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_ � _ , ,M.: <br /> ...::.. <br /> �� �• , .. _.��:. <br /> �• � •:�'' � . � .. . . ... ..�, w.v. 1��'-�- ' Y <br /> �e <br /> �1'S` �, . . .Nf.� •.1�.... - •-�N�I...1•�. ,f .. ..!� ra14�1�NVJyq��•����1i'. ... <br /> r� . <br />�.t.,f��^. ��Y�- : :_. �� II�W�wf�I'I��ni,Ll;...v� ._•'_. '_'_���ti=d[:�µ�'_"._.`_. _ ___ ��� .....��...� _ -f��� w_.._ . <br /> !I'� <br /> .."rn-r �t�-n��'`^h.r ��n._.�..... (�._ `-!r_ <br /> � �() �� . _ ._ , <br /> ��►. �.��1T�°�_'�' • .._ <br /> not to cx�c:d Iho nt:uiirrtun er�iount o l�ndcr tar o (cdctai,y rc534cd mor��Qa locn fil�y Fi.GUlfO �0� OG,oti•�ir� o,. l�bb uirc* ndcr Ih� y:=`r <br /> t���rn1�R��1 f:otaio S�IILmcn1 C�ros�Gur� Asl ot 1974 ns emCnd�d(rora Pi;c�to t6�.�, 12 U.S.C. cu01 at ccq.("�"c5?l1"�, unt.�o r.nothcr IZe� _-'- <br /> " 'th�t npp[ie3 lo lhe Funds eota o loa3ar cmnunl. II oo, Lcndcr rnsy, at any t�:�t�, coI'.ol cnt3 hold Punds ln r.n er�iount nqt to c:x�::d ih� • ; <br /> ' kOtor omount. Londcr m3y onl'mtite lhe amour�i ot funds duo on tho basl� 01 ourra'►s�t u�fn and reneonnble astimstos of expond'turss ot -- <br /> � tutur��ecrow Itcros or otherwito{n tcCOrdance wlth app:icRbla Inw. <br /> 4no Fund3 sheA bo hold 4i e�n Nniitutlon whaso dopoatte aro Insured by e P+dsral�onay, fnatrumentaltty, or c�ntky (k►clutllnp Lsnder,M , . <br />- • l�nder Is such tn hatkulbn) or h my Fedanl Home Loan B�nk. L�ndK 4ht10 tRpiy lh�Fur+d�to pay tho C•scrovi It6�ms. lencbsx may nol , _ <br /> ohargq Donowar tor ho:dr�p nnd a,ppyfnD the Funds, ar�nua�y enabzsnp thu escrow dccount, or verHylnO �he Escrow Itema,unlese UndK �-_-_ <br /> pay� 8o�rowa� htoroa!on Ihs Fund��nd applic�tbk kw pxmk� LantAr t0 mVcY�uoh o Chup�. Huw�uur. Ls.-�d�r ri�ay res�u'r��arro.::r ta . .. <br /> �.+ p�y�onodK+a char�for�n fnd�p�nd�nt red�stato tex reportinp tav��uad by L�nd�r In connacttan wkh Ihia ban,unbss eppl�Rbw law . .+.•,:n .ia.. <br /> � prav�s ottorwise. Un�esc an a�rwment b mnde or apps�abia law ��M'os htsroft tn W pald, Londer shall nol be rsqutnd to p�y '-�,s_ <br /> � BorrowK uny tnlerost or eamhpt on th�Funds. BqnAwer and Lender rtNy�DtN In v�rRn7�how�ver,that interest shell be patd on the Fund9. , . - <br /> " Lender shall pke to 8enower, whhout charpe,en nnnual nccountiny o9 the Funds,tlhowinp crodke and deblts to tho Funda and the pur�osa �_ <br /> tar whbh oflch deLlt to lhe Funds wn� mede. Tho Funds era pledged as udditiontl�ecurky tor�II sums socurnd hy thls Security Instn�ment. , n= <br /> tl the Funds hold by Lender axcaed the amounts permRled lo bo hetd by appifcabb iew, Lander shec account to BoROtrer lar the ��;_ <br /> excosa Funds In accardnnce with thi requkoments of nppl�nble law. II the amount af lho Funds held by Lender at any time Is not 6ufflcNnt --- <br /> to pey tho Escrow It�ms when due,Lnndor may so notsfy BoROwar in wrRhy, and, in such case Bortowor shQl1 pay to LendEx the amount ,� �,r <br /> , necessery to mako up the defbbnoy. Borrower shAll make up the doficiancy In na more then twoNa manthty payments, et Lond9re sob •• �. ; �y.- ' <br /> � dlscretbn. ' <br /> Upon payment tn (uil of tp 6ums securotl by thls Securiry Instrument, L.a�dK shell prompty retund to 8ortower any Funds hold by ,• .,�. ` <br /> L_sid°�. It,undet pera�ra;+h 2.1,�da� shaU acquYo or seli the Property,LM�de4 Rrbr to ths acquisftbn or sal�of the Property, sraM appry , ���r,��f:';�;._ <br /> ony Funds heW by Lendor at the tima of acqulskbn or sale es a crcdk apahst th�sum�6oCUrod by this St�curiry Instrurt�ent. _ ..,�. ;pa,;.� <br /> � -....�.� <br /> � ' ,, 3. Applic�tion of Peymen�. Untess applfcable law provides oth�rwis�,nN paymenta reCOlved by lendor undor parayraphs 1 �nd .k,�;�: <br /> , 2 shali be applud: tirst, to any prepaymont chargas due undor the Note; second, to amaunts payable under paragreph Z; th�id to hterest ,T ,^�^"'"„ <br /> due;fouRh,to principal due; end last,to eny late charpes due under the Note. �; ��, • •• <br /> � 4. Charger�; Llens. Boriowor shell puy tsll ltuces, as5esemonts, Ch8rpe9, tine9 end htpositions [�tUibutnbb to the PtOpelty whbh �� ___ <br /> rtay attain prtorky over this Securicyr Instrument, end leasehotd paymonts or pround ronta,Y any. Bortowc�r �hait pny these obllpations In tho __ <br /> � mmnx provfded In paraprpph 2, or N not paka N thnt manner. Bortower shaY poy them on t4ne daoctty ta the peraon owsd payrnanR ti •, .,� <br /> Bortovrer shall prompty tumish to L.ondor all not�os ol amounts ta be pald under this pare4reph. I} Borrowsr mekes these paymant� �',R='.,. <br /> ��.,�;�` <br /> arec►y, Bortower shnll Nrompty tumish to Lender recelpts evidencinp the payments• •} � <br /> Borrower shell ptomply dlschtroe any Uen whiCh has prbrity over thk� SeCUrMy InsWment unless Hort�wer. (a)agrees In wrkhp to lhe �� � <br /> ���� <br /> _ odvmenr of the obl�aaUon sacured by the Ilen In n manner acceptabb to Lender; (b)contasts in pood feith the 11en by,vr Jetends agehst �� <br /> entOrC6ment of the Ik�n In,1ep81 proceecflnps whkh In the Lendar's ophbn opente to prr+rwU the entorCement oi tne i�en;or(oj socurbs�ii,��� '-':'-• ;:.YS <br /> th�holder o} the 1'k�n an flpreanent catlstactory to Lender subo�dlnathy tho lien to thb S9cutiq► InsWment. If Lender detertnhes lhat any . ,�,;::�.: ., <br /> :, '���.` <br /> put af the Properry Is subJect to a Ilsn wh�h may attatn prlorlty ovc�r thls Securily InsWment,Lender mny gHe BoROwer s notice IdentNyhp ��'� � <br /> ,.-. . <br /> thn lfan. Bortower shall satlsty tha Ilen or take one or more o1 the aatlons Set forth above wkhh 10 days of the gHing ot nottce. i : <br /> �;,;:.��_: ; <br /> . .. ac <br /> � 6. Hnzerd or Property� Ynsuranco. Borrower shall keop the Improvemonts now exlsting or hereaftor urocted on the PtOperty . • <br /> ��r�,�: Insured agafnst loss by fUe, he�rds fncluded wl!hIn the term "exlondod coveraqe" end any other hazards, hcluding tloods or floodln9,for F;?�� <br /> w h l Ch Lender re qulres Insurance. Thls hsuranco shall be malntafnod In the amounts end for the perlods that Londer requtres. The hsurencs • •�Fr <br /> certter pr4vlding the heurance shaA bo choson by Borrower subJect to Lendors npprovnl wh�h Fha� not be unroasonn b l y w k h he l d. I f I ��"'• <br /> • Bortower falls to malntatn coverape doscribed sbove, Lender may, at Landers optlon,obteh coverepe to protect Lendors rlphts tn the I "�,� <br /> Property tn nccordance with pamgraph 7. s� � <br /> �� AII Insuranco pal�Ies nnd renewsts shall bo accoptable to Londer and shall hclude a standard mortgage clnuse. Londur ehalt hnve the <br /> „ �Ipht to hold the pol�bs nnd rpnewals. If Lender requlres,Borcower ehaA prompty pke ro Lender all recelpte of pnld premtums and renewal �;�,��...�, <br /> notbes. h� the avent of bss,Bortovrer shull plve prompt not�e to tho Insu��ance cartler end Lender. Lender mey make proo}ot loss M not •� ��. � <br /> � <br /> mn:lo prompty by BoROwer. � . <br /> Untess Lendar and Borrower otherwtse ngree In writlnfl, insuranCe pracseds shall bo app0ed to restaatbn or ropc+tr ot the Proparty }� <br /> - damaged, U thn rostorntlon or repaM Is econam�nly tsaslDle and Lendera securky �s not bssenad. It Iha restorellon or repalr is nu1 ,�5:;�.� <br /> economicelly teas�le or Lendnrs 6ecurlty woulci be Iessened,tho Insumnco proCeeds shaq be epplled lo tT�e sums socured by thls SeCUrity . �� 1''� <br /> InsUument,whether or not then duo, wilh eny �uccess pald to Bortowor. It Bortowe�e6endons the Proporty, or does not answer wtthfn 30 �•� <br /> � days a not�e trom Lender thet the hsurence cnrrler has ottered to sottle e cktlm, then Lendar mey collect the Insurunco procc�ods. Londer � �. ,y- <br /> may use the proceeda to repaa ar rostoro tho Property or to pay sums secured by thls Securlty Insirument whether or not then due. The i �w " � �"� <br /> 3@�day perlod wtll begln when tha notlCe Is glvon. � �� �'.�', <br /> ' Unless Lender und Oonower otherwfso apree In writing,uny applicatbn of proceeds to princlpnl shnll not eMend or postpono tho due � 'r <br /> � � dnTn of tho monthy pnymunts retarted to N parnprciphs 1 and 2 or chonpi tho artwunt of tho paymenis. If under paragrnph 21 tho PropeRy , , �• , <br /> . is ttcquked by londor,Borrower'e rlght to any Insuranco polfcbs and pracesd�resukhp hom damaqe to tho Property prtor to tha ncqulsRton . <br /> st�aA pess to Lendor to the extont oi the sums cocurod bY lhls Socurlty InsWment Imrtwd{ato�y prlor 4o tho ecqulsltlon. i ! <br /> ; , . 6.,Oce�pancy� PreaervaUon, Maln4enwnce ond ProtecUon ot t�e F�roperty; Barro�ver's Loen <br /> Applt�etlon; Leasehold3.Bortower s��ll occupy, estttbl�sh,nnd use the PropeRy es Bonower's princlpal resldenco withfr sbRy days ; � <br /> after the exocutlon of thfs Secutiiy I�strument and shall contlnue to ocCUpy thp Property ns Borrower'S prNcipul resldonce tor at loust Ono '� x <br /> yt+ar aiter tho duto of QCCUp3ncy,un�ess Lender othorwlso ngrous In writNg, whlCh consont shotl not be unrensonabry wlthhotd, or untas5 <br /> extonuattnp CtrCUmstar�cos oxi3t whfch aro bayond Borrowers Control. Bortower�hall not d�stroy, dnmage or impalr tho Proporty,nllow the <br /> Proporty to dotorlornto, or cammlt weste on tha Property. BoROwor shnll be h dofauft U any IoAolturo nctlon or proceadtnq, whether cNil or _ <br /> crimfnnl, Is bepun thnt fn Lender's good tuith Judpmont could rosult In torfoftur�of lhs Praperty or othonvlso matarinly lmpak the I'en croatad � ' <br /> 1 , by lhts Socurity Inswmont or Lendo�'s security IntoresG Bartowor mny cure such e dofauh nnd rolnstete,as provlded In puragreph lEl, by � 'r' <br /> --_ -- -.--. _ .. . . .. . . �. . _ ..__ .�_. � ���J� .......1 fn4h rlcfcrtnlnn!!nn nra:EldBS }Off01[uf0 O} �hD .. - -. <br /> __-�—.. __ _.-____-.-.�_-____-_. <br /> CpU31t13 ln0 acuon or proccoo�p to Oo a�smrssoa wnn u rumy �ua�. •. �.��� ��— --. __.�•.•-.-..- . � . _ , <br /> • • , Borrowers lnt:inst In the Propmty or olhtx mntnri�l Impalrment of tho lien crested by thls Securiiy InsWment or Lcnders socurity Interost. <br /> � �. 8ortow2r ohall also bo h dofauk M Bortowor,during lAe lunn eppl'�catlon procoss,�tw rtutedaYy felse or inuccumta In(ormntlon or statemcnts , <br /> � to Lender(or talbd to provlde l.ender with eny materful htormatlon� h connflCUon wMh tho loan ovldencod by tho Noto, Inctudinp, but not ; <br /> . 1'mftcd to, rcpresentatlons conceminp BoROwm's occupnncy ot the PropeAy ns a prN�pal rosldonco. tt thls Security Instrument Is on a <br /> w' lea5ehqki,Barrower shnll compry wkh nB tho provlslons ot tho tease. It Bortuww QCqulres teo titfo to tho Property, tho basehold nnd the <br /> fpo tltb shull not morge unbss the Londer apreas tu tho morgor N writlnp. � <br /> „ " Psp��ol 6 Ko�m�OYB Cl00 - ' , <br /> - •� �� <br /> . F1079.LM0(10/4�) . ., . <br /> � . 61 . <br />