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200411880 Exhibit <br />Description of the Land <br />A tract of land comprising a pact of tilt Narthe�st Quarter <br />of the Nocti, east Quattef (NEl /4, NE! /4) of section <br />Tl +lrty -si: (36} Township Ten Ili) N4cth, / /anQe CLevan {11} <br />West of the 6th P.t1, in ii alt County, Nebraska, "ce <br />gacticulariy described as Gallows: 019inning at a point on <br />the Nocth Lint of Said Section TUIcty -six 1751, said point <br />brute Forty -two and pnt Tenth (42.1) feet west aC tht <br />Northeast evsnec of said Section Thirty-six (]8)s thence <br />running Southwestsfly along a line faxming an angle of 49 <br />46 45 with sold section line, and along the Northwesterly <br />highway right -of -way line, s distance Of One Thousand <br />Eacty -Six and Four Tenths (1.046.4} feet. to a point of <br />curvature; thence Southwesterly along the arc of a curve to <br />tit* right whose radius is 718,51 feet (initial tangent of <br />which coincides with the last desctibed course). a distance <br />of Three hundred fifty and Two Tenths 17SO.2) feet: thence <br />coatinuinq Southwesterly along the final tangent of tare last <br />described curve, and on said tight -of -way line, a distance <br />Of Two hundred Sixty rive and F"ty -rive llundced.ths 1255.5!} <br />feet to the Nest 1111e.of said ME1 /4;' NFY /4, a distance of <br />On* Thousand one hundred One and Twenty -rcur Hundredths <br />(1,101.21) feet to the Northwest corntr of said Nei /4, Itg <br />1/4; thenc"Asterly along tilt NOtth line of said Sec; Lon <br />Thicty -Six (76), a distance of 0419 Thousand Tvv Ifundetri <br />Forty- Tt'cee and Ninety Two 11undredtha (1,24].4:1 Csst to .the <br />place of beginning <br />All of the above 4esCribmd land being the sa+a* as follows, <br />I -cf-U. UP.3CRt1•TUM <br />A tract at land cnaprlsing. n part of the ivartheant Quarter oc the Nartikanst gaactar (I <br />(} of Seettun TLirty Six 00, 'fuwmahlP Tea UG) North. Unite 6lavax (11) Meat di tide <br />6th 1'. K.. !tl 4a11 t'awuty, Nck"Oh+, awl aor's POrcicularly dSactlbad as Collura; . <br />Beginning at a point on the Porch ltne o[ said Section Thirty sl: (36) Maid point <br />Wisp, forty ime and Two Tana (41.2) test vest of sir s,areboset 'cocner of Said <br />Soetlow Thirty six (34); CieaPCa S 40' ' Z6' it along and upon the nortwesteelr <br />Migiway right of Way liaa a +4lsci 13 <br />nce of One Thomas" Yen? SAO and fors "aids <br />(1,444,4) foot to a lialot of eurvarure', thewo mrreiroaserly alonx the are of a Carve <br />to the rlsht who 0 radlum Is 713.31 feet (laltial tangent of wllei ealagldan rlth <br />I.he la"t descrtbad Cearae). a dlatanse oC Three Hundred irifty and Tw Tautia (350.2) <br />feet (loft chord 346,74' - )omit ehiard bearing s 34" 11' 12.5" )t)i tsrsrte eontin"ag <br />aoutiwracarly (S Gall oa' $g" y) shalt and up" the Llaal tasgeett of UK last <br />daeerlbed carve and an sails{ right, of way list a dlaz M W of Two ihagdr'sd deer >five <br />sed Forty Your grmireddle (265.401feet to a Ptlat gr tIM Vert 11" of said Narchamst <br />9uattar of the Weirs omat gwrter (Nit NU); tsem* ■ O2' 06' 1!" V along awl ripe., <br />tine roar lint of said Matt%oost 9"rear at the Semi art grarnr CM XU), a <br />diatoaee of one Thousand am Woodrrod amt and Thirty [igie Owdradtis (USU.311) lass <br />to the gwrtimont corner of gold Nart1mseg gugrter of sir Mctltgast Quartos (M XU)i <br />tl►rwon N 90' 011' COON t dean and open rig Perth Liao st gold Smation Thetis tlx 06). <br />a diatanca of One Thmegand TWO "Mildred iareX TWst said SM40 ►ire Iisedtakhe <br />(1.243.15) feat to tau polat o[ bagitl" <br />l0rga The above bearings are reiaelvo to tke patch line of ti.a ltoecitaart Qeartee of <br />U44 ko"haaac Q"rter (N91 Ntt) rhieh was, aerated as N !O' 04' cc" >i'" <br />[ [NYCORP:245 5 832 v 11 j <br />Z <br />
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