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. •�_ <br /> , � _� <br /> L � 4 *R <br /> I/ � �7� <br /> .. . . ... ......_� � '� _ <br /> ...._ ' �._.�.�\.�_..�.-_........ ._ ' • �i . • . . �� .. � <br /> ` .., .. . . I �#_._ <br /> � � � ' . <br /> � ����..� �Qy"o�;,�� � � <br /> i <br /> Uf�IFpHM GOV€NANTS.Dorrawor ond LonAOr covonnnlnntl nproo ns lollown <br /> 1. B��yeneat e1 �tlnClp�) �nd Inisntl. Eiotrowor shau promptly poy whon duo 1no pnncipal ol nnd �ntnrnsl on 1ho '� �-'3 <br /> �ndobtotlnn�o ovidoncod by tho Noto,propnymont and Int��hnrgos fls providad in�no tJoto,nnd Iho pr�nc�pnl ol nnd mtarest on •; <br /> �ny Futuro Advancas socurt�d by tho Dcfetl a1 Truot. � ' <br /> 2. Fund�for Tsx�and Insursnce.SubIact to npphcnb�o Inw or Ip n wntten warvor by Lor�der,Borrow9r annu pny to Londar ; s� <br /> un tho dny monthly InOtallmonto ot prinCipnl and intnrostoro payablq undor tho Noto.until ihp Noto in po�d in lull,n��im(hotoin <br /> �'Funds")oqunl to On6-tW81fti1 O1 fh0 yeetly tFlxes Ulld a8309S�nenfe whlCh may 9ttem pnority over IFtie DtlatS ol Tru86 and E <br /> . graund renls on tho Property,II eny,plus ono-tweltth o1 yeerlypremlum�n�tallments for hnzerd fneuranca,plu�one-twelfth of � o <br /> Yonrly premium instelimente tor mortpape inauranco,d any,all ae raaaonably estimotod�nitially antl Irom time to timo by � <br /> Lendor on the bas�e ot assossmenta nnd btlls nnd roesonablo ostfmotes thereot. , <br /> The Funde nhall he held In en institutlon the dopoafteor occounts o1 which aro msured or guarnntead,by n Federal or steto , <br /> agency lincluding Lender If Lendet is such an motitutfon).l.endnr ahall apply the lund�to pAy ae�d taxos.eastls9ments. <br /> �nsurance prernfum�ond ground rents.Londer may not Chargo for so liolding ond epplying the Funda,analyzmg s�id account <br /> or verHying and compiling eaid asseasment�and bills,unlessLender pays Borrower interest on the Fu�ids and e pliceble law <br /> permits Lendsr to make euch a cherge.Borrowor and Lar�dermay ugrc�in wnting nt tho time of execution of thfa�eed o1 Trust <br /> that Interest on the Funds ahall be paid to Borrowe�,and unldss such agreement is made or eppIicalbe lew requires such <br /> interost to be paid,Lender shall not be required to pay Borrovier eny intere5t or earnings on the Funds.Lender shall gfve to <br /> B�rrowor,without chargo,on annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds end the purpose for ; <br /> which each debltto the Funds was made.The Fundsere pledgod as additional security lor the sums secured by this Dec�d of <br /> Trust. <br /> � Ii the amount of the funds held by Lender,together with the future monthly installments ot Funds payable prior to the due <br /> dates ot taxes,essessrttants,insurence pramiums and ground rents,shall excoed the emount requirod to pay said taxes. <br /> assesomenta,insurance premiums and ground rents as they lell due,such excess shall Borrower's option,eithar <br /> prOmptly�epaid to Borrower or crpdited to�orrower on monthly instellmenta of the amount o}the Funds hold hy <br /> Lendershallnotbesufficlenttopaytaxes,assessments.insurancepremiumsend groundrentsastheytalldue.8orrowershall ��� <br /> pay to Lender any emount necessary to make up the deficiency within 30 daya from tho dste notice�s meiled by Lender to <br /> Borrov�er requesting payment thereot. <br /> Upon payment in tull of all sums secured by this Deed ot Trust.Lender shall promptly retund to Borrower any Funds held by „ . <br /> Lender.lf under paragreph 1 B hereof the Property is sold orthe Property is otherwiso ecqu�red by Lender,Lender shall epply, �•:� <br /> no 18terihan immedietely priorto the sele of the Properry or ils acqwsit(on by Lender,and Funds held by Lender ettho time of ' • �:�� <br /> application as a credit agalnat the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. t <br /> � 3. App!leatlon o1 Paym�nb.Unless epplicable law provides otherwise,all payments received by Lender under the Note . :; <br /> ' and paregrephs 1 and 2 hereof shall be epplied by Lender first in peyment ot amounta payable to Lender by Bo�rower under �:�• <br /> paragraph 2 hereof,then to interest payable on the Note,then to the principel oi the Nate,and then to interest and prfnc�pal on , �{ <br /> any Future Advances. - <br /> 4. Charyes;Llem.Borrowers shell pey all taxes,assessments end other charges,fines and impositions attributablA to the • <br /> Property which may attein a priority over this Deed of Trusl end leasahold payments or gtound rents,if any,in the manner ,;.; <br /> providod under paragraph 2 hareot or,it not paid in such manner,by Borrower meking paymen�when due,d�rectly to the � ";�,�:� <br /> payee theroot.8orrower shall promptly furni9h to Lender all notices o1 amounts du�under thia peragraph,and in the event J_ <br /> Barrowe� shall maKe �ayment d�rectly,Borrower shall promptly tumisn to Lenaer rece�pis ev�dancu�y SuC��po rarY. --- <br /> Borrowor ahall prompt y discherge any lien which has pnority ovar this Deed of Trus�provided,that Borrower shal�not be , <br /> required to dischargeany such Ifen so long as Borrowershallagree in writing to the pnymant ot the obligetion secured by such , <br /> lien in a manner aCCeptable to Lender,or shall in good faith co�test such lien by,or detend entorcement ot such lien in,legel <br /> proceedings whlch operete to prevent the enforcement of the ifen o�forfelture of the Property or any part thereaf. <br /> 5. Hazard Imuranc�.Borrower shall keep the improvementa now existing or hereaRer erected on the Property insured �,�' <br /> against loss by fire,herArda included within the term"extended coverago",and such other hazards as Lender may reqwre <br /> and in such amounts and for such periods as Londer rnay require:providod,that Lender shall not reqwre that the amount ot , .� <br /> such coverage exceed thet emount ot coversge required to pay the suma secured by this Deed of Trust. <br /> Thls Insurence Carrier provldfnp the insurance shell be chosen by Dorrower subjectto a�proval by Lender;provided,thet 'i; <br /> suCh epproval shell not be unreesonebly withheld.All premiums on msurance policfes shall be paid in the menner provided ;,t <br /> under paragraph 2 hereof or,if not paid in such mannar,by Borrower meking peyment,when due,directly to the insurence yE i <br /> carrier. ,� <br /> All Insurence policies and renewals theroof sha11 be in torm ecceptable to Lender end shall include e standard mortgage <br /> clause in favor of end in form accepteble to Londer.Lender shall have the nght to hold the policiesend renewels thereof,and ' � <br /> Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender al I renewal notices a nd all receipts ot paid premwms.In the event of loss.8orrower <br /> � shall gwe promptnotice to the insurance carrier and Lender.Lender may make proof of loss d not made promptly by Borrower. ; ..;•�.,. ,,- <br /> Unless Lendar end Borrower otherwise agree in wnting,msurance proceeds shall be appl�od to restoration or ropair of the `-:� <br /> Proparty demaged,provided such restoration or repair is economically feas�ble and the secunty ot thfs Deed of Trust is not <br /> • thereby impaired.If such restoration or repair is not economically feas�ble or if the secunty ot this Deed of Trust would be <br /> � impaired,the insurance proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Deed ot Trust,with the excess.�f any,peid t� , <br /> Borrower.If the Property ie abendoned by Borrower,or�f Bor►ower tails to respond to Lerder within 30 days fram th�dato <br /> � notice is mailed by Lender to Borrower Ihat the insurance carrier oNers to settle a claim for msuranCe benefits.Lender is <br /> i authorizQd to colleCt and epply the insurenCe proceeds at Lendar's opt�on e�ther to restoration or repau of the Property or to <br /> the sums secured by thls Oesd ot Trust ' <br /> i Unless Lender end Borrower otherwise agreo m wnting,any such application of proceeds to pnnc�pal shall not extetnd or y <br /> i postpone the due date of the monthly fnstallments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or chenge the amount of such '. <br /> i mstallments.It under paragraph 18 hereof 4he Properry is acquired by Lender,all right,title and mterest of Borrower in and to .y,� <br /> � any insurance policios and in and to the proceeds the�eot resultmg from damage to the Property pnor to the sale or acqwsition , <br /> � shall pass to Lender to the oxtent ot the sums securetl by Ihis Deed ot 7rust immediately pnor to such sale or acqu�sit�on. •� <br /> � E. Pres�rvatlon�nd Maintenancs o1 P►ope►ty;Lea�eholda:Condominlums;Planned UnN Oevelopments.Borrower shan „ <br /> � keep the Property In good repair and shall not commrt wa9te or permit impa�rment of detenoration ot the Property and shel I <br /> comply wiih tho provisions of any lease if Ihis Deed of Trust ison a leasehold.If this Deed ot Trust is on a umt in e condommwm • <br /> or e plenned unit dovolopment.Borrower shall peAorm all of Borrower's obligationa unaer the decleration or covenants • <br /> creating or governing the condominium or planned umt development,the by-laws and regulat�ons ot tho condom�rnum or � <br /> planned unit developtnent,and constituent documents.If e condominium or planned unit development ndor is axcuted by <br /> Borroive�and recorded tagether wrth this Deed of Trust,the covenants and agreements of such nder shall be incorporoted � <br /> into and shell amend and supplement tho covonants and agreements of this Deed of Trust a5 il the nder were 4 part hereof. � <br /> 7. Prol�eNon o1 Lender'�Saeurlty.II Borrower foils to porform the covonants and ngree�nents contained in 1hE5 Deed of ' <br /> Trust,or it eny act�on or proceeding is commenced wilh metenally aHects Lender's mterost in the Proporty.�ncluding but not <br /> I�mrtedto,em�nentdome�n,insolvency,code enforcement,orarrangements or proceodings involving a bankrupt or decadent, ' <br /> then Lender at Lender's option,upon notice to Borrower,mey make such appearences.d�sburse such sums and take such ; <br /> actfonesisnecessarytoprotectLc�nder'sinterost,includmg,butnotlim�tedto,d[sbursemf3ntofrensonableattomey'sfeesand <br /> entry upon the Proporty to meke repeirs.11 Lender reqwred mortgage msurance as a Condition of makmg the loan secured by F`- <br /> tho Dead of Trus�Borcowor shell pay the premwms roqwred to mamtam such insuranco m efleCt untd such hmo es the <br /> requirement for such insuranco tarminatos in accordance wdh Borrower's and Londnr's wntton agreomont or npplicalbe lew � <br /> , Borrower shall pay thct emount ot all mortgage insurance pormiums in the man�ier provided undor peragraph 2 hareof <br /> . n.... .. ..�e .�ie►....e� ti.. �.....a..... .r...... ..ti � ...��. ...�e.00� �1.n.unn chnll harnma atlrlitinnal <br /> indobtodnosS of Borrowor 34curod by thiS Ot�od of�Trust.Unress�orrower and Lender agret0 to other terms of paym2nt,suCh ' <br /> ' amounts shell be payablo upon noUCe trom Lender to Borrower requestmg payment horeol.and shnll bear mterest Irom tne , <br /> � date otdisbursemontatthe rate pnyablelromtime to time onoutstandmg pnnc�pal under tha Note uniess paymont ol mterest — <br /> at such rate would be contrary to applicable it�w, in which event such emounts shatl bear mtorest at the h�ghest rate <br /> permiss�ble underapplicable law.Nothing cont:�med�n th�sparagraph 7 shall requ�re Lenderto incur any exuense or tnke any <br /> ; action hereunder. � <br /> � 8. Inspectlon.Lender may make or causv tc+be made rcasonable entnes upon anq�nsne���ons of the Proporry.prov�ded <br /> ' that Lendershall grve Borrower notir.e pnor toany such inspection specifying reason3bie cause theruinre reiated to Lender s . . <br /> I �nterest in the Proper4y <br /> � <br /> 'w i <br />