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, . . <br /> . „<s:`.y: <br /> , , q� <br /> :.,wa , •. �.. <br /> y� '"'s'.";,... r' , , .3c.�, <br /> ..t,,. , , ......... " �s <br /> .. �,V.,1�,'Ntic;ca� .. .. . ._._.....�_.� <br /> .• . ,��.--. �09�03 ',� <br /> . 1 Y. YPa��oP a4 tho Propo�i�+ av A �o�oflclal (n4oro�t Ir� �opeo�soe. U et� or any part ot eho �roperry or <br /> any Intcrest In It Is ootd or Iranotcncd(or If a bcncilcl:l Ir►tc7cat in Bor�owcr la nold or trtmsfcrrad and Borrovrc� I�no9 a nnturnl . <br /> peraon) vr�thout Lcndcr'a prlor e+rittc� conncnt, LcnGcr mny.n4 Ita op9lon, rcqufro Immcd:�to payrnent In tull of ell aurna nccurcd by <br /> thls 5acudty Instrument. Hovr�ver, thlo option ohell not bo exerclsed by Lendcr if excrci3a fa prohlbited by fcdcral I:.v� aa o1 tho � _ - <br /> ;.-. <br /> dote of thls Securityr InstNment. '=-� <br /> I! Lender exerclsas thls optlon, Lender she0 pivo Borrower notico oi acceleratlon. Tho noUca ahall provldo a pedod oi not `.�_,F <br /> I�as than 30 daya irom tho date tho notice la delivered or mailed withln whlch Bortower mu�t pny oIl oums necured by thls ,r <br /> Security Inatrument. I} Bortower falla to pey th9se aums pdor to the explretlon of thls pertod, Lender may Invoko nny remedlea ;�' <br /> .a�t,... <br /> ' permitted by thls Secudty Innt�um�nt without tutther notica or demand on Bor�owor. !�� <br /> 18. Bo►rovrY�'B Hlght t0 RCIfIBtelte. ii Borrower meets cenain condiUon�, 6ouower aheA have tho dghl to have � ,� <br /> enforcement of this Secudry Instrument discontinued at any Ume pdor to the earlier of: (e)5 deys (or such other perfod as '"=�` <br /> � appilcable law may apecity tor relnstotement)beforo sala ot tho ProperQy pursuant to eny power of asie contained In this 3ecudty ��� <br /> � Instrument; or(b) enLy of a Judgment entorclnp thls Security InaWment.fiose condi0ons aro that Borrower. (a) peys Lender�11 � <br /> sums whlch then would be due under thls Seoudty Inatrument end Ihe Note ao It no occeieretion had occuRed; (b) cures any 1� �,r^r <br /> detautt o1 any other covenant or egrecments; (c) paya ell expenses Incurted In entorcing thls Security Inotrument, Inclu�ling, but ��, <br /> not Ilmkcd to,rca�onablo nttomeys' (ees; and (�takos such ncUon as Lender may reasonabty require to assure that the Ilen o1 <br /> thls 3ecurl4y InsWment, Lender's rights in the Property end Borrowe►'s obligellon to pay tha sums secured by thlo Secudty , r L <br /> InsWment shail conUnue unchanged. Upon relnstetement by 8orrower, thls Socurity Instrument and the obligaUone secured , , <br /> hereby shall remain tully eifecUvo as I1 no ncceleraUon had occurced. Howover,thls rlght to retnstnt�shall not apply in the ca�s ° <br /> of ncceteretlon under paregraph 17. °� <br /> 19. Sal� O! Not9; Chaltg9 0? loan SeNiCe�. The Nota or e e parUal interest In the Note (together with thla S <br /> Securlty InstrumentJ may be sold ane or more dmes wfthout prior nollne to Borrower.A sale may result In a chunfla fn the enUty • <br /> ' (lcnown as the'Lonn Senlcet')that callects monthly puymenta due under the Note and this 3eeudty InsUument. There also may .��i' <br /> bo ono or mnro changes of the Loan Servlcer unreiated to e sale of the Note. If there is a change ot the Loan Servlcer, "•� <br /> Bomower will be g!ven wdtten noUce ot the change in secordanco witb paragraph 14 abovo end epplicabte law. Tho notice will �:��i <br /> stote lhe name and address of tho new Loan Servicer and the address to whlch poyments should be mado. The notice will nlso y "�_ <br /> contatn any other intortnation requlred by applicabte law. � '�' <br /> 20. Ha¢ardous Substancea. Borrower shaA not cauee or permit the prosence, use, dleposnl, atoreflv, or releeae of ��_ ' .�}:�_ <br /> any Hezardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to Qo, anyth(ng nflectinq the �.`� ,' � <br /> Property thut Is in vlotatlon ot nny Environmentnl Law. Tho preceding twa sentencos shail not apply to tho prosence, uso, or � . � ';� <br /> atorege on the Property ot small quantiUes of Hazsrdous Subatancos thut are generelly reco�nhed to be epproprtate to normal .�. <br /> �t?���, <br /> resldenUal uses nnd to maintenancv of tho PropeAy. �.:- <br /> Bortowar shall promptiy glve Lender written notice of nny inveatigation, clelm, demand, Isw�rft or other ectlon by any ��s'i— <br /> govemmental or regulatory agen�yr or pfirate party InvoWing the Property and�ny Hnzardoua Substance or Environmental lsw o1 ! <br /> _ - �:r,�w °.�::�; ti�, �� p.�ny�la�laa. If Bortower leams. or I9 notlfled bv any govemmental or regulatory euthoriry, that eny L_ i`�'""'^ - <br /> removal or other remedletion of any Hezurdous Substance nflecting PropcYty is necessary, Bonower ahall promptly teke aN � . <br /> necessary rFmedial actions In accordance wfth Enviranmental Law. �� <br /> As uaed In lhls paragraph 20, 'Hezardous Substances' nre thooe substencos deflned as toxlc or I�azardou3 eubstances by <br /> Envlronmentat Law and tho tollowlnp substences: gasoline, keroseno, other flammable or toxla peVoleum producte, toxic � <br /> pesllcides and herblcldns, votaUie soNents,mate�fals contelning asbostos or tortnaldehydo, and redioacUve materfals. As used In f �'. � � <br /> paregraph 20, 'Envir�nmental Law' meana federal lawa and lawe oi the Jurfsdictlon where tho Roperty Is located that relate to � <br /> heatth, saloly or enNronmental proteetlon. I <br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANI'S. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follaws: � . <br /> 21. Accoleration; Remedies. Londer shail givo notice to Borrower prtor to acceleratfon • ��a; <br /> following Barrower's breach of any covenant or agroement In thia Security Instrument (but not , <br /> prior to acceleratlon under paragraph 17 unless appllcable law providas otherwise). 7'he notice <br /> shall spectty: (a) the defauf� (b) tNe actio� requlred to cure the defauit; (�) a da4e, not less than �� � <br /> � �'��.7i� <br /> 30 days from the date the notice la given to Borrower, tsy whlch the dafault must be cured; and � .,�. r. <br /> (d) that 1�eilure to �ure the d�tault on or betore the date specf�ied In the notice caaay re�sult in � - <br /> . acceleratlon of the sums secured by this Securtiy Inatrument ar�c� sale of the Property.The nottce <br /> shall further fr�form Borroenier of the right to relnstete after accelerstlon end the right to bring a �� <br /> cawrt action to assert the non-exlstence of a defautt or any other detense of Borrower to s•'��� <br /> ' aceeleration and sale. If the default is not cured on or before ti4e date apeciNed In the notice, r�•= <br /> ILender at ita opY3on may requlre Immedlate payment fn full of all sums se���ed by thfe Security �; :r.. <br /> ' Inatrumsnt w(thout further demand and may invoke the power of salo and any othor remedles . �, . <br /> . permitted by appllcabfe law. Lender shall be entitled to collect all axpensea incurred in pursuing ' ' <br /> tho remedles providee9 in thla paragraph 21� Incl�ding, but e�ot Iimlted to. reasonable attorne�+s' <br /> foes and Gosts of title evidence. <br /> If the power at sale ia invuked, Trustea shall record a notice of default In each county In . <br /> vrhich any part of the Property Is located and s8a11 mall copies of such notico Ira 4hs munnor � <br /> prescrlaed by applicable law to Borrower and to the other persena prescrihed by applicable law. , <br /> ' After the tlr:�e roqulred by applicable law, Trustea shall give publlc not8co of sale to the persons . • <br /> end in the mannc+r prescriboal by appllcable law. Trustee, w(thout dema�d on Borrower� ahall soll , <br /> tiie p�oper�Ey at pubfic auctlon to tho hlghost bidder at the time and placo and urodor the terms <br /> desi�nated iro th� reotice o4 salo In one or maro paecels antl In any order Tr�stee determines. <br /> Truateo may postpone salo of all or ceny pa�cel of the Property by pubilc announcemont at the � <br /> tlme and place of nny previously scheduled sale. Lender or its dasig�eo may purchaso tho � � <br /> ; <br /> Property at any aale. •. — <br /> unm9 rnaolnt of navmsnt of the nrlce bld, Trusteo ehail dellver to the purChaser Trustee's <br /> � deed conveying 4ha Propertgl. 'Tho recitals in the Trusteo's deed shall iae prlrtea 4acle evidence of -� �` _ <br /> the truth of tho atatomonts mudo thoreln. Trustee shall epply the proceeda of the �ale in the �.' <br /> ' � fullowing ordor: (a) to all costs a�+d oxpenses of exercls�ng tl�e powsr of eala, and the sale. <br /> � Pncle�ding the paymant of the Truntev's feea actue�liy incurred, not to uxceed three <br /> , 9'0 of the qrincipal amaunt of 4he <br /> ; notA at the time of the declnration of detault, and reasonable Mtarney's ieos as permltQed by law; , <br /> i (b) to nYl suma securod by this Security Inst�ument; and (�) any nxcess to the person or persons <br /> • � iegally entttlaaf to If. <br /> � d. <br /> � �� , � FUtG.L�dG(�ONO) Paqe 4 ct 5 � . <br /> � � ��� � <br /> � i <br /> K' - ' 9C0)5 • <br />