etloN ito iesued end outetendfnp etook o�(if e pertnerohlp)e totel of N/A porcont of
<br /> ' partnerehfp intoreate durinp the perlod thia Dood o}Truet ramnins n lien on tho Property.
<br />-' 12.R�m�dt��;AccNe►�tlon Upon D�fault.In the evont of any Event o(Oefeult Lender may,without notfco excopt ea roquirod by law,
<br />-�s , doclare nll Indnbtednoae eecurod heroby to be due end payeble nnd the oeme ahall the►oupon become due end payoblo without ony
<br /> � presentmont,domend,protest or notfce of any kind.Thoroaftor Lendor moy:
<br />_ fel Demend that Truotoo oxorc(sa tho POWER OF SALE drentod horoin, ond Tru3too shall thoroeftor causo Trustor's intorost
<br />�� in tlie Proporty to bo sold end the procoeds ta be dlatributod,ell in the munnor ptovidnd in tho Nob►eska Truat Doads Acr
<br /> h (b)Exorciso eny and all riphte providod for In eny of tho Loan Inetrumonte or by law upon occuronco ot any Evont of
<br /> 7 Dofuult;and
<br /> ` (c)Commcnco en aot�on to foroc�oae this Deod of Trust as e mortp�Do, eppo(nt a rocaivor,or opecificelly onfotca any of tho
<br /> � covonenta horoof.
<br /> No romedy ho►o(n conferred upon or reservad to Truetoo or Lander te fntondod to bo oxcluafvo of any othor romady horefn, in tho Loun
<br /> Instrumonte or by Iaw providod o►permltod,but oach shall be cumulatfve,ehell bo in additlon to ovory othor romody piven horoundor,in
<br /> �p tho Loen Inetrumonte or now or hereafte►ezistinp et lew or in equtty or by etetuto,end may bo exorcised concurrtlntly,indopondontly or
<br /> succossivoly.
<br /> • 13. T�u�te�.Tho Truetoe may�asipn at eny ttme wiihout ceuse,end Londar mey at eny tlme snd without ceuee appolnt a auccosvor
<br /> : o�subatitute Trustee.Trustee ehell not ba lieble to eny perty,includinp without limttetlon Lendo►,A�orrowet,Truator or any purcfir�sui ol
<br /> . Iho Proputty, for any loas or damepe unla�e due to reckteaa or �vi!lful miscondunt, snd shell not be requtrod to tefco nny nr.tion m
<br /> � conneotion with tha entorcomont of this Deed o}Ttust untess indemnifled,in writlnp,fo►ell coato,companaatfon or oxpenso3 which moy
<br /> . be eseocletod thorowith.In sdditlon, Tn�steo may becomo u purchusor ot ony onto of tho Proporty Qudiclnl or undor tho powor ol �aln
<br /> flrnntcd horoinl;p�3tpone the Qelo ot all or ony port(on of tho P►oporty,os providod by low;or soll tho Propo►ty o3 a wholo,or m suparoto
<br /> . porcols or lote at Truatoo'o diaCrotlon.
<br /> 14.Fae��nd Expen�es.In tho ovant Truetuo eolls tho Proporty by oxorclse of powar uf onlo,Truetuo eholl bo ontitlod to opply any salo
<br /> _,�__ � _ __- procoode firet to peymont of nll costn ar,d ov..o....�..�_..___,_L---..._. . . . . ..
<br /> - �-•--- -•----���•a w•.m v� aaiv,mcmamg ei� rruotoo'o faas,and Lunder'o and Truntuo's f
<br />- � -- ` attornoy'o fecs,aotu�lly incunod to oxtont pormitted by epplicablo law.In tho evmt Borrowor or Tivator oxorci3os eny ripht prov�dod by
<br /> � � low to euro an Event o!Dofeult.Leridar ahell be antltled fo recovor from Truotor all coote ond oxponeoa eotuelly fneutrod us n rusult ol �
<br /> � � . , Trustor's dofault,tncNdtnp v�it�out limitetfon etl Truatoa'e end ettomey'e faea,to the extont pertnitted by epplicable law.
<br /> � 16.Futun Advance�.Upon roquost of Borrower,Lendar mey,et ite optlon,mcke eddittonal end future edvancos and rondvnncos to
<br /> 8orrower,Such edvancoa end roadvences, wfth interaat thereon,eAeU be eecurod by thf� Dccd of Tniet.At no tfine ohell tho pnnc�yai i
<br /> amount of th6 indabtadno�s eecurod by thta D�ed of Ttuet,not(ncludlnp oums ndvenced to protect the eecurity oi thl� Daod ol Trust, I
<br /> oxcocd tho ortptnal princtpal amaunt etetad horein,or 1_ fp,pp,whlchevor ts preetor. , ,
<br />�� .. .. i
<br /> .� � �
<br /> ., „
<br /> : _ .... . „
<br /> . . .. .
<br />