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<br /> •substantially equivnlent mortgagc insueancc�awcra�c is not nvnilablc.Barro�vcr shall pay to L.c:ndcr carh mund�a swn cqual�v
<br /> .��' ° rnir.-t�velflh af the ya�rly nzort�age insuraucc prcnnum being paid b)� Basro�ver�vhen the insurancc covenge lapsed�ir ceased tn '�:�':
<br /> � hc in cffcct, Lcndcr�vill nccepl, usa c.mJ rctain thcsc paymcniti as ii losti rescrvc in licu uf mnrit,ai�c insurancc. Loss rescnf_ ';-T-
<br /> ..�.�-
<br /> p,�yntcnt�;+n:�y nci Inngce he r�c�uircd,at lhc uption a�i'I.cn�lcr. if nwri�;u�;c intiur:►ncc cuvcragc 1 in iha�u��ount�ut�l Gn�th�=p::ri��+
<br />� . Il��t I.endcr rcyuires)providcA!by an insurcr appruvcd Uy Lcndcr a�;a�n bccamcti availablc,md i�ubtae3icd. fiorrutvcr�,Imll pa� ,__
<br /> _c,� � U:c prcmiun�s rcyuired to maintain mortg�gc i�isurancc�n cffcct,or to provide n loss rescrvc.until thc rcyuircmcm for mnrt�a�c ie =
<br />'� insurnncc euds in accord,mee wit�any writtcn u�reement betwe�n(l�rrmver cind i.ender or applicable In�v. s .
<br />- ' "' 9. InsO�ectlon. I..c:nder ur its apent may makc reatinnablc entrics upon and inspcctiuns��t Ihc Prnperty. Lendcr shall g�vc� '•" _
<br />_ � Bormwer notice nt Au time of or prior to an inspectian hpecifyinb reasonable cautie fur tlic inspectiun. „
<br />`.�'��.` - d l0. Cond�mnudon. The proceeds af uny award tu claim for damages,diea:t or cansei�uential, in ccmncction a�iih :myQ •,:7-�; '•�
<br /> ;.-;.;:-.,
<br /> condemnation��r�vher�akinE ��f any part of the Propeny, or ior cunveyance in lieu of r��nde�tination, ar hrrehy iLtiSibI1C(I .�nc� _
<br />�;,,�. , shall be paid to Lcndcr. j`�� .., . .. _
<br />_ In►tic cvcnt of a total qaking of thc Praperty,thc procceds shall bc applicd to thc sums sccurcd by this Sccurity InstNmcnt� ='�` r=v�:��
<br /> � whethcr nr ttot thcn duc, witl�anY cxccss paid to Borrowcr. ln thc cvcnt of,i partiul ta!<ing i�i'thc Properq�iti wNich thc fai� , -•��
<br /> markct valuc of thc Property immediatcly bcfare thc tuking is cqual ta or grcater than thc:imvunt oi thc sumc sccurcd by this , � �
<br /> � Sccurity Instrumcnt immcdintsly bcforc thc taking, unlcss Bonower and Lcndcr othcrwisc agrcc in writing, thc sums sccunxl by .;�_
<br /> . this Secarity Instrument shall be reduce.�i by the amount of the p�oceeds �nultiplied by the following fracuon: (cil the totat '' ' '�c
<br /> a�nount of thc sums secured immediately bcforc the taking, divided by(b) the fair markct valuc uf thc Property innusdintcly � •� - _�-
<br /> befoee the taking. Any balnnce shall be paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of tlic Propeny in which the fnir , • _ —
<br />. � ' market valuc of thc Property immcdiately befarc the taking is less than thc amount of thc sums secured immcdiately beforc the . . ��� `'�
<br /> „<_,_-�-
<br /> taking, untess Horrowcr and Lender othenvise agree in writing or unless applicable law othenvisc provides,the procccds shall `- ;�,:";,-�,x�
<br />' be applicd to thc sums sccurcd by this Security Instrumcnt�vhcther or not thc sums are then duc. , .. .
<br /> [f thc Propeny is abandoned by Borro�vcr,or if,aftcr notice by l.cndcr to Borrawcr that tnc condcmnur offers to make an �-r
<br /> •u . a�vard or settle a claim for damages, Borrotivcr fails to respond to Lender �vitl�in 3Q days aftcr the datc tt�e notice is given, ,.- �,���,r,;�
<br /> ' •� , L.cnder is authorized to collcct and apply the procceds,at its option,eithcr to restora¢ion or rcpair uf the Property or to thc sums �.ti��,.;_-s�o
<br /> � •TMY,;�..�,_.,._._
<br /> ' secured by this Security�Instrument, whether�r not then due. . :+��-...-�-,---�-
<br /> � • Unlcss L.cnder and Barrower othenvise agree in writing, any application of procecds to principal shall not extend or �;a;.����.►T3k�'--
<br /> postpone the duc date of the monthly pa��men!s referred to in paragraphs l and 2 or chanbe the am�unt of such payments. � '"'- _
<br /> 11.Borro��•cr Not Released; Cortie.zrance Ry Ler[der Not A�Vatver. Extension of the time for payment or modification * _---=°-
<br /> of amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument grantcd by L.ender to any successor in interest of Borrower shal l � �i�-
<br /> �.,�,�t„�_,_..':
<br /> � not uperate to release thc liability of the original Borro�ver or Rorrower's successors in interest.Lender shall nut be re;quired to .�n,Fs�r�:_�
<br /> � commence proccedings against any successor in interest or refusc ro cxtend time for paymcnt or othenvise modify amorti2ation „
<br /> ' of the sums secured by this Secunty Instniment by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower or Borrower's :�:��t,,�_'
<br /> j successors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in cxercising any right or remedy shall not be a�vaiver of or preclude ihe _
<br /> cxercise of any right or remedy. ---- "
<br /> 12. Successors and Assifins Bound; Joint and Severnl Liubility; Ca-signers. Thc covcnants and agrcemcnts of this _
<br /> • Securiry Instrument shall bind and benefit the suceessors and :usigns of L.ender and Borrower. subject to the provisions of
<br /> •. ° paragraph 17. Borrower's covcnants and agrecments shall bc joint and sevcral. Any Borr�wcr who co-signs this Securitgr :.�_
<br /> � �� �- �- -- u��iiu�Ticid vui uvCB �C:CXC:�':t:�thn NntP; l:�l ic o�-cinnine thic Security Instrument only to rnortea�e. f�rant and convey ihat •�� . _
<br /> . Bonower's intcrest in the Prop�rty �nder the terras of this Sccurity Instrunzcnt; (b) is not penonally ob!igated ta pay the sums ._
<br /> �, secured by this Security Instrument;and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend,modify,forbe:ir o� , :
<br /> ' make any accommodations with regard[o the ternis of this Securiry Instrument or the Note without that Barrower's r.onsent. � ,-
<br /> � 13.Loun Charges. If the loan secured by this Security Ins[rument is subject to a law which secs maximum loan charges,
<br /> and that Inw is finally interpreted so that the interest or other laan charges collected��r to be coUected in cannection with thc '.�.r
<br /> , ' loan exceed the permitted limits.then: (a)any such loan churge tihall be rcaiuccd by the amount necctitiary to reJure the charge '. '
<br /> to the permitted limir, and(b) any sums slready collected from Borrower which exceeded perrnitted limits will be refunded to ��,
<br /> �" Bonower. L.endcr may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal ow�:d under the Note or by making a direct ,
<br /> payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal, the reduction will be treated as a partial prepayment without any j� ��'� ,
<br /> rc a ment char e undcr the Note. �� •
<br /> „ � P p 14.Nottces Any notice to Borrowcr provided for in this Security[nstrument shall be givcn by delivering it�r by mailing �'��
<br /> • � � it by first class mail unless applicable law requires use af another method.The notice shall bc directed to the Property Address •• �.�'
<br /> � or any other address Borrower dcsignates by noticc to Lendcr. Any noticc to Lcnder shall be given by first class mail ta �F_,•kf
<br /> � Lender's address stated hercin or any othcr address Lendcr dcsign,ites by noticc to Born�wer. Any notice providcd for in this . .� � -
<br /> � � Security Instrument shall be decmed to havc bccn givcn to Borrowcr ar l.cndcr whcn given as providcd in this paragraph. ' rx��
<br /> 1,5.Governin� Law; Severability. This Security Instrument shall be govemed by federal law and the law af the •.
<br /> , jurisdiction in �vhich the Property is located. In the evcnt that an�� provitiion or clau�c of this Security Instrument or tlie Note '��
<br /> � conflicts with applicable law,such conflict shall not sffect other provisions of this Securiry [mtrument or the Note which can be
<br /> : ' � given effcet without the conflicting provision. To this end the provi�ions of this Security Instrument and the Note are declareci 5;��
<br /> ' to be severable. ei'`
<br /> , . 16.Borro�ser's Copy.Borrower shall be given une conformed copy of�he Nutt anJ uf this Securiry Instrument. 'T '__
<br />- � 17.1'ransfer of the Property or a ReneCcinl Interest in Borro«•cr. If al1 ur uny.pan of ihc Pmperty or any intcrest in it !�
<br /> '• is sold or transfcrrcd(or if a beneficial interest in Borrowcr ir sold or transtcrrcd and Borrowcr i�not a natural person 1 without �� ''��.';
<br /> Lender's prior wrinen consent, I�nder may. at its option, require imme.diate payment in full c�l all sums >ecurecl by ihcs �: �
<br /> . Security Instn►ment.However, this option shall not be cxercised hy Lender if exercise is prohibited by fcderal law as of the datc I •w
<br /> r of tliis Security[nstrumcnt. I "
<br /> � [f Lcnder cxcrcises this option. I,endcr shall givc Borrower noticc of acccleration. Thc notice shaU providc a period of ncit i ' r f
<br /> �� � ; Icss than 30 days from thc datc thc noticc is delivcrcd or mailcci within which Borrowcr must pay all swns sccurcd by ihis � ,
<br /> � • � Security Instrumrnt. If Borrowcr fuils to pay thcsc sums prior to thc expiration of this period, Lcndcr may inv�kc any rcmcdics �
<br /> { , , .• pemiittcd by this Securiry Instrumcnt without further noticc or dem:�nd on Borcowcr. I a
<br /> .• '18. Barrower's Right to Rcinstate. If Borrowcr mcets ccrtain conditinns. Bonowcr shall havc thc right to havc ,
<br /> , enfurcement of this Security instrument discontinued at any time prior to the carlicr of: lai 5 da}•� lor wrh uther perioJ�u i ��
<br /> � . . applicablc law may ypccify for rcimtatcmcnt) bcfore salc uf thc Property pursuant tu any puu•cr u( �ulc cuntaincd in ihi+ �
<br /> Security Instruntent;or(b)entry a� a judgment enforcing this Scruriry [n�lrument.Thotie cunditiuns are th.tt I3.xroa�er. (al payti i
<br /> � Lendcr all sumx which thcn would bc due under this Sccurity [nstrument and thc Note as it' nu :�rreler.ition haJ �xcurrcd:(F+1 ,
<br /> , cures any default of any other rovenants or agrcements; (c) pa}•s xll expenses incurred in cnfurcing this Security Instrument. � .. �; `
<br /> •, including, but not limitcd ta, rcasonablc atrorncys' fccs; and (d) takes tiuch�iction a� Lcndcr tnny rc:zsonably rcyuirc a�cis+urc
<br /> ° • that the licn of this Scruriry Instrument. I.ende�ti rights in the Property and f3orrower'ti obligation tci pay the suma�ccured hy �d
<br /> k- :_ _ I this Security Gistrument shaU continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Bnrrower. thi� Secunty In�trument :md the
<br /> �
<br />_._-_ ..._.. _ _-' ''. . .. .. �"n _"__'_ a.n....Ct.....:........:C............I.+...r:.... 1,�.1...,.•.�rr..rl U..wn�.nr thi. r:aht t.� r.,�nctotn �h:Jl '
<br /> « -- -_-._.�_.:._'--�----'= OL�IIgS[tOP.s SccLLRil nc�cuy .uu� .............,.. _�.....,_. .._.._..... __.._ c ' '- ""-._._ ....--' -- -�._. _ _
<br /> .' ;.Ituu �a.nw�a ......�........»...,.. ........ .. .. .. __.�
<br /> = not apply in the catic of acccicration undcr patagraph 17. !
<br /> � „ 19. Sale of Note: ChanNc of Loau Scr�iccr. Thc Notc or a partial intcrctit in thc Nntc uugcthcr «�ith thi, Securi��• ;••
<br /> ` Imtrument)may be so1J nne or more timeti without prior notice to Rono�scr.A..de may result in a changr in the cntity(kno�vn �' .
<br /> 'i. as thc "[.oan 5crvirer")that a�llc�ts monthly pay►ncnt.r duc under the Notc and this Scruritp Irotrument. Thcrc al,o ma} br unc
<br /> ;T or morc chan�;cs��P tl►e Loan Scrvircr unrclatcd to a�:ilc of thc Notc. !(thcrc iti a rhangc of thc Luan Scr��iccr. Bormwcr�sill hc ,
<br /> gi�•cn a�rittcn notirc of thc rhangc in accordancc�vith paragrsph I�3 abovc and upplirablc law. Thr nutirc wiU+tatr tlic n.un�anJ
<br /> ,:ddrcss uf the ncw I.oan Scrvicer and the adJrctiti to �vhich pa}�mentti�houlJ bc made. Thc notirc�vill sl.o rontain any �nher
<br />- infomiation rcyuircd by applicablc law.
<br /> 20. Hn�iirdous �ubstanccs. Bornx��cr �h.dl not rau�c or permit thc prc>cncc. uu. di,pa.aL �turagc, ur rdeatic ��t an�•
<br /> H.ir�rrl�ius Sub�tanrcti uu ur in tfic Propen}•. Borrcnvcr shall nut do. nur :�Ilu��� anyonc cl,c ai clu. an}•thin� :+ftccting tEic
<br />_ Property that i�in �•iolation uf'any Em•imnmcntal La��•. Thc prcccdin� n�u.cntcncc. +hal! not apph•Io th� prc�cncc. u�c. a,r '
<br /> � .rtc►�dEC ml tltC Propcny af small quantiticti af H:+wniou,Sub�t:mccti th:d ure rcncrally ma��nized t�� hr apprupri:�tc tu n��nnal
<br /> " . , rc�idcntial uscs and tu maintcnancr of thc Prnpcny. , � ,
<br /> ��,;�•�„i a Form 3028 9�90 �
<br /> `i[ i
<br /> ' . l_ . .. .� .. „ -. .. -
<br /> . .. .._.-- . . ,
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<br /> ....,..__=„r- _._ . ... , ,
<br />