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. . �� : <br /> �� � - ,-� <br /> .. <br /> . <br /> , �.�::�'� <br /> � � M�:� .. ,�, <br /> .. <br /> . . . <br /> ,. . ._.�.�,�.�_ . �.. _.. _ ....__..:, <br /> _._.... _.. - ----_.... .. . ----��--- ----- __ _. _ <br /> � / - . _ � � , - <br /> �. � (��j r..� .tk_.�/C�9��llc/ � r � <br /> " $.4(:iI^v�i P^^�::.-:�.'.�J��:��:.:+��'J.TfU�10i ShOI)�Ay Q�I 10HBS,035049ff10t119 pitd 01hCf CIlff70�S,includinp,e�ithau4 lirnitatlon,�in�s cnd im• , ` <br /> po,IPim�s ot4ribu4a5!�to 4i�a E�rnp�r9y,and Icas�S�old payncnts ar prau�id ren4s,H any,bafaro tE�e�sam�F�cco�na dolln�uont,Yrus4or ahall pran�• � � <br /> tly furnlsh to Beneiiciary all rtoticos of amounts due un�er this{wragroph,and in the event Tr ustor shotl make paYmant directly,l'rustor�holl j w. <br /> pro�►ptly farnlsh tu 8eneficiory rocelpts evidencinp suth payrrtents. Trustor shall pay ull taxes ond ossessrr�en4a vfilch Rwy bo levi3d upon I '�, � <br /> Beneficie►y'�Interast tierein or upon�his Deed o}Trust wfthout regarQ to any law th�at may be enatttd Im{wslrp payment of ihe whole or any � <br /> port theraof upon the Beneficia�y. �°. � <br /> " . I 6.AA/6tfeMi lfMS�d 1►nt�etla+�1 b�tkl�ry'�Sscwtt�t.Trustor shal!moke all payments of intenst and principal and pnyment�of any � � <br /> othcT chr.rqps,9cas and oup�ns�s con4ractcd to ba puld to any oxistinp lienholders or prio�be�eficia�ies under any prior det�o}trust ar mor- �.s , <br /> tpage before the date they are deli,nquont and prompfly pay ond discharge nny and al)other liens,claims or charUes wfilch nwy�eopardi:e the ; . , 'c �a <br /> security qranted herein, Ii Trustor fnils to moke ony such�rayment or fails to perfarm ony af the covenants ond agreemenis eontained in this i �''' <br /> Oeed of Trust,or in any prlor mortgaga or deed ot trust,of if anv oction or proceodinp is commenced which mate►I011y oHetts Benefinnry's in• j ,�,,� <br /> • terest in the Property,including,but not limited to,eminent dor.�ain proteedings,or proteedinps involving a detendent,or if Trustor fails to pay i _ , <br /> . Trusfor's dehts generally os they becoma due, then Benof�:�ory, ot Beneficiary's option ond without notico to or dtmand u{►an Trusttlr and � <br /> without releosireg Trustor 4rom any obligotian hereunder,may make such oppearonces,disbursn such sums,ond toke suth attion as is necessarY � �' <br /> to protect 8enefitiory's interest including, but not limited to,di3bursement of reasonable attorney's fees,poyment,purthase,contest or com- •- , " <br /> I Y+14 <br /> promise of ony encumbrunce, chorge or lien, and ontry upon the Property to make repairs.In the event that Trustor shall fail fo procure i�• . , <br /> surance or to poy toxes,assessments, or any other chorges or to make ony poyments to existing prior lien holders or benefieiaries,BenaUicioty <br /> moy procure such insurance and moko suth paymoet.Any amounts disbursed by Beneficiary pursuant to this ParoQraph 6 shall betoma mdd�sional <br /> , indsbtednass of Trustor secured by this Oeed of Trust.Such amounts sholl be poyable upon notite from Benefitiary to Trustor requosting pay- <br /> ment thereof,ond shall bQar interest from the date of disbursement at the rate payable from time to time on outstondinp prineipal under the � <br /> Nofe unless payment of inleresl of sucli ra9e would be r.antrory ta Qpplitoblo latil,in r:hich avent such amounts shall 6ear interest at the hi�hest "'. <br /> �� rote permissible under applicable low. Nothint�contained in this Paraproph 6 shall require Benefitiary to incur ony oxPense or foke ony attion i , ';, <br /> hereunder. <br /> 7. A�si�n:n�nt of Rent�. Beneticiary sholl hovo the right, power Qad authority during the eontinuanta of this Deed of Yrust to collect the I • ' �� '� <br /> . . . rents,issues and profits of the PropPrty and of any personal property locofed thereon wit{t or without takinp posscssion of th�prop�rty offcctcd ' . ' ' <br /> hereby,and Trustor hereby absolutely and unconditionally assigns all such rents,issues and profits fo Beneficiary. Bepetitiary,however,heroby ��:�• <br /> consents to the Trustor's collettion ond retention of such rents, issues and profits as they accrue and betome pnyable so long os Trustor is not, � <br /> at such time,in default with respect to payment of ony indebtedness secured hereby,or in the perfnrmanco of any agreement hereunder.Upon , <br /> any such dofault,Beneficiory moy at nny time,either in person,by agent,or by receivEr to bo appointed by a tourt,without notice and without , ,,i,'� <br /> regord to the odequacy of any security for the indobtedness hereby secured, ta)enter upon and tnko possession of ihe Property or any part �q �v' <br /> thereof,and in its own name sue for or othRrwise collect such rents,issues and profits,including those past due and unpaid,and apply the same, <br /> !s:s teslg���sx�enses of eger��ti�!!an�!'^IIpC�!^^, !!!rlg�lin�rpnsonable nttomeys f9es. unon anv inde6tedness secured hereby, and in such ___��� ____--„ <br /> order os Beneficiory may detormine:(b)perform such acts of repoir or protection as may bo necossary or proper to conserve the value of the � .�^ " <br /> Property;(c)lease the same or ony part thereof for such rentnl,term,and upon such condifions as its judgment moy dictate or terminate or ad- • � <br /> just fhe terms ond conditions of any existing lease or leases.Unless Trustor and Benuficiary agreo otherwise in writing,any application af rents, <br /> issues or profits to any indebtedness setured hereby shall not extend or postpone the due date of tho installment poyments os provided in said <br /> promissory note or change the amount of such instollments. ?he entering upon und tokin�possession of the Property, thR tolloction of such � <br /> rents,issuos and profits, and the application thereof as oforesaid, shall not waive or cure any dofoult or notice of default hereunder, or in- s , <br /> validate any act done pursuant to such notice.Trustor also assigns to Oeneiiciary, os further security for the performonce of the obligations � � <br /> secured hereby, oll prepoid rents and all monies which may hove been or muy hereafter be deposited with said Trustor Ey any lessee of the Pro- I , ; � � <br /> . perty,to sQCUre the poyment of uny rent or damages, nnd upon default in the perfarmoncc of ony of the provisions hereof,Trustor agrees to : '''; <br /> daNver suth rents and deposits to Beneficiary.Delivery of�vritten no4ice of Beneficiary's exercise of the rights gronted heroin,to any tenant oc- , • ;, <br /> tupying said premises shall be sufficiont to require said tenont to puy said rent to the Beneficiory until furthor notice. j � <br /> 8.fonMn�n�tNn. H title to ony part of the Property shafl be taken in condemnation proceedings,by riflht of emi�ent domoin or similar action, j ' � ,�� ..... <br /> or shall be suld undur threat of condomnution,oll awards,damages and proteeds are horeby ossigned ond sholl be paid to Benefitiary who shall , �-� ;�� • <br /> opply such owords,damages and proteeds to the sum secured by this Deed of Trust,with the extess,if any, Trustor. If Trustor receives � `;� <br /> any notice or other information regording such actions or proceedings, Trustor shall give prompt written notice thereof to boneficiory. � �( <br /> Beneficiary sholl be entitled,at its option,to cammenco,oppear in and prosecute in its own nome any such action or praceedings ond shall be en- j : �� � '� <br /> titled to make on com romise or settlemunt in connection with an• such action or roceedin s. ��' ` ` <br /> Y P V P 9 ' c:�i� <br /> „ 9. R�n�eN�� Okt Erdutir�. Beneficiary sholl be entitled to enforce payment ond performonce of any indebtedness or obligations secured F� • ; <br /> hereby ond to exercise all rights ond powers under this Deed of Trust or under any other agreement executad in connection herewith or any lows I �. �1� <br /> now or hereofter in force,notwithstonding some or oll of the such indebtedness and obligations setured hereby may rtnw or hereafter be other- .� `� �i,��.� <br /> wise secured,whethcr by mortgog�,deed of trust,ptedge, lien,assignment or otherwise. Neither the occeptance of this Doed of Trust nor its :�, � '+ <br /> enforcement whether by court oction or pursuont to the power of sale or other powers herein contoined, sholl prejudice or in any monner affett ' • <br /> Beneficia�y's right to reoli:e upon or enforce any other security now or hereofter held by Beneficiory, it being ogreed that Beneficiary shall be µ,�� <br /> entitled to enfo�co this Deed of Trust ond any other seturi4y now or horeafter held by 8eneficiory in such order and manner as it may in its ab• � , , <br /> , soluto discretion determine.No reme8y herein conferred upan or reserved to Benefitiary is intended to bo exclusivo of any vther remedy herein 'a <br /> or by law provided or permitted,but each shall be cumulntive ond shall be in oddition to every other remedy given herevnder or now or hereafter <br /> axisting at!aw or in equity or by stotute. Every power or remedy provided hereunder this Deed of Trust to Boneficiary or to which it moy be �, <br /> otherwise entitled,muy bo exercised, concurrontly or independently,from time to time ond os often os may bo deumed oxpedien4 Beneficiory � : <br /> , and if moy pursue inconsistunt remedies.�lothinp herein shall be tonstrued as prohibitinp Beneficiary lrom seeking o deficiency judgmQnt against � <br /> the Trustor ta the extent such action is permitted by law. <br /> . 10. Trwid�r o}►roRe►t�rt Anumption. If all or any part ot the property or any interest therein is sold,transferred or conveyed by Trustor �:I � <br /> without Beneficiory's prior written consent,oxcluding(a)tho creation of a lien or encum6rance subordirtato to this Deed of Trust, (b)the crea• ' � <br /> tion of a purthoso money seturity interest for household applionces, (c)a trnnsfer by devise,destent or by oparation of low upon the deoth of o •' �� <br /> ioint tQnant or (d) the arant of anv Ieosehold interost of three vears or loss �ot containing an option to purchase, Beneficiary may, ot �:i <br /> T Beneficiory's option, declore all the sums securud by this Deod df Trust to be immediately due and payable,or ca�se tho Trustee to file a notice -- ,�� <br /> , of defuulf.Oen�fitiary shall havo tivaivod suth option to accelerate if,prier to the sale,iransfor or conveyance, Oeneficiory ond the person to �� <br /> whom the property is to be sold or transferrod reach agreement ir.writing that the credit of such person is satisfattory ta Benofitiary and thot ';i <br /> • tho intQrest payablo on thv sums secured by this Deed of Trust s�.all be at such rate as Beneficiary shall request. i <br /> • I� <br /> , � <br /> ! <br /> . � � <br /> *� �� <br /> �_ _ . ��.___.___e_____._....._. ---- <br />