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<br /> 0. 1lazardau�Mat�ri�is.Truator ohall koop Iho Proporty In�ompllanco wlth all nppllcable lawe,ordlnanGes and rQgulAtiono „ rv
<br />- � •-J relnting to Induet►iel hygleno or envlronmontal protectlon(collectively roterred to horeln ns "Envlronmontal Lews").Trustor ohall
<br /> keep the Proparty froo trom nll subatances doomed to be hazordoue or tox�c under eny Envlromnental Laws(cofloctivoly reterreU tc
<br /> -�,, �, heroln ea"Hazardous Wlateri�la").Truotor horeby warrsnte and repressnta to Landor that Ihoro aro no Hezardoue MnterlAle on or =
<br />� undorthe Property.Tniator hereby agreea to Indemntty and hold harmle�9 Lender,Ite dlrectore,ofllcers,emptoyees and agente,and
<br /> Rny successora to l.�ndor'a Interost,ircm and aDalnst eny and all clefine,dAmagos,lassea and Ila4illtles arlsing In cannectlon wlih � c�
<br /> the presence, uae,dispoaa!or transpoR of eny Hezerdous Mate►isls on, under,from or about tho Prop�rty. THE FOREf�O1Nt3
<br /> � � 10. Astls�m�nt o1 R�nh.Truator heroby esoigne to Lender the rents,Issues and proilta o1 the Property;provided that 7rustor „ , �,=
<br /> shall,until the nccurrencA ot an Event of Defauit hereunder,heve the rightto colluctand retaln auch rents,issues snd protits as they �
<br /> become duo and payable.Upon tho occurrence o4 an Event of Default,Lendar may,elther in person or by agent,wlth or without �:
<br /> bringing any action or proceedln(},or by a recelver appointed by a court and without regard to the adequacy of Its securlty,enter <<
<br /> upon and tAke possession of the Praperly.or any p�rt theroof.In ft�ovin name or In the namu of the Truatae,and do any acta which It �f,i_
<br /> � deems necessary or desirabte to proservo Ihe value,marketabflity or rentablliry of the Property,or any part thereot or interest lhoreln, • F=__
<br /> incroase the income therefrom or protect the securlty hereof end,with or wlthout teking possesslon oi the Property,eue for or <•`�_
<br /> othorwise callect the rents,Issues and profits thereot,including 9hose past due and unpeid,and apply the same,lo3s costs end
<br /> expenses o4 operatlon and collectlon Inc ly d ing a tto r n e y s't o as,u pon an y Indebtodness ser,u�ed horeby,all In such order as Lender ,.....
<br /> may dotermine.The entering upon and taking posseasfon of the Property,the collectiqn of such rents.Is�ues and proflts and 4ha ��
<br /> appllcatlon thoreot a3 aforesald,shall not cure ar wafve any default or notice of default he�eunder or Invaliolflte any act done In
<br /> ._...!{ _ , response to ouch default or pursuant to such notice ot default end,natwlthatanding the continuence In possession oi the Property or , �{:-�
<br /> '�?' ' ��` the oollectlon,receipt and apullcation of rents,Iccuo�or Rrofits,and T�ustee and Lender ahali be entitied to Axercise every rlght ,�
<br /> �� provid�d for in any of the Loan Documentsor by law upon occurrence of any Event of Default,f ncluding without Iimltatlo�the rightto ,;��::t
<br /> exerciso the powor of sale.Furthflr,Lender's riphts and remedles under this paragraph ahall be cumuletive with,end In no way e --
<br /> � '' Ifmltationon,Lendor'srlghtsandremedlesunderanyassipnrnontoileasosendrentsrocordedaflainsttheProperty.Ler+der,Trustee '_ �, �_�
<br /> and the receiver s7�a11 be Iiabte to account only those rente actually recelved, -
<br /> 11. Evsnb ot Default.The tollowing shail constitute an Event o1 Default under this Deed ot TruaC „ `
<br /> " (a) Fall�ro to pay any Insteilment of principal or lnterout of any ather sum secw�ed horeby whon duo: :�__
<br /> , . (b) A breach of or defeult undor any provision contalned In the Note,thfs Deed ot Trust,any of the l.oan Oocumente,or any _ �
<br /> other Ilon or encumbrance upon tho Propertv, ..���
<br /> (o) A writ of oxecutton or ettachmont or any almliar procese shell bo entered agelnet Trustor whlch ehall hocome a Ilen on ��,,_;�J(
<br /> the PropeAy or any portlon thereol or interest theroln;
<br /> " (d) There shell bo Nled by ur ngofnst Truator or Borrower nn ectlon under any present or future federal,state or olher �-:�
<br /> atatute,law or regutntlon reioting to bankruptcy,Insoivency or other rellof for debtors;or thore sheli be appointed nny truatee, � '
<br /> r�c«;ser c':l�s!!�et^!o!rr�,ator or earrownr or ol all or nny paR of the Property,or the rente,laeuea or protlte theroo},or Truatar +�' �,� -
<br /> pr Borrower ehall make any general asslgnment for the bonotit of credltore; ..• -
<br /> ' (o) The,aale,trensfer,lease,aselgnment,convoynnco or further encumbrance ot all or any part ot or any interest In the ,���� a � ;;
<br /> Proper4y,efther voluntarlly or Involuntarlly, wlthout the expross written consont of Lender;provlded that Trustor ahell be i. 1
<br /> pormitted to execute a leane ot the Properiy that doea not contnln an optlon to purchese and the term olwhlch d000 not excead r, . „
<br /> . $�
<br /> ona year:' . �
<br /> (Q Abondonment o}the Property;or
<br /> (fl) If Truator Is not an individual,the Isauance,sale,tranafer,assignment,conveyence or encumbrance of more then a total , ,.+
<br /> o}.�._percent of(if a corporetion)Its issued and outstanding atocic or(If e partnershfp)a total of percent of •�� ��t
<br /> pSrtnershlp Interests d�fring tho period this Deed ot Truet remelns a Ilen on the Property.
<br /> 12, p�m�dtaa;Acceleratlon�Jpun Dtfaull.In the event of any Event of Default Lender mey,wlthout notice except as requlred by � � ,
<br /> law,declare ell Indebtedness uecured hereby to bo duo and payable and the eamo shall thereupon become due and payable i•,,,';;;-•.�!�
<br /> wfthout any presentment,demand,protest or notice of any kind.Thereaftor Lender may.
<br /> (a) Demand thet Trustee exerclse the POWER OF SALE granted heroln,and Trustee shail thereaiter cause Trustor's � . �
<br /> InteresZ In the Properiy to be aold aod the proceeds to be dlatributed,all in the menner provfded In the Nebraeka Truat Deeda � �:� \ �,N
<br /> , Ack � '��''��`:�
<br /> (0) ExerCise any end ell rlghts provided for in nny of tho Loan Documents or by law upon occurrence of eny Event of Default; . „
<br /> and I .•
<br /> (C) Commence an action to foreclose this Deed ot Truat ae a mortgape,appolnt a recelver,oP spoclilcally enforce any oi the k:•
<br /> covenante hereot. ;
<br /> ' ` No remedy herein conferred upon or reaervsd to Trustee or Lender Is fntended to be exclusive af any other remedy hereln,in the � - j; .1�
<br /> • Loan DoCUmente or by law provided or permitted,but ench shall be cumulative,shail be in addition to euory other remedy given �?.:•u
<br />_ herounder,in the Loan Documents or now or hereafter existing et law or in equity or by stetute,and may beaxerCfsed concurrontly, I �� ;,
<br /> � independentty or successfvely. . �•� ��
<br /> �� 13. Tru�tw.The Truatoo may resi�n at eny time without cause,and Lender may at any time and without cause appolnt a .� . ,
<br /> successor or substitute Trustee.Trustee ehall not be Ilablo to any party,including wfthout Ilmltetlon Lender,Borrower,Trustor or any � S; ��`
<br /> purchaser of tlte Property,tor nny losa or dama9e unlesa due to reckiesa or wIIIPuI miscondtact,and shali not be requlred to tqk:e ttny I
<br />� ectinn In connectlon with tt�o entorcement of tizfs Deed of Trust unlos�IndemnHled,In writing,for alt costs, compensation or i �
<br /> - �nderine�ower ot sa e e a iea n reeoi; pl atponetlho sa o oteall 08 any porteon ofrthe Properiy,ealp ovlded by ew ordseil the .,�
<br />- � PropeRy as a wholo,or In separata parcels or lots at Trustee's dlscretlon. .�
<br /> 1�5. Feei�nd Exp�na�o.in tho ovent Trustee sells the Property by exercise of powar ot sale,Trustee shall be ent{tled to apply
<br /> � eny sulo proceede tirst to paymont ot al l costs nnd expenses of exercfaing power of salo,including all Truatee'e fees,and Lender's +�
<br /> and Trueteo's attarney's fees,actuaily Incurred to extent permitted by eppllcable lew.In the event Borrower or Trustor oxercises any •�
<br /> �� rlghl provided by law to cure an Event of Dotnult,Lender shall be entltlod to recover from Trustor aIi custs ond expenses actually ,
<br /> .' Incurrod es e result of Truator's detault, includl�g without Ilmitatlon all Trustoe's and ettqrney's fees, to tho oxtant permittod by �
<br /> � eppllcablo law. �
<br /> 16. Futun Advancaa. Upon request ot Borrowor, LondAr may,at its option,mako addltionai and tutrrro advencea and ro-
<br /> advancos to Borro�:�r.Such ndvancos�nd raadvances,wfth Intoroat thereon,aholl bo secueud by this Deed of Trust.F1t no timo ahall � ' � i
<br /> ,� tho princi pal amount ot the Indobtedness soourod by this Dood of Truet,r�@),Iq��lp�sums advanced to protoct tho securlty o1 this � f , �
<br /> -� _ _ - , nm.i.,�r�„ar Arcend the orlalnal adnclpai emount atetod hereln,or$ —w h ic hev o r I s g r e a t e r. � ,„ � ,
<br /> ---- - ,- --__ ---- -• --•
<br />� 16. MlscNlaneou�Provitlont. � ,
<br /> (a) Borrower Not Rel�a�td.Extonslon ot the time for paymont or modlfication of amortizatfon o1 the sums secured by thls i T �
<br /> ; Doed of Truat grented by Londer to eny euccossor In Interest of Borrower shall not operate to release,In any mannor,the Ilnbllity
<br />' � of the origfnnl Borrower and Borrower's succeasors In Inter�st.Londer shnll not be roquired to commence proceedlnfla agalnst ; `i
<br /> ` such successor or retuso to extend time for payment or otherwl3o modity emortizatlon ot the eume secured by thfs Deed ot Truet ,
<br /> , :,� by reason of any demands made by the origlnal EJorrower and Borrower's successars in interest. ,
<br /> (b) Lend�r'�Powen.Without aftecting the Ilabfilty of any othor person Iiable f�r the payment of any obllgatlon herein
<br /> , � mentionod,and without ettoctinp the Ilon or chergo ot this Deod ot Truat upon any portion of the Properly not then ortherototoro '�
<br /> reteasod ae securlry tor tha tull amount of ell unpald obligations,Lender may,from time to time and without notice(I)release any
<br /> � ' person eo Ilable,(II)extond tho maturity or altor eny of the terms oi any such obligatlons,(Ilf)grant other Indulgences,(iv)reloase
<br /> - � � or reconvey,or'cause Zo be released or roconvoyed at eny tlme at Lender's optlon eny parcol,portion or ell ot the Proporty,
<br /> #Y (v)talco or rolease c�ny other vr additlonai security tor any obilgatlon heraln montioned, or(vl)mako compositlons or other , i
<br /> ^ 3. � afrnngemonts with dobtors In rolation thereto. ,
<br /> ,�3 ' ' � • I
<br /> �: • , ,
<br /> .._.--.. .... .... . .. . . .. . . .. -- -.. ... ..r. _ .
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