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a .,r <br /> .,-� �. • , _�~. <br /> r. ��.�wouRt• � , , . . .. ., ��-- <br /> .. . .. , j -�.� <br /> _ �. .� ��.... � .. " ., , �� i '. <br /> . ��' � � <br /> Y., <br /> • . . � �...�._�.•.. w",i�f <br /> ....n.........+uwr+dllfY/ Nii:..�...a.�.,..>,_...... ..,._��...____..."'.....__. �__......__._....�._ -Leci 41AwM�llt. . - <br /> „T ! .. ___' ..'__.,.'__—____"_"__'_'_.____..�_.__...__ �` �,.,�'::. ��.'_'--,- � .-. <br /> 6. lfntsts�!lc�hls lew pruv4de�othaiwles,ietl petiTne�u raodv�d by I.�r►�e�under th�Note eiid parapro�he 1 cnd 4 hereof eAell bs eppll�d 6y 4enrler „ i �- <br /> � , G;c�In p:�.�::nt o�cra�anEO p�ytS!�to Lcn^��b�C�rrorlc�ur�cr pcic�rc2h 4 haroof,thon co Inicrca4 poychlo on tha P:uta,th�a to 9��G:trsc:�r.f af � <br /> , tha Pbto,�n�4hen to fntcrest cad pdnc'�cl oii c:ry tunhor cdvcnce�or o�t�or Irt�cbtcdno�o cocurc�h�rchy. - <br /> �• �� n 4 • _ . .. • = <br /> G. ('ntroelc►c��::.:1 IcCC�'►Uw Praacrty In��ad repcl��nd ohc!1 not oomrnit�'ic�to ar permit impdrmont or dotcrio►aUon o1 ih�Pro��fly. , � <br /> 7. If tt�e Qarrowar fnila to:e)nelntaln or pny tha prcmlum3(or tho requlred ir.nurunco of the Prsperty,or b)pr.y tauoe bat�ro dclirtqucnt,ar o)psy ary -_- <br /> emount due undst�prior cnortsspe or tru�t ds�d befer�ddinquent,or d1 malntein the Property In pood ropelr,or e1 perPorm any o}th�cownam�or f <br /> ,, � spr��montr o1 th�s Yruot Dard,th�n 6md�r m�y�t ta optlon pay auch{nFUrara�premlums,tsxa�,mortpeps or trust desd peyrr�MO,or mMc��eprn , ' <br /> • .. �ntl dlaburss�uah�umo a�xf taice 4uoh notlon er it doeen�necs���ry to protoot Ita Inturest wlthout welviny or effoctinp It�ripAt t�declers or dehuit • - - <br /> � �nd�co�l�r�t�th�dsbt t�cur�d h�roby b�aa�as�01�ny�uoh fsftun o} the Borrows�. Any�mountr�o dliLursed by th�l�ndn nMk cornUtut� 3 � <br /> �� �cldldontl Ind�bt�dnot�of 8or►owor etcund by tAlt Trutt Qe�d�nd eh�fl ben►Intereat from the deto at dl�buroement et th�rete p�y�bls u�e�th� ' '' "��l �° <br /> Not�. Nothlnp onnt�lnsd in tNo perenreph ahe1l roQufro Lender to me4e eny auoh dicburoemente or teye eny ection�vheteoeve�. � • . �'� <br /> _ � •.. <br /> Q"� 8. L�nd�r m�y mak�o�oauts to bs msd�r�asonable entrles upon end Inspeodon N ths Propurty. } " -- <br /> ' • , �� � 8. Th�pr000�dr of�ny�wn�d or alalm for dsm�fleo,dlnot ot con9squ�ntlal,In conn�otion with�ny condemnation or oth�r t�dnp ot th�Prop�Ry, � <br /> nr pan the�eof,or foi conv�ysnae In II�u of oondemnaUon, are hereby essfpned end ehall 6e peld to Leetid�►to tha extent oi th�tu11 amount o}th� <br /> '� r�►n�1��1ny u�tld InA�budneu�ocured by thle Tru�t Q��d. � `� �� <br /> ; �'� If Shs Property I�abandoned by 8orrowu,or If,�ft�r noUcs by Lender to 8orrower that the oondemnor of}ern to mok��n nwerd qr�sttle a r.I�+Im(or � <br /> • � d�mape�,Qorrower f�ii�ro ro�pond to Lender wlthtn 30 daye�fter th�dets euch ootice i�mailed,4endet ie euthorised to aollect en9�pply ths Rtoceed� a�r- <br /> . to the eums eecured by tl�le Tru�t Oand. • • • � • -- <br /> . � '�,�:"". <br /> ' Condemnatlon proaseda or nward�ohall be eredited to th�I�st meturi�p Inetattm�nta o1 the fndebtedn�a��ecured ond�hnll aot exoe�d or po�tpon� <br /> , ths due deto a}tl»fnotdlm�nt�nternd to In pat�prepJ�e 1 end 4 hereot or cl�npa the emaunt of euoh inetetlmente. � <br /> , . <br /> 10. If th�Lendor lo�u`e�p�rtid rele�RS of this Truet Qeed,tha prooeeda recalvsd therefor ehall be oredltsd to the laat m�turinp imtdlmsnb o}th� ± ' ' <br /> Indetrt�dnee��ecured h�roby. . ;�,�,,,_. <br /> „ .'�;_ �,;�1s�=,. <br /> 11. If Und�r elthn voluntadly or Involunterfly becomes e party to eny suit o�lepnl ptooeedinp reletlnp to the Property,Note or thfe Tru�t���d,th�n �� ` """ -�W <br /> � 8orrown will ydmbuts�ths lender for ell cost�and,to the extnnt p�miltted by law,roacomble ettomey tssa incurred by thm L�oder rN�tlny to sult � ' '•r�:,=, ���� <br /> or I�,�N proceedinp�end trld eume shdl ooneNtute edditlonel Indebtedne�s eecurad by thls Truet Oeed end baa►intorest et the rats p�yabl�uader the � '��""r�`— <br /> Note,until peld. , ' <br /> I � ,��'"„}Cr_. <br /> 12. A�odditlonel eecutlly Borrowet doeo hereby eaeipn,trenoter end oet over to Ln�der,i�cose of defeult in the perform�nao of sny of th�tsrma or � <br /> • oonditione of thi�Ttuit��ed, the Note, or thw term9 0}any Indebtednest socured henby,all ol tho rentv,ravonuea end any fnaom�of�ny typ• j�--�-� <br /> what�osve�to be derlv�d from the Property,includlnp land aont►act p�ymonts. Lende►, in pareon,by epent or by recsiver,wlthout repud to tM `�i,�� <br /> solveno or Inaolvenn of th�Borrowsr or the velus of ths Peo en ,ehall b��ntitled to take oseerslon of,re ai�,rent end m�n� e the Pr • � ''�' � <br /> Y Y P V P P � oP rtV�nd � r. .4e�1��•� <br /> to colleot the rent�,rev�nues�nd Inaome therefrom end it mey pey out of safd Inceme dl expenoea of rep�lr and coato incurred in rsntlnp and mampiny � <br /> tM Property�nd oolt�otlnp rontal�and for paymsnt of Intu►ance pnmlumt wlth�ny remelNny belance to b�epplied to th�lett m�turinp p�ym�nt� ^��, <br /> 04 Yhe dMbt�eaured h�reby. Upon preeenHnp e copy of tM�Tru�t Oeed�nd demand to�ny le�see,tenant or contreot purcAaeer of tM Prop�rty,�uch � <br /> petaon ehs11 pey ell rente,paymante end proflte aocruad or thereaiter eccruVnp to the Lender until futther notloe Irom ths Lendn. �'y <br /> -- -------- !9. !��i as�:; -rt a!L'�-P -ti..a:o::.3a„o:. :--'^ - -'--� --•��...__, . � . . - <br /> •..:�A <br /> ---�------- �-�� g� .� t�t. • • K 23'..w�.�o.�'v.uw��vfu u��m�u i+uiiii6ui ur vinorvwe asonvoyou.eiion�ivo or iur'tn�►mcumo�rso � � . <br /> elther voluntenty or Involunterily wlthout Lendo►'s prl�r wtltten oonssnt,or H thn Trustot io s corporetion�nd there le a chenp�In ownan}Sp of 60% , �' <br /> or mon oi th�corpontlon'��took, or N th�Trustot 1��p�rtn�nhlp�nd thsw ia�ohmp�in the membuship or o dbaoludon o}tt�pertn�nhlp, h�� <br /> • excludlnp(a)e trendsr by operatlon of I�w upon ths d�ith of�Jolnt tamnt or Ib)the prsnt of�ny leasehold Interest not cont�Idnp en opt[on to �. � '' <br /> putah�to wlth�len�brtn af two ya�n ot I�s�,or(o)th�are�Uon of the purohn�money�eau�Ity Interest in houeehold�pplienc��,th�n lend�r tn�y, � � <br /> et its optlon,d�olsr�a!I wm�seeund by thl�7ru�t Dssd to b�I�wn�dl�tefy du��nd payabte. In th��vent the Lend�r consent�ta�ny wch chrnp� � • ' <br /> ' In ewner�hfp,controt or dlesoluUon ot tro�tfer of all a eny part of the Prop�rty,then Lender may et ite optlan iuljust the Intereet rate to ths pnv�tlinQ � `�,� <br /> rets of(nterest that 1�ahHped on new teeurecf loone of the type eecured by thl�Truat Oeed et tha tlme ot tha ahanye in ownershlp,oontrol,dis�olution � •: ;�' <br /> • of tromter and may oh�rps e trenofer fos. + <br /> . 14. Upon Borrower'�breaoh of eny covenent or�preement of Borrower in thf�Truet Deed,includinp the covanante to pay whe�dua eny sume aecured �', �� <br /> ' by thls Ttuot De�d,Lend�r�t Ito optlon m�y decler�sIl of tha tumr�ocured by thf�Truat Deed to be immedletely due end peyabt�without funh�r k ������ <br /> d�m�nd�nd may Invoke ths pow�r of osle and/or eny othee remedles permitted by opplicable law inetudinp the npht to forealo�e tfifo 7ru�t Deed in " . <br /> tM menner provided by lew fot the forscloQU►�of mortpepea on red e�tete. LeMer ohalt be entitled to colleot eIl reasoneble co�ts end expenses � <br /> Incutnd I�pursulnp suoh remediei inctudinp,but not Ilmlt�d to,�nd to the extent permitted by lew,reesonable attorney fees. <br /> � '�E--= <br /> .,' -�_ <br /> �• It tM power o}sele I�invoksd,Truetee shall reaord e notice of deteult In eech county fn which the Property or some part thereoi Is loceted end provide ' � #' „ <br /> . •� noUoe thereof In the menno�pteeoritred by eppllceble law. Aher the lapae of euoh tlme as may be reguirad by applicnble taw,Truateo shall plvo public � ' � <br /> ' notic�of sate to the peroont ond In the menner preacribed by epplicebte low. Truateo,or the ottorney for the Truot�o.wlthout demenA on 8orrowe�. '' <br /> . ahiil od.J the Prope+ty et Dublio euction to the hipheet bidde►at the time end ptace end under the terma desiflnoted�n the notice of sele In ons or more <br /> pucel��M in tuoh orcler ee Trustee may detetmina. Truatee mny poutpone eele of ell or eny parael of the Proyorty by publia ennouncement et the `. ,�`� <br /> tlm�rod plaoe o1 eny previawly echeduled e�1o. Lenda►or Lender's deelpnee mey purchase the proporty et any sate. '� ���� <br /> li..;: <br /> Upon rocelpt ot paymmt ot the pdce bld,Trustes ohell dsfiver to the pwchster a Truetee's Oeod,without worrenty,conveyinp the Propeny ao{d. The � ' • <br /> reclW�In the Tnutee'e Oeed ohdl be p�lme facle ev(dtnce of tha truth of the otstsmenta mede theroin. Trustee sAell suphly t7�a proceeda ot the�ele � 4" <br /> � tn the followlnp ords►: e)to ell►eaeoneble oott�end expenaea of the sete,inctuding,but not limitod to,Trwtee'n fees a(not mare then Flve Hundred ��,. � •�" <br /> end No11b0(8600.Q0)plua 1/2 oi 196 of the omount Qecured hereby end remefnlnfl unpaid,nnd costs of tiNe evidonce;bl to oll aums secured by thls � � <br /> • Truet Deed;end o)ths extes�,it eny,to ths person or penone lopelly entitled thereto. , <br /> 16. Any forebentYncs 6y Lender In sxerclninp eny rlpht or remwiy hereundor,or otherwise of}orded by opplicable law,ehell not be o waver ot or ' <br /> precluds the oxerclse of eny such dpht or remedy In the event of continulnp or future breaches by the Bor�owor. ' <br /> . . 16. All tanedles provlded In thto TruBt Ueed ere dlatinot end cumuletivs to eny other right or�omady urtder thia Truet Deed or efforded by lew or equity, _A <br /> , �nd mayb�exvclasd concu�rently,Independently orsueceaeively. If Borrower haa piven Lo�der a ahuttel mortga�o,or�socuriry epreement on personal , <br /> proRerty�o additionel aecurity tor the debt cecured hereby,in tt�e event of default hereunder or thereunder,Lendor sholl heve the nght dnd optlon to <br /> ' Ont(otaClose on oetd pateonal property wlthout peeju6ioe to ite ripht to thnreofter eoll or foroeloso tho Proporty or to purcuo nll socunty nt the eamo � <br /> . tlrrN o�to puv�us th�aenonal prop�rty eher ths zal�oa toreclacure o4 ths Prop�ny. � <br /> 17. Upon payment o}aIl�uma eecu�ed by thla Trust Deed,Lende►ehelt reQueet Tru�tee to roconvoy tho Proporty and ahs:!surrendai thia Truat Oead <br /> end ell notes evldenclnp Indobtednoas�ecured by tN�Truet De�ed to Truatee. Trustee 6he11 reconvey tAe Praperty without worrenty to the pernon or <br /> petBOna lepaly entitled tfieteto. Suah peraon or persone ehafl pey ell coata of recordedon, if eny. , <br /> . 19. (.ender,et Lendet'e opUon, mey from tfine to time removo Truetee en<I eppoint e eucceseor truetee to eny T�votee u�pointed horeunder by an <br /> � In�tfurtient►eCOrQed In tt�o County In wNch thia Truar Deed Is recoed�,i. Without conveyartce of tha Proporty,tfio succoecor t►uetee sholl succeed to <br /> dl 4itle,powet end dudea eonferrad upon tAe Tcuetee herein end by e�pllceble law. � <br /> --- � <br /> 18. Excopt forony nodce�,demendl,reQuoste er other eommunicotione rouuired under eppticoble lo�v to be Qivon in anothor manne�.�vhenovor Londer. � <br /> @or�owor or Truetee pivct or aarvua eny �otfcs (includinp, without lirrntetion, notice o} de}eult nnd nvtice u} eolel, demande, requeate o� other <br /> oamwntcetion with rerpeat to thl�Tru�t Doed,ench sucA no2ice,demend,request or other communicntion shal!be in wNiinp ond ahal!be elfecbve <br /> , oNy if the eerrle le deliveaad by pereonel oervice ur meiled by certitlod mail,postepe prepaid,return roceipt requeetod,oddresaed to the eddress eo eet <br /> fonA�t tM bepinnlnp uf the 7ruet Oe�d. A copy of any noti¢e of det�ult ony notice o}oNo,repuired or permittod to be piven hernunder,che!I bm <br /> . m�Ietl to wch parrion vrho in a patty heinto at tM eddreee eet forih et the bepinrinp o}thio'f►usl0eed. Any porty may ot ony t�me cAenge ite eddieen <br /> fo►auch noUce�by d�li�otlnp or mslinp to ths oth�r pnrtiea hereto,ea e}oreceid,o not�ce of such chonpe. Any notice hercursder ahall be deemed to <br /> hew to beon plven to Borrower or Lertdev, ivhen plvon In the menner deslpnatod hmeln. <br /> � 20. TAe covenento end opr�omeRte hmreln co�telned ehetl bind,onA the riphte horeurtder ehntt inuro to tRo ro�pactrvo ho�re,roprosentativae,auccastorc <br /> + end esclpno of the partiee. All covenento end earecmenta o} tAa Qorrowor chn11 be�ofnt end covo�al. Whenever reforence io mede to tho elnpvinr <br /> j herounds►,It eha11 Inctudo tRs plurel m:d the plurM ehaU inctude the sinaular. <br /> l <br /> ,� • i <br /> ;r ' <br />