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<br /> UNIFOPM COVENANTS.Borrowor�nd Lond�r covenent ond agree as loliows: ,
<br /> 1. Paym�n9 a1 Princlptl and I�itereal. Borrowar shnll promptly pay when due tho principAl Ot (►nd mtore�t on tha =-
<br /> mdabtodness ovidenced by tho Notn,prapayment nnd Into charqv9a9 prowded in the Noto.nnd tho pnncip�l olnnd in4erosl on ,-----
<br /> nny Future Advenco�aoaured by the Qoed ot Truet. .
<br /> 2. Fund�larY�x�f end Im�aranaa�.Subj�d to npplicablo lo�v or ta a wnPten waivor by Londer,Barrowor shnll pay to Lender • ���
<br /> vn the day momhiy metallmenta of pnnapal ond intAros�Ar�payeqla undev fho Mota,unUl tiio ho¢o io paid 1�lull,a aum(hcrctn „ . !�._,-
<br /> "Funds")oqual to one-tweltth o1 the year�y taxes wnd eseesamenta which may attaln pnoriry over thl�Oaed of Truat,and
<br /> ground rents on tNe Properly,il any,plue ono-twelfth otyearly premlum Inatellments for hezard insurence,plusone-tv+retfth of .
<br /> ; yearly premfum instnllmenis for morega{�e�nsurnnce,ii eny,ell ae reaaonebly estimated initinlly nnd fr4m timo to time�y �1��'
<br /> Lender on the basis of a�se�sments end bille end reaaoneble estimates thereof.
<br /> 7he Funds shal l be held In on inatitution the detposite oraccount�of which nrH fnsurod or guarantsed,bye Federal or etete �
<br /> a�ency(ii�cludinA Lander if Lflnder is such an institutlon�. Lender shall e�ply the lunds to pay eaid taxes,eeses�ments, '�'�
<br /> insuranco premiv.msand ground ronts.Lander may notcherge lar so holding end opplying the Funds,enalyzing aatd account � �
<br /> orverifyingundcampiling�nidassessmontsondbdls.unlessLenderpayeHorrowerinterestonthoFundaandapplicab�alaw ,�,,,.
<br /> permits Landerto mako such a charge.Dorrower and lender mey agree ln writing at the time of exacution otthts Deed of Tru�t '�',
<br /> thet Interest on the Funds ahpll bo paid ta Borrower,end unless suah 8flreament is made or appflcalbo law require�auch
<br /> interest to be paid,Lender shall not be requ�red to pay Bor►owor any interest or earninga on the Funds.Lender shall give io . •, .��,a
<br /> Borrower,w±thout charge,an annual accounting oi the Fund9 ahow�ng credits and de6its to the Funda and the purpose for
<br /> which each d^bittothe Funds was made.Tho Funds are pledged es additional security for the sums secured by this Oeed ot
<br /> Truat � -�'
<br /> If the amount of the tunds held by Lender,together with the tuture monthly insteliments of Funds payable prior to the due ,
<br /> dates o}texos,assessments,insuranco premiums end ground rents, sh[�II exceed the amount required to pey seid taxes,
<br /> essessments, insu�ence premiums and qround rents as thoy fall due,such excess shali be, et Borrower'a optfon,etther ,,�
<br /> promptiy repaid to Borrower or creditod to Borrower on monihly installments of Funds.If the smount oP ihe Funds field by �
<br /> Lender shall not be auiticientto pay taxes,assessmonts,insurance prem�uma and ground rents es lhey fall due.Borrowar sha11 ,� ,.,.,;.
<br /> pey to Lender any amount necessary to meke up the deticiency within 30 deys from the date notice is meiled hy Lender to f +b�,,*,�,��
<br /> Bonowor toquest�ng payment theraot. "�::s
<br /> Upon payment infull of all sums secured by this Deed of Trust,Lendershall promptly refund to 8orrowe�eny F unds held by • � -�-
<br /> �� Lender If under pa�ug�eph 18 hareot the Property is aold orthe Prope�ty is otherwise acqwred by Lendor.Lendershall apply,
<br /> ' np laterthen immedlately prior to the sale ot the Property or its acquis�t(an by Lender,and Funds held by Lender atthe time o1 , ��.-�a;-
<br /> eppUcatfon as a c�edit egainst the sums secured by this Qeod of Trust. �
<br /> - 3. AppllceUon ol Paym�nto.Unless epplicable law provides othenvise.ell payments received by Londer under the Note ���-
<br /> . end paragraphs 1 and 2 hereot shall be epphed by Lender hrst m payment of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower under �T K`
<br /> paregraph 2 hereo7,then to interest payable on the Note.then ta the pnncipal of the Note,and then to interestand pnncipal on '
<br /> � any Future Advances. • ' '. �' ��
<br /> 4. CAa�pN;UsM.Borrowers shall pay ell taxes,assessments and other cha�ges,fines and impositions attributable to the �5� .�"
<br /> Property which may attain e priority over this Deed of Trus�end leasehold payments or ground rants,if any,in the manner .. -/ �
<br /> provided under paregraph 2 hereot or,it not�eid in such manner,by Borrowe�making payment,when due,dire�[:dy to the . _
<br /> payea inareoi.Borrower snaii prompiiy iurrns„`o�nnunr nii noiicei8 ui nt��'vt,��ts duo urttSor ihio N8�$ss�h,s.^.L!;:t!?t°°:es!'. ---I��-"'�'��-
<br /> Borrowor shall meke payment dfroctly.Borrower shell promptly turn�sh to Lender receipts ev�dancing such payments. � ,�
<br /> Borrower ahall prompUy discharge any lien which hes pnority over this Deed ot TrusG provided,that Borrower shall not be I � ,
<br /> required to discha�geany such lien so long as Borrower shall agtee in wnt�ng to the payment ot the obtigation secured by such
<br /> Ife�in a munnereccepteble to Lender,or shell in goad taith contest such lien by,or defend enforcement of such lien in,legnl
<br /> proceetfings which operete to prevont the enforcement of the lien or torteilure of the Property or any part thareof. , � .•
<br /> 5. Ha:a�d Insdanc�.9orrawer shall keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the Properry insured � •
<br /> agafnst loss byfire,hazIIrds included within the term"extended coverege".and such other hazerds as Lender may require � ' : . ;�
<br /> and In such amounts and for such periods as Lender may require;provided,thet Lender shall not reqwro that the emount of .
<br /> such coverago exceed that amount of coveraga required to pay the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. .
<br /> This ins�rance carrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by 8orrower subject to e rovc�l by Londer:provided,thet , , - �,, �
<br /> such approval Bhall not be u�reasonably w�thheld.All premwms on msurance policies shaPge paid in the menner provided
<br /> undor paragreph 2 horeof or,if nat Fa�d m such manner,by Borrower making payment,when due,directly to the insurence � �'�-
<br /> carrfer. ` "`'
<br /> � AII Insurance poliCies and renawals thereof shall be�n form acceptable ta Lender and shall include a standArd mortgage � ' •�
<br /> clause in favorof and in form accepteble to Lender.Lender shall have the nght to hold the pollaes and renewalsihereof,end
<br /> Borrower shall prom tly furnish to Lender all renewal notices end all receipls ot pa�d premiums.In the eventof loss.Borrower �>
<br /> . shallgivepromptnoScototheinsurancecarrierandLender.LendermeymakoproofoflossdnotmadapromptlybyBorrower. >`��'
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower othen�vise agree in wnting,msurance pro.^.eeds shell be applied to restorationorrepa�r o1 the `�'� ��- -•
<br /> property damaged,prov�ded such restoration or repa�r is econom�cal ly feasible and the secunty of this Deed of Trust�s not '
<br /> thereby impaired. tl such restoration or r�pair is not economically feas�ble or if the secunty o1 this Oped o1 Trust would be �
<br /> impaired,the insurance proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trus�w�th the excess.�f any,pa�d to
<br /> Borrower.If the Property fs abandonod Gy Borrower,or it Borrower teils to respond to Lerder within 30 day9 from tho date , ��; `
<br /> notiCe is meiled by Lender to Borrower thet the insurance carner offers to settle a cla�m for insurence benefits,Lender is !: +:.w
<br /> euthorized to collect and epply the insurance proceeds at Lender's option either to restorahon or repa�r of the PrOpt3rty or to �� �
<br /> the sums secured by thls Deed of Trust -� :
<br /> Unless Lender end Borrower otherw�so agroe m wnting,any such appl�cation of proceeds to pnncipal shall not�xtend or
<br /> postpone the due date of tho monthly�nstallments reterred to m paragraphs t and 2 hereof or change the amount of such -`� '
<br /> installments.If under parngraph 18 hereot the Property is acquired by Lender,all nght,title end interest of Borrower in end to `1Q., , :
<br /> 2ny insurence poticies and in end to the proceeds thereof resulting from damnge to the Property pnor to the sale or acqwsit�on ', ��
<br /> shall pass to Lender to tho extent ot the sums secured by th�s Deed o1 Trust�mmediately pnor to s�ch sale or acqu�sition.
<br /> 6. Preservatlon end Matntonence o1 Prope�fy;Leasehotds;Co�dominlums;Planned UnN�eaelopmen9n.Borrower shall •
<br /> keep the Property in good repair and shall not commd waste or permit impairment ot detenoration of tn�^'�aDerty and shall � �;
<br /> comply with the provisions of any Iease d this Oeed ot Trust is an a leasahold.Itthis Deed of Trust is on a unit in a condominwm „
<br /> or a pfanned unit development,L�urrower shall perform aIl of�orrower'sobligations under the declaration or covenants
<br /> croating or qovorrnng the condomimum or planned unit developmont,the by-laws and re�ulations of the condommium or t
<br /> � plannsd unit devolopmen�and con�tituent documents.If a condominium or planned unit devolopment rider is excuted by �
<br /> Borrower end recorded together with thfs Doed of Trust,the covenants a�d eg�eements of such nder shall bo incorporeted •
<br /> . • into end shall amend end supplement the covenents and agreemonts of thls Deed of Trust as if iho rider were a par4 hereot. ,�
<br /> 7. RratK;tlun ot Lend�r's S�curity.If Borrower fafls to perlorm the covenants and agreements contained�n this Deed of
<br /> Trust,or if any action or proceeding is commoncod wrth matonally allocts Lender's mterest in the Properiy,�ncluding but not ,
<br /> limfted to,errfnent domain,insolvency,code entorcement,or arrangements or proceodmgs mvolving a bankrupt or decedent,
<br /> thon Lender at Lender'9 opt�on,upon notice to Borrower,may make such appearances,disburso such sums and take such
<br /> action as is necctssary to protact Londer's mtorest,including,but not limited to,d�sbursomentof reasonable attarn@y's feesand �_
<br /> entry upon the Propdrtyto make repairs.It Lender raqwredmortgago insu rance os a condition of mak�ng the loan secured by
<br /> � . tho Doctd of Trust.Borrov�er shall pay the premwms required to muintam such�nsurence in eftact until such timo t�s the �s
<br /> requirement for such f nsurance terminates in eccordance with Borrower's and Lender's wntten ngrt3ement or epplicalbo law +
<br /> - Rnrrauinr ahnll rwv tho mm�unf n}nll mnrfnnnn inournnro�wrmwmc�n tha mAtatlP�D�AVIdAd UI1dA►Dtilt��(IIDFt Z FICfRO�.
<br /> - .'.._— .-; - -_ � __' "" "._'_ � _. _... . _ .. .�..��a�..._�.�..����....._.. _ _ , _
<br /> Any amounis disbursod by Lender pursuant to this parograph 7, wrth interost thereon, shall becomo addit�onal
<br /> indebtedness o1 Borrower secured bythis Doed of Trust.Unfess Borrower and Lendoragreoto othor tormsofpayment,such
<br /> umount9 shall be payadle upon not�c0lrom Lender to Borrowor requestmg payment horeof,end shall bear interest from the
<br /> + dato of disbursomentntthe reto payeblo from time to t�me on nutstandmg pnncipal under the Note unless payment ot interest
<br /> � at such rate would bo contrary to applicablo luw, in which event such amounts shall bear intere3t at the highest rate
<br /> � permissiblo under epplicable law.Npthing contamed�n th�s paragraph 7 shatl reqwre Lendorto mcur any expense or tako any
<br /> ', action heraundor.
<br /> 8. InapeCtlOn. Lnnder mt►y make or cause to be m��de reasonabla entnes upon end inspeCt�ons o1 the Propa�ty,prov�ded
<br /> that Lender shall grve Borrowor notica pnor to any such mspeCt�on spec�tymg refisonable cause therefore related to Lendor's '
<br /> intdrest in the Property
<br /> � •
<br /> � ,
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<br /> � �
<br /> � .
<br />